Botched Repair Job On China’s Great Wall Sparks Outrage

  • 8 years ago
The Great Wall of China has been standing for hundreds of years and, over time, has suffered the ravages of time. In 2014, a 700-year-old section of the wall also fell victim to a haphazard repair job.

The Great Wall of China has been standing for hundreds of years and, over time, has suffered the ravages of time. 

Not long ago, it also fell victim to a haphazard repair job. 

A 1.2-mile stretch in Liaoning Province was paved over with what looks like concrete. 

Further, the ornamented walls and towers that once lined the passageway were tossed out rather than restored. 

Though the work was done in 2014, the results were recently brought to the attention of the public, sparking mass outrage over the loss of a historic monument. 

One person commented on social media, “This cultural relic is now worthless. Is this restoration? No, it’s destruction!” 

Another wrote, “Glad Venus de Milo is not in China, or someone would get her a new arm." 


