Trump Addresses Veterans, Suggests PTSD Befalls Those Who “Can’t Handle It”

  • 8 years ago
In speaking to the Retired American Warriors PAC on Monday, Donald Trump suggested PTSD only befalls the weak.

According to the Department of Veterans Affairs, veterans in the U.S. commit suicide at a rate of 22 per day. 
BuzzFeed News reports that in speaking to the Retired American Warriors PAC on Monday, Donald Trump acknowledged that fact, but also apparently suggested that PTSD only befalls the weak. 
He said, “When people come back from war and combat and they see things that maybe a lot of the folks in this room have seen many times over, and you’re strong and you can handle it, but a lot of people can’t handle it.” 
Those in attendance were notably silent following the comment, but social media users were not. 
In response to Trump’s statement, one person tweeted, “freeloader, five deferment Donnie can’t handle it.” 
Another wrote, “Spoken like someone who has never had an uncomfortable moment...” 


