Report: Ivanka Trump Wants To Be An Advocate For Climate Change

  • 8 years ago
Politico is reporting that Ivanka Trump plans to try and advocate for the issues concerning climate change.

President-elect Donald Trump’s threats to roll back policies addressing climate change have been a concern for many, notes The Guardian.
However, Politico is reporting that there may be an insider who plans to try and advocate for the issue--his daughter Ivanka. 
Citing an unnamed source, the piece states, “Ivanka wants to make climate change — which her father has called a hoax perpetuated by the Chinese — one of her signature issues.” 
It goes on to reveal, “The source said Ivanka is in the early stages of exploring how to use her spotlight to speak out on the issue.” 
Jezebel points out that even though Ivanka has an opportunity to potentially influence her father on the issue, policy-related efforts by her could also present a conflict of interest since she is expected to run the family’s businesses with her brothers. 


