John McCain Warns President Trump Against Removing Sanctions On Russia

  • 7 years ago
John McCain issued a statement Friday commenting on the speculation that the U.S. may remove sanctions against Russia.

Senator John McCain has threatened legislative action if President Trump moves to lift sanctions against Russia. 
On Friday, the Republican lawmaker from Arizona posted a message to his Facebook page, writing about “widespread speculation that the White House is considering lifting sanctions against Russia.” 
He then says, “For the sake of America’s national security and that of our allies, I hope President Trump will put an end to this speculation and reject such a reckless course. If he does not, I will work with my colleagues to codify sanctions against Russia into law.” 
The senator continues by listing Russia’s past aggressive actions towards Ukraine, NATO allies, and in Syria before stating that “Russia deliberately interfered in our recent election with cyberattacks and a disinformation campaign designed to weaken America and discredit Western values.” 
In fact, he attributes this activity to “[President Vladimir] Putin’s disdain and disrespect for our nation.”
McCain goes on to say that, despite the efforts of previous U.S. administrations to improve relations with Russia, “Putin wants to be our enemy….He believes that strengthening Russia means weakening America.”
And he ends the post by calling Putin “a murderer and a thug who seeks to undermine American national security interests at every turn.” 
President Trump has indicated that he would not be opposed to removing the sanctions.
During a January 13 interview with the Wall Street Journal, he said, “If you get along and if Russia is really helping us, why would anybody have sanctions if somebody's doing some really great things?”
However, Trump did say that after he takes office, he would likely keep them, in his words, “at least for a period of time.”
Trump and Putin are expected to speak by phone on Saturday.


