Report: Ivanka Helped Add Language On Women’s Health And Clean Air To Trump's Speech

  • 7 years ago
Ivanka Trump was reportedly involved in helping to craft parts of the speech her father gave to Congress on Tuesday night.

Ivanka Trump was reportedly involved in helping to craft parts of the speech her father gave to Congress on Tuesday night. 
According to a senior administration official’s email to Axios, “The speech was all [senior adviser Stephen] Miller, but Ivanka worked hard on it with him on many of the parts, especially affirming that the president's desire to have an uplifting and aspirational speech…”
The source also said that “Ivanka was working with Miller in his office in the afternoon on the speech, including the paragraph on 'paid family leave...women's health...clean air and clean water.'” 
Those issues were included in President Trump’s remarks when he said, “My administration wants to work with members of both parties to make child care accessible and affordable, to help ensure new parents that they have paid family invest in women’s health, and to promote clean air and clean water, and to rebuild our military and our infrastructure.” 
Axios reports the source indicated that the president, Ivanka, Miller and other top aides, had “talked about those issues and how they would resonate in an important way.” 
And, that statement was met with applause when it was delivered.
Since the speech, Democrats have questioned Trump’s ability to execute the plans he mentioned, but the Washington Post reports that he “won high marks from Republicans for both his agenda and his measured tone.” 
Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told the Huffington Post, "One of the things we’ve learned in the last 15 months ― don’t be surprised by what Donald Trump does. He almost always does what you don’t expect, and does what you don’t think he ought to be doing.”


