Majority Of Young Americans Consider Trump An ‘Illegitimate’ President, Says Poll

  • 7 years ago
Majority of young adults in the U.S. do not view President Trump to be a legitimate president, according to a recent poll of more than 1,700 people aged 18 to 30.

Majority of young adults in the U.S. do not view President Trump to be a legitimate president, according to a recent poll of more than 1,700 people aged 18 to 30, reports the Associated Press.
The GenForward survey, conducted by the University of Chicago’s Black Youth Project and the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research between February 16 and March 6, determined that 57% consider his presidency to be illegitimate. 
However, the divide is more pronounced when the figure is broken down by race; as the poll states, “a majority of whites (53%) says Trump is a legitimate president, while only 25% of African Americans, 36% of Asian Americans, and 28% of Latino/as agree. By contrast, majorities of young adults of color—including 74% of African Americans, 60% of Asian Americans, 71% of Latino/as—say that Trump is an illegitimate president, a view shared by fewer (47%) whites.” 
Young people of color also expressed concern about his ties with Russia. 
In general, 22% of participants approve of his performance as president while 62% say they do not approve, reports The Hill.
Meanwhile, a Morning Consult/POLITICO survey of registered voters March 9-13, found Trump appearing to head in a positive direction; a news release says that “52 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s job performance, compared with a 49 percent approval rating shortly after Inauguration Day.” 


