Undocumented Husband Of Trump Voter Set To Be Deported

  • 7 years ago
A woman who reportedly supported Donald Trump’s hardline policies is on the verge of having her undocumented husband deported back to Mexico.

An Indiana woman who reportedly supported Donald Trump’s hardline policies is now facing the possibility that her undocumented husband could be deported back to Mexico. 
As Helen Beristain told WTIU about two weeks ago, “We don’t want to have cartels here, you don’t want to have drugs in your high schools, you don’t want killers next to you. You want to feel safe when you leave your house. I truly believe that. And, this is why I voted for Mr. Trump.” 
Her husband, Roberto Beristain, now 43, had initially entered the U.S. to visit a relative in 1998 but ended up staying. 
"Then, he met his wife and the two started a family," notes the Huffington Post.
During a trip to Niagara Falls in 2000, Roberto was with Helen when they were detained by border officials for accidentally crossing into the Canadian territory.
Roberto was reportedly given a voluntary deportation order back to Mexico, but he decided to stay in the U.S. with his wife who was pregnant at the time, notes the South Bend Tribune.
Since then, he has been able to secure a work permit, driver’s license, and Social Security card; he also purchased the restaurant where he had worked for years.
However, the South Bend Tribune reports that on February 6, during one of his annual check-ins with ICE, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the agency detained him; the publication says, “It came shortly after President Donald Trump’s executive order that vastly broadened the priorities for whom ICE agents should deport.”
If Roberto is deported, the family plans to petition for his legal return. 
BuzzFeed News notes that "a 2007 green card application, based on his marriage to Helen (a US citizen), is still pending."


