NBC's Chuck Todd: Trump 'Showed Me His DVR...He Watches A Lot'

  • 7 years ago
President Trump is said by some to watch a great deal of television, mostly cable news, while others, including himself, insist he’s far too busy to engage in such frivolity.

President Trump is said by some to watch a great deal of television, mostly cable news, while others, including himself, insist he’s far too busy to engage in such frivolity. 
Axios on Thursday tweeted a witness statement on the matter. 
It quotes NBC’s Chuck Todd as saying, “He showed me his DVR. He records a lot. He watches a lot, but with a lot of fast forwarding.” 
One day prior, the president announced via Twitter, “The W.H. is functioning perfectly, focused on HealthCare, Tax Cuts/Reform & many other things. I have very little time for watching T.V.” 
The Washington Post notes that the statement came shortly after Mark Leibovich of the New York Times Magazine said of his recent White House visit and brief talk with Trump, “It was 12:30, but the president was not eating lunch. He was watching a recording of ‘Fox and Friends’ from about four hours earlier on a large TV mounted on the wall.” 
The Post also broke down the president’s published schedule and found that from July 1 through July 12 there were, “5.6 days of unaccounted-for time. Taking out four hours a day for sleep (what Trump claims he spends), and that leaves 82.5 hours that Trump could be watching television.” 
It has been pointed out that for a man who doesn’t watch much, if any, television, Trump certainly seems to be on top of what news programs are saying about him. 
For example, on Wednesday, journalist Mark Harris announced via Twitter that, “The President has retweeted Fox News feeds nine times since Monday morning.” 


