Trump: 'My Son Don Is Being Scorned,' Media 'Distorting Democracy'

  • 7 years ago
President Trump posted a series of tweets on Sunday slamming the media.

President Trump on Sunday slammed the media in a series of tweets over revelations that Donald Trump Jr. met with Natalia Veselnitskaya, a Russian lawyer, to acquire damaging information on Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential campaign.
His tweets read, "HillaryClinton can illegally get the questions to the Debate & delete 33,000 emails but my son Don is being scorned by the Fake News Media?" and "Thank you to former campaign adviser Michael Caputo for saying so powerfully that there was no Russian collusion in our winning campaign."
Trump continued, "With all of its phony unnamed sources & highly slanted & even fraudulent reporting, #Fake News is DISTORTING DEMOCRACY in our country!"
The president defended Trump Jr.'s meeting during a press conference on Thursday as well when he said, "I think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting. It's called opposition research..."
Trump also noted, "I have a son who's a great young man. He's a fine person. He took a meeting with a lawyer from Russia. It lasted for a very short period, and nothing came of the meeting."
Since his remarks, new details have come out about the meeting.
NBC News reported on Friday that Veselnitskaya "was accompanied by a Russian-American lobbyist — a former Soviet counterintelligence officer who is suspected by some U.S. officials of having ongoing ties to Russian intelligence..."


