Twitter Reacts To Trump Calling WH Cabinet Room 'The Boardroom'

  • 7 years ago
Many Twitter users reacted Monday after President Trump referred to the White House Cabinet Room as "the boardroom."

President Trump publicly welcomed newly appointed chief of staff John Kelly to his team on Monday and told the press in attendance, “We’ll see you in the boardroom,” meaning the White House Cabinet Room. 
Notably, the boardroom phrase is one Trump said often while hosting ‘The Apprentice.’
Twitter, of course, did not let the slip slide by.
CNN posted video of the ‘boardroom’ moment, opening the door to a bevy of comments. 
One person wrote, “Because he thinks being president is the exact equivalent to being a businessman reality TV star,” and another quipped, “I'm guessing Trump misses the apprentice.” 
Others took ‘the boardroom’ as a reference to business in general. 
Those responses included, “have you ever had boardroom meetings? nothing ever gets done accomplished. this makes a lot of sense now,” and, “There lies the problem. He can't differentiate between business and government.” 
CNN’s post left some more mystified than amused. 
For example, there was a user who asked, “So? That's the best you have today? This really made a headline? The guy is a walking news flash, and this is what you managed to print.....”


