Sebastian Gorka Claims He And Bannon Helped Craft Trump’s U.N. Speech

  • 7 years ago
Sebastian Gorka is claiming that he and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon helped craft President Trump’s recent United Nations speech.

Sebastian Gorka is claiming that he and former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon helped craft President Trump’s recent United Nations speech. 
“The individual who wrote that speech—and it’s not the person they normally say it is—came to Steve and myself and sat in Steve’s office with me before we left the White House and we consulted with him on what that speech should be about," the former deputy assistant to the president told Newsweek on Thursday.
The New York Times had attributed Trump’s remarks to Stephen Miller, whom the publication called a “hard-line policy adviser.” 
Reuters also reported, based on an inside source, that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson had complimented Miller on the speech after the president delivered the address.
“It was the most collaborative speech among the senior people in the national security cabinet that the president has given to date,” the unnamed person further noted.
Like Miller, Gorka and Bannon are reportedly known for their nationalist points of view, and Breitbart News, which Bannon has returned to running since leaving the White House, applauded Trump for emphasizing that perspective during his address; a report on the site describes the president as giving “a full-throated defense of his ‘America First’ agenda…” 
“As President of the United States, I will always put America first, just like you, as the leaders of your countries will always, and should always, put your countries first,” Trump said in the address.
Gorka expressed approval for the president’s remarks, telling Newsweek, “Everything in there was classic Donald Trump, from calling out evil, from challenging the multilateral globalism that the U.N. has become…That was Donald Trump.” 
The publication reports the White House has since stated that Gorka’s speech writing claims are “100 percent false.”


