Poll: Trump’s Approval Rating Drops Again After Brief Improvement

  • 7 years ago
A new survey has found that the president’s approval rating has once again fallen after a brief improvement.

A new survey has found that Donald Trump's approval rating has once again fallen after a brief improvement. 
According to The Hill, the Harvard-Harris poll for October found that “forty-two percent approve of the job President Trump is doing, while 58 percent say they disapprove.” 
“That’s down 3 points from September, when the president’s job approval briefly spiked to 45 percent amid widespread praise for the federal government’s response to the hurricanes that battered the Gulf states,” the publication explains. 
The recent decline has been attributed to Trump’s continuing criticism of the NFL, the controversies surrounding his communications with Gold Star families, Puerto Rico’s lack of improvements after Hurricane Maria, and his inability to quell in-fighting within the Republican party. 
Many of these issues have been cited in other polls which also indicated declining approval numbers. 
Newsweek has reported that the latest Gallup poll, released the same week the president  allegedly told a Gold Star widow her husband “knew what he signed up for,” showed that only 35 percent approved of Trump compared to 38 percent the week prior. 
And CNN says that its survey about Trump’s hurricane responsiveness found a 20 percent drop in approval between mid-September, after Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, and mid-October after Maria devastated Puerto Rico. 


