The Pony Riders (1989) Bordertown. Richard Comar, John H. Brennan WESTERN TV

  • il y a 7 ans
The adventures of the inhabitants of a western town that straddles the Canadian-American border.\r
Between the Rockies and the badlands lies Bordertown, at the edge of civilzation and the railway. The U.S.- Canadian border cuts through its muddy streets and its system of law: on one side the rough-hewn, ex-gunfighter marshal, on the other side the articulate, letter-of-the-law Canadian Mountie. Theres no other original like it on television.\r
A Mountie and a U.S. Marshal jointly patrol an Old West town split by the Canada-U.S.border. The 49Th parallel runs right through the middle of their office, which is divided in half by a red painted line. On the Canadianside, the Mounties office is neat and tidy. On the American side, the marshals office is a disaster. Welcome to Bordertown, ain which all the Canada-U.S stereotypes are trolled out. On the Canadian side, the things are civilized and polite. On the American side, its all wild and rough.\r
John H. Brennan plays Clive Bennett, a spit-and-polish Mountie who runs things by the book. Richard Co mar plays U.S. marshal Jack Craddock, a crusty lawman, whos likely to shoot first and ask questions later. They administer two systems of justice. Bordertown is a co-production of Canada, France and the United States. Co-starring with Brennan and Comar is Sophie Barjac, a Parisian who plays widowed doctor Marie Dumont. She dispenses medicine and groceries in the town.


