• 5 years ago
LOS TIKI PHANTOMS performs the song "JUNO" for BalconyTV.
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Quan barreges rock'n'roll, surf, spaghetti western i garatge, l'amalgama pot acabar sent un caos... O bé, pot resultar-ne una banda capaç de dilatar-te les pupil·les, posseir el teu cos i fer-te somriure fins que faci mal. I això és precisament el que fan -i han fet durant deu anys- Los Tiki Phantoms, qui ara presenten el seu quart disc "Los Tiki Phantoms Y el Misterio del Talismán" (Discmedi, 2015). L'espera ha valgut la pena i tot sacrifici al Déu Tiki és poc per escoltar un dels grups més vibrants i honestos de l'escena nacional. Escalfeu els músculs, perquè l'hora de ballar ha arribat!

When you mix rock'n'roll, surf, spaghetti western and garage rock, the result might be a total chaos. Or it could well be a band who's able to challenge you, to possess your body and make you smile until it hurts. And that's exactly that Los Tiki Phantoms do -and have done for ten years now. They're back with a new album, the fourth of their career, called "Los Tiki Phantoms Y el Misterio del Talismán" (Discmedi, 2015). The waiting is over, the sacrifices were worth it, because we can now listen to one of the most vibrant and raw bands of the country. So warm up, because it's time to dance!


Production and Direction: clicksound
Production assistant: Ernest Crusats
Presenter: Jaume Viñas
Sound and Sound Production: Jonbi Belategi
Sound assistant: Mau Boada
Audio post production: David Garcia
Video: clicksound
Styling: Ura Garcia Panyella
Photographer: Martina Matencio
Script: Míriam Cano
Original initiative by Ruben Ginestós & Maria Blay

Wear: Hackney // Streetwear & Sneakers (http://www.hackneyshop.com)
Views: Hotel Ayre Rosselló (http://www.ayrehoteles.com/)
Sound material: Ancar Power (http://www.ancarpower.com/)
Video material support: Mas que Video Profesional (http://www.masquevideo.com)

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