Trump Says Obama Would Have Been Called A 'National Hero' After North Korea Summit

  • 6 years ago
President Trump on Monday said former President Obama would have been called a "national hero" after the North Korea summit.

President Trump on Monday claimed that former President Barack Obama would have received a much different media coverage if he had met with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.
"If President Obama (who got nowhere with North Korea and would have had to go to war with many millions of people being killed) had gotten along with North Korea and made the initial steps toward a deal that I have, the Fake News would have named him a national hero!" Trump tweeted Monday.
This is only one of many tweets Trump has recently posted alleging a bias by the media.
"Funny how the Fake News, in a coordinated effort with each other, likes to say I gave sooo much to North Korea because I 'met.' That's because that's all they have to disparage! We got so much for peace in the world, & more is being added in finals. Even got our hostages/remains!" Trump wrote on Sunday.
And in another tweet, the president stated, "The denuclearization deal with North Korea is being praised and celebrated all over Asia. They are so happy! Over here, in our country, some people would rather see this historic deal fail than give Trump a win, even if it does save potentially millions & millions of lives!"
While Trump's North Korea summit has been hailed as "historic," many have raised questions about the lack of specific denuclearization language in the signed agreement between the two nations.
"The document calls only for 'complete denuclearization,' sparking criticism the agreement was not specific enough to allow oversight of the denuclearization process," ABC News notes.
