Flying A ‘Trump 2020’ Flag Leads To Suspension Of Two N.C. State Ferry Staffers

  • 6 years ago
Two government employees in North Carolina have been suspended for a week without pay after the state-owned ferry boat they were operating was spotted flying a “Trump 2020” flag.

Two government employees in North Carolina have been suspended for a week without pay after the state-owned ferry boat they were operating was spotted flying a "Trump 2020" flag, reports the Associated Press.
As Tim Hass, a spokesperson for the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Ferry Division, told The Coastland Times, "No matter one's political affiliation, putting any sort of campaign material on a state-owned vessel is not appropriate." 
The agency's investigation into the matter reportedly began after a photo of the flag aboard the MV Frisco was posted to Facebook, with the user questioning the legality of expressing a political preference on a government-run service.  
Meanwhile, someone else had tagged the state agency in a now-deleted tweet which included a photo of the flag and the message, "Is this appropriate? I don't think so!" 
Hass indicated that the flag had been flown only for one run, but he did not reveal the names of the suspended captain and crew member.


