Michael Moore Says His New Year's Wish Is To See 'Many Members Of The Trump Family In Orange Jumpsuits'

  • 6 years ago
Michael Moore again went after President Trump in an MSNBC interview.

Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore has said that he hopes the new year brings "as many members of the Trump family in orange jumpsuits as possible." 
He made the comment during an interview on MSNBC, and after host Chris Hayes commented on the mean spirit of the sentiment, Moore said, "It is really the wrong way to end such a festive time of the year with such animosity toward those who would do wrong to this country."   
However, Moore stated that Trump will probably not be indicted in the new year because, according to him, "Trump got away with everything for like 40 years." 
The filmmaker added: "I think Trump has always been careful to be not in the room when the crime is being committed." 
Moore has been a frequent critic of the president, writing a Facebook post titled "Donald Trump Is Gonna Get Us Killed" two years ago after Trump commented on the limited number of national security briefings he had attended. 
Moore has also lashed out at the Trump-led changes to the tax code, saying, "This hurts this country. This tax cut [was] in a sense an act of terror, because it's going to make the people who are already struggling to get by that much harder to get by." 
