Learner Centred Assessment

  • 4 years ago
00:01There's different kinds of assessment.
00:02There's assessment for learning.
00:04So assessing the skills a learner has and they need to develop.
00:08So you're assessing what skills to be teaching.
00:11Assessment for learning.
00:13And then assessment of learning
00:15is looking at what skills are they gaining competency in.
00:20So you're assessing,
00:21you're looking back over the learning they've just done
00:24and measuring if they're moving towards their goal
00:27and building the skills that they need.
00:29So you do that in different ways.
00:30Yes, you can do it through observing them.
00:33Are they gaining confidence in their learning?
00:35Are they gaining confidence in this particular skill?
00:38Are they finding that they're reading in other situations
00:42they wouldn't normally have done before?
00:44So those are all ways of assessing learning.
00:49We do an entrance
00:53assessment for tutors and for students
00:56and we do an exit interview for tutors and students.
01:00And, in between, we have monthly reports.
01:03We have an annual report.
01:04All that information gets put into the stats.
01:07And so I look at that and I make notes.
01:10And say, "Okay, this student's doing this, this and this,
01:12"and he needs that."
01:13"Oh, there, that tutor needs this, this and that."
01:16I get to know who they are.
01:18That's really important
01:19because I have to make a match to a tutor.
01:22By filling out the form myself with them,
01:24I, A, take all the stress off of them
01:26if they're uncomfortable with filling out forms,
01:29and as we're going through it, I get to know who they are.
01:34I was thinking about a learner that I worked with who
01:39she was a cleaning lady in a company,
01:44and she was really good at her job
01:47and she got promoted because she was really good at her job,
01:50but part of that job required that she write reports every day.
01:54So every day she would come home
01:57and spend hours writing her report
02:00with her dictionary, checking her spelling,
02:03and getting her husband to proofread what she wrote.
02:08And so, through the conversation with her
02:11about what her job entailed, what was in those reports,
02:16what kinds of things she was writing about in those reports,
02:19I did an assessment to figure out
02:21what kind of learning we needed to do with her.
02:23We didn't need a formal tool.
02:25We just needed her reports.
02:27And then, looking at some of the reports she'd already written,
02:31and we could do an assessment that way.
02:34You don't need a formal test.
02:35You don't need a pen and paper test to assess their skills.
02:39If they are needing to build their writing skills
02:44to write a particular kind of
02:46log at the end of the day,
02:50then work on that.
02:51What kind of language do they use
02:54in reporting about the activities of their day?
02:57What are the expectations of reporting in that log?
03:00Is it just bulleted notes,
03:02or is it a longer kind of paragraph?
03:05And so build the skills
03:06that are needed for that particular task.
03:08You don't need to have a deep knowledge about writing skills
03:13and be a writing skills expert to be able to do that,
03:17you can just look at the actual task
03:20and the actual resources
03:22that they use to complete that task.
