Approved | 30min | Adventure, Western | TV Series (1957)
Hawkeye and Chingachcook find Wenatchgo, an old and respected medicine man, wandering in the forest. They discover that the elderly man has been driven out of the tribe by a younger and ambitious rival.
Director: Sam Newfield
Writers: Robert B. Bailey, Hugh King, James Fenimore Cooper
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Dickson Kerwin
Hawkeye and Chingachcook find Wenatchgo, an old and respected medicine man, wandering in the forest. They discover that the elderly man has been driven out of the tribe by a younger and ambitious rival.
Director: Sam Newfield
Writers: Robert B. Bailey, Hugh King, James Fenimore Cooper
Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Dickson Kerwin
Short filmTranscript
00:00The immortal pen of James F. Cooper brings you thrilling tales of excitement, blazing
00:13action on the early American frontier, stirring adventures filled with the daring and courage
00:20of Hawkeye, first of the Long Rifles, and his blood brother, Chinook, last of the Mohicans.
00:31It's taken me a while to get here. Take one of the Indians, go up a piece and see how
00:42many there are. What's the use of that? They've got five men, three women, and a young girl.
00:46So they started with it. How do you know more didn't join them? Because I was right there
00:49when they left. What difference does it make, anyway? When we jump them, they'll act like
00:54all the rest. One of these bright days, you're going to walk right into a hornet's nest,
00:59just because you're too lazy to look things over. We've got to go, Cobb. Where is he?
01:05Talk to Warrior. We'll get rid of him. Do the young warriors forget their honor? Do
01:13they forget that peace was made? Shut up. I have lived many moons. You've lived too
01:20long. That's your trouble. Now look, either you do it your way, or I'll do it mine. But
01:25this time, get rid of him. Break him. You go with him. He's done right. For many moons,
01:39wisdom of Wenatchco bring great things to Oneida. We have peace and food for our Semek.
01:45Then white man comes. Steal our land. Make peace with white man no good. Bring trouble.
01:52Now me, Shinobi Medicine Man, drive white man back to Big Water. This time, take Shinobi
02:09to Big Water. We'll meet you at the lake. I told you, no scouts. I don't want anybody
02:11killed, or we'll have the troops moving in on us. Just get those horses and wagons. We'll
02:15meet you at the lake. Well, get going.
02:39Then he runs. Come on.
02:54Hold your fire! We're burned!
03:17What happened? We were ambushed. They took our wagons. Who did? Indians. What tribe?
03:23Idaho. They all look alike to me. Is anyone badly hurt? No, thank God. But what are we
03:28going to do? Everything we own is in those wagons. We'll try and get your wagons back
03:32for you. In the meantime, you'd better make camp here. Here? For those Indians nearby?
03:37They won't bother you again. They got what they wanted. What's Indians dress like? Well,
03:42they look like ordinary Indians. There was something funny, though. They had a feather
03:47thing down the side of their heads. Onidas. That's funny. The Onidas have a treaty about
03:52wagons passing through here. Must be bad trouble. Onidas break treaties. Hey, you're a Hawkeye,
03:58aren't you? That's right. This is Cheneyshook. I heard about you back at the settlement.
04:03My name's Talbot. We'll do all we can for you, Mr. Talbot. We'll trail the wagons and
04:08try to get them back. In the meantime, you'd better make camp for the women. But we have
04:12nothing to... You have guns. There's plenty of deer here in the woods. We'll be back by
04:31Monacho. Medicine man of Onida tribe.
04:35Who did this to you? White men. They steal wagons for the Onida warriors. Bad. Monacho
04:51make peace. Shinobi, break peace. A white man helped the Shinobi? Two. Like snake. Bad.
05:03Where do they take wagons? Middle water. We'd better go there and take a look. You want
05:08to return to the village or go with us? You go catch wagon, I go too.
05:22Now it's your turn, Shinobi. What do you have? This for Shinobi. That's not in the deal.
05:26That food goes with the wagons. Shinobi take food. Make Squaw glad. Now wait a minute,
05:31Shinobi. We need that food to sell. If you take that, we're out of business. Shinobi take
05:36food. You take wagons. It is so. Now look here. This has gone far enough. You don't
05:41get me food and that's final.
05:52Take the food.
06:01Who are the white men? One called Jake Collins. What are they doing with the wagons? White
06:08men steal wagons. Take. Catch. Take away. Sell wagon white men. Catch. Take wagons.
06:16Sell wagon white men. Catch. So that's it. He sells the wagons, gets the Indians to steal
06:21them and then sells them again. Everybody blame Indian. They're getting ready to move
06:27out. Let's make sure which way they're headed. We'll go back and talk to Calvin.
06:58Did you find out anything about the wagons? You bought those horses and wagons from a
07:03man named Jake Collins, didn't you? Yes, that's right. What's that got to do with anything?
07:08Well, he's the one who took them away from you. You're sure not making sense. Those were
07:13Indians who attacked us and took the outfit. Well, it looked it all right, but Collins
07:17is the one who put them up to it. We just saw his partner dividing the loot with the
07:21Indians he used to attack you. Where'd you see that ornery snake? We'll get those wagons
07:26back if we have to shoot up the whole territory to do it. With the whole Oneida tribe in
07:30back of him, the only ones who'll get shot up are you and your men. Besides, Collins
07:34is on his way with those wagons. That means they're on trail to Otsego Village. Otsego?
07:40They'll take the outfit, sell it to some other settlers and pull the same stunt on them.
07:44What are we going to do? That money was all we could split together between us. Now we're
07:50stuck here. Can't go forward or back. Well, the way I see it, we'll just make Jay Collins
07:56give those wagons back to you. How can you? Well, I haven't figured it out yet. The king
08:01is shook and I better get to Otsego before Collins does. And you really think you can
08:05get our wagons back? We'll get them back for you one way or another. We'd better be on
08:09our way. Thanks, Hawkeye.
08:11Well, I told you what's going on, Mr. Moore. As manager of the trading post, you represent
08:22whatever law there is here in Otsego. You can be right about Jay Collins, but we'll
08:27have to take more than just your word for it. That's what I'm here for, to get the proof.
08:31But I'll need the help of some of your Otsego people to do it. Well, I don't know. Well,
08:37you people are the ones that are going to get hurt if I'm right. If this area gets a
08:40bad reputation and wagon trains running into all kinds of trouble, you might as well close
08:44up your trading post right now. Look.
08:49See those horses and wagons? That's the same outfit he sold to Jim Talbot two weeks ago
09:08and had the Indians steal back for him. What do you want us to do? I'm going to buy that
09:14outfit with your money and I'm going to take a wagon train into the wilderness with some
09:21of your women and kids. But before I am through, I hope to run Jay Collins plum out of business.
09:44Interested in buying the outfit?
10:14Maybe. Hmm. Where are you heading, mister? Kentucky. It's a long way. We need a good
10:20outfit. What you asking? Fifty pounds. That includes everything. The harness, wagon sticks
10:27for sleeping, couple of spare wheels. Too much. Forty pounds is more like what we were
10:34figuring, huh? Well, where you're going, money don't mean much. Might as well give it to
10:40What do you say we split the difference, make it forty-five? Jake, you just made yourself
10:44a deal. Come with me, I'll get you a bill of sale.
11:39Well, thank you, ladies. There's your wagon right over there waiting to take you back.
11:57We might be wasting a lot of time with this kind of nonsense. Well, your women had a couple
12:12hours wagon ride, that's all. Nice change in routine for them. They'll be safe enough
12:16back in Otsego. What about us? You might as well enjoy a wagon ride yourself. There won't
12:20be much to do until Jake Collins and his Indians decide to pay us a visit. All right, then.
12:26Hop in the wagon.
12:27Seawagon train. Score or leave?
12:56White warrior, take place. What's he saying, Jake? Well, it's clear enough. That frontier
13:03man, he calls himself Hawkeye. He's the one that brought the outfit from us. So now he's
13:07trying to set a trap for us. What'd we do? I never heard of a game yet that two couldn't
13:12play at. So he wants to set a trap for us, does he? All right, we'll let him. Only the
13:24way we're going to play it, he's the one who's going to get caught.
13:54All right, man, get ready. No, not yet. What are you waiting for? Just keep them guessing
14:09for a while.
14:38We didn't expect you here with the wagons this quick. He's just been leading us on a
14:47wild goose chase. I can't figure it. Unless they saw us make the switch for the women.
14:52Well, whatever it was, at least we've got our wagons back. Thanks. Mr. Talbot, if you
14:57start out again with those wagons, Collins will just have them back again. And maybe
15:01this time someone will be killed. You had your chance, Hawkeye, and you didn't make
15:05it. It cost us 45 pounds, and we're going to hold you responsible for it. I'm inclined
15:10to agree with Mr. Moore that Jake Collins has quit. I don't think we'll have any more
15:13trouble out there. Well, I don't agree with you, but it looks like I'm voted down. So
15:18take the wagons. I suppose you're going to start out anyway. We sure are. We start tomorrow.
15:24I think you're wrong, and I advise you to be on your guard.
15:34You find trouble? I guess I picked up all I was loose. We go in the forest. No trouble
15:40there. We go now. First I've got some business to attend to. Where we go? Well, I'll go alone
15:46to the Oneida village. I want to find out just what the tie-up is between Jake Collins
15:50and the Oneidas. But if I'm not back by this time tomorrow, you come and look for me.
16:20This is Hawkeye. Well, so it is. The great Hawkeye himself, eh? What are you going to
16:44do with him? Tie it to his stake. He doesn't suffer long. That's a good idea. Killing's
16:49too easy for him. Where's that Indian partner of yours? I said, where's that Indian partner
16:58of yours? I'd like to find out just how tough you are when you're by yourself. Tie him to
17:07the stake. Where did he go? We're leaving now. I just wanted to thank you for your help.
17:32We not want thanks. Hawkeye not here. Better you stay till he come back. Just can't do
17:37that, Tinkage Coop. Look to us like your friends got the wind up about Collins and those Indians
17:41for nothing. Tell Hawkeye thanks for us anyway when he gets back. We tell. All right, get
17:51him rolling. Time I look for Hawkeye, like he say. You stay. Be back soon.
18:51I'm sure glad to see you. You not come. Me look. Me no trouble. Me see Collins and Braves
19:18in force. More of these men are still on the trail out, Sago. Find them. Tell them they're
19:24setting a new trap and there's real danger. Tell them to get back here fast. Me do. Yeah,
19:46this ought to be perfect. Soon as they hit the metal there, we'll have them. Wait! I
19:58bring message from Hawkeye. There's new trap. Great danger. What's this? More scare talk?
20:04Collins and Shinobi. Wait at Big Meadow for wagon train. You'll have to hold up your wagons,
20:17Mr. Talbot. What for? Collins and the Onidas. They're waiting for you on the edge of Big
20:22Meadow. Now see here, Hawkeye. We've been through this before. We've taken a boat. The
20:27party wants to move on. We're moving. I don't know. We've been traipsing through the woods
20:32all day long. Haven't seen hide nor hair of Collins or the Indians. Well, I see. Hawkeye
20:36see. This time they have to scalp. If you not come, Talbot party die. All right. We'll
20:44go along with you once more, but if nothing happened, you'll follow. Hey, this is going
21:07to be easy. Nobody driving but women. Men scared like rabbits. Ready men? Now!
21:37Ho! Ho! Ho!
22:07Ho! Ho! Ho!
22:37Ho! Ho! Ho!
23:06The finest prime skunks I ever did see in these here parts. We ought to take those too
23:10and... Mr. Talbot, I think Mr. Moore can take care of them in a proper fashion. You bet
23:14I can. All right, boys. Tie them up. We'll take them back to Onsega with us. Just a minute.
23:22I think we have a little unfinished financial business to take care of first. Mr. Talbot,
23:27how much do you figure your supplies were worth? Forty pounds. Give it to him.
23:36And I'll just take forty-five pounds back. Where you're going, money won't do you much
23:44good. Thanks. All right. All right, boys. Tie them up. Well, why not join us? Kentucky's
23:57a great country. Well, we'll get out there one of these days, but right now Chingiz
24:01Cook and I have got our traps to look after.
24:06Join us again at this same time next week for another of James Fenimore Cooper's gripping
24:28tales of the early American frontier. Another exciting adventure of Hawkeye and his blood
24:34brother, Chingiz Cook. Last of the Mohicans.