• 5 years ago
Approved | 30min | Adventure, Western | TV Series (1957)

Ever since Lt. Smith joined Col. Courtney's command, unexplained Indian deaths have increased, and threatens to ignite a war between the colonial forces and the Iroquois nation.

Director: Sam Newfield

Writers: Louis Stevens, James Fenimore Cooper

Stars: John Hart, Lon Chaney Jr., Bill Walsh
00:00From the immortal pen of James Fenimore Cooper came stirring tales of the early American frontier, when freedom-loving pioneers were carving a new nation out of an unknown, savage, and untamed wilderness.
00:14Stories of those exciting days, and of the courage, daring, and devotion of men like Hawkeye, the first of the Long Rifles, and his tribal brother Chingachgook, the last of the Mohicans.
03:04I was on my way to Fort McKenzie to meet you.
03:06I come from Fort. They speak your name.
03:08Oh, what for?
03:09Oh, they know I am brother of Hawkeye. They say find him. They want to speak words.
03:14I wonder what about.
03:16I don't know. Head soldier, Colonel Courtney, he say, I want to meet this man Hawkeye who is not soldier.
03:23Well, I suppose I should consider it an honor, but it probably means trouble.
03:35It is, I admit, a singular thing for a military man to appeal to a citizen for help, and yet your help I do need.
03:45You know the chief of the Iroquois tribe, Thundercloud?
03:48Yes, I know him.
03:49And he trusts you?
03:50I think so.
03:52There have been killings of Indian braves up and down the frontier.
03:55The latest occurred only two days ago. Lieutenant Smith brought the report of it.
04:00He and his patrol were returning to the south post when two of his men came unexpectedly upon the bodies of two Indian braves.
04:06They had been killed by rifle fire.
04:09Where did your men find these bodies, Lieutenant?
04:12Bullfrog Meadow, just directly east of the old military road.
04:17Now, that's near the new settlement, Ainslie.
04:20Lieutenant Smith's two brothers have farmland at Ainslie.
04:23The lieutenant had stopped to visit his brothers.
04:25It was after he rejoined his patrol that the bodies of the Iroquois braves were discovered.
04:29Colonel, the other killings of Iroquois that you mentioned.
04:33The first incident occurred here at Georgetown.
04:36That's here.
04:37The other, before this last one, by this lake section, right here.
04:42It certainly looks as though someone has a vengeance against the Iroquois.
04:45There have been other encounters all along the frontier.
04:48Indians killing white settlers, the Huron, the Mohawk.
04:51The point is this.
04:53The Iroquois have indicated that they plan retaliation on a wide scale.
04:56Maybe you should get word to Thundercloud that you're going to try and hunt down the white men responsible.
05:01I've tried. I've tried.
05:03My first man was sent back. My second, a sergeant, was gravely wounded.
05:07So you want us to go to Thundercloud?
05:09If I can't command you, you're a private citizen.
05:12Well, what's your message?
05:15I promise there will be no more wanton killings.
05:17I guarantee peace and security for him, his land, his people.
05:22I will hunt the killers of his Indian braves.
05:25We'll try to deliver your message, Colonel.
05:30Return early.
05:32And good luck go with you.
05:36Return early. And good luck go with you.
06:01I think that Lieutenant Smith's not like her.
06:03You noticed that, too, huh?
06:05Why, I wonder.
06:07Your guess is as good as mine.
06:09It's funny all those killings are in the vicinity of Ainslie.
06:13I'd like to know more about that Lieutenant Smith's brothers.
06:16We gonna find out now?
06:18Yeah, it's not too far out of the way.
06:20Let's go.
06:33Yes, sir. Now that Lieutenant Smith's a right bright young man.
06:36Just transferred to Fort McKenzie. Only just recent, they tell me.
06:39That's what he told me when I talked to him at the fort.
06:42Them two brothers of his, they've been farming here only a year now.
06:46Tight-mouthed men, they is. Keep to themselves.
06:49Like they was prudent about things.
06:52No wives or other kin?
06:54No, sir. I do hear.
06:57Feller passing through Ainslie seen them.
07:00And he casually told me.
07:02He told me they is bitter people.
07:04He said the father and mother, they was killed by Indians long time before.
07:08By Iroquois?
07:10That's what the feller told me.
07:12Them two brothers, they never talk.
07:14Tight-mouthed, like I said.
07:16Well, thanks a lot. We've got to be traveling on.
07:35It's funny feeling you're so close to the truth and yet you can't quite...
07:38Lieutenant Smith know more than he tell about Iroquois dead.
07:41He knows something or he's covering up for somebody.
07:46Let's go.
07:48Let's go.
08:14There are trails up ahead. I can see it.
08:16Me and Iroquois move camp.
08:18Yeah, we should reach there by noon tomorrow.
08:46Let's go.
09:04I was too close for comfort.
09:06Iroquois not want to kill. Give warning.
09:09Yeah, that's the way I figure it.
09:11Warning means stay off of Iroquois land.
09:14We're going anyway.
09:16Next time, many arrows. No warning.
09:19That's the chance we take. We knew that when we started.
09:22I'll try to talk to him.
09:45You Mohican?
09:49And white man?
09:51This Iroquois country, why you come here?
09:54We seek your great chief. I wish to speak to him.
09:57You come with rifle.
09:59I come in friendship.
10:01Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:03Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:05Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:07Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:09Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:11Hawkeye is friend of all red men.
10:13Hawkeye speak for Hawkeye.
10:15I'm a friend of Thundercloud.
10:17We do not come with evil in our hearts.
10:19We wish to speak of friendship between white man and red man.
10:30Have heard promises before.
10:33One, two, maybe three white man keep.
10:37Others burn up, go on wind, bad.
10:41Now you come.
10:43You say, chief soldier at fort, ask me believe.
10:46Why should I believe again?
10:48I'm not afraid to tell Thundercloud, chief of the Iroquois,
10:52that he does not speak with honest words.
10:54Because few white men break word,
10:56does not mean that white chief is without honor.
10:59You speak good.
11:01But words, they mean one thing to white man,
11:04different thing to Indian.
11:06We must have trust.
11:08Thundercloud gives his word, we give ours.
11:11If I give word, I keep.
11:14We give word, we keep.
11:16What does great soldier want?
11:18He wishes that Thundercloud and he be good friends.
11:22If I give promise, he keep peace with Iroquois?
11:26He will keep peace with the Iroquois.
11:28He asked me to give you this oath.
11:30Want your oath.
11:32I give it.
11:35If more trouble comes my people,
11:38my braves, they want war.
11:41We will return with this word.
11:58There's no reason why our word should be betrayed.
12:01No reason at all, colonel, except one.
12:04What's that?
12:07I don't understand.
12:09Man's hate, hate for the Indian.
12:11Hate that would drive a man to murder.
12:13I still don't understand quite.
12:15How long has Lieutenant Smith been here?
12:18Not quite four months.
12:20He applied for a transfer to this fort.
12:22After I'd seen his exemplary record,
12:24I was very pleased to have him.
12:26I've quite grown to like the boy.
12:28Of course, he has his dislikes and prejudices,
12:31but who among us has not?
12:33I knew his father in England.
12:35A wonderful man, wonderful man.
12:37His boys loved him.
12:39Must have been a great blow when the parents were killed.
12:42What made you ask a question about Lieutenant Smith?
12:45Oh, it just came to my mind, that's all.
12:47I reckon I'll go.
12:50And thanks for all you've done.
12:52Goodbye, colonel.
12:56Oh, by the way,
12:58that question about Lieutenant Smith,
13:00you're sure there's nothing more you want to tell me?
13:03Nothing more to tell, colonel.
13:25They've found men. Follow me.
13:56If they make one false move...
14:02All right, fire!
14:09You can call out a warning, sir.
14:11No use to spill blood.
14:13And get killed, all of us?
14:15You heard the order.
14:17Take care of those bodies.
14:48No! No shoot!
15:12The Indian got away. Get mounted. We're going after him.
15:16Keep me covered.
15:24So it was you who took that shot of me.
15:26You meant to kill me.
15:28I'm not that kind of a poor shot, lieutenant,
15:30to miss you when I meant to hit you.
15:32You owe me an explanation.
15:34I don't think so.
15:36Maybe you owe me one. Two dead.
15:38Every dead Indian means one less enemy.
15:40As far as I know, that's not the army's way of thinking.
15:43It was self-defense.
15:45In this country, if a man can't defend himself...
15:47There are ways of defending yourself.
15:49This isn't one of them, lieutenant, and you know it.
15:51I don't know what's gotten into you.
15:53Must be something personal.
15:55I warn you, if you dare to say another word, I'll...
15:57You've got some kind of a kink in your nature.
15:59Arrest this man.
16:01You'll be shot for this.
16:03Not just yet, lieutenant.
16:05I've got a score to settle with you, too.
16:07I gave my word to Thundercloud
16:09that his warriors would be safe from attack.
16:11You can't break that promise.
16:13I order you to arrest this man!
16:17After him!
16:19Don't move!
16:25Young officer ordered killing.
16:27My life saved because long rifles shoot at officer.
16:31I have chance. Escape.
16:33You have heard.
16:35I promised war if word was broken.
16:41Well, I don't want any more close shaves like that.
16:43A man's luck will go just so far.
16:47We've got to talk to colonel Courtney.
16:49Lieutenant Smith say we cause all trouble.
16:53You're right.
16:55After lieutenant Smith turns in his report,
16:57we'll be lucky if we aren't hanged.
16:59My neck not like Fela, bro.
17:03Mine either.
17:05Here's what we've got to do.
17:07You go to Thundercloud.
17:09Tell him the killing of those Indians
17:11was not the fault of colonel Courtney.
17:13He not believe.
17:15I know.
17:17Tell him to hold off the war,
17:19no more killings until I can talk to colonel Courtney
17:21and put the blame where it belongs.
17:23Indians think me fool.
17:25Paleface think you fool, too.
17:27Maybe, but we've got to try.
17:31I go.
17:39What hawk I say is right.
17:41White chief not cause death of Iroquois braves.
17:45Was one of his soldiers same thing?
17:47My brothers killed.
17:49We killed, too.
17:51Would Thundercloud order death
17:53of all Iroquois tribe
17:55because one brave cause bad medicine to Paleface?
17:59No, would not be fault of tribe.
18:01And is not fault of Paleface chief
18:03because one brave
18:05And is not fault of Paleface chief
18:07because one brave
18:09cause bad medicine to Iroquois?
18:11Thundercloud is man of great wisdom.
18:17Think before going on war path.
18:19Think of what is best
18:21for your tribe.
18:25Every plan I've made for peace in the territory
18:27halted by this threat of war against us.
18:29And all because of a deplorable error.
18:31A human error.
18:33There's no error, colonel.
18:35The blame is entirely on your side.
18:37I could throw you in a dungeon for talk of that kind.
18:39I gave Thundercloud my word.
18:41I've got a stake in this.
18:43I have lieutenant Smith's report.
18:45His version does not bear you out at all.
18:51Come in, please.
18:57This man denies that you've given the true facts, lieutenant.
18:59Against his testimony
19:01is the testimony of four honorable soldiers.
19:03Your conduct is nothing less
19:05than an act of insubordination
19:07at a time of national peril.
19:09I have the right to impose a sentence on you.
19:11If the colonel wishes to give me an order regarding this man, I'll...
19:13The Indian got back.
19:15Does the colonel...
19:17Bring him in.
19:23Did you see Thundercloud?
19:25I speak with chief Thundercloud.
19:27This brave with his brothers
19:29when lieutenant Smith
19:31shoot and kill Iroquois braves.
19:33Now he speak.
19:35Him like men go crazy.
19:37We run, he shoot.
19:41did you persuade this man to come here?
19:43Or was he sent here by Thundercloud?
19:45Thundercloud sent.
19:47He want white chief to hear words with own ears,
19:49hear truth.
19:51Chief Thundercloud very angry like waters in storm.
19:53He say,
19:55white man no keep promise.
19:57He say,
19:59lieutenant Smith,
20:01go to camp of chief Thundercloud.
20:03Answer for wrongs.
20:05If not go,
20:07all Iroquois go on war path.
20:09Kill all white settlers.
20:17Lieutenant Smith.
20:19Yes, sir.
20:21A decision has to be made.
20:23I realize that, sir.
20:25To respect the request of Thundercloud,
20:27grim and terrible
20:29though it may be in its consequence.
20:31Have you anything to say in your defense?
20:33No, sir.
20:37You will leave in the morning.
20:39You will not wear your uniform.
20:41Hawkeye and Chinguchkuk
20:43will go with you.
20:45Yes, sir.
20:51There's more to this, colonel.
20:57The lieutenant's two brothers
20:59living at Ainslie.
21:01They bear a grudge, a hatred of the Iroquois.
21:03They can never forget the killing
21:05of their parents.
21:07I've been on the frontier a long time
21:09and I know what this can do to men.
21:11Right or wrong, they hate the Indian.
21:13If what you say is true
21:15and if his brothers are found guilty,
21:17they'll be placed under arrest.
22:05You kill some of my people,
22:07you will pay with life.
22:09You do much harm, your people.
22:11I don't like this man either
22:13for what he's shown himself to be.
22:15But still I speak for him.
22:17I ask that you spare his life.
22:21But if you give him his life,
22:23it will prove that you're good.
22:25The chief soldier at Fort McKenzie
22:27will be your brother in friendship forever.
22:37You must not ask this of me.
22:39Already my braves say we go on warpath.
22:43Not good for a red man
22:45or pale face.
22:47I ask again. Give him his life.
22:49I promise he'll do no more harm.
22:51Want his word.
22:53Give it.
22:55Give it.
22:57I give it.
22:59You leave this land forever.
23:05My people wish revenge for death of our own.
23:07But I give my word
23:09because you, Hawkeye,
23:11friend of Iroquois, ask.
23:21Get mounted, Smith.
23:29Stay where you are.
23:31Put that gun down, Lieutenant.
23:33I don't want to kill you.
23:35It's Thundercloud. I want Thundercloud.
23:37And don't try and stop me.
23:45I want Thundercloud.
23:47I want Thundercloud.
23:49I want Thundercloud.
24:01Time we go.
24:03I'll deliver your message to the colonel
24:05and explain to him what happened.
24:07Tell him evil spirit that bring trouble
24:09to pale face in Indian gone.
24:11Give to pale face colonel.
24:13Tell him we live in peace.
24:15I will.
24:19I will.
24:33Join us again at this same time next week
24:35for another of James Fenimore Cooper's
24:37gripping tales of the early American frontier.
24:39Another exciting adventure
24:41of Hawkeye
24:43and his blood brother, Chinguchkook.
24:45Last of the Mohicans.
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