Palm Sugar Kanten Jelly

  • 4 years ago

Palm Sugar Kanten Jelly 椰花糖燕菜

Details 详细介绍

Familiar with Palm sugar Kanten Jelly? Palm sugar is made from the sap of flower buds from the coconut palm. It can be dense and sticky. It is famous in Southeast Asian region. Kanten is a gelatinous substance made from seaweed. Rich in dietary fibres, zero in calories and gluten free make it a healthy ingredient.
椰花糖 (Palm sugar) 或简称椰糖,是由椰子花汁液萃取出来的糖份。它在一些盛产椰子树的地区 (例如东南亚) 被作为传统甜味剂使用,其味道香浓无比。燕菜精是从海藻类所提炼,有植物性吉利丁之称。不需要冰箱也能凝固,口感比较扎实硬脆。

Yields: 10 Servings 分量:十人份
Difficulty: Medium 难度:中等
Prep Time: 10minutes 备料时间:十分钟
Cook Time: 40minutes 烹调时间:四十分钟
Total Time: 50minutes 共计时间:五十分钟

Ingredients 食材用料

450g palm sugar 椰花糖
350g cooked sago 煮熟的西米
250g basil seed in syrup 糖浸的罗勒种子
200ml evaporated milk 淡奶
2500ml water 水
25g (agar-agar)jelly powder 燕菜精
6pcs pandan leaves 班兰叶

Instructions 步骤

Add palm sugar and pandan leaves to 2500ml water.
Bring the water to broil.
Cover with lit. Turn down the fire and simmer for 15 minutes.
Meanwhile, spread mixture of cooked sago and basil seed (strained) in moulds. Nicely press to form a thick layer.
Discard pandan leaves. Turn up to medium heat. Dissolve jelly powder gradually while stirring with a wooden spatula.
Pour in evaporated milk.
Keep stirring until it broils.
Turn off fire. In circular motion, gently fill the moulds using a ladle.
Let it cools down totally.

Recipe Notes 食谱笔记

Cooking dried sago 煮西米粒
Bring 2000ml water in a large pot to broil. Turn fire to medium low. Pour in 100g dried sago. Stir with wooden spatula. Cook until semi-transparent or no white spot in centre (takes about 40 minutes). Sieve out and run through cold water. 100g dried sago make 350g cooked sago.

Basil seed in syrup 糖浸罗勒种子

Buy ready made or dip 30g dried seed in syrup water (1sugar:6water) for 5 minutes. 30g dried seed weight 250g after soaked.
买现成包装的。若不,将30克罗勒种子浸泡在糖水中约5分钟。(糖:水比例为1:6) 30克种子浸泡后的重量为250克。

I re-use water after cooking sago and water that cold down sago for cooking.

Excerpt 简介

Familiar with Palm sugar Kanten Jelly? Palm sugar is made from the sap of flower buds from the coconut palm. It is famous in Southeast Asian region.

Recipe Categories 食谱分类
desserts 甜点

Recipe Cuisines 食谱料理
Southeast Asian 东南亚

Recipe Cooking Methods 食谱烹饪法
Boiling 煮

Tags 标签
palm sugar, sago, basil seed, evaporated milk, water, agar jelly, pandan, 椰花糖, 西米, 罗勒种子, 淡奶, 水, 燕菜, 班兰叶
