Fisherman Rice Noodle

  • 4 years ago

Fisherman Rice Noodle 渔师粉条

Details 详细介绍

This recipe is a hybrid of Korean Jjamppong and Penang Laksa. Jjamppong, a Korean noodle soup with red, spicy seafood-based broth flavoured with chilli powder. Penang Laksa is a sour, fish and tamarind-based soup with thick rice noodles.

Yields: 12 Servings 分量:十二人份
Difficulty: Easy 难度:简单
Prep Time: 20minutes 备料时间:二十分钟
Cook Time: 40minutes 烹调时间:四十分钟
Total Time: 60minutes 共计时间:六十分钟

Ingredients 食材用料

2kg laksa noodles 叻沙濑粉
100g torch ginger flower 叻沙姜花
500g mackerel fish fillet 甘望鱼片
1.5kg clam 蚌
200g dry anchovies 干江鱼仔
1 piece dry kelp 干海带
700g radish 白萝卜
500g carrot 红萝卜
200g fermented bean paste 韩式豆瓣酱
400g fermented red chilli paste 韩式辣椒酱
2.5L water 水

Instructions 步骤

Skin then slice radish and roll cut (oblique cut) carrots.
Rinse dry anchovies twice and place in a muslin bag.
Make a soup base by mixing bean paste and chilli paste with 2.5L water. Add in radish, carrots and anchovies.
Add dry kelp.
Bring soup to boil. Remove kelp.
Simmer for 20 minutes. After that, turn off the heat and let stand for 10 minutes.
Steam clam and fish fillet.
Serve with chopped ginger flower.

Recipe Notes 食谱笔记

Separate radish from broth after cooking is done.
Do not cook fresh laksa noodles. Soak dry laksa noodles for 3 hours. Add amount needed to hot boiling water. Carefully cook for 30 seconds. Avoid overcook to prevent sticky noodles.

Excerpt 简介

This recipe is a hybrid of Korean Jjamppong and Penang Laksa.

Recipe Categories 食谱分类
Noodles 面食

Recipe Cuisines 食谱料理
Asian 亚洲

Recipe Cooking Methods 食谱烹饪法
Boiling 煮 Steaming 蒸

Tags 标签

rice noodles, ginger flower, mackerel, clam, anchovies, kelp, radish, carrot, bean paste, chilli paste, 加沙, 姜花, 甘望鱼, 蚌, 江鱼仔, 海带, 白萝卜, 红萝卜, 豆瓣酱, 辣椒酱
