Dear international publishers and friends,
« What’s your hot book? » is a new concept in which French publishers introduce you to books you’ve never heard of!
14 publishing houses, 14 hot titles: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Graphic novels, Children’s books, Audio books.
We're glad to introduce you to this new project.
With very best wishes,
The what’s your hot book team.
(10/18, Belfond, Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, Éditions de l’Iconoclaste, Fleuve éditions, Julliard, Le cherche midi, Les Arènes, Les Escales, Lizzie, Plon, Pocket Jeunesse, Presses de la Cité and Robert Laffont.)
« What’s your hot book? » is a new concept in which French publishers introduce you to books you’ve never heard of!
14 publishing houses, 14 hot titles: Fiction, Non-Fiction, Graphic novels, Children’s books, Audio books.
We're glad to introduce you to this new project.
With very best wishes,
The what’s your hot book team.
(10/18, Belfond, Éditions Héloïse d’Ormesson, Éditions de l’Iconoclaste, Fleuve éditions, Julliard, Le cherche midi, Les Arènes, Les Escales, Lizzie, Plon, Pocket Jeunesse, Presses de la Cité and Robert Laffont.)
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