"How Can I Live in a FACT-FREE WORLD?" Freedomain Call In

  • 4 years ago
Dear Stef:

Lately, I have been feeling like I'm suffocating and not being true to myself. I work with a bunch of far-left maniacs and I never know how to properly express my beliefs to them when they are spewing their daily nonsense. The majority of my family is the same way, but we don't really talk much anymore anyways because I live 14 hours away from them and my hometown. Back in October, I debated Vaush, and as he would probably put it: I was "absolutely DESTROYED" by that commie. I feel like the main reason for this was simply nervousness to be talking to him on his platform. However, something that I noticed reflecting on our debate was the similarities between that conversation and the reason why I often don't engage in conversations with the leftists at work and in my family. I don't know how to have a discussion when so many people don't see eye to eye with me on the facts. Vaush and everyone else in my person life who I mentioned before are all so happy and willing to blindy follow the mainstream media narrative and accept it as the one & only holy grail of eternal truth. Vaush himself called me: "one of those alternative facts types) and said that CNN was neutral and unbiased. How do I get past this dilemma when I feel I'm so outnumbered? How can I speak up about my deeply held beliefs, when every time I do I don't seem to make any progress and end up being ridiculed by my peers?

Nov 27 2020

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Lately, I have been feeling like I'm suffocating and not being true to myself. I work with a bunch of