Not Worth Waiting For (Spoken Poem with Music)

  • 2 years ago

Not Worth Waiting For

I sat a mere two feet from the door
I watched, anticipating the knob turn
I was expecting to hear the hinges creak
Whether it would swing was my only concern
How am I to get my life together
When I’m just waiting for their return

It’s just something I’m waiting for
Please don’t tell me it’s not worth waiting for

I’m just remembering being told when you’re a little older
So right now I’m looking for any skin wrinkles
Searching my mind for pain in my back and hip
Or when my toes curl up into crinkles
I see those who’ve gone through it and get jealous
They say the star’s actually dying when it twinkles

It’s just something I’m waiting for
Please don’t tell me it’s not worth waiting for

The tree’s leaves change colors but refuse to fall
The sun shines as brightly as it had before
I look at my sleeves and say I want to use you
The summer was something I never cared for
I’d like the front to escape from the north
Because I’ve never seen the world prettier than in Baltimore

It’s just something I’m waiting for
Please don’t tell me it’s not worth waiting for