Pen to Paper (Poem with Music)

  • last year
Partial Lyrics:

Pen to Paper
He fired up the grill and pulled the things
From the bookshelves because when
He turned on the news he had a lack of signal
And all the garbled voices only got
In the way and told about events
He did not like but when she started
Unhinging the hallway door he watched in silence
Uncertain as to what to do
And the paintings were all laid out
For some kind of garage sale
That had worked its way into the tabloids
So when the gossip mongers started
Taking pictures of all his socks
He knew he had to stop the whole thing

But the traffic security told him
He was out of timeouts and strangled him
Until his eyeballs inspected the inside of his head
To which he remarked I’ve really gotta do
Some dusting up there
And then the cleaning crew came in
They were scouring the place for dead bodies
But all they found was a movie star
That’d been in fourteen films that week
And when they started chatting her up
The owner of the house got real mad
And started breaking his own stuff
Shouting hey that’s my wife
What are you trying to do in here

The flute players took advantage of the situation
And were making instruments of all his bones
And hey wait a minute
But sir
You consented to this
And when he flipped through the pages
He realized he had and
Exclaimed oh my when the doorbell’s ringing again
It’s his boss stealing the plates out of the cabinet
As a garnish to his wages
But the man is too busy burning the family fowl
Rotating in the oven to notice or care
And takes another sip of disinfectant
To process the events of the morning
Which has just started mind you

As the milkman shows up
With expired yogurts and cheeses
Apologizing for being thirty years late
And forgetting to impregnate his mother
The man shrugs it off
And says we all make mistakes
Before burying him under the floorboards
With the rest of his stepfathers
That didn’t do much with their time
Except frustrate the hell out of him
The bell starts ringing and
his pet lizard has escaped
Endangering the neighborhood’s cricket population
While the world’s fastest wheelchair flies down
The cul-de-sac and the construction crew
Has to follow behind it repaving all the asphalt
And sprinkling dust on all the turns for good luck

The antenna falls off the roof
And the owner of the house faces a lawsuit
A man in a suit knocks on his door
And when his mother answers dressed in drag
They speed off in a tandem bicycle
To the movie theater by the river
That gets flooded to where the water flows
Through the screen and the manager collects
All the wallets of the patrons that drowned
So he could go rob all their houses
And take their idols
And give them plastic surgery
Because your household gods get old too
And you really shouldn’t forget that

The ticket salesman was located
Somewhere close to the rear and
No one could find them on the map
And they just gave up saying
They were tired of this and
Would like to go home
The radio broadcaster dictated their feeling

