Sudden Arrival (Poem with Music)

  • last year
Partial Lyrics:

Sudden Arrival

Three men, three not too different lives
Worlds created with the gun and knife
The oldest was stuck in a jungle for no good reason
The younger was in a scorching desert tricked it was for freedom
A third was out to the ocean pushed and left
The youth of their lives had been of theft

The oldest man was struggling through his fading age
He’d been created in hell and now felt like he was in a cage
Nothing tasted right anymore and nothing smelled the same
Is it normal to wake up in a sweat after a dream of fire
Will he ever sleep again or will he always be awake
Roaming the sidewalks thinking about his estranged
His hat says identity but his eyes said blanks
When he asked for help everyone said no thanks

It’s a problem man my life burned up in the grass
I regret that all I did was try to please the top brass
If it wasn’t so hard and my knees would still bend
I’d return to the jungle where my ancestors lived
The thought of a plane or a traveling car to that place
Raised up an anger and a thought of repentance
It feels good to be free says the band that had played
He forgot to skip and with his whole being he had it paid

When he struck up a match to light the sweet leaf
His entire life came by and called him a thief
If I could go back and talk to the past I’d tell it to
Find a new person to torment and a new ideology to fight against
After all nothing is worth oppression and the causing of misery
And the megaphone blasts what he doesn’t like or want to hear
He met the salesman with the extremely large eyebrows
who was hostile to the fact that he just wanted to browse

But hey, he’d cooly show you all the new machines
He’d be very agreeable with you if you had the means
Choose from selection after all you know what is best
I’ve got a few recommendations though if you’d like to select
I care nothing for laws, just my paycheck
Business is business, forgot my lighter, here’s the key
He spins the metal top round, round and round
And when it stops, you bring the hammer down

He was a middle aged captain everyone saluted him
Even those that didn’t like the color of his skim
He wanted to know his future but the tarot reader had fallen asleep
To kill the time until tomorrow’s thundering rain
With all his pets he rode around in the back of the van
He takes a break and asks is it okay if I sit here
The rabbi says yes but the service begins in an hour
The captain says I’ll be long gone by then like the mayflower

By now the captain's just simply horribly afraid of water
On the earth he lives like a squatter
He knows now that humanity can’t trek further than its supposed to
If I could just stay in one place and try to anchor down
I’d see there’s nothing wrong with having no fear
That cripples every moment and movement you once could compose
Sorry we don’t have says the impatient waiter
That’s okay, he says, I wanted something greater

The waiter nods and fetches something dark
The captain looks down and asks when did it get so