Dakar Future - Hydrogen Truck - #Dakar2023

  • l’année dernière
Starting on a Sea Camp on the shores of the Red Sea and ending on the opposite side of the Arabian Peninsula, where the competitors will discover the coast of the Arabian Gulf after a four-day adventure through the Empty Quarter, including the marathon stage, the 45th edition of the Dakar is the toughest one since the rally came to Saudi Arabia. Packing almost 5,000 kilometres of specials into a prologue and 14 stages, the route is a true test of extreme endurance.

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© Amaury Sport Organisation - https://www.aso.fr
00:15 Here at the Bivouac, there are a lot of different types of
00:17 vehicles and trucks.
00:19 Even if you can apply the technology to half of these
00:21 vehicles with the reduction of gas oil that it would bring,
00:25 this is very important.
00:26 And we believe that the option of hydrogen has a great and
00:29 lasting potential.
00:31 The K87 Epsilon team are making history as the first
00:36 truck to use hydrogen fuel in competition at the Dakar
00:41 Rally.
00:43 This idea was conceived by David Castellar when three
00:46 years ago on the rest day at the Bivouac, he launched the
00:48 Dakar Future idea.
00:49 The Dakar is the best testing ground for everything.
00:55 Dakar Future pushes us.
00:57 We push engineering solutions, and new energy solutions end up
01:01 in the Dakar.
01:02 Depending on whether the stage is soft or hard sand, in the
01:13 best case, we use 50% less gas oil, change for 50%
01:17 hydrogen.
01:18 Worst case scenario, 30%.
01:20 We could be around 80%, 90% of less gas oil
01:24 replaced by hydrogen.
01:25 This would be great, because the only byproduct is water.
01:31 We could hit these figures by next year.
01:34 When we got here, we had a little problem with the FIA.
01:44 They told us that as other hydrogen projects were not
01:47 ready for this year, they were postponing the hydrogen
01:50 regulations until 2024.
01:54 ASO helped us, creating the new category, new energies,
01:58 with a drawback that we are always the last vehicle to
02:01 enter the stage.
02:03 We always find the stage broken, smashed, some sections
02:13 completely destroyed.
02:15 We drive much of the stage at night.
02:18 This delays us a lot, but we are here to get to the end.
02:22 It has burst our bubble.
02:24 The truck has been reliable, and we'll get to the end.
02:27 I'm sure of that.
02:43 (upbeat music)
