Состояние Дмитрия Медведева ухудшалось. Больные фантазии победили его. Украина ему больше не нужна!

  • last year
Стан Медведєва погіршується з кожним днем днем. Він видає свої хворі фантазії за дійсність. Україна йому більше не потрібна!

Стан Дзмітрыя Мядзведзева пагаршаецца кожны дзень. Ён раздае свае хворыя фантазіі для рэальнасці. Яму больш не патрэбна Украіна!

Stan Dmitrija Miedwiediewa pogarsza się z każdym dniem. Jego chore fantazje uchodzą za rzeczywistość. Ukraina nie jest mu już potrzebna!

Der Zustand von Dmitri Medwedew verschlechtert sich täglich. Er gibt seine kranken Hirngespinste als Realität aus. Er braucht die Ukraine nicht mehr!

Dmitri Medvedev's condition worsens every day. He is passing off his sick fantasies as reality. He doesn't need Ukraine anymore!

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Субтитры - RU.

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Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, военные, контрнаступление, Дмитрий Медведев, Джо Байден, Европа, не нужна, спецоперация, здоровье, заместитель секретаря Совета безопасности РФ, статья, Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, військові, контрнаступ, Дмитро Медведєв, Джо Байден, Європа, не потрібна, спецоперація, здоров'я, заступник секретаря Ради безпеки РФ, стаття, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, military, counteroffensive, Dmitry Medvedev, Joe Biden, Europe, not needed, special operation, health, Deputy Secretary of Russian Security Council, article
00:17An alcoholic who writes his messages in a drunken delirium,
00:20the former president-gasket,
00:22and also part-time deputy secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Medvedev
00:27made another statement today about Ukraine.
00:30This time he wrote a high-profile publication on the topic:
00:34"Why will Ukraine disappear? Because no one needs it."
00:38Not the US, not Europe, not the rest of the world.
00:42Subscribe to the channel, put Like
00:44and write a comment about what you think of Medvedev the Alcoholic.
00:53Medvedev's flight of fancy was limited to the traditional Russian propaganda references to "Nazis"
00:59and that Ukraine's Western partners allegedly "tired" of supporting our country in the fight against Russian invaders.
01:05Europe does not need Ukraine.
01:06The strained support of the Nazi regime at the behest of the American mentor
01:11has already given the Europeans a real financial and political hell.
01:15Flows of impudent beggars - Ukrainian migrants and their accommodation to the detriment of their own citizens,
01:21the inflation skyrocketing, the enormous heating and electricity bills, the decay of European business,
01:28unprofitable Russian sanctions - all this has already led to explosions of discontent in both Western and Eastern Europe.
01:35And for what - for Bandera's non-Ukraine.
01:39Medved began insulting Western politicians again, in particular, calling U.S. President Joe Biden "senile.
01:46In doing so, he invented that Americans allegedly suffer from supporting Ukraine and "won't even show the country on the map."
01:53Ukraine is not needed by the United States.
01:55Yes, the military and sanctions campaigns are used by political blabbermouths to try to make PR for themselves,
02:01who have long signed their own impotence and dementia.
02:05Real senile people like Biden, whose place is not at the head of a huge power,
02:10but on the green grass surrounded by relatives with their mouths open from dementia.
02:15Ordinary Americans do not understand at all what "Ukraine" is and where "it" is located.
02:22Most of them will not even show this "power" on the map right off the bat.
02:26Why, for the sake of some obscure part of Russia, should they endure such inconvenience?
02:31Why the U.S. Establishment is not about inflation and job creation
02:37or emergencies in their home state, but with an unknown country 404?
02:43Why is so much of the money going overseas?
02:46And sooner or later they will ask for it. And then the capture of the Capitol in January 2021 will seem like scout games.
02:53According to his "arguments", Russia "does not need Ukraine either",
02:56which has been waging a full-scale war for more than a year and is trying to occupy the territories of Ukraine.
03:02Russia does not need Ukraine.
03:04After all, non-Ukraine is not a country at all, but a cloud in pants.
03:09Torn, tattered and greasy, completely leaky patchwork quilt.
03:15The New Malorossia of the 1991 model is artificially cut territories, many of which are primordially Russian, accidentally torn away in the 20th century.
03:25Millions of our compatriots live here, who for many years have been subjected to abuse by the Nazi Kyiv regime.
03:34It is them that we protect in the course of a special military operation, mercilessly destroying the enemy.
03:41But the pieces of Russia called Ukraine within the 1991 borders are just a misunderstanding born of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
03:50And so we do not need non-Ukraina. We need a Greater Great Russia.
03:55Against the background of the future counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which causes real despair even among notorious Russian propagandists,
04:02Medvedev is again trying to calm the Russians, and above all, probably himself,
04:07passing off his sick fantasies as reality.
04:10Ukraine, headed by the Nazi elite, is not needed by its citizens themselves.
04:14That is why, out of 45 million, a little more than 20 remained there.
04:19That is why the rest want to go anywhere - to hated Poland, to the EU, to NATO, they want to become the 52nd state of America.
04:29Yes, at least join Antarctica with penguins. If only it was quiet and fed hearty.
04:35Because of the criminal ambitions of the power group, Ukrainians are forced to live in constant anxiety and fear.
04:41They are forced to beg, leaving their habitable houses and households.
04:46Forced to wander in search of a better life across countries and continents.
04:50And all for the sake of a murky European perspective.
04:53More precisely, for the harlequin in green tights and his band of thieving fascist clowns to save stolen Western money in their offshore accounts.
05:03Why is it for ordinary Ukrainians?
05:06No one on the planet needs such a Ukraine. That is why it will not be.
05:10The mental state of Medvedev, who plays the role of a court jester in the Kremlin hierarchy, is deteriorating literally every day.
05:18He once again became a victim of spring exacerbation.
