Коли закінчиться війна. Останні прогнози від Зеленського, Буданова, Резнікова, Данілова, Подоляка.

  • last year
Когда закончится война. Последние прогнозы от Зеленского, Буданова, Резникова, Данилова, Подоляка.

Калі вайна заканчваецца. Апошнія прагнозы з Зеленскага, Буданава, Рэзнікаў, Данілава, Падолака.

Kiedy skończy się wojna. Najnowsze przepowiednie Żeleńskiego, Budanowa, Reznikowa, Daniłowa, Podolaka.

Wann wird der Krieg enden. Die neuesten Prognosen von Zelenski, Budanow, Reznikow, Danilow, Podoljak.

When the War Ends. The latest predictions from Zelensky, Budanov, Reznikov, Danilov, Podolyak.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, військові, контрнаступ, Крим, деокупація, Буданов, Резніков, Данілов, Подоляк, РНБО, міністр оборони, розвідка, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, военные, контрнаступление, Крым, деоккупация, Буданов, Резников, Данилов, Подоляк, СНБО, министр обороны, разведка, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, military, counteroffensive, Crimea, de-occupation, Budanov, Reznikov, Danilov, Podolyak, NSDC, Defense Minister, intelligence, закінчення війни, General, Mark Milley
00:17From time to time, predictions about the end of the war appear in the information area.
00:21We have collected for you the latest from the military and intelligence agencies,
00:25as well as the National Security Council, the Office of the President, and the border guard.
00:29But first, subscribe to the channel, like and press the bell.
00:33Write your thoughts in the comments under this video.
00:41The war cannot last long due to the limited resources of the Russians and the information component.
00:47Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov believes that the war in Ukraine may end this year.
00:52"The resources of the Russians are decreasing, so are we, but we have the Ramstein Club, as I call it,
00:59it is more than NATO, it is more than 50 countries that already want our victory and invest in it and believe that it is realistic.
01:08Therefore this is a war of the resources of the western world against the resources of the orcs.
01:13This war cannot last long because the world knows about her crimes - about Bucha, Irpin, Izyum, Mariupol, Balaklia.
01:21I think this war will end quickly.
01:24Of course I wish it and did not start, but personally I believe in this year as a year of victory."
01:31The president of Ukraine holds the same opinion.
01:34He is convinced that Ukraine is capable of winning the Russian-Ukrainian war already in 2023,
01:40despite the desire of the aggressor to achieve at least some results on the battlefield.
01:44"If we all fulfill our tasks, victory awaits us.
01:49I am sure that there will be victory. I really want it this year.
01:54We have everything for this - motivation, confidence, friends, diplomacy.
01:59We have united all our forces against of this influx".
02:03Sergiy Dayneko, the head of the border service of Ukraine, assumed as early as 2022 that the end of the war would be possible in the second half of the next year.
02:12"We have nowhere to retreat, this is our land.
02:16We must expel the enemy beyond the line of our border and restore territorial integrity
02:21in order to continue living in our wonderful country.
02:24Last year, sometime in October, I made a prediction that we would win in 2023 year,
02:31in October-November, no later. I am not changing it yet."
02:35According to Mykhailo Podolyak, the key events in the war should happen as early as 2023.
02:40"The next 2-3 months are the most important for the Russian Federation from the point of view of the resources it has accumulated and can spend.
02:47Further, the situation at the front will have a different look - it will be a unilateral movement of Ukraine.
02:53However, it should be a surprise for the enemy,
02:56so today it is less important talk about the future counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to minimize risks.
03:02All the key events will take place in 2023,
03:06and it seems to me that it will be summer - autumn finally."
03:10The head of Ukrainian intelligence, Kyrylo Budanov, has repeatedly said
03:14that by the end of the summer of 2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine will reach the borders of 1991 and the war will end.
03:20He recently confirmed that his opinion has not changed.
03:24"God willing, we have all the chances for the end of the war with our victory and the return of all our borders of the 1991 model.
03:33These are my thoughts and assessments. I do not deviate from them.
03:37But after the deoccupation of Crimea and Donbas, the entry into the borders of 1991
03:42Ukraine will have to create conditions for a security zone along the entire border with Russia - this is a necessity.
03:50There are many options for how to achieve this. A 100 km zone is justified, but 40 km will be more or less sufficient."
03:59It is impossible to predict the exact dates of the end of the war, because not everything depends on Ukraine.
04:04There are other factors, for example, the number and timing of deliveries of military equipment from Western partners.
04:10Such a statement was made by the Secretary of the National Security Council Oleksiy Danilov.
04:13"I cannot say now whether the war will last a month, or two, or six months, or a little more.
04:20We mean that not everything depends on us. There is an understanding that help from our partners is key.
04:27Now help is coming, and it is increasing... Well, of course, everything will depend on our Armed Forces...
04:34I know for sure that they will not let us down."
04:37The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, called the end of the war in 2023 "a very difficult task".
04:47"Zelensky has repeatedly publicly stated that Ukraine's goal is to expel every Russian from Russian-occupied Ukraine.
04:54And this is an important military task. A very, very difficult military task.
04:59I'm not saying that it can't be done. I'm just saying that it's a very difficult task .
05:04But that's their goal. They certainly have the right to do that, it's their country.
05:09And they're on a high moral ground here.
05:11I don't think it's going to be done anytime soon, this year."
05:16So, in our rating, General Mark Milley, and Oleksiy Danilov were the most pessimistic,
05:21and Kyrylo Budanov was the most optimistic.
05:24By the way, Budanov's forecasts are the most accurate.
