Україна не причетна до атаки безпілотників на Кремль. Це розборки між вежами Кремля. Андрій Юсов.

  • last year
Украина не причастна к атаке беспилотников на Кремль. Это разборки между башнями Кремля. Андрей Юсов.

Украіна не датычная да нападу беспілотнікаў на Крэмль. Гэта разборкі паміж вежамі Крамля. Андрэй Юсаў.

Ukraina nie bierze udziału w ataku dronów na Kreml. To jest pokazanie się wież Kremla. Andriy Yusov.

Die Ukraine ist an dem Drohnenangriff auf den Kreml nicht beteiligt. Dies ist ein Showdown zwischen den Kremltürmen. Andriy Yusov.

Ukraine is not involved in the drone attack on the Kremlin. This is a showdown between the Kremlin towers. Andriy Yusov.

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00:22The attack of drones on the Kremlin indicates an internal Russian confrontation.
00:27There can be several versions - from the activity of local resistance forces to clashes between the towers of the Kremlin.
00:35Andriy Yusov, a representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, said this in an interview with RBC-Ukraine.
00:44"There is an official position of Ukraine and the officials: no, they are not involved and there is no need for this.
00:50Because the measures of the Ukrainian Security and Defense Forces are aimed at the de-occupation, liberation of Ukrainian territories and the neutralization of the enemy's military facilities.
01:02Spending time and effort on such this operation would require serious planning and the use of serious resources.
01:10This event cannot be interpreted as an assassination attempt on Putin, as Russian propaganda presented it very quickly and very operatively."
01:19The intelligence representative noted that these could be different scenarios.
01:23But it is more similar to the showdown between the towers of the Kremlin.
01:27"What was it? It could have been different scenarios - from the activity of local resistance forces to clashes between the "towers" of the Kremlin.
01:35Because in any case, if it is interpreted as an internal Russian confrontation (which it is),
01:42then this is such an event , which works to delegitimize Putin's regime and shows that he is not in control of the situation."
01:52Yusov did not reject the version of the Institute for the Study of War that this could be a provocation by the Kremlin before the next wave of mobilization.
02:01"It is likely. But when we talk about the Kremlin, we must remember that it has different "towers"
02:08and different people live in them, often with different, and sometimes even with opposing interests.
02:14Therefore, the residents of certain "towers" could well be involved in this".
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