Обмін полоненими на Великдень, 16 квітня. Ще 130 українських Оборонців вдалося визволити з російського полону.

  • last year
Обмен пленными на Пасху, 16 апреля. Еще 130 украинских защитников удалось освободить из российского плена.

Абмен зняволенымі на Вялікдзень, 16 красавіка. Яшчэ 130 украінскіх абаронцаў былі вызвалены з расійскага палону.

Wymiana więźniów w Wielkanoc, 16 kwietnia. Z rosyjskiej niewoli uwolniono kolejnych 130 ukraińskich obrońców.

Gefangenenaustausch an Ostern, 16. April. Weitere 130 ukrainische Verteidiger wurden aus russischer Gefangenschaft entlassen.

Prisoner exchange on Easter, April 16. Another 130 Ukrainian defenders were released from Russian captivity.

Субтитри UA.
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Субтитры - RU.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, росія, окупація, путін, Військовополонені, звільнення, обмін, Єрмак, Координаційний штаб, Бахмут, Соледар, Великдень, Пасха, Херсон, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, россия, оккупация, путин, Военнопленные, освобождение, обмен, Ермак, Координационный штаб, Бахмут, Соледар, Пасха, Херсон, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, occupation, Putin, POWs, release, exchange, Yermak, Coordination Headquarters, Bakhmut, Soledar, Easter, Kherson, Зі святом великодня 2023, Привітання з Великоднем, prisoners of war, prisoners, Христос Воскрес!
00:17Happy Resurrection Day everyone! Christ is Risen!
00:20Today, on Easter, another 130 Ukrainian Defense Forces managed to be freed from Russian captivity.
00:26"This time, thanks to the efforts of the Coordination Center,
00:3192 servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, 20 soldiers of the territorial defense, 11 National Guardsmen, three border guards
00:38and two representatives of the Navy and the State Special Transport Service.
00:43All the rescued defenders are privates and sergeants.
00:47Most of the liberated soldiers defended Ukraine in the Bakhmut and Soledar directions, as well as in Zaporizhzhia, Kherson region, and Luhansk region."
00:5748 of the 130 Ukrainian defenders released today were considered missing.
01:02Some of them have injuries, numerous contusions and lost limbs.
01:08"Also, two brothers who fought in the area of ​​Bakhmut were released from captivity.
01:13The oldest of the freed Defenders is already 58 years old, the youngest is 21 years old.
01:21Over the past week, the team of the Coordination Headquarters managed to free 230 of our soldiers from the captivity of the enemy.
01:29All of them will be able to celebrate Easter.
01:31Together with the whole country, we welcome the rescued Defenders to their native land and do not stop our efforts to free all captured Ukrainians."
01:41Coordinating Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.
01:46Subscribe to the channel, like it, press the bell.
01:50Write congratulations and wishes to our military in the comments.
01:58Easter. The essence of this holiday is hope.
02:02This is exactly what the relatives of the prisoners, who waited for them for so long, felt, wrote Andriy Yermak in the Telegram channel.
02:09"Our people are returning home. Our lives are the highest value for us.
02:15"Heroes must be alive," is what President Volodymyr Zelenskyi always says,
02:21whose task is performed by our team, the Coordination Headquarters for the Treatment of Prisoners of War.
02:27This task sounds short: to return everyone. And we will return them."
02:32Today's holiday is about unshakable faith and hope.
02:35The released defenders smile and hug, despite the fact that their eyes are filled with the pain of what they have experienced.
02:43However, with faith in their hearts and love for the Motherland, they are at home.
02:49All our warriors will return home! Christ is risen, our defenders! Glory to Ukraine!
02:55Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!
