Україна отримає близько 70 винищувачів F-16. Байден і союзники ухвалили остаточне рішення.

  • last year
Украина получит около 70 истребителей F-16. Байден и союзники приняли окончательное решение.

Украіна атрымае каля 70 знішчальнікаў F-16 Байдэн і саюзнікі прынялі канчатковае рашэнне.

Ukraina otrzyma około 70 myśliwców F-16. Biden i sojusznicy podejmą ostateczną decyzję.

Die Ukraine wird etwa 70 F-16-Kampfjets erhalten. Biden und seine Verbündeten treffen die endgültige Entscheidung.

Ukraine will receive about 70 F-16 fighter jets. Biden and allies make the final decision.

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Україна, війна, вторгнення, Зеленський, Росія, військові, новини, саміт, G7, лідери, Байден, переговори, F-16, літаки, президент, Японія, Резніков, міністр оборони, Блінкен, держсекретар, Джейк Салліван, Украина, война, вторжение, Зеленский, Россия, военные, новости, саммит, G7, лидеры, Байден, переговоры, F-16, самолеты, президент, Япония, Резников, министр обороны, Блинкен, госсекретарь, Джейк Салливан, Ukraine, war, invasion, Zelensky, Russia, military, news, summit, G7, leaders, Biden, talks, F-16, planes, president, Japan, Reznikov, defense minister, Blinken, secretary of state, Jake Sullivan
00:09Ukraine will receive about 70 F-16 fighters. Biden and allies made the final decision.
00:13Following the decision to provide Ukraine with F-16 fighter jets, the US and its allies "will work to determine when the aircraft will be delivered, who will deliver them and how many",
00:24UN National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said today.
00:29"We have delivered what we promised. We have given Ukraine what it needs based on close consultation between our military and their military.
00:38And now we have moved to discussions on improving the Ukrainian Air Force
00:44as part of our long-term commitment to Ukraine's self-defense ".
00:51According to media reports, US President Joe Biden told the G7 leaders that the US would support efforts to train Ukrainian pilots for the F-16.
01:01This statement of Biden was already welcomed by the Prime Minister of Great Britain Rishi Sunak.
01:10Subscribe to the channel, like it, press the bell.
01:13Leave your comment.
01:21It looks like Santa Claus exists. A new reactive coalition was born today!
01:26Ukrainian military pilots "are looking forward to the start of training on F-16 fighter jets,"
01:32Ukrainian Defense Minister Oleksiy Reznikov wrote on Twitter.
01:37"Ukrainian pilots look forward to training on the F-16 fighter jets.
01:42Now they will be able to support their brothers and sisters in arms on land and at sea to win this war.
01:50The F-16s were built to defeat the bad guys. Their time has come!"
01:57Oleksiy Reznikov also announced that the next meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine, the so-called "Ramstein-12", will take place next week.
02:05The head of the Ministry of Defense noted that Western aircraft will become an important element of the protection of Ukrainian skies.
02:13"A modern aviation platform is exactly what we currently lack in the air defense/anti-missile defense system to protect our peaceful cities and our soldiers at the front.
02:22Our air aces are no less skilled than the Ukrainian crews of Patriots, Iris or NASAMS.
02:29I'm sure they will do their job at the highest level."
02:34US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken is the most influential supporter of providing Ukraine with American F-16 fighter jets from the allies' arsenal,
02:43writes The Washington Post with reference to sources.
02:48"Blinken played a similar role in the winter, when Germany was hesitant to provide Kyiv with its tanks.
02:55It was the Secretary of State who convinced the White House to begin the process of transferring American Abrams tanks, despite resistance from the Pentagon.
03:03This subsequently allowed European allies to join the supply.
03:08According to sources, the White House's consent for the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Kyiv
03:13is the result of pressure from NATO allies, the US Congress, and the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy personally."
03:22A list of Western countries that have already decided to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine became known today, writes Reuters.
03:32"The Aviation Coalition previously included:
03:35Portugal, Great Britain, France, the USA, the Netherlands, Denmark and Belgium."
03:42Another important detail: most of these countries have already ordered new F-35s to replace their F-16s, which are also needed somewhere.
03:52Defense Express estimates that Ukraine may receive up to 70 F-16 aircraft.
