Berlusconi ricoverato, come sta: ultime news

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - "Notte tranquilla" per Silvio Berlusconi a quanto si apprende da ambienti ospedalieri. Per il presidente di Forza Italia si tratta della settima nel reparto di terapia intensiva cardio-toraco-vascolare dell’ospedale San Raffaele di Milano, dove è stato ricoverato mercoledì scorso per un'infezione polmonare, in un quadro di leucemia mielomonocitica cronica. 


00:00 Good night for Silvio Berlusconi, who since last Wednesday has been in intensive care at San Raffaele di Milano for a pulmonary infarction as a result of a chronic pathology of which he has suffered for years.
00:11 In the second bulletin, from the health department, it is read that chemo and antibiotics are having the expected effects and that there is a general improvement, so much so that doctors will be allowed to express a cautious optimism.
00:21 Meanwhile, visits to the former Premier, who according to indiscretion and good humor, does not lose the renowned optimism and would like to go home as soon as possible.
00:29 (electronic music)
