Sostenibilità, Giansanti (Confagricoltura): “Rivoluzione digitale stravolgente per preservare risorse naturali”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - “Innovazione e sostenibilità sono parole d’ordine. Da anni lavoriamo per promuovere l’innovazione nei modelli produttivi, rispondendo anche alle richieste dei nostri consumatori. Il digitale sarà stravolgente, la rivoluzione digitale permetterà agli agricoltori di produrre sempre di più lavorando sulla sostenibilità e preservando le risorse naturali”. Lo ha dichiarato Massimiliano Giansanti, Presidente di Confagricoltura, in occasione dell’European Innovation for Sustainability Summit 2023 che si è tenuto a Roma. 


00:00 [Music]
00:06 For us at Confagricoltura, innovation and sustainability are two words of order.
00:11 For years, we have been working to promote innovation in production models,
00:16 but above all, trying to meet the primary needs of our consumers,
00:21 who are increasingly asking for quantity food, but above all, quality, and with very high standards.
00:26 Italian agriculture is among the best in the world.
00:29 We have worked a lot on the great themes of innovation.
00:33 In the last 100 years, we have witnessed the innovation of genetics,
00:36 which has had a very strong impact on production capacity.
00:39 Then, the transition to mechanization,
00:41 also on the quality of work in agriculture,
00:44 then the introduction of chemistry, and today we are at digital.
00:47 Digital will be overwhelming.
00:49 Digital revolution will allow farmers to produce more and more,
00:52 working on sustainability, because it allows us to preserve natural resources.
00:57 Today, the use of sensors, drones, and satellite images
01:00 allow farmers to intervene only when necessary.
01:04 We have to work to preserve natural resources,
01:07 but we also have to produce more because the world's population is increasing.
01:10 So, it's an impossible challenge,
01:12 but thanks to innovation, on the contrary, we can win.
01:15 We are working on the great themes of innovation and sustainability,
01:18 on the one hand, as Confagricoltura,
01:20 with a great project of digitization of agriculture,
01:23 a project called Farm, which focuses on the great themes of sustainability
01:28 and, above all, the great theme of the ecosystem in which the individual lives.
01:32 Today, people, men and women, want to eat well,
01:36 they want to be better and better off.
01:39 And we are working on this driver.
01:42 So, on the one hand, we are trying to produce more and more well-being
01:45 with our countryside and with our products.
01:48 On the other hand, also through energy and ecological transitions,
01:51 we are trying to increase the production of renewable energy
01:54 until we reach the great themes of the ecological transition,
01:57 where, through the sequestration of carbon nitrates,
02:00 we will be able to improve and mitigate the effects of climate change.
02:05 These are the challenges for us, and this will be our future.
02:08 [Music]
