Pasquarelli (Coripet): “Portiamo arte della sostenibilità e del riciclo al Fuorisalone 2023”

  • last year
(Adnkronos) - L’evento “La sostenibilità diventa un’arte”, organizzato da Coripet nell’ambito della manifestazione ‘Canale a Colori’, che per il secondo anno anima i Navigli con eventi, colori e giochi di luce nei giorni del Fuorisalone, ha visto la partecipazione di Monica Pasquarelli, responsabile installazione ecocompattatori Coripet. 


00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 For Coripet it's the first time in this week
00:09 full of stimuli, full of curiosity
00:12 and above all full of new trends
00:16 to look at in the near future.
00:18 Coripet couldn't miss out
00:20 because with its "Bottle to Bottle" project
00:24 that is, from bottle to bottle, recycled,
00:28 to make bottles again,
00:29 it means making a significant contribution
00:32 to the reduction of new plastic.
00:34 Coripet also has another soul
00:36 which is to tell about sustainability,
00:39 to make it reach everyone
00:41 because without the gesture of taking care
00:45 of the empty bottle and correctly collected,
00:50 we can't do our job.
00:53 So, since Coripet is an active consortium since 2018,
00:58 we liked to play with young artists,
01:03 these guys, and ask them,
01:06 who wear the glasses of the artists,
01:10 how they saw the recycling of a bottle and sustainability.
01:16 Two young guys who gave two very different interpretations
01:20 but at the same time fascinating.
01:23 And the thing I like to emphasize
01:25 is that both looked at our tradition,
01:30 our culture,
01:31 one inspired by the great masters of the 20th century
01:35 and the girl, instead,
01:37 looking at a small world in a bottle,
01:41 which means protecting it,
01:42 guarding it for future generations,
01:45 which is the true meaning of sustainability.
