Beginner Eye Makeup Tutorial

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, I'm back with another tutorial.
00:18 I know I look funny.
00:20 This is the look that we are doing today.
00:25 It's just kind of like a smokey eye but it's just as like a, it looks like it's gold right
00:32 here but it's not.
00:33 It just should be a normal brown eyeshadow.
00:34 I'm sorry.
00:35 I'm using my webcam right now and at first I was using my camera but it just like died
00:44 on me so I have to film with my webcam right now.
00:48 And the quality is just different so the quality is going to change back and forth and like
00:52 so is the perspective so where am I?
00:56 But yeah, this is the look guys.
00:59 Now this look is for beginners.
01:01 For this, we are going to be using Rimmel London, the Glam Eyes.
01:06 I showed it on the actual, on my camera so you will see like that.
01:11 But the thing I love about these, like the quads and like you know, the other palettes,
01:16 on the back it shows you actually how to apply it so you can definitely look at that as a
01:21 reference as well.
01:22 And you know, it's definitely really helpful when all the colors are there, you know, when
01:26 all the colors are there and you have no idea which one is.
01:29 So I definitely, I hope you guys really like this.
01:31 This is the look.
01:32 I'll definitely try to take a picture and I'll probably post it up somewhere in this
01:35 area so you can see how it actually looks.
01:37 Sorry if I'm talking really fast.
01:39 I definitely have things to do in a little bit so I hope you guys like this look.
01:46 Somewhere right here I will be posting a picture of it.
01:51 And I will list all the products I used down below and the price so you can know.
02:05 But I really hope you like this guys and yeah.
02:07 The first item here that we want to buy is this quad right here.
02:11 It's by Rimmel London and it's in number two.
02:14 It is in the Glamorize collection and it's Smoky Fun right here.
02:21 It comes with four shades.
02:25 The lightest shade being like an off-white, almost like a light brown.
02:32 Some would even say a champagne color.
02:35 Then you have the second lightest color right here which is, it's actually a light brown
02:41 but it looks like almost pink.
02:44 So I would say like a light brown with a pink undertone.
02:48 Then here you have like a bronzy copper color.
02:51 Almost even gold but it's almost like a burnt gold.
02:54 So yeah.
02:55 Then here you just have a dark purple.
02:58 So this is your lightest, your second lightest, your darkest, and your second darkest.
03:07 And this palette I believe costs five to six dollars.
03:12 I'm pretty sure in the world.
03:14 And the next thing you're going to want to buy is a brush like this.
03:19 It's like a blending brush that you can use for blending.
03:22 This one is by Elf and it's a dollar.
03:24 So there you go.
03:26 And you're going to want to get a flat brush like so.
03:30 This is actually also a concealer brush but I use it for, as a flat brush instead.
03:35 But this one I did get off of eBay so if you want a whole set of brushes,
03:39 you can go on eBay and get a whole set.
03:42 But it didn't come with a blending brush or one that I liked personally so that's why I bought this one.
03:47 But you can get this and it was like ten, fifteen dollars, like a whole set of brushes.
03:52 But I'm pretty sure Elf holds a flat brush so you can also get that for a dollar.
03:57 And then I'm going to go ahead and get started.
04:02 And as we go, as we use the products then I'll explain it to you guys.
04:06 The first thing you want to use is primer.
04:09 However, I lost my Elf primer so I'm going to have to use my NYX eyeshadow base.
04:16 This is a really good base but it costs like seven to nine dollars I want to say.
04:21 Sorry it's my favorite.
04:25 But if you want a cheap one, get Elf's Island primer.
04:30 It works amazing and it's only like, I think it's a dollar.
04:35 I'm pretty sure it's not like three dollars but I'm pretty sure it's a dollar.
04:38 With the Elf's Island primer, it comes with a brush so you can actually place it on your eyelid yourself.
04:42 But for this, since it's in a jar, I'm going to use the concealer.
04:57 You want to put it in a corner and then you lower it.
05:00 Make sure the water line is even.
05:05 Sorry if I come out with the camera mirrored.
05:09 Okay so after you've blended in your eyeshadow, then you go ahead and dry your lashes.
05:20 And you don't have to use strictly this product but I'm going to do it this way.
05:24 I find this to be a very versatile product.
05:27 Definitely a lot of the colors I'm going to be using are really good.
05:30 I feel like it goes perfectly with any type of palette.
05:33 Even the classic palette looks great.
05:35 That's just a personal opinion but however you can use any palette you would like.
05:41 I mean you're going to find many with the quads.
05:43 The blending brush.
05:44 You're going to go in with your second darkest color.
05:46 So this one right here.
05:47 Which is the bronzy gold color.
05:51 The burnt gold color as well.
05:54 If you will.
05:57 And you're just going to swirl it in there and pick up some product.
06:01 Don't look at me.
06:06 Okay.
06:07 Then you're going to find when you close your eyes you see this overlapping.
06:13 That right there.
06:16 You're going to place that into your crease.
06:18 Which is right there.
06:19 So right where it overlaps you're going to just place it in there.
06:22 And I just kind of pack it on right here.
06:24 On the outer corner.
06:26 Then I just drag it in.
06:28 And I just use windshield wiping motions.
06:32 And circles.
06:34 And don't go too far in.
06:37 I would definitely probably go no further than here.
06:41 So probably like maybe like a little bit into your eyebrows.
06:46 Stop right there is where I would stop.
06:49 [Squeaking]
06:52 Now if you find that is not enough you can actually go in with some more.
06:57 Just a personal preference.
06:59 I'm going to go in with a little more.
07:01 Once you've gotten that done.
07:06 Then with the same blending brush.
07:08 You can clean it off if you'd like.
07:10 But it really doesn't matter.
07:11 You're going to go in with your darkest color.
07:16 And again just pick up some product.
07:18 Swirl it around in there.
07:19 Once you pick up some color.
07:25 You're going to find where your crease is again.
07:28 And you're going to place it right on the outer part of that crease.
07:31 And then you're just going to drag it down as well.
07:35 So it will be on your lid as well.
07:37 Just only on the outer part of your lid.
07:39 So see you know you have your crease right here.
07:41 And this big part right here.
07:43 That is very visible and it's not very dark.
07:46 It's just kind of light.
07:47 That right there is your lid.
07:49 So you're going to go into the outer part.
07:51 And then you're just going to blend.
07:54 And when I blend I just blend in circles right where I placed that color at.
07:59 So I'm not doing any windshield wiping motions.
08:03 [Squeaking]
08:09 So once you get it to your liking.
08:12 Get your flat brush.
08:13 And then you're going to go in with your second lightest color.
08:17 So pick up some product onto your flat brush.
08:21 You're just going to place that right on your lid.
08:26 So wherever else you did not put any eyeshadow at.
08:30 So all right here.
08:32 You're just going to place this color right on there.
08:35 Which should be your second lightest color.
08:39 [Squeaking]
08:44 Using the tip of that brush.
08:46 You're going to pick up that same color again.
08:48 The second lightest color.
08:49 Just only on the tip though.
08:51 And you're going to drag it right here on your lower lash line.
08:55 But only on the inner part.
08:57 And you want to go about half way in.
09:01 And then just stop there.
09:08 So then after you do that.
09:10 Grab your lightest color right here.
09:14 And just grab it along the tip as well.
09:17 And you're going to place that right here on your inner corner.
09:26 Or your tear duct.
09:27 Whatever, whichever one you want to call it.
09:29 And you're just going to sweep it pretty much forward.
09:32 Almost like going into your eye.
09:34 But don't go in your eye.
09:38 And this is just to kind of help brighten it up.
09:41 And make you look more awake.
09:44 Okay.
09:50 Now once you do that you're almost done.
09:54 Go in with your dark purple again.
09:57 Using that same brush.
09:58 Just get your flat brush.
10:00 Go in with that darkest color.
10:03 And you're going to place that on your outer lower lash line.
10:07 And you're just going to go meet it with that lightest color.
10:12 After you finish that you just want to get your blending brush.
10:20 Make sure to clean it off so that there's no extra product.
10:23 And you're just going to want to blend out every time.
10:25 And you're going to want to blend out this.
10:27 So that the lid color fades into your crease color.
10:31 And as well as your...
10:32 Outer darker color too.
10:35 And you're just going to blend that all together.
10:39 I want to get an eye pencil.
10:45 This one is by LA Colors.
10:47 And it's only a dollar.
10:49 So I mean, you know, definitely not costly at all.
10:54 And it looks really well for a dollar.
10:57 So then you just want to go right on your lower lash line.
11:01 This is a lower lash line.
11:03 I meant your water line.
11:06 So yeah, just go right on your water line.
11:13 Which is right in here.
11:15 It's right before it gets to that pink part of your eye.
11:18 And you're going to want to get your liquid liner.
11:21 This one is by LA Colors.
11:23 And again, it's only a dollar.
11:24 And I love this stuff.
11:25 This is like what I use all the time.
11:29 And then you're just going to...
11:30 Whoops.
11:31 You're going to trace your upper lash line.
11:34 Now if you'd like to see a full in-depth tutorial on that.
11:37 I can give you that.
11:39 But I'll do that separately.
11:41 Because I don't want to explain it on here.
11:43 But yeah.
11:44 You're just going to want to trace that upper lash line.
11:47 Now it's up to you if you want to do it thin or thick.
11:53 I kind of do like a...
11:57 A medium line.
11:59 Nothing too thick.
12:00 And then I wing it out.
12:06 That is optional.
12:10 You don't have to wing it out.
12:11 You can actually just do it like this.
12:13 And that will be fine too.
12:15 Then once you do that.
12:23 You want to place on your mascara.
12:26 Now for mascara.
12:27 I use Avon.
12:28 Which I actually got for Christmas.
12:30 And that's what I use.
12:31 So I do not know how much those cost.
12:33 But you can get pretty much...
12:34 You can go to any drugstore.
12:36 And you will definitely find a bunch of mascara.
12:38 And find some for cheap.
12:39 And you definitely just want to find some that work for you.
12:41 Because some mascaras work well for some.
12:43 And do not work well for others.
12:45 So that's more of a personal preference thing.
12:47 Definitely some good mascaras.
12:49 I'm not sure about Elf.
12:51 I mean they tend to have cheap products.
12:52 And they tend to work very well.
12:54 So I wouldn't be surprised if their mascara did.
12:56 I have NYC right here.
12:58 This one is NYC City Curls.
13:00 And this one works well for me.
13:02 However you need to be careful.
13:03 Because it does clump up a lot.
13:05 So you just need to be careful with that.
13:07 But I mean that's more of a personal preference thing.
13:09 So you just want to pretty much.
13:11 Put mascara on your upper and your lower lashes.
13:15 Or your upper lashes and lower lashes.
13:18 So yeah.
13:19 Just do that.
13:21 (Mascara clumps up)
13:22 Next you're going to want to fill in your brows.
13:28 Now the thing about that is.
13:31 I've never found anything that worked really well for me.
13:34 And the only eye shadows that I found that worked for me was MAC.
13:38 And this one is Espresso by MAC.
13:43 Or Espresso by the way.
13:44 And it's a good one.
13:47 It's a good one.
13:48 However I'm sure if you go in.
13:50 Like you will look there.
13:51 A lot of products on like Google eye shadows.
13:54 And I'm sure you can find some there.
13:57 I just found the easiest to go to MAC.
13:59 And just buy one at MAC today.
14:01 However I do use also.
14:04 Elf's Eyebrow Kit.
14:05 Which is only $3.
14:06 And then it comes with like a shadow and a cream.
14:11 I don't use the shadow.
14:13 I do use the cream though.
14:14 And I just use that for the tail in there.
14:17 But I mean.
14:18 I'm sure if you go to like.
14:20 If you don't want to buy MAC.
14:24 Because I know it can get expensive.
14:25 That I just kind of got as a birthday present.
14:27 You can just go.
14:29 And just try to pretty much.
14:30 When finding your eyebrow shade.
14:33 Go buy your hair color.
14:35 And just go two to three shades lighter.
14:37 If you have dark hair.
14:38 Now if you're like blonde.
14:40 Or like a light.
14:42 A real light colored hair.
14:44 You want to go two to three shades darker.
14:47 Yeah I hope I didn't flip flop that.
14:49 This is the final look guys.
15:07 I hope you can see how clear it was.
15:09 How clear it looks.
15:11 Um.
15:12 Looking like in person.
15:15 It looks really good.
15:16 Definitely love this look.
15:18 If you want it to be more dramatic.
15:19 You can even apply some tape.
15:21 And then um.
15:23 Yeah you can even apply some tape.
15:25 So it's a sharp line.
15:27 But I mean that's optional.
15:28 This is definitely the final look.
15:31 Other than applying the mascara.
15:32 Um but I really hope you like it guys.
15:35 You know let me know if you want.
15:36 Um a tutorial on like a full face.
15:40 And of course I'll do this.
15:41 I'll apply this eye makeup.
15:43 Um but I won't actually show how I do it again.
15:46 Because I mean I'm showing it right here.
15:47 But if you would like to see a full face.
15:49 With it and how to apply it.
15:51 I will definitely show that guys.
15:52 So definitely request that if you'd like guys.
15:54 And I really hope you like this guys.
15:56 Um this is definitely.
15:58 I think this is definitely good for a beginner makeup tutorial.
16:01 You know with these quads you know um.
16:03 But um you know with these quads you know.
16:06 It's really helpful and stuff.
16:07 And there's a wide variety.
16:08 So definitely click the video like.
16:10 But I really hope you like it guys.
16:12 Thank you for watching.
16:13 Bye.
16:15 [Music]