Keys to Refreshing & Restoring Your Soul - Cynthia Brazelton

  • l’année dernière


00:00:00 Father, we're so grateful, so thankful to be in your presence this morning.
00:00:05 We have great anticipation, so much expectation of what you will speak into our hearts today.
00:00:14 God, we're so blessed to be called by your name.
00:00:20 Children of God, God, reveal to us who you created us to be, giving us the right mindset
00:00:29 so that we can walk out the life that you have for us as a people of God.
00:00:33 We thank you for anointing our eyes to see, giving us ears to hear, and a heart to understand.
00:00:41 We decree, Lord God, our lives will never be the same again.
00:00:45 And we give you praise, Lord.
00:00:47 I just need you to make some noise in the house of God.
00:00:51 Wherever your expectation is, wherever your expectation is, whatever your expectation
00:00:59 is, hallelujah.
00:01:01 Glory, glory, glory.
00:01:04 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:01:05 You may have your seat.
00:01:08 Amen.
00:01:11 Take out your tablet, whatever device you have.
00:01:14 If you don't have it, open your Bibles, take out a piece of paper, and you need to listen
00:01:21 to the scriptures again and again and again.
00:01:24 Let God speak to your heart.
00:01:26 I believe they'll give some answers to some questions that you may have asked and may
00:01:31 have not asked.
00:01:33 Hallelujah.
00:01:34 That sometimes we don't ask questions because we don't want answers, but God knows that
00:01:39 there's some answers that you need to the questions about what's happening in your life.
00:01:45 And again, we've been talking this year about refreshing and restoring.
00:01:51 And there's so many areas of our lives that God is—we have given over to God to refresh
00:01:56 us and to restore us so that we can walk and live this life that God has for us.
00:02:02 Again, I repeat this message on refreshing and restoring our supernatural lifestyle that
00:02:10 God has for us.
00:02:11 It's key and important to all of us because we've been made to live beyond this natural
00:02:17 and to live beyond what we can see humanly, but seeing through the eyes of the Spirit
00:02:22 to live the life that God has for us.
00:02:25 And so today I want to talk to you about keys to refreshing and restoring your soul.
00:02:32 Let me say it again.
00:02:34 Hallelujah.
00:02:35 Keys.
00:02:36 Somebody say keys.
00:02:39 Keys to refreshing and restoring your soul.
00:02:43 Why?
00:02:44 Because they're so key and important because you're not going to experience anything beyond
00:02:49 the area of your soul.
00:02:53 We have said over and over again, and we'll look at this scripture again later, but you
00:02:57 know, your soul is the control center of your life.
00:03:01 This will determine the outcome of your life.
00:03:06 And so in order for us to walk in this supernatural lifestyle or to be fresh or restored to this
00:03:12 supernatural lifestyle, our soul has to be refreshed.
00:03:18 Our soul has to be restored.
00:03:21 You know, when you think about it, all your defeats in life and victories in life, for
00:03:25 that matter, they start in the mind.
00:03:27 They start in the area of your soul.
00:03:31 The battlefield for your life, the battleground is your mind.
00:03:36 The problems in your life is in your mind.
00:03:39 The battlefield goes on, the fight goes on in your mind.
00:03:43 But the same way, the mind becomes the breeding ground for victories in your life.
00:03:50 And mind is the area of your soul.
00:03:53 So we need our minds refreshed and restored.
00:03:58 First Peter chapter 1, and let's just build a foundation before we actually get into the
00:04:03 keys.
00:04:04 But let's build this foundation so we can have this.
00:04:08 First Peter 1.13 in the New King James Version says, "Therefore, gird up the loins of your
00:04:14 mind."
00:04:16 You need to strengthen your mind.
00:04:19 Be sober.
00:04:20 Somebody say, "Be sober."
00:04:23 And be sober and rest your hope fully upon the grace that is to be brought to you at
00:04:30 the revelation of Jesus Christ.
00:04:33 So there is a grace that comes into your life that you and I get to experience by the revelation
00:04:40 of who Jesus Christ is.
00:04:42 And so you and I have to gird up the loins of your mind and be sober minded.
00:04:49 To be sober minded means to be well balanced.
00:04:54 It means to control yourself.
00:04:57 It means keep a cool head.
00:04:59 I know I'm talking to somebody already and I just got started.
00:05:03 Hallelujah.
00:05:04 Because you just lost it the other day.
00:05:06 You just lost it this morning.
00:05:09 He said, "Gird up your mind.
00:05:12 Be well balanced.
00:05:13 Be self-controlled.
00:05:14 Keep a cool head.
00:05:17 Stay alert.
00:05:19 Live wisely.
00:05:21 Discipline lives.
00:05:23 Take life seriously."
00:05:26 The Mesopotamian Bible says, "Get your head in the game."
00:05:33 Don't let anybody talk you out of life.
00:05:37 Don't let them talk you out of what God has for you.
00:05:40 Keep your head in the game.
00:05:44 Be self-controlled.
00:05:47 You know, there are a lot of things that have transpired.
00:05:50 There are things that have happened way before the pandemic.
00:05:54 Obviously, the pandemic kind of like threw a monkey wrench in everything.
00:05:58 And there are a lot of people, and if you had to raise your hand, you would, but I'm
00:06:02 not going to ask you to, is that you just lost your mind.
00:06:07 You literally lost your mind.
00:06:10 And so our minds need to be refreshed and need to be restored.
00:06:14 Hallelujah.
00:06:15 We have said things and did things that we made excuses because we're doing these things,
00:06:21 saying these things because there's a pandemic, because there's famine in the land, because
00:06:26 there's shortages, because people are sick, because people are dying.
00:06:30 People have been sick and they've been dying before the pandemic.
00:06:33 We have just literally lost our mind, and now we're living life based on the world and
00:06:39 what it offered us and what it said to us, told us how we should live, what we should
00:06:43 do, what we should not do, and nobody inquired of the Lord, "What is your will in this?"
00:06:49 Because my Bible tell me that whenever there was a pandemic, this is not the first one,
00:06:54 whenever there was famine in the land, the people of God prospered.
00:07:00 You became a witness that God is keeping, oh my Jesus, that God can keep you, but we
00:07:09 allow the world to tell us how we're going to live, and we lost our mind.
00:07:16 We've lost it.
00:07:19 We need to be refreshed.
00:07:22 We need to be restored.
00:07:25 Is God who he says he is?
00:07:29 Then you ought to be a witness to who God says he is, and see it in your life, and not
00:07:38 be moved always by the circumstances of your life.
00:07:43 John Timothy 1 and 7 said God has not given you a spirit of fear, and there's been a lot
00:07:48 of things that have been said that just provoke fear in the lives of God's people.
00:07:53 God will give you a word that will provoke faith for you to believe God beyond what you
00:07:58 can see.
00:08:00 He's not given you a spirit of fear, but he's gave you love, power.
00:08:05 Somebody shout a sound mind.
00:08:09 He's given you a sound mind, disciplined mind, a controlled mind, a well-balanced mind, a
00:08:15 mind with common sense.
00:08:20 God has given that to you and I as believers.
00:08:26 Paul was writing, "Timothy, don't be moved by your circumstances.
00:08:31 Don't be moved by the things that are happening outside."
00:08:34 God is not giving you a spirit of fear.
00:08:38 He's given you the faith of God that is on the inside of you.
00:08:42 Remember the faith that you walked in before the pandemic.
00:08:47 Remember the faith that was in your mother and your grandmother.
00:08:50 I'm persuaded it's inside of you.
00:08:53 Now gird up the loins of your mind.
00:08:56 Be sober.
00:08:59 Think like God.
00:09:04 What is God saying to you?
00:09:07 Psalm 23, he declares, "The Lord is my shepherd."
00:09:11 Somebody say, "The Lord is my shepherd."
00:09:13 What does a shepherd do?
00:09:15 He watches over his sheep.
00:09:16 He guides you.
00:09:17 He leads you.
00:09:18 He takes care of you.
00:09:19 He protects you.
00:09:20 "The Lord is my shepherd."
00:09:22 That ought to be your testimony.
00:09:24 "The Lord is my shepherd.
00:09:26 I shall not want."
00:09:29 Another translation of, "The Lord is my shepherd.
00:09:31 I don't have a need."
00:09:32 Glory to God.
00:09:34 God takes care of me.
00:09:35 He gives me everything I need.
00:09:37 He gives me everything I want.
00:09:39 "The Lord is my shepherd.
00:09:42 I shall not want."
00:09:44 He makes me to lie down in green pastures.
00:09:47 He leads me beside the still waters.
00:09:52 Verse 3, "He refreshes and he restores my soul."
00:09:57 Hallelujah.
00:09:58 Somebody say, "He refreshes and he restores my soul."
00:10:05 "He leads me in the path of righteousness for his namesake."
00:10:08 Listen, "for his namesake."
00:10:11 Listen, I like to amplify it.
00:10:15 The Bible says it this way.
00:10:16 "He refreshes and restores my life, myself.
00:10:19 He leads me in the path of righteousness, of writing and right standing with himself,
00:10:24 not for me earning it, but for his namesake."
00:10:30 Not by me earning it.
00:10:33 For God wants to bring you into a place where you are walking in the grace of God based
00:10:37 on the grace that is given to you by the revelations of who Jesus Christ is.
00:10:42 So it's not my be earning it or because I deserve it, it's because I got revelation
00:10:47 of who Jesus is.
00:10:50 Are you hearing me?
00:10:52 So this revelation of who Jesus is and this grace that God has placed on your life allows
00:10:59 you and I to bring and have an experience of refreshing of your soul.
00:11:05 Your circumstances may say one thing, but the revelation of Jesus Christ says another
00:11:12 thing.
00:11:13 And that revelation of his grace, not because I earn it, but because of his namesake.
00:11:21 God will refresh you, bring you to a place of victory for his namesake.
00:11:26 After you say your name, you call yourself a Christian, God wants, his name is on the
00:11:31 line.
00:11:32 So I've got to grace you, I've got to refresh you, I've got to restore you for mys—Jesus.
00:11:43 His namesake.
00:11:45 Hallelujah.
00:11:48 So we'll bring you to a place of righteousness by giving you a revelation of who Jesus is.
00:11:53 We all declare, as Jesus is.
00:12:01 Well he's got to do this for his namesake.
00:12:04 So we're talking about refreshing and restoring our soul, this area of our lives that needs
00:12:11 to get our place back.
00:12:14 When we've lost it, that it can be restored to us.
00:12:20 Psalm 73, we're just building a foundation for where we're going.
00:12:25 Psalm 73, verse 26 in the easy version says this, "My mind, may be my mind, and body will
00:12:34 become weak, but God is my source of strength.
00:12:39 He is mine forever."
00:12:42 Anybody ever, mind and body ever got weak?
00:12:46 You don't realize that when your mind becomes weak, it will affect your physical body.
00:12:51 And sometimes the weakness of your body is because of the weakness of your mind.
00:12:56 You say, "But though my mind and my body become weak, God is my source."
00:13:02 Oh my Jesus.
00:13:03 He becomes my source of strength.
00:13:06 He is mine forever.
00:13:10 Even if I lose my mind, God becomes my source of strength.
00:13:17 He is mine forever.
00:13:21 We have a lot of issues, and I'm not downplaying this at all.
00:13:24 We have a lot of issues with mental health issues.
00:13:27 People's minds are weak because of the circumstances of life that are around them, past, present,
00:13:33 and even what they think the future would hold for them.
00:13:37 And because of that, their minds have become weak.
00:13:41 And as a result of their minds being weak, their bodies have become weak.
00:13:45 And God is saying to you, "When your mind and your body become weak, I am your source
00:13:51 of strength.
00:13:52 I am yours forever."
00:13:56 God has the ability to change the circumstances of your life if he can get you to a place
00:14:05 where you and I change the way you think.
00:14:09 Jeremiah 31 in the Message Bible, verse 25, says it this way.
00:14:14 God says, "I'll refresh your tired bodies, and I'll restore your tired souls."
00:14:21 Hallelujah.
00:14:22 Oh my God.
00:14:24 I'll refresh your tired bodies, and I'll restore your tired souls.
00:14:31 Somebody said, "Lord, now Lord, do it again."
00:14:33 Our bodies need to be refreshed.
00:14:40 That's why we sleep.
00:14:42 But some of you can't sleep because you can't shut your mind off.
00:14:47 He says, "I will refresh your tired bodies, and I will restore your tired souls."
00:14:56 Hallelujah.
00:14:59 This area of your life, your soul, you guys already know it, your soul is your mind, your
00:15:08 will, your emotions.
00:15:12 And this area that we're focusing on is the area of our mind because your will and your
00:15:17 emotions are being birthed from the area of your mind.
00:15:24 You do the things you do because of the things you think.
00:15:28 You feel the way you feel because of the way you think.
00:15:33 You know, in Romans chapter 7, he says, "You know, I want to do right, but every time I
00:15:37 step out to do right, I end up doing wrong.
00:15:41 I will to do one thing, but I'm doing another thing, and it all has to do with how you think."
00:15:47 So God says, "I will restore your mind."
00:15:51 Your mind has been all over the place.
00:15:54 Some of you double-minded about stuff.
00:15:59 Some of you are reprobate mind about stuff.
00:16:06 And so God says, "I want to restore your mind."
00:16:12 Hallelujah.
00:16:15 Even when you're tired.
00:16:16 Anybody, some, anybody ever got to a place in your life, "I'm just tired of thinking.
00:16:23 I just, I don't want to think about that."
00:16:26 And that's the last thing that happens to you.
00:16:28 You constantly, the fact that I don't want to think about that, you're still thinking
00:16:31 about that.
00:16:33 Somebody else says something to you about that, and you're just like, "I don't want to talk
00:16:36 about it because I don't want to think about that."
00:16:37 But they walk away, and you're still thinking about that.
00:16:41 And you're so overwhelmed by the thought life.
00:16:43 And he says, "I will refresh your tired bodies, and I will restore your tired souls."
00:16:51 Hallelujah.
00:16:52 Hallelujah.
00:16:53 And God does that because you're not thinking the way you should.
00:17:02 Isaiah 26, verse 3, in the New Living Translation, he says, "He will keep you in perfect peace.
00:17:14 All who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you."
00:17:22 You want a peace of mind.
00:17:23 Hallelujah.
00:17:24 He's like, "When I come home, I just want peace.
00:17:28 I just want peace of mind.
00:17:30 I don't want to hear nothing.
00:17:31 I don't want to think about nothing.
00:17:32 I just want peace."
00:17:33 He said, "I will keep you in perfect peace."
00:17:38 This peace doesn't have nothing to do with whether it's quiet in the house or there's
00:17:41 a lot of noise in the house.
00:17:43 It has nothing to do with people fighting in the house or not fighting in the house.
00:17:47 "I will keep you in perfect peace when you trust in me, when you fix your thoughts on
00:17:54 me."
00:17:55 You can walk in the midst of hell breaking loose all around you, but there's a peace
00:18:01 about you because I'm not thinking about what's happening.
00:18:05 I'm thinking about him.
00:18:10 I will keep you in perfect peace.
00:18:14 Hallelujah.
00:18:15 "When you trust in me, when you fix your thoughts on me."
00:18:23 Remember, I will refresh your tired bodies and I will restore your tired souls.
00:18:29 "I will keep you in perfect peace."
00:18:32 Hallelujah.
00:18:33 "When you put your trust in me."
00:18:37 God, I trust you in this circumstance.
00:18:39 I trust you in this situation.
00:18:41 I trust you in my life.
00:18:43 God, I fix my thoughts on you.
00:18:45 I'm not thinking about the outcome.
00:18:47 I'm not thinking about what's happening.
00:18:49 I'm thinking about you, God.
00:18:51 What are you?
00:18:52 Who are you to me in this situation?
00:18:54 God, I put my thoughts on you.
00:18:58 He says, "My beloved, I wish above all things," 3 John 2, y'all know, "that you would," what?
00:19:08 "Prosper and be in health even as your soul prosper."
00:19:15 So you will prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
00:19:22 So your mental health is tied to your soul.
00:19:29 Your physical health is tied to your soul.
00:19:34 They say, you know, 90% of people's physical health and illness that they experience in
00:19:40 their physical body is because their soul is all messed up.
00:19:47 So I wish that you would prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
00:19:54 You see how important it is to get your mind right.
00:19:57 You see how important it is to be sober-minded.
00:20:01 You see how important it is to get it back.
00:20:04 I said before, your mind, your soul is your mind, your will, and your emotions.
00:20:09 Your soul is layered.
00:20:11 You know, you could be all over the place because you could will one thing, you could
00:20:15 feel another way, and you could desire something different.
00:20:18 You all over the place.
00:20:20 Your will, your soul, and your mind, they're not linked up.
00:20:23 So nothing is happening in you all over the place.
00:20:25 You can't eat, you can't sleep, you don't know what to do.
00:20:29 I need somebody to talk to so you end up on somebody else's couch laying down talking
00:20:34 about what you want and what you feel and what's going on when you don't know that if
00:20:40 you line up your soul with the Word of God and God's will for your life, you will prosper
00:20:48 equal to, even as your soul prospers.
00:20:54 I'm not downplaying this.
00:20:58 You need somebody to get your mind right.
00:21:03 It's a jump start.
00:21:05 Hallelujah.
00:21:06 And so we're all over the place.
00:21:10 So God, He says, you will prosper.
00:21:13 Your success is tied to your soul.
00:21:19 God's desired will for your life and my life is that we live from the inside out, not from
00:21:26 the outside in.
00:21:28 We've been living from the outside.
00:21:30 Whatever's happening in the world, whatever circumstances that are happening, going on
00:21:34 in the world, that is what's shaping the way I think.
00:21:39 And we're being moved by the outside and the enemy knows that so he's always moving stuff
00:21:43 around.
00:21:44 But God says, I don't want you to live from the outside in, I want you to live from the
00:21:50 inside out.
00:21:53 In order for you to do that, you've got to sober up.
00:21:58 You have to be sober minded.
00:22:00 Again, 1 Thessalonians 5, 23, he said, "He sanctifies you wholly, spirit, soul, and body."
00:22:09 Your feeler, your thinker, your chooser, your emotions, all of these things come out of
00:22:15 your soul area and all of these stem from the area of your thought life.
00:22:21 Your choices comes from your thought life.
00:22:24 Your desires come from your thought life.
00:22:27 God wants to give you the desires of your heart.
00:22:30 He wants to put a download on the inside of you, the things that have been freely given
00:22:34 to you of God because your eyes have not seen it, your ears have not heard it, has not entered
00:22:39 your heart what God has prepared for those that love Him.
00:22:43 But God wants to reveal those things to you by the Spirit.
00:22:47 So I want you to live from the inside out, not from the outside in.
00:22:50 What you see on the outside is not what I have for you.
00:22:55 And so you've got to change the way you and I are thinking.
00:23:01 Be sober minded because the enemy wants to control your life by controlling your thought
00:23:07 life.
00:23:08 And he has run havoc over the last few years, giving us all kinds of thoughts and our minds
00:23:16 have been all over the place.
00:23:18 Not only have they been all over the place where our own lives are concerned, we now
00:23:22 start judging other people, what they should be doing, what they should not be doing.
00:23:28 Why are you going to church?
00:23:29 You don't know what this could happen to you.
00:23:31 Why are you doing that?
00:23:32 Why are you doing this?
00:23:34 And now you're projecting your negativity on somebody else because you don't have enough
00:23:38 faith to believe God.
00:23:39 I'm sorry, because your thoughts are taking you somewhere else.
00:23:47 You've got to be very careful, you've got to be sober minded, have a well balanced life.
00:23:53 I know there are areas and times in your life where God would tell you to use your common
00:23:58 sense, but what does Pastor Cynthia say about sense?
00:24:02 It's not common.
00:24:03 In other words, everybody ain't got it.
00:24:08 And so you're listening to some people that ain't got no common.
00:24:12 And so here he is, God is saying to you, here's the area of your life where the enemy is coming
00:24:20 to control your life by giving you a thought that is not God's thought.
00:24:28 John chapter 13, verse 2 in the Amplified Bible says, "And so it was, during supper,
00:24:40 Satan having already, already put the thought of betraying Jesus into the heart of Judas
00:24:50 Iscariot, Simon's son."
00:24:53 Before he ever betrayed Jesus, Satan had already put the thought in his mind.
00:25:00 And because he had the thought in it and he didn't do anything with it, he looked for
00:25:05 an opportunity to fulfill the thought that was in his mind.
00:25:12 Satan will give you a thought to control your life.
00:25:17 He will put the thought in your life and we'll talk later how to get rid of that thought,
00:25:23 but I'm sure you got a good idea already.
00:25:26 But he gives you a thought, but you think about it sometimes that it's not just, you
00:25:31 know, you think about certain things that you experience in life, things that you have
00:25:35 done in life, the victories you won, the things that God has done for you.
00:25:40 It's almost like how are you now going to betray Jesus?
00:25:45 I mean God's been too good to me to now, I'm going to backslide and stay home and just
00:25:51 not serve God anymore and I'm going to make excuse for it like we, everybody don't, everything's
00:25:56 changed, we don't have to be in the house.
00:26:01 Satan will give you a thought and then you make it your own and then you look for a reason
00:26:05 to act it out.
00:26:09 He already had put in the heart of Judas, I'm not getting on y'all about church.
00:26:16 Hallelujah.
00:26:17 Welcome to the house of victory, those that are watching live stream.
00:26:22 Thank you Jesus.
00:26:25 He already put it in the heart of Judas to betray Jesus and I'm thinking, listen dude,
00:26:30 you walk with Jesus.
00:26:33 You've seen him raise the dead, feed a multitude of people and you ate bread and fish too.
00:26:42 You've seen him heal the sick, cause the blind people born blind, they now can see.
00:26:49 They're what deaf people can hear now and then he gave you power to do the same.
00:26:57 You used his name and you'd have seen things happen, the miraculous happen.
00:27:03 How in the world did you turn around and betray him?
00:27:07 How do you do that?
00:27:11 How?
00:27:12 Like what was going on in your mind?
00:27:16 How could the devil even bring you a thought?
00:27:19 It be like somebody coming to me and says, "Pastor Cynthia, you know Pastor Tony ain't
00:27:22 all that.
00:27:23 He ain't who he says he is.
00:27:26 I seen him.
00:27:27 He drink, he smoke, he a whore monger."
00:27:29 Like who you talking about?
00:27:34 You can't give me that thought.
00:27:36 I don't go home, look at him cross-eyed like, "Wait, where you been?
00:27:39 Who you doing?
00:27:40 What you doing?"
00:27:41 Like I heard that and now I'm looking ways to leave him.
00:27:46 Are y'all crazy?
00:27:49 That's my man.
00:27:52 I ain't going nowhere.
00:27:53 He ain't going nowhere, nowhere.
00:27:54 You can't come up in here telling me who he is.
00:28:05 I live with him.
00:28:06 I walk with him.
00:28:07 I talk with him.
00:28:09 I seen the man.
00:28:11 He's the same here as he is at home.
00:28:17 You want me to betray my man?
00:28:20 Well, some of you take that thought, "What?
00:28:27 He what?"
00:28:28 And you go home looking at your husband's phone, looking at stuff, trying to figure
00:28:32 out what they said, if it's true or not.
00:28:36 Because you took a thought that's not yours.
00:28:40 Somebody else trying to get your man.
00:28:43 I ain't going to ask how many times that happened to you.
00:28:47 Girl, if I was you, I wouldn't be with him.
00:28:50 I would just leave because there's no way I would put up with that.
00:28:53 And you like, "You right," and you leave and then they with him.
00:28:59 So here is Judas.
00:29:03 Here is Judas.
00:29:06 He, Satan had already put the thought.
00:29:17 You know Jesus, he's so anointed.
00:29:22 He perceived the thoughts of men.
00:29:26 He's sitting at a table.
00:29:28 The Passover supper, he said, "What are y'all going to betray me?"
00:29:31 "Oh, Jesus, they all, was it me, Lord?"
00:29:34 "No, not me, Lord.
00:29:35 Please don't let it be me, Jesus."
00:29:36 "Is it me, Jesus?"
00:29:37 He said, "The one that dips with me."
00:29:41 He the one.
00:29:44 Judas dips over there.
00:29:47 Jesus said, "Go do what you got to do."
00:29:50 So he goes to the religious leaders and said, "What y'all going to give me if I give y'all
00:29:56 Jesus?"
00:29:57 But you think about it, what would make him do that?
00:30:03 So I read these two accounts.
00:30:05 One you find in Luke chapter 7 and then John chapter 12.
00:30:08 And it talks about this account of this woman, Mary, who takes an alabaster box and she breaks
00:30:16 it.
00:30:17 She anoints the head of Jesus and she wipes his feet with her tears, washes his feet with
00:30:23 her tears, wipes it with her hair.
00:30:26 I'm telling you, she just anoints Jesus and so much so that the aroma of the alabaster
00:30:33 box perfume fills the room.
00:30:38 In this room, Jesus is at Simon's house.
00:30:44 We said Judas Iscariot, Simon's son.
00:30:49 He's at Simon's house.
00:30:51 Simon invited Jesus, "Come and eat with me."
00:30:54 He sees this woman.
00:30:55 She hears that Jesus is at his house.
00:30:57 She comes in with the best thing, her best gift, breaks it open and pours it on Jesus.
00:31:05 And he is like looking like, "Oh my God."
00:31:09 Judas is looking like, "That's a waste.
00:31:15 She could have saved that.
00:31:16 We could have sold it and given to the poor."
00:31:18 How many of you know he wasn't thinking about the poor?
00:31:22 He's only thinking about himself.
00:31:23 I could have had more money because we discover he's a thief.
00:31:30 I could have had more.
00:31:32 And Simon is thinking in his heart, "If Jesus were a prophet, a real prophet, who he says
00:31:41 he is, he would know that this woman is a sinner and he wouldn't have anything to do
00:31:45 with her."
00:31:46 Jesus perceived this thought and said, "Simon, I've come in your house.
00:31:50 You ain't gave me no water for my feet.
00:31:53 You ain't kissed my, you haven't done anything for me.
00:31:57 And this woman, she's preparing me for my burial and this is what we remember for a
00:32:03 long time.
00:32:05 But there are so many sins, yes, and they are forgiven.
00:32:08 Your sins, daughter, be forgiven.
00:32:10 Your faith has made you a goal.
00:32:13 Sin no more."
00:32:14 And Simon says to his son, "He ain't no real prophet.
00:32:21 You following that man?
00:32:22 I know you've seen some stuff, but God is good.
00:32:25 He do some stuff for you, but that man, he ain't who he says he is."
00:32:31 Satan plants a seed.
00:32:37 What can I do to betray Jesus?
00:32:42 He had already placed in his heart the things that the enemy wanted to do.
00:32:50 Obviously, we know it's the fulfilling of prophecy, but you gotta think that Satan himself
00:32:57 put in his heart.
00:33:00 He wants to control your life by controlling your thought life.
00:33:04 Look at Acts chapter 5.
00:33:07 Y'all know this story.
00:33:11 The disciples are preaching the gospel and they're excited.
00:33:15 Three thousand souls are born again in one day.
00:33:19 They continue, they go from house to house breaking bread and talking about the gospel,
00:33:24 the good news of the kingdom and how our king has come.
00:33:27 He's been raised from the dead and they're excited.
00:33:29 Five thousand more souls are entered into the kingdom of heaven.
00:33:35 They all get together and they decide, "Let's sell everything we have.
00:33:39 We want to be sold out for Jesus.
00:33:41 I don't want anything to have a hold on me.
00:33:44 Let's sell everything we have and lay it at the apostles' feet."
00:33:49 Everybody said, "Yes, amen.
00:33:51 Let's do it."
00:33:53 They go out, they sell everything they have, they come back and they lay it at the apostles'
00:33:58 feet and everybody has everything in common.
00:34:02 Nobody had too much or too little.
00:34:05 Everybody had everything in common.
00:34:07 They were excited about it.
00:34:09 Then comes Ananias and Sapphira.
00:34:13 They have a piece of property, let's go sell it.
00:34:16 Give it into the kingdom.
00:34:17 They said, "We'll be back.
00:34:18 We're going to sell our property too."
00:34:21 They go out, they sell their property.
00:34:23 He said, "Oh baby, interest rates is higher now.
00:34:27 We could get more money from the house than we thought.
00:34:29 Hey, we bought this long time ago for 20,000.
00:34:31 We can get 80 now.
00:34:33 I didn't know it was going to be that much."
00:34:38 That's a lot of money, baby.
00:34:41 Tell you what.
00:34:42 We got this much for the property.
00:34:43 We're going to lay that at the apostles' feet and we're going to put that other part away.
00:34:47 We don't know what's going to happen.
00:34:49 We all got everything common, but I don't know what's going to happen in the future.
00:34:53 You all right, baby?
00:34:54 All right, baby.
00:34:55 We're going to do this thing.
00:34:56 He comes and lay it at Peter's feet.
00:35:02 Peter said to him, easy reading version, Peter said, "Ananias, why did you let Satan fill
00:35:09 your mind?
00:35:12 Why did you let Satan fill your mind with such an idea?
00:35:18 You kept part of the money for yourself and lied about it to the Holy Ghost."
00:35:23 They didn't lie to Peter.
00:35:28 You lied to the Holy Ghost.
00:35:31 You didn't lie to your spouse.
00:35:34 You didn't lie to your children.
00:35:37 You lied to the Holy Ghost.
00:35:40 Why did you let Satan fill your mind?
00:35:48 You let Satan fill your mind.
00:35:52 So if I let Satan fill my mind, then I cannot let Satan fill my mind.
00:35:57 Somebody said, "I refuse to let Satan fill my mind."
00:36:06 Now when it comes to money, I believe he fills all of your mind, one time or another.
00:36:18 When it comes to giving, God will put something in your heart to give, and then the devil
00:36:25 comes and says, "Well, what about cab fare?
00:36:29 What about Uber fare?
00:36:30 No cab fare.
00:36:31 Uber fare?
00:36:32 Lyft fare?
00:36:33 What about your children's lunch?
00:36:34 You can't give that much.
00:36:35 What you gonna do for next week?
00:36:37 You know you don't get paid until the week after."
00:36:40 And you capture the thought, and then you rebuke God.
00:36:47 Get behind me, Satan.
00:36:48 You ain't telling me.
00:36:49 You telling me to give $100.
00:36:50 Satan never told you to give $100.
00:36:52 I don't care.
00:36:53 Never, ever told you to give.
00:36:58 Never told you to give $100, and you rebuking God.
00:37:04 Why have you allowed Satan to fill your mind with such an idea?
00:37:11 He says you kept part of the money for yourself and lied about it to the Holy Ghost.
00:37:18 You don't understand you're lying to the Holy Ghost when you allow Satan to fill your thoughts
00:37:23 with something, and you act on those thoughts that he's given you.
00:37:29 Letting him fill your mind, refuse to let the enemy fill your mind with thoughts.
00:37:37 And what happened to Ananias?
00:37:39 He dropped dead.
00:37:43 That's New Testament, people.
00:37:44 Well, you know, only people in Old Testament drop dead.
00:37:48 They don't do that no more.
00:37:49 This is New Testament.
00:37:50 Jesus died, was buried, rose from the dead, seated at the right hand of the Father, gave
00:37:55 you the Holy Ghost, and he's now living with you, and you lied to him, and you dropped
00:37:59 dead.
00:38:00 Say thank God for grace.
00:38:11 And fear came on the whole church.
00:38:16 Moments later his wife comes in the room, and Peter said, "Hey, did you sell the property
00:38:22 for this much?
00:38:25 Did you make this much on your taxes?
00:38:31 Did you—I'm sorry—did you—did you make this amount of money on your job?
00:38:44 Was this your real job description?
00:38:47 Is this really what you did on your job?
00:38:58 Why have you allowed Satan to fill your mind?"
00:39:07 You need to spruce up your resume just a little bit, because if you don't do that, you ain't
00:39:14 gonna get the job.
00:39:15 But you don't realize if you say you did all that stuff on your resume, and you get the
00:39:19 job, and you don't do it, that's why you lost the job.
00:39:25 Your job dropped dead.
00:39:28 You ain't got it no more.
00:39:33 Thank God it was just the job.
00:39:42 You're allowing the enemy to fill your thought life.
00:39:49 Second Kings chapter 5 is another illustration for time's sake.
00:39:54 Just—you remember the story of Naaman, the captain of the Syrian army.
00:40:00 He has leprosy, and he hears about there's a God in Israel that has the ability that
00:40:08 cleansed the lepers.
00:40:10 So he goes to Israel to have his leprosy—to the king of Israel to have his leprosy cleansed,
00:40:16 and the king's like, "Who am I?
00:40:17 I can't clean no lepers."
00:40:19 And so Elijah the prophet said, "Why are you saying it like you don't know God, like you
00:40:24 can't heal?
00:40:25 Bring him to me."
00:40:28 So he goes to Elijah's house, and he stands at the door, and Elijah doesn't come out.
00:40:34 Elijah said, "Go dip in the River Jordan seven times.
00:40:41 Just do that."
00:40:43 And the Bible says—look, if you look at it, now verse 11, "And Naaman became angry"—this
00:40:49 is a New Living Translation—"he became angry and stalked away.
00:40:55 He got mad and walked away, and he said, 'I thought.'"
00:40:59 How many people got in trouble because you thought?
00:41:04 How many times have somebody misunderstood you because they said, "I thought"?
00:41:11 How many didn't do what they were supposed to do because they said, "I thought"?
00:41:15 How many didn't receive the restoration of their soul and their bodies because they said,
00:41:22 "I thought"?
00:41:23 He said, "I thought he would certainly come out to meet me."
00:41:29 He said, "I expected him to wave his hand over my—the leprosy and call on the name
00:41:36 of the Lord his God and heal me.
00:41:39 I thought something, and my thoughts gave me expectation."
00:41:43 But because you had the wrong thought, you had the wrong expectation.
00:41:51 And we do that to God.
00:41:53 God, I need healing, and you thought he would heal you one way, and you have an expectation
00:42:00 of God doing something one way, and God wants to do it entirely another way, but you walk
00:42:05 away angry, upset, mad because it didn't happen the way you want it to happen.
00:42:10 Why have you allowed Satan to fill your thoughts with something that's not God?
00:42:19 Simply because I thought.
00:42:20 Okay, I got a couple minutes for Jesus.
00:42:24 So you have set your mind.
00:42:27 You have to set your mind.
00:42:28 Don't let Satan fill your mind or your thought life.
00:42:33 So you end up doing things that you have no business doing.
00:42:37 You let Satan fill your thoughts.
00:42:40 And so, you know, he had somebody who had some common sense.
00:42:45 Hey, if God would have asked you to do something heroic, you would have done it.
00:42:49 All he said was just dip seven times.
00:42:52 How easy is that?
00:42:55 He listened to somebody that had common sense.
00:42:57 Just do what God said.
00:42:58 I know it don't make sense in the natural, but just do what he said.
00:43:03 See what happens.
00:43:04 What do you got to lose?
00:43:07 He dipped seven times.
00:43:08 His skin came back.
00:43:10 He's fresh as a baby.
00:43:11 He refreshed his body, hallelujah, and restored his tired soul.
00:43:20 And he's so excited.
00:43:21 He's so happy.
00:43:22 He says, "You know what?
00:43:23 I am so blessed.
00:43:24 Thank you so much.
00:43:25 Here, I want to give you all this gold, all this silver, all this raiment.
00:43:29 I got to do something because I'm so blessed."
00:43:31 And Elijah said, "Oh no, it's not time for me to receive a gift from you.
00:43:36 God takes care of me.
00:43:37 You're not giving me nothing.
00:43:38 It's okay.
00:43:39 We all right.
00:43:40 We good.
00:43:41 We good."
00:43:42 Gehazi had another thought.
00:43:43 "What you mean?
00:43:44 We need that gold.
00:43:45 We need that silver.
00:43:46 We need that raiment.
00:43:47 Listen, I'm the accountant.
00:43:48 I take care of the books.
00:43:49 We need that money he got for us.
00:43:50 Why you telling that?
00:43:51 You don't know what you—you don't know what he doing.
00:43:52 Listen, let me go."
00:43:53 Satan feels his start.
00:43:54 "Let me go and get this money for my master.
00:43:55 He'll thank me later."
00:43:56 He runs to him.
00:43:57 He says, "I'm not going to let you go.
00:43:58 I'm not going to let you go.
00:43:59 I'm not going to let you go.
00:44:00 I'm not going to let you go."
00:44:01 He says, "I'm not going to let you go.
00:44:02 I'm not going to let you go.
00:44:03 I'm not going to let you go."
00:44:24 And he says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:44:46 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:45:14 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:45:21 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:45:32 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:45:56 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:46:21 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:46:49 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:46:56 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:47:03 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:47:08 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:47:13 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:47:33 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:47:58 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:48:08 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:48:18 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:48:28 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:48:38 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:48:48 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:49:08 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:49:18 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:49:28 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:49:38 He says, "I'm not going to let you go."
00:49:48 Hallelujah.
00:49:52 So I need you to hang in there with me for just a little longer.
00:49:56 As the families come this morning.
00:50:00 As the families come this morning.
00:50:04 As they are coming this morning.
00:50:07 Come on, let's give the families a big God bless you.
00:50:11 Hallelujah.
00:50:17 Hallelujah.
00:50:20 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:50:23 This is a very, very sacred and holy time in our service.
00:50:32 That we dedicate our lives to the Lord through our children,
00:50:38 giving them back to the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:50:42 I mean, the devil will give you a thought about your children.
00:50:46 That was the question.
00:50:47 I mean, the devil will give you a thought about your children.
00:50:51 But I mean, God has a thought towards your children too.
00:50:56 His thought is to give them hope and future and expected end,
00:51:00 his expected end.
00:51:03 So we want God's expected end for our children.
00:51:07 We want to fill our children's thought life with God's plan for
00:51:11 their lives.
00:51:13 We don't project our thoughts, but we want God's thoughts to be
00:51:17 in their hearts and their mind.
00:51:20 We want them to have the right kind of thinking when it comes
00:51:23 to God and the things of God.
00:51:26 So it is the responsibility of the parents that are here.
00:51:31 It is the responsibility of the godparents that are here,
00:51:36 the grandparents that are here, aunties, uncles, cousins,
00:51:41 neighbors and friends, and this whole church family.
00:51:46 It becomes our responsibility to say the right things in the
00:51:50 hearing of our children.
00:51:53 That you make your home a safe haven to develop their thought
00:51:58 life.
00:52:00 That it becomes a place of peace so the peace of God can keep
00:52:04 their hearts and their minds in perfect peace.
00:52:09 You are responsible for that.
00:52:12 They need to grow hold in their thinking, hold in their mind.
00:52:17 Not be on some mental meds because of the trauma that
00:52:22 they've experienced in their home.
00:52:25 But now you are protecting it because you're protecting their
00:52:29 thought life, your thought life, and your living life with soul
00:52:35 restoration, with a sober mind, girding up the loins of your
00:52:40 mind and becoming sober.
00:52:43 Controlling yourself.
00:52:44 Having a cool head.
00:52:46 Keeping your head in the game.
00:52:48 You became a parent.
00:52:49 It ain't about you anymore.
00:52:52 It is about the responsibility that God has given you.
00:52:57 When it was just you, you could do your thing.
00:53:00 But now somebody else is looking at you, watching your life,
00:53:04 emanating after you.
00:53:06 If my elders can come as well.
00:53:12 Praise you, Jesus.
00:53:14 We're going to anoint your babies with oil this morning.
00:53:18 It is our way of sealing them with God's plan and the anointing
00:53:24 of the Holy Ghost upon each and every one of them.
00:53:28 They will anoint your children with oil as I pray over your
00:53:33 children and over your lives.
00:53:36 I will come and lay my hands on your children as well.
00:53:39 But I need you to receive the word.
00:53:41 And, elders, who has the oil?
00:53:46 It's coming around.
00:53:47 All right.
00:53:48 No, give it to them.
00:53:52 Family in the audience, if you would stretch your hands toward
00:53:55 these that are here.
00:53:56 I need you to stretch your hands of faith like these are your
00:53:59 babies up here.
00:54:00 You may have a baby at home somewhere that you believe in
00:54:03 God for.
00:54:04 Let this day be the day of rededicating their lives afresh
00:54:07 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:54:09 Let's believe God to do something supernatural in the
00:54:12 lives of these children.
00:54:14 Hallelujah.
00:54:15 Father, we lift up these children before you.
00:54:19 We thank you for the anointing of God that we release into their
00:54:24 lives through the laying hands and the anointing of oil.
00:54:28 God, we use it as a symbol of the spirit of God being moving
00:54:34 into their lives, into their bodies, Lord God,
00:54:37 to keep them healthy and whole all the days of their lives.
00:54:41 God, we give them to you.
00:54:43 And your word declares, "Suffer the little children to come unto
00:54:46 me, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
00:54:49 All of heaven, Lord Jesus, is here in the angelic host.
00:54:54 It is here.
00:54:55 For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
00:54:58 Father, we thank you for the angelic host that is encamped
00:55:01 around about every single child that is here.
00:55:04 You're bearing them up in their hands.
00:55:06 They won't even dash their foot against the stone.
00:55:09 Father, we declare this morning our children dwell in the secret
00:55:12 place of the most high.
00:55:14 They abide under the shadow of the almighty.
00:55:17 They will say of the Lord, "You are their refuge,
00:55:21 their fortress.
00:55:22 You are their God."
00:55:23 It's in you they will put their trust.
00:55:26 God, I thank you.
00:55:27 They will not want for anything.
00:55:29 You are their shepherd, Lord Jesus,
00:55:31 and they shall not want.
00:55:33 Father, we thank you, Lord God, that you have already provided
00:55:36 everything for every need of every area of their lives.
00:55:40 God, you've already provided for their education.
00:55:42 You already provided even for their spouses to be, Lord God.
00:55:46 You have set them up to prosper in every area of their lives.
00:55:51 And so we just release that anointing.
00:55:53 We declare that every burden is being removed,
00:55:56 every yoke is being destroyed because of the anointing.
00:56:00 We curse every generation of curse in the name of Jesus,
00:56:05 and we speak generational blessings into their lives,
00:56:09 and we decree they are blessed in the name of Jesus.
00:56:13 We thank you, Lord God.
00:56:14 They are empowered by you to prosper in all that you have
00:56:18 created them to do.
00:56:20 Bless all the works of their hands.
00:56:22 God, we declare they are blessed when they come in,
00:56:25 they are blessed when they go out.
00:56:27 God, we thank you, Lord Jesus.
00:56:29 We surround them with prayer this morning.
00:56:32 We surround them with love this morning.
00:56:36 We pray a hedge of protection around about them.
00:56:39 We decree they're under your protection, God.
00:56:42 They're under your care.
00:56:43 The wicked one cannot touch them.
00:56:46 In the name of Jesus,
00:56:47 we come against every religious spirit.
00:56:50 We command you shut your mouth in the name of Jesus.
00:56:53 I thank you, Lord God.
00:56:55 They will know Jesus Christ is Lord.
00:56:57 At the early possible age, Lord Jesus,
00:57:01 God, you called them from their mother's womb.
00:57:04 You sanctified them, set them apart.
00:57:06 We thank you, Lord God.
00:57:08 They will fulfill destiny in the name of Jesus.
00:57:12 We take authority over every demonic influence.
00:57:15 Devil, you cannot touch them in the name of Jesus.
00:57:20 Every demon, we command you to bow your knee in the name of Jesus.
00:57:25 Every spirit of poverty, every spirit of perversion,
00:57:29 we cast you down now in the name of Jesus.
00:57:33 God, they will know their identity.
00:57:35 Our girls will be girls.
00:57:37 Our boys will be boys in the name of Jesus.
00:57:41 They will not have an identity crisis.
00:57:44 They will know who they are in you, Jesus.
00:57:48 They will know and experience your love, Lord God,
00:57:54 in the name of Jesus.
00:57:56 God, I'm asking that you would stir up the gifts of God
00:57:59 that are on the inside of them.
00:58:01 Stir up every anointing, every gifting, every talent
00:58:05 that you have placed in them, Lord God.
00:58:07 Give them wisdom beyond their years, Lord God.
00:58:10 Elevate them beyond--above their peers.
00:58:13 Let the favor of God rest upon them, Lord Jesus.
00:58:16 Everywhere they go, preferential treatment, Lord God,
00:58:20 because they are in the household of God.
00:58:23 They belong to the family of God.
00:58:26 God, we release our faith over every child.
00:58:30 In the name of Jesus, I speak the favor of God,
00:58:35 the blessings of God, into their life.
00:58:39 I release the impartation of blessings.
00:58:43 In the name of Jesus, I say you're blessed,
00:58:48 blessed of God.
00:58:51 In the name of Jesus.
00:58:53 Lord God, may they hear your voice at an early age.
00:58:58 Give them a keenness to see, Lord God,
00:59:02 a heart to understand the word of God.
00:59:05 I declare blessings.
00:59:07 You're blessed in the name of Jesus.
00:59:10 We thank you for the impartation of blessings, Lord Jesus.
00:59:14 What the enemy meant for bad, everything's turning around
00:59:17 for their good in the name of Jesus.
00:59:20 I thank you, Lord God.
00:59:22 I speak the blessings of God into their lives, Lord Jesus.
00:59:26 I decree you are blessed in the name of Jesus.
00:59:31 Lord God, use them as a king in his generation, Lord God.
00:59:35 Fill with the wisdom of almighty God.
00:59:38 I speak blessings.
00:59:40 Hallelujah, you're blessed.
00:59:42 Blessed, God.
00:59:44 Amen.
00:59:46 I speak blessings, Lord Jesus.
00:59:49 May he always be nurtured, Lord God, at your side
00:59:52 and never want for anything.
00:59:55 Bless him, Lord Jesus.
00:59:57 I speak blessings over her life, Lord Jesus.
01:00:01 I thank you, Lord God,
01:00:04 that you use these children, Lord God,
01:00:07 with the gifting of special vocation
01:00:10 to represent your kingdom, Lord God.
01:00:12 Prosper all the works of their hand
01:00:16 in the name of Jesus.
01:00:18 I decree their hands are blessed, their feet are blessed,
01:00:21 the fruit of their body is blessed, their womb is blessed,
01:00:24 everything about them is blessed, Lord God.
01:00:27 They're blessed when they come in, blessed when they leave.
01:00:30 I release the anointing of blessings
01:00:32 into each one of these children, Lord God.
01:00:35 I speak peace into this household, into this life, Lord Jesus.
01:00:39 We evict the devil out of their house in the name of Jesus.
01:00:43 And I speak blessings upon blessings, Lord God.
01:00:46 She will rise and call her mom blessed.
01:00:50 Hallelujah, because she's such a blessing.
01:00:53 I thank you, Lord God, for your blessings, Jesus.
01:00:58 Hallelujah.
01:01:00 Are you here for him?
01:01:02 Are you here for him? No?
01:01:04 Bless him, Lord Jesus.
01:01:06 Bless you. Glory to God.
01:01:10 You're so blessed. Hallelujah.
01:01:14 We speak blessings over your life.
01:01:16 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:01:18 You will use him in his generation
01:01:20 to be a mouthpiece, Lord God.
01:01:22 I thank you, you give him prophetic utterance, Lord Jesus,
01:01:25 by the Spirit of God,
01:01:27 and you speak words that will change his generation.
01:01:30 I bless him in the name of Jesus.
01:01:33 Hallelujah.
01:01:35 Bless you.
01:01:38 You are blessed in Jesus' name.
01:01:41 I speak the blessings of God over these children, Lord Jesus.
01:01:45 Thank you, Lord God, for your keeping power.
01:01:49 I thank you, Lord God, you give them the ability
01:01:52 to see, Lord Jesus, the enemy.
01:01:55 And I thank you, Lord God, you let them see the hand of God
01:01:58 on their lives.
01:02:00 So give them a spirit of discernment, Lord Jesus.
01:02:03 In the name of Jesus, they'll never be duped by the enemy.
01:02:06 They're just blessed.
01:02:08 Hallelujah. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
01:02:12 Glory to God.
01:02:14 Okay. Hey. Hey.
01:02:17 You want to say something?
01:02:19 Say amen.
01:02:21 Amen.
01:02:23 Amen.
01:02:25 Amen.
01:02:27 Hallelujah.
01:02:29 Hey. Praise God.
01:02:32 Yes. Yes.
01:02:36 Lord, I thank you that you called him to be a leader.
01:02:39 He was set himself, he set above the rest, Lord Jesus,
01:02:43 bringing many souls into your kingdom.
01:02:45 Bless all the works of his hand.
01:02:48 Yes, Lord God, bless the man of God.
01:02:51 Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.
01:02:54 Amen. Amen.
01:02:57 Hallelujah.
01:02:59 Hey, sweetie. You're so beautiful.
01:03:02 Hi. Hi.
01:03:05 Father, I ask the blessings of God to be upon her life.
01:03:08 We anoint her with oil in the name of Jesus.
01:03:11 Father, we just release the anointing of oil
01:03:14 and the blessings of God.
01:03:16 The anointing that comes from your spirit, Lord God,
01:03:19 for us to be and to do who you created us to be and to do.
01:03:23 Nothing more and nothing less.
01:03:25 And I thank you, Lord Jesus,
01:03:27 she will experience encounters with you, Lord God.
01:03:30 Give my wisdom to know what to say, what to do when that happens.
01:03:34 In the name of Jesus.
01:03:38 Hallelujah. Glory to God.
01:03:42 I bless her, Lord God, in the name of Jesus.
01:03:46 Hallelujah. Hallelujah.
01:03:51 Come on and bless the Lord.
01:03:57 Lord Jesus, praise God.
01:04:01 Listen, stretch your hands toward these moms and grandmoms
01:04:04 and grandpas and granddads and godparents.
01:04:07 Father, I pray for the wisdom of God,
01:04:10 for every simple representative here for these children.
01:04:13 Let this day mark in their minds, Lord God,
01:04:16 the responsibilities that you have given them
01:04:18 to train up a child in the way they should go.
01:04:21 Because we believe that when they're old,
01:04:23 they'll not depart from the training that they give.
01:04:27 God, give them wisdom beyond their years
01:04:29 to know what to say and what to do
01:04:31 to steer these children in the right way.
01:04:34 You said children are like arrows in the hand of a mighty man.
01:04:38 God, we thank you that we're aiming our children
01:04:40 in the right direction, and that is the kingdom of heaven.
01:04:44 Father, we thank you, Lord God.
01:04:46 Begin to speak to these parents and these people
01:04:48 representing these children.
01:04:50 Give them supernatural encounters with you, Lord God,
01:04:53 that they'll know what to do in every given situation.
01:04:57 God, I seal this in their hearts and in their minds
01:05:01 in the mighty name of Jesus.
01:05:03 And everybody agree, say?
01:05:05 - Amen. - Amen, amen, amen.
01:05:09 Hallelujah.
01:05:11 Praise God.
01:05:14 Thank you for your patience this morning.
01:05:17 Thank you so much.
01:05:18 Listen, we got one other thing we need to do
01:05:20 before you are dismissed.
01:05:22 Hallelujah.
01:05:23 If you're here this morning,
01:05:25 you may be already at the altar.
01:05:28 You're here this morning, and you've never given your life
01:05:30 to the Lord Jesus Christ.
01:05:32 Listen, I know your mind is messed up.
01:05:34 The devil will tell you you all right,
01:05:36 but I'm telling you now, you're being controlled
01:05:38 by another force other than God.
01:05:40 If you've never made Jesus Christ the Lord of your life,
01:05:43 I want to give you that awesome opportunity to do so now.
01:05:47 If that's you, I'm going to ask you to come.
01:05:49 Number two, if you need to rededicate your life,
01:05:52 ask you to come.
01:05:53 There's some information on the screen.
01:05:55 You can hashtag #VCMI to 22300,
01:05:59 follow the promptings on the screen,
01:06:01 check off those box, and we will pray with you.
01:06:04 Number three, receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit
01:06:08 with evidence of speaking in other tongues.
01:06:11 Number four, to be a part of this family of believers.
01:06:15 I know there's a lot of movement right now,
01:06:17 but if God is tugging at your heart,
01:06:19 if God's speaking to your mind,
01:06:22 obey God and just simply come when he says come.
01:06:26 Number one, give your life to Jesus.
01:06:28 Number two, rededicate your life.
01:06:30 Number three, receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
01:06:33 And number four, to be a part of this family of believers.
01:06:37 If you would, come on, family,
01:06:38 talk to the people that are around you.
01:06:40 Make sure everybody's made a quality decision this morning.
01:06:44 Hallelujah.
01:06:48 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:06:51 Today is your day.
01:06:54 Hallelujah.
01:06:59 Thank you, sir.
01:07:01 God bless you.
01:07:03 Hallelujah.
01:07:07 All of heaven rejoices.
01:07:11 Hallelujah.
01:07:14 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:07:16 Come on, let's join in with heaven's blessings.
01:07:21 Hallelujah.
01:07:24 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:07:28 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:07:30 Come on, there are people still talking to people,
01:07:32 and there are still people thinking about it.
01:07:35 Don't think about it.
01:07:37 Just obey God.
01:07:38 Come and receive what God has for you.
01:07:41 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:07:46 You know, I was listening to someone's testimony this week.
01:07:49 It was absolutely powerful.
01:07:52 But one of the part of the testimony,
01:07:54 they gave a testimony of going to heaven.
01:07:58 And one of the things that they saw in heaven were people,
01:08:01 obviously the realities of heaven is too awesome to describe,
01:08:05 but people were doing things,
01:08:07 people were experiencing different things,
01:08:09 having different encounters,
01:08:11 having different things with different family members,
01:08:13 and all kinds of things.
01:08:15 But when someone comes to the Lord on earth,
01:08:20 the Bible says that all of heaven rejoices when they come.
01:08:24 So what happens is when they come to the Lord,
01:08:29 their names are being called out in heaven.
01:08:34 Your names are being called out in heaven right now.
01:08:37 All of heaven stops whatever they are doing,
01:08:41 no matter what they are doing,
01:08:43 and they begin to echo your name throughout heaven.
01:08:47 So everybody is calling your name in heaven,
01:08:51 and everybody is celebrating you right now.
01:08:55 All of heaven is watching right now.
01:08:58 All of heaven is calling your name right now.
01:09:05 You've got heaven's attention,
01:09:08 heaven's attention right now.
01:09:12 If there's ever in your life where you didn't think God was watching you,
01:09:15 and God is listening to you,
01:09:17 all of heaven has your attention right now,
01:09:21 and they are rejoicing over your decision to come.
01:09:25 Father, you gave one simple command this morning,
01:09:27 and you said to come.
01:09:29 And everyone that comes to you, you will in no wise cast out.
01:09:33 God, we're so grateful that you have already opened the door
01:09:36 for what they've come for.
01:09:38 We thank you for that reality,
01:09:40 that manifestation of your kingdom in their lives.
01:09:44 God, we thank you for it.
01:09:46 We rejoice with all of heaven for their decision today, Lord God,
01:09:50 sealing in their hearts and in their minds.
01:09:52 God, we pray and continue to lift them up before you
01:09:56 for heaven's realities being manifested in every single one of their lives.
01:10:01 And we give you praise.
01:10:03 And everybody said amen, amen.
01:10:07 If you would, there's a young lady there.
01:10:11 I'm going to ask you if you would follow her out,
01:10:13 and they're going to pray with you individually.
01:10:15 Your names are still being echoed in heaven right now.
01:10:19 Hallelujah.
01:10:21 Glory to God.
01:10:24 Thank you, Lord Jesus.
01:10:27 Praise you, Lord God.
01:10:29 So it's open house.
01:10:30 Don't forget to go to the ministry tables today
01:10:34 and sign up in those different areas in the ministry.
01:10:37 Somebody say all in.
01:10:39 Say I'm all in.
01:10:48 One other announcement, and then I'm going to pray over you.
01:10:51 Don't miss the benediction.
01:10:54 Amen.
01:10:55 We want to invite you to join us, join mom on the ladies for a Mother's Day brunch
01:11:01 at our BCMI Woodbridge location.
01:11:04 It is going to be on Saturday, May 13th.
01:11:06 The cost is $35 per person.
01:11:09 You do not want to miss it.
01:11:10 Bring your mom, bring your aunt, godmom, whomever is like a mother figure to you.
01:11:15 Come on out for an impartation and fellowship with the ladies.
01:11:18 Saturday, May 13th, $35 per person.
01:11:22 You can go to and hope to see you there.
01:11:26 Amen.
01:11:27 All the ladies said I'll be there.
01:11:31 All the ladies say I'll be there.
01:11:33 Thank you.
01:11:34 Praise God.
01:11:36 God heard you.
01:11:38 Lift your hands high to heaven.
01:11:39 May the Lord God bless you and keep you.
01:11:41 May his face shine upon you.
01:11:44 May God show you tremendous favor all week long.
01:11:47 May God answer all of your prayers and give you peace.
01:11:51 Hug and love on somebody, and then you can go to the foyer to the ministry tables.
01:11:56 God bless you.
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