How to False Eyelash Tutorial, Tips & Tricks Makeup By Leslie Nicole

  • last year
00:00 Hey guys, welcome back to my channel.
00:01 So today what we're going to be doing, as you can see by the title, we're going to be
00:04 doing how to apply false lashes.
00:07 A bunch of you guys, or my friends I should say, have been asking how do you apply them?
00:12 I can never get them right and I don't know how to do them.
00:16 Especially when I do clients as well, when I offer lashes, they're very nervous because
00:21 they're like, "I've never had them before.
00:22 Are they going to hurt or anything like that?"
00:25 I'm like, "No, no, they're really great."
00:28 It's practice, practice, practice with lashes, trial and error, just seeing what works for
00:33 you, what doesn't.
00:34 This is tips and tricks, I guess you could say, that I've learned on how to do the lashes.
00:39 Trust me, I was never very good at all, but it just takes time.
00:42 Take time, maybe with not any makeup on or anything, just try them.
00:47 Or just even having your makeup on and trying them that way or not, it's just practice.
00:53 Ramble way too much.
00:54 But anyways, let's get started on the tutorial.
00:58 So to get started on how to apply lashes, first you need to pick out your lashes.
01:02 So I actually got in the mail more Koko lashes.
01:06 This is in the style 501, Koko lashes.
01:09 They're really, really pretty and they're really wispy.
01:11 So yeah, Koko lashes, they're very wispy, they're very pretty.
01:14 So if you pick out their lashes, I bought these online, they're $6.99 for these Koko
01:17 lashes.
01:18 You can go to Walmart, get Ardell.
01:20 Ardell is a great brand to work with, especially when you're trying, they are inexpensive as
01:25 well.
01:26 I think they're like $5.99 or something.
01:27 You can get them at any, you can get them on Walmart, which is mainly global or anywhere
01:31 you can, pretty sure where there's a cosmetic booth, you can get Ardell lashes.
01:35 But anyways, I'm going to be applying these ones.
01:37 I really like these ones.
01:38 I find that they're good quality.
01:40 That's why I like them.
01:41 You're going to take your lashes and before you even start pulling these or knowing what
01:46 do I do with this, we're going to be, as you can see, my makeup's all done.
01:49 So the only thing that I need to apply is the lashes.
01:52 Because with lashes, it definitely helps with your look that you're going for.
01:57 It doesn't, if you have like a look like this and you go with a crazy, crazy, crazy lash
02:01 that's got like tons of like just oomph almost, it kind of will not kill the look, but it
02:06 just, lashes always kind of emphasize the look that you're going for.
02:10 It's all from.
02:11 To start your lashes, once you finish your makeup look and you're kind of like, okay,
02:14 now I'm going to attempt the lashes.
02:16 There's many different ways that a lot of people like to apply the lashes.
02:20 I first off like to curl my lashes.
02:22 I like to take an eyelash curler.
02:24 I like to curl my lashes, but I don't like to curl them too much where they're like,
02:27 oh my God, because when you're trying to put the lashes on, they may get in the way and
02:31 then the glue might get on to your actual, actual lashes and then it kind of messes it
02:36 all up.
02:37 So what I like to do, just take your mirror.
02:40 You can take the magnifying side if you want to.
02:42 I mean, it depends on preference, but I just don't.
02:44 I just use the regular.
02:45 I just kind of put it really close.
02:47 When I get in there, I just kind of take your, make sure your lashes are through and then
02:52 you just get a little bit and then you just kind of curl them and try not to squeeze too
02:56 hard because you might get skin and that hurts, but just a little bit, just a little bit so
03:01 that it gets somewhat bent.
03:02 I don't know if you can see that, but they are pretty, pretty bent and then that's really
03:06 what you want to do.
03:07 So I'm just going to do the other side just to get kind of the lashes because sometimes
03:11 people's lashes are very straight.
03:13 They're not very, you know, curl or anything.
03:15 So you're just going to want to make it go somewhat in a little bit.
03:18 So just hold it for a little bit and then just let go.
03:20 And then I like to apply a mascara.
03:23 So just take, you take any mascara.
03:24 So you just kind of do a coat.
03:29 Now that the mascara is on, we're just going to let them dry for a little bit so you can
03:32 fan yourself, kind of do whatever.
03:34 Just let them dry because you don't want to be putting false lashes on when the mascara
03:37 is drying because you can get black all over your fingers, like little sparses everywhere.
03:41 Not cute.
03:42 So just let that dry.
03:43 So now that the mascara has dried, we're going to be applying the lashes.
03:50 So when you get your pair of lashes, when you look at them, like looking at them, automatically
03:56 when you turn them like this way, this one is going on this one, this one is going on
04:02 this one.
04:03 That's how you know which side or which lash because when you look at them, see how they
04:07 kind of flare?
04:09 They're kind of like, you can't really tell which end is which end.
04:14 That's how you go by it.
04:15 It's kind of a good thing.
04:17 And when you cut them, because we're going to be measuring them because I need to cut
04:20 them because my eyes are a little smaller than the way that they're here.
04:24 So we're going to measure them and cut them, but you're going to cut them on the edge.
04:26 So what we're going to be doing, these are going to be going on, we're going to be cutting
04:30 this side and same with this one, we're going to be cutting this side.
04:32 You want to cut the edge because if you don't cut the other side, then you're kind of going
04:36 to lose the length or how it's supposed to be because I mean, that's the way that the
04:41 lashes are.
04:42 You're going to get that and then you're going to pick up some glue.
04:47 Do not use anything that's not a glue.
04:53 Don't use like, I know that these ones say adhesive, which is what you want, but some
04:58 of them are adhesives and they're not very good.
05:01 I've tried them, they just don't do the job.
05:03 My best bet for anybody doing this is to buy the brand Duo, just to start off and see how
05:10 it works for you.
05:11 Duo is a great brand.
05:13 You can get this one, which is the blue, which comes in the tube.
05:16 This is what it is.
05:18 This one can come in clear or black.
05:20 So there's this one, this one's in black, it's pink, so you can tell the difference.
05:24 One's a little bit bigger than the other, more price, more money, but you can buy these
05:28 two.
05:29 These are the glue glues and when you apply them, I usually take the lid, see how this
05:34 is, it's blessed and swag, you just line it up onto the lash and then you just let it
05:39 kind of dry.
05:41 The longer you wait to apply your lash, the tackier it will be and then the more better
05:46 that it will stick.
05:47 If you put the glue on and you're like, "Oh my God, I'm panicking that it's not going
05:51 to, it needs to stick right away," you're going to be slipping and sliding, you're going
05:55 to create such a mess on your eye.
05:57 Don't even do that.
05:58 Just kind of wait, wait like 45 seconds, almost to a minute, kind of blow on them, like shake
06:04 them, whatever you want to do that way.
06:06 This one, on the other hand, dries a little bit faster.
06:09 So this one you don't have to wait as long.
06:11 I would wait like maybe 20, 25 seconds.
06:13 But this one has an actual applicator wand that is a little bit much easier for you to
06:17 apply the lashes on so that it's not as hard with the two because you got to squeeze and
06:23 then put them on.
06:24 So anyway, that's just my speed on glue.
06:26 Duo Glue is good to start off with and then there's other brands that you want to buy.
06:30 But these ones are really inexpensive.
06:32 I think they're like five, six bucks.
06:33 You can literally get them anywhere.
06:36 So Duo is like that brand.
06:38 Another thing for your lashes is how to apply them, is when you take the lash and you're
06:45 going to be putting them onto your actual eye.
06:47 I do not use my hands for this, only when it's on and then maybe I'll move it around,
06:54 but I still use tweezers.
06:56 So that's what I use.
06:57 I bought these tweezers, they're from Bath and Body Works, they're nothing crazy.
07:01 I like them because they pluck my eye really good.
07:04 But I also like the handle and everything on it so then I can place them properly.
07:09 You can also use this one that got the rubber on it.
07:12 It's from Sephora.
07:13 This is what I bought.
07:14 I like it but I don't because I find that this one has more of a grip.
07:18 So I feel like I have more control with the rubber.
07:21 I don't.
07:22 But I mean, it's up to you.
07:24 Use tweezers, buy them from the dollar store.
07:26 They don't have to be like anything crazy or expensive.
07:29 Just kind of get them so then you can do it, which I will be showing everything.
07:32 I'm just explaining to you what to do before we start.
07:35 So let's get started.
07:36 Okay, with the lashes, take them out of the packaging.
07:38 So these are the 501s from Koko.
07:40 So to take them off, you do not, I mean do not just pull from one side and just kind
07:46 of yank it.
07:47 You are going to stretch the crap out of the lash and then it won't be as the way it's
07:51 round.
07:52 It won't look like that.
07:53 It'll kind of be straight and then you've got to like shift a little bit.
07:56 So what I do, how I do it, I actually take it.
08:00 When I take them off, is what I'm going to do is I'm going to like pick at it.
08:04 So I'm just going to like push them down, kind of like that.
08:10 And then I'll take this side and I'm going to use the right one just so that's easier
08:14 so that I, you know, don't have to be like all weird.
08:17 See, just came off.
08:18 So just like that.
08:19 So that's what I will do to take them off.
08:20 So then see, it's still curly.
08:22 It's still like good.
08:23 It's not going to mess up anything.
08:25 Take the lashes and see how I have them kind of in the, kind of have them like in this
08:31 kind of area.
08:32 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to measure.
08:34 So I'm going to just place them on my eyelash and see how a touch too big, like it's too
08:42 large for my eyeball.
08:43 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to place, I don't like to put the inner corner right
08:48 in the inner corner.
08:49 I kind of like to leave it at least a little bit out because nobody likes that anyway.
08:53 So I'm going to just move it over.
09:00 So I place it where I'm going to do the front.
09:03 So see how the front I like, but see how there's all this excess?
09:06 I don't need that because I'm going to go to the end of my eyeball.
09:11 But there is like, if you can see, I don't know if you can see, but there's a little
09:16 bit of like, I would say about these two would have to be gone.
09:22 So I'll pull this off.
09:24 And when I measured these two, so when I measured these two, this one and this, this bigger
09:30 one and the smaller one are going to be cut off.
09:34 So that big one and then the small one are going to be cut off because they don't fit
09:38 on my eye where I want them.
09:40 What we take, we'll take a little, little scissors.
09:43 Don't take like some big Horkin scissors.
09:45 I mean, they're not going to do the job for you, but take scissors.
09:49 These pairs of scissors I got, they were in a nail kit.
09:52 They come with scissors.
09:53 These are the scissors I use because they're perfectly small and they can get into that
09:56 area and then that's it.
09:58 I'm just going to cut those two off and you're going to cut it close to the next line.
10:04 See, now that that piece is gone.
10:07 Okay, so now it's going to fit on my eye.
10:11 So I'm going to be taking my glue and I'm just going to be stroking it on.
10:16 And I like this one because it shows up blue.
10:19 I don't know if you can see that, but my camera's being weird, but yeah, it's kind of blue and
10:23 then we'll just wait, kind of dry it off.
10:25 And then once it's kind of, you put it on and then you're kind of waiting, you're going
10:28 to, I'm going to take it and put them back on here and then I'm just going to put them
10:31 on.
10:32 And when you're putting on lashes, you want to be looking at your like kind of dead on,
10:36 but kind of at an angle where you can see the top of your eye, like your lid and where
10:41 you're going to put them.
10:48 So see, I placed it in the middle first and then I put the edge and then I go with the
10:53 inner corner part and sometimes I'll touch it so that it stays in the spot.
10:59 And then if not, then I'll just take it.
11:01 Sometimes they'll lift if it's still not dry enough, but, and then I usually fan.
11:05 I do it on clients too, I just fan so just so that it dries faster.
11:08 Not that it's not drying, but it is drying.
11:10 Look at my, look at this eyelash to this eyelash.
11:16 It looks pretty good.
11:17 It adds a little something.
11:18 It's not too crazy.
11:19 You can start off with this and then once you add on like a bigger wing or bigger smokier
11:24 eye, then you want to go with the bigger lash.
11:26 But right now, I mean, this is a simple look.
11:28 It's not really crazy, but with the lashes, it kind of adds a little, little extra something
11:32 to your look.
11:33 Don't like play with them or touch them.
11:34 Just let them dry.
11:35 Just kind of fan, whatever.
11:37 They're going to feel weird at first.
11:38 It feels like, "Oh my God, how am I going to like function?"
11:41 After like five, 10 minutes, you're going to be like, "I don't even have lashes on my
11:44 eyes.
11:45 What are you talking about?"
11:46 So yeah.
11:47 So that's how you do lashes.
11:48 I'm going to just apply the other one.
12:01 Just like that.
12:17 Done.
12:18 See?
12:19 My face just looks so much better.
12:21 It just adds a little something.
12:22 It adds a little something.
12:23 They're not that crazy of lashes and just completes your look.
12:26 I mean, you just add a little something.
12:28 If you go out for like a dinner or if you're just going to go for drinks with a friend
12:32 or something, just to have lashes, I find that they add, especially in pictures, especially
12:38 for weddings when brides are like, "No, I don't want a lash."
12:40 I'm like, "Girl, get them lashes.
12:42 They just look so much better."
12:44 But anyways, I hope this helped.
12:46 I hope you learned something from the lashes or how to apply them.
12:50 I just, like I said, it's practice makes perfect.
12:52 You just want to get it on the lid.
12:54 And also too, if you miss or anything, I mean, I put on the lashes already and what I usually
13:00 do is I'll take a liner and just go over top because sometimes the glue is white or it's
13:06 clear and you can kind of see it.
13:08 So I'll just literally take this pointed liner and I'll go over top.
13:15 It's called tracking the lash line because you know the bands are usually white.
13:20 So you just want to kind of make it look like, "Oh, these are my own lash."
13:25 You know what I kind of mean?
13:26 So anyways, I hope you learned anything from this video.
13:29 Leave a comment below on what are your favorite lashes for right now.
13:32 I really like these 501s.
13:33 They're really great because I got them in.
13:36 And like I said, these ones are very wispy.
13:38 They're very flared out.
13:39 They just add a little something to your look.
13:41 Thank you so much for watching.
13:44 And if you like this video, give it a thumbs up and let me know what you thought of it.
13:48 Or if you apply lashes or if you learned anything, I would love to hear from you.
13:53 Don't forget to subscribe to my channel so you can keep up with what's happening.
13:58 And don't forget to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook.
14:01 It's all MakeupbyLeslieNicole, except for Twitter, it's MakeupbyLeslie_.
14:07 So don't forget to do that just to keep up with me and what I'm doing.
14:09 But other than that, I hope you enjoyed this video and thank you so much for watching and
14:14 I'll see you guys in my next one.
14:16 Thanks.
14:17 Bye.
14:17 I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:18 So now that the, um, here.
14:19 I don't know if you can see, but, okay.
14:20 So, okay.
14:21 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:22 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:23 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:24 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:25 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:26 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:27 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:28 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:29 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:30 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:31 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:32 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:33 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
14:57 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:18 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:37 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:38 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:39 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:40 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:41 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:42 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:43 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
15:44 So, I'm going to zoom you in a bit.
