Makeup For Older Women How To Apply Eye Makeup

  • last year
00:00 Hi everybody. I get lots of interest whenever I do anything about eye makeup. It seems to be quite a challenging aspect of what to do when you're older.
00:10 So I thought I'd make this short video, especially for you, just to show you what I do when I put on my eye makeup.
00:17 And my intention here is to give you a step-by-step process which you can follow using all Look Fabulous Forever eye products and just showing you how they work on me.
00:28 I hope you enjoy it and I hope you find it useful.
00:31 So, to start with, I'm going to use Look Fabulous Forever eye primer.
00:37 Now you may wonder what the value of an eye primer actually is, if you've never used one before.
00:44 By the way, I'm only going to make up one eye because it will be quicker and you'll see the effect on that.
00:52 Now an eye primer, as you can see I've applied it quite lightly and I'm now using our brush number four just to smooth that over the lid area.
01:06 What this is going to do, it's going to remove any discolouration that I have on my eyelid, which is quite a problem for some women when they're older.
01:16 And it also makes sure that anything that I put on top actually stays in place for longer.
01:22 It's really brilliant. I think I've said before and I'll say it again, older skin's a bit like blotting paper.
01:28 And the trouble with blotting paper is if you try and draw a nice straight line on it or really put anything on it, it tends to feather, bleed and blur.
01:36 And so what you're doing with a primer is you're actually making sure that that doesn't happen.
01:41 The next thing I'm going to do is my brows. Now again, brows are challenging for older women.
01:47 They're often quite sparse. Mine kind of run out here, they disappear.
01:51 And what you're trying to do is you're trying to create proportion and symmetry with your brows.
01:55 So they should be as wide apart as the base of your nose.
01:59 And then they should really, in terms of a line going from here to here to here, end about there.
02:07 And you can see that mine actually stop here.
02:10 So I'm going to correct that with our brow shape.
02:13 And our brow shape is quite ingenious. I came up with the idea because I wanted to create something much more lifelike and realistic than pencil or smudgy powder.
02:25 So what you do with a brow shape, using these light feathery strokes, having shaken it up first,
02:31 is to just, you're kind of almost like a portrait painter, painting in the areas that are missing.
02:39 So I'm never that bothered if I pluck out some of my eyebrows that have gone funny directions or they've become very wiry or over long.
02:49 You know, all those things that happen to your eyebrows when you're older.
02:52 Get rid of them, just pluck them out.
02:54 Because I know that I can recreate and actually have quite a realistic effect with this.
02:59 And I'm going to extend the length of my eyebrows down like that,
03:05 so that they're actually a better shape and they just look nicer.
03:09 They're framing my eyes more successfully.
03:12 Okay, so you can see the contrast with the other eyebrow there.
03:16 It didn't take long, it's given it better definition.
03:19 And the brow brush, it comes with this brow brush as part of a set, is then useful.
03:24 You can just very lightly ensure that it's looking good.
03:29 So we've got two products there, the primer and the brow brush.
03:32 And what I'm going to do now is I'm going to use one of our face products, which is the Fabulous Light.
03:38 And I'm going to put some onto the brow bone.
03:42 So that's this area here, I'm going to highlight it.
03:46 Fabulous Light is a highlighter.
03:48 And you can see as it catches the light that it's just drawing attention to an area that you want to draw attention to rather successfully.
03:57 Okay, and the tops of the cheekbones is another good area.
04:01 So you're really doing it in this area here.
04:04 So just pat it in, you'll find it disappears into the skin very readily.
04:08 It's a lovely product to use.
04:11 And the idea of that is that it makes this whole eye area pop, look a lot prettier and better.
04:19 So the next thing I'm going to do, I'm going to apply some Fabulous Shade.
04:23 I'm going to use Taupe.
04:25 This is matte, like all our shades.
04:28 It doesn't have a glittery or shimmery thing, which tends to grab onto any creepiness that you have on your eyes.
04:33 And where I'm going to put it, I'm going to put it here.
04:37 I'm going to try and do this without raising my eye.
04:39 It's very tempting to raise your brow.
04:42 And I'm just going to put it there.
04:45 And the idea of shadow is that you're dividing the eye down into three distinct areas.
04:52 So you've got a lighter area here, a lighter area here and a darker area in between.
04:56 It makes your eyes look bigger.
04:58 So I'm going to pull it out to the outer edges a little bit and just work that in.
05:04 Not being too bothered about precision at this stage.
05:07 It doesn't have to be terribly precise, just roughly where it needs to go.
05:11 Because you're going to blend it like crazy in a minute.
05:14 And I'm actually going to put it down onto this outer corner as well.
05:19 So the whole idea is that it has a kind of a lengthening effect.
05:24 A widening effect should I say on my eyes.
05:27 It makes them look bigger.
05:29 So that's the kind of rough area that I'm going to put it.
05:33 And I think that's probably enough.
05:35 So that was using brush seven.
05:37 Using another brush seven, a clean one this time, I'm just going to blend that like mad.
05:44 So really, really thorough blending.
05:46 The whole idea with this is that no hard edges.
05:49 And so don't, because this brush is clean, this hasn't got any shadow on it at all.
05:54 I'm literally taking any excess off, but I'm also ensuring that it's as fully blended as I can possibly get it.
06:03 Okay, right out to the outside edges.
06:07 Okay, so outer edges, you can do circular motions pulling into the inside area.
06:13 Just keep working it in until you feel happy with the way that it looks.
06:19 Okay, I think that will do fine.
06:23 Now what I want to do is to put some colour and some lightness into this area of my eyelid.
06:35 I'm going to do that using the Silvermist Lid Colour.
06:38 And again I'm going to use our brush four to apply it.
06:42 I'm going to apply it from the sponge applicator, so that I can kind of control where I'm putting it.
06:51 I'm just doing it onto that inner area because the outer area has actually got some shadow on it.
06:57 Alright, and again, brush four to work it into my eyelid.
07:11 So it's going on top of the lid primer.
07:15 I'm not going to take it all the way across, but I am going to make sure that it is blended, so it doesn't look strange.
07:24 Remember on that outer area I put some shadow.
07:31 So when you put this on first, it's quite sticky.
07:38 But as I said, don't panic, use the brush or you can use your finger.
07:43 Obviously the alternative is to use your finger and pat it in.
07:47 I find brushes generally give you a much more professional effect.
07:53 If you don't have brushes, then if you were painting a wall, you'd use a brush.
07:57 You wouldn't try and put it on with your fingers.
07:59 You're called a makeup artist because you're actually using pots of paint, aren't you?
08:09 Colours, paints, whatever.
08:12 And you're doing that to enhance the look of yourself.
08:15 So of course you need the tools to go with it, which means brushes.
08:18 So I hope you like the effect of that.
08:21 What I'm going to do now, I'm going to do something which is about thickening my eyelashes.
08:27 Eyelashes are very problematic when you're older.
08:30 They tend to be quite sparse and not very thick.
08:34 So anything that you can do to increase the look of thickness that you've got, the better.
08:40 Now I'm going to start off, I'm going to use charcoal shade for this.
08:45 And I'm going to use our brush 5, which is a little fine brush.
08:50 And I'm going to do this quite delicately because I don't want to create a great heavy line along my eyelashes.
08:56 I'm going to do this quite lightly.
08:58 So resting the brush onto my eyelashes, I'm just going to start pushing some of that product into the base there.
09:06 So the idea is really to create a thickness, which is the illusion that you're creating.
09:15 Obviously you're not making your eyelashes thicker, but you're creating the illusion that they're thicker.
09:20 So not raising it much above the line of the lashes, keeping it really quite close.
09:27 Not too much.
09:29 And the idea is, as I said, is to not so much create a line, as to push that product into the roots of the lashes as far as you can.
09:45 So quite subtle.
09:56 I think that's probably enough. I really don't want to overdo it.
10:02 It needs to be enough to have an impact without suddenly looking like you've closed your eyes down.
10:10 You really don't want to do that.
10:12 Now you can also, if you want to, put a little bit underneath.
10:17 I don't put much underneath my eyes. I don't like it. I feel it closes my eyes down a bit.
10:23 I think that's probably enough.
10:25 Now just have a look at this eye compared to this eye and my lash area.
10:30 Just that small amount of product has had quite a beneficial effect.
10:37 Okay. So that will do for that.
10:40 And the next thing I'm going to do, it's quite exciting this, I like doing this bit, I'm going to curl my eyelashes.
10:46 We've got some brilliant new eyelash curlers in the range.
10:49 They're the best I've ever used anyway and I've been using eyelash curlers all my life practically.
10:55 And I'm going to show you the effect of this on my eyelashes.
10:59 So if I put this here, I think you can see that angle that my eyelashes aren't very curly.
11:08 straight, they come out straight from my eyelids, so I'm going to put them over and again I
11:18 hope you can see this, that I'm now trapping my upper lashes between the top and bottom
11:24 parts of the curler and I'm going to pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump. Okay. So they're
11:33 nicely curled, another go, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump, pump,
11:38 pump, it really doesn't take very long, but can you see how immediately they've come up
11:44 compared to those? You can actually see them, so I've got my eyes the same amount open and
11:53 again I'll show you the effect of that in this, if I can get the angle right, there
11:58 we go, so whereas before they were sticking straight out, now they're actually curling
12:03 quite nicely. So last thing to do and that is to apply mascara and I'm going to do that
12:15 with the mascara wand. So what's special about our mascara is it's not a lengthening mascara,
12:23 it is a thickening mascara, all mascaras are thickening, you're adding an extra layer to
12:28 your lashes to make them look thicker, but what I don't like are really filament heavy
12:35 gloopy mascaras, I think they look quite ugly. Do you remember Barbara Cartland, she's dressing
12:41 pink all the time and she really did look as though she'd got a couple of spiders that
12:48 had landed on her face. It wasn't a very attractive look at all and I think when you're older,
12:57 if you have that very, very hard spidery look around your eyes, it's not particularly pretty.
13:05 That's my particular thing, but I've had some lovely feedback about this mascara, that even
13:13 at the end of its life, it's still not become thick and as I said, gloopy. I do this at
13:27 the bottom lashes or the end of the mascara wand, which is probably easier, they're not
13:32 very, they're quite sparse by the lower lashes. There's enough there to create a bit of drama
13:39 and I'm just going to go back and put another coat on the top lashes. So you know with mascara,
13:45 you go wiggle, wiggle, wiggle up, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle up, lifting, lifting, lifting
13:50 and with the curled lashes, of course you get a lot better effect. So I think that's
13:59 more or less it. I've used five products, I've used the brow shape, I've used the highlighter
14:09 and then some taupe shadow and charcoal shadow and then the lid colour and mascara. So have
14:16 a good look at each eye in turn, compare them. I hope you'll agree that this eye looks an
14:23 awful lot bigger than this eye and that the whole effect is pretty. I'm going to go away
14:31 and do the other eye now, put some lipstick on, I'm then going to take a photograph, which
14:35 I hope to put at the front of the video so that you can see the final finished effect.
14:40 Thanks for watching, hope you found it useful and don't forget to come and visit us at
14:45 We'd really love to see you there. Thank you.
