It Does Matter Who You Sleep With! - Dr. R.A. Vernon

  • l’année dernière


00:00 Bible calls her a whore. She messing with you and know you married, she's a whore.
00:04 And he's a whore too. Pastor, that's kind of mean. That's just what the Bible says.
00:10 It does matter who you sleep with. That's what I want to talk about in this
00:17 edition of Dr. R. A. Vernon TV. Are you enjoying this Biblecast Bible study/
00:24 podcast? Biblecast. Put some fire in the chat right away. Give me some energy
00:29 tonight. Today, whenever you're watching it, I need the energy. I do, man. I love
00:34 communicating. This is a practical, it's theological, prayerfully, it's spiritual,
00:41 it's relational. I want it to be all of that, man. I'm dealing with relationships
00:45 this season. All kinds, man. Everything. I've touched same-gender relationships and
00:51 why I respectfully disagree with that. I dealt with singles and what a man needs.
00:58 And what your wife needs. I mean, I really think God did sort of anoint me to do
01:05 two things for sure. Touch leadership and touch relationship. I love them both.
01:09 Speaking of relationships, something I've been hearing has been disturbing me. I
01:15 want to jump right in because there's this idea that I'm hearing from black
01:19 scholars and much more liberal pastors than me. I'll go here. A lot of
01:25 theologically trained pastors who, man, have way more degree than me. I said
01:31 something, I have an earned D-min. Some of these guys and gals have PhDs, but we
01:39 still disagree. I said something a few weeks ago, months ago, maybe years ago,
01:45 that I still believe and that is this. Just because somebody's smarter than you
01:49 don't mean they're righter than you. That's worth putting some fire in the
01:54 chat right away. Because someone's smarter than you does not mean they are
01:59 righter than you. No, there's some things you're just not going to impress me with
02:05 because of your cognitive ability. I just believe one such thing is that I believe
02:11 it does matter who you sleep with. All right, let's get into this. Now I need
02:14 some thinking persons. This is practical, but I do again want to push you
02:18 cognitively. I want this to be the thinking person's podcast, Bible cast. The
02:23 thinking person. I believe you're a thinker, so I don't want to tell you
02:26 watch this what to think, but I do want you to think and frame your own opinion
02:31 based on what you've read, what you've heard, and then you come to your own
02:36 personal thesis or conclusion. You know, so one of the things I'm hearing that's
02:40 driving me absolutely nuts is this idea again of moral relativistic thinking or
02:48 this post-modernistic thinking, as I said last time we were together, that do what
02:54 you feel. I heard a same-gender attracted, same-gender loving female pastor who I
03:03 love, we just disagree, she talked about how really the golden rule, the only rule
03:09 really in a sense is do others no harm. Now come here, we're going someplace. Do
03:17 others no harm. In other words, if what you're doing is not harming anyone, it's
03:24 nobody's business. So you know, if two people of the same sex are making love
03:29 and they both volunteer, then no one else should care. Well if that's the case, then
03:37 why do we preach about anything? Why do we show up just to get a paycheck?
03:41 Because that really is big pimping. If really you don't care what people are
03:46 doing, you don't think God cares what people are doing, long as they're not
03:49 hurting anybody. So if you're not, you know, shooting black children because
03:56 you're a white police officer, if you're not calling me the N-word, if there's not
04:02 voter suppression, in other words, if it's not harming me, if it's not, you know,
04:07 keeping people of color on the margins, if it's not a matter of injustice, then
04:14 don't sweat it. Do you, I'll do me. I just disagree. I heard Jackie Hill Perry, and
04:21 many of you may know her, she said something on Instagram that blessed me.
04:24 She'll tell you it's no secret she was in a lesbian relationship or a lesbian
04:31 lifestyle for years before the Lord really touched her heart, and now I
04:36 believe she's married and all that good stuff and speaking all over the country
04:40 and the world. And she said, "Everybody talks about the golden rule being 'do
04:45 others no harm,'" she said, "but what if it harms God? What if it harms the heart of
04:53 God?" Man, that grabbed me because I 100% agree. I have colleagues who say to me,
04:59 and I do, and I love this robust debate. I do. I love principle critiques, so any of
05:04 my friends that are listening or preaching colleagues or pastoral
05:07 colleagues, watch this, or thought leaders or black scholars or white scholars,
05:11 whoever, please hit me up and push me, man, because I want to get better. But here's
05:16 what I'm sick of. It's like, "R.A., R.A., don't sweat the small stuff. Why does this
05:22 sexual stuff or homosexuality or who's screwing who, why does that bother you so
05:27 much?" We got bigger fish to fry. I mean, we got issues of injustice, as I say,
05:32 voter suppression, police brutality, kids that are hungry, people pushing the no
05:39 abortion agenda, but they won't feed the kids who are alive. So don't tell me you
05:45 care about the life of children when you won't even help the ones that are alive,
05:49 but you're worried about the ones who haven't been born. You've heard all of
05:52 the sound bites. The idea is, if it's not an issue of justice, I should have no
05:59 passion for it. You can't tell me what to be passionate about. I'm not this
06:05 passionate about family. I care about black and brown bodies being dishonored. I
06:12 really do. I've marched as much as anybody in the city of Cleveland. I've
06:16 stood up for justice, stood in front of as many judges and rallied causes and
06:22 put my money behind my mouth as much as anybody or more, feeding, I don't know if
06:27 there's any church in our city, I have to say it, that has given out more money to
06:32 the marginalized than the word church over the last 20-something years. I just
06:36 don't know. But that said, look at me. That's not all I care about. I just
06:43 personally think that God is as interested in who people sleep with, I do,
06:49 as to who shoots who, as to who's hungry, I do. I think it all matters to God, not
06:58 just justice, but holiness, but family, but biblical ethics. I do, man. And so I want
07:08 to use my platform, and it's mine. You can have yours. I have mine tonight to talk
07:15 about. It does matter who you sleep with. I see that as a major issue that's not
07:25 being discussed enough from pulpits, and certainly black scholars could care less,
07:30 and many, many black pastors, and particularly, again, liberal-thinking
07:37 pastors, it's like, no. They almost try to make you seem like a dinosaur and dated
07:43 and maybe not trained formally. These guys who aren't trained formally, they don't
07:49 understand real biblical exegesis and the argument from silence regarding same-
07:54 gender loving sex and the Greco-Roman culture and context in which Paul writes
08:01 from where we all know even Alexander the Great had his female lover. I'm not
08:06 the guy who hasn't read something. I'm not the guy who just fell off a wagon.
08:11 I'm not the guy who's just doing this for clicks. No, I stayed in seminary the
08:17 same six, eight years as you. I wrote the same dissertations and read the same
08:21 books and studied the same German scholars, and the difference is I just
08:26 believe that it does matter. It does. So first of all, let's jump in. I like what
08:33 Jackie Hill Perry said again, a former sister, former lesbian sister who's now
08:38 speaking across the world, loves Jesus, and now says that lifestyle is wrong. But
08:44 she says it does matter who you sleep with. It does matter how God feels. So
08:50 first and foremost, it does matter if you sleep around. I'm talking to singles here.
08:57 It does matter if you sleep around. No matter what people tell you, God is
09:02 interested in who you go to bed with. He's interested in that. First of all, we
09:07 know something that many of you know who are in church, but there's this term we
09:11 sort of throw out there that I really want to unpack tonight, today, whenever
09:15 you're watching. I really want to unpack it, and that is this idea of soul ties
09:20 and what that means. Because you don't really see that term "soul ties" in
09:25 Scripture, but you hear it a lot, right? Singles conferences and pastors who
09:31 teach on relationships and sex outside of marriage. You hear this term
09:35 "sex" in sexual teachings, sexuality, teachings of sexuality, soul ties. Okay.
09:41 So what does that mean? Let me give you a Scripture. First and foremost, I
09:46 guess I want to tell you this. Sex is a spiritual act, not just physical. Sex is a
09:51 spiritual act. It's a Bible cast. So let's read this. And I know sometime when
09:54 people read the Bible, you tune out for a minute. Would you do me a favor and read
09:58 this on the screens with me? Is that important that we see this? I
10:01 like the message version here. "There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex
10:06 is as much a spiritual mystery," there's my point, "as physical fact. As written in
10:14 Scripture, the two become one. Since we want to become spiritually one with the
10:19 Master, we must not pursue the kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy,
10:25 leaving us more lonely than ever, the kind of sex that can never become one."
10:31 Now that's wrong. Eugene Peterson wrote the message version, and I love his
10:37 practicality here. Matter of fact, I'm gonna do something I barely ever do. I
10:42 want to read it again. I like something that the Prince of Preachers Gardner
10:45 Taylor said, "Read a whole lot of Scripture so if your message sucks, at
10:50 least they heard the Word of God." At least they heard the Word of God. So in
10:54 case I don't do well, at least let me show you the Scripture. Let me read this
10:58 again. Ready? "There's more to sex than mere skin on skin. Sex is as much a
11:02 spiritual mystery as physical fact. As written in Scripture, the two become one.
11:06 Since we want to become spiritually one with the Master, we must not pursue the
11:11 kind of sex that avoids commitment and intimacy, leaving us more lonely than
11:14 ever, the kind of sex that can never become one." Let's just get straight to it.
11:19 Every woman here that's had a couple cats know that feeling of laying there
11:23 after orgasm or whatever, and he's gone and back to his wife, we'll get to that
11:29 or whatever, and you're feeling more lonelier than ever, particularly to save
11:34 sisters and brothers watching this. Again, I know my audience is not just Christian.
11:39 It's broader than that, but the majority of you who watch this, you believe in
11:44 Jesus, you believe in the Bible, and at your core you kind of know that sex
11:50 outside of marriage is wrong. And I'm not here to beat you up. I'm here to get you
11:53 up. Matter of fact, I want us to reason together.
11:55 We interrupt our program to bring you this important message.
12:00 Just because it's offered doesn't mean it's accepted.
12:03 If God ever let me get it, everybody connected to me gonna have it.
12:08 The fact is you might feel alone, but the truth is you are not alone.
12:11 So I'll just say, yeah, yeah, say, "Thank you, Lord."
12:20 This year's thing better than ever!
12:24 [Music]
12:51 I know what I meant to do. Let me stop before I jump into the same old,
12:55 "God don't want you sleeping around." No, I promise God. I told my girl, my wife,
13:01 I said, "This second half of my pastorate, I'm just not doing no more safe preaching.
13:07 No, I'm doing relevant talk and teaching." And I need to just pause parenthetically
13:14 and say to all of you who are single, sex is so real. Sex is so natural.
13:21 I know you've heard this, but please hear it from a man of God who loves you.
13:25 There is nothing demonic about you for wanting a brother to make love to you
13:31 or absolutely saying a fine sister thing, and I love to make love to her.
13:35 Your body is as much sexual, I really mean this, as it is natural in the sense of
13:43 eating. Your body—one person jotted biologically that sometime if you don't have sex,
13:51 your body will have sex with itself, right, just to release what comes with sex, right?
13:58 Orgasm or that kind of thing happens because God made you sexual.
14:04 The progenitor, the creator, the establishmentarian of the human body made you.
14:11 This is why he tells Adam, "It's not good for you to be alone. I'm going to make you a helper."
14:16 And one of the ways she's going to help you is sexually, bro, because I've created you
14:21 to not just procreate, but to appreciate the love of a woman or the love of a man.
14:27 So those watching me, I want you to be clear. I'm not about to bombastically beat you up
14:34 for feeling sexual, but I do want to be straight with you.
14:37 Paul says here that sex outside of marriage creates a soul.
14:43 I want to do something I've never heard done. Y'all ready? You haven't hung up on me, have you?
14:48 Please type in the comments. I need some fire. I need some excitement.
14:51 This is going to be good teaching, whether you're married or single.
14:54 And watch this, pastor, I'm 50, please, but your daughter's 30, and she's loving brothers right now.
15:00 And your son is hitting everything that can move. I mean, he's hitting and sticking.
15:04 You better get this to him. Get this to him quickly.
15:08 Okay, or somebody that you know is out there, man, or even if it's for you, and that's this.
15:13 I want to talk about the difference between male soul ties vis-a-vis female soul ties.
15:20 Now, before I get there, let's talk about a soul tie in general, a soul tie or tying your soul to somebody.
15:28 Paul says there's more to sex than mere skirt to skin.
15:32 Verse 16, again, sex is much more spiritual.
15:36 Sex is as much spiritual mystery as physical act is spiritual.
15:42 When you make love, it's a mystery.
15:45 The two become one. There's this relationship between Jesus and the church.
15:50 The two become one. Can somebody married 25 years who actually likes his wife tell you something?
15:57 I know it's a rarity, but I'm one of those cats that thinks she's the finest thing in my church.
16:02 I really do. I'm not just saying it for cameras.
16:05 I mean, the girl just I just love it, man. It's better now to me than it was when we first got married.
16:11 That's real. I'm telling you the truth. And I am telling all of you that are watching.
16:15 It's so spiritual. Sometimes this is me. I'm praying in tongues while we make a love.
16:20 I'm saying thank you, Jesus. In the middle of it, I feel God in it.
16:24 It's better than hitting some hooker. I don't care what nobody say.
16:27 It's better than hitting some hooker who I don't know.
16:32 I'm not saying that strange sex don't feel good. I'm not to play it out, Pastor.
16:37 Come on now. Sometimes it's the excitement of not knowing the person and you sneak in and it feels all whatever.
16:44 But please believe me when I tell you there is something amazing and spiritual about making love to my wife.
16:54 Not just the physical, the spiritual. I didn't understand that connection as much as I do even now.
17:02 So so God made let's get to it. Sex for marriage and marriage for sex.
17:08 So whoever you screw, you marry. Because God can't change the rules.
17:16 Oh, you just missed that pastor. We didn't walk down the aisle. I know.
17:19 But you married them. You married them in the spirit. You married them in the spirit.
17:25 That's why the day you got married, you were already married.
17:29 And the issue in your bedroom is that there are too many people in your bed.
17:34 You all his one night stands and your college rendezvous and your first husband and your other baby's daddy and the other baby's daddy.
17:42 And, you know, the long term relationship you had with the girl for seven years and the positions and all the stuff and all the things they did.
17:49 That's real. I can't explain it. It's it's a mystery. It's spiritual ontological.
17:56 It's there's a lot going on. It's it's a mystery. But you marry them.
18:01 It's called a soul tie. When you sleep with somebody, there's something that they deposit in you.
18:07 That's why I want to talk about male soul ties. These are these female soul ties, because really, in a real sense, I think soul ties.
18:15 I have no proof of this. I have no proof of this biblically or scientifically or even spiritually.
18:22 It is my opinion. I pray that after 25 years of being married.
18:27 OK, my seminary training pastor in 20 years gives me some credibility to think and to form my own theological construct.
18:36 And I say that to say after after counseling a bunch of people, this is heavy.
18:42 After touching people, I think sex impacts women more than it does men emotionally.
18:51 Now, I have no proof of that. I don't know if it's something about the fact that we deposit in you.
18:57 OK, I'm going here. This is why you love this Bible cast. I'm a go here in general.
19:03 Can I. This is not church. This is not church.
19:08 This is not church. This is my platform. And I'm enjoying it more and more because it allows me it allows me some space that Sunday morning does not.
19:17 Line up 10 women with the baddest bodies in the world and have them all in a room bent over with a bag on their head.
19:30 And a man will come in here me every day of the week and hit one of them one at a time,
19:37 maybe five of them the same day and go back out the room and feel nothing for none of them.
19:44 Don't have to know their name. We probably rather not know their name. Don't have to see them.
19:49 Don't have to talk to them and leave there and go get something to eat and be like, man, it was 10 wicked girls in there bent over.
20:00 I'm going someplace. Right. I'm making a point here. The average woman.
20:06 There's always exceptions. That's not going to work with her. She's not about to just let 10 men, whatever penis size, just do whatever.
20:16 It's more intimate to most women, even unsaved women. Not all. Please don't put in the comments.
20:23 I'm just as nasty as men. OK, God bless you. Nasty Nancy, whoever you are. Praise God. But to the average woman.
20:31 So that feeling. OK, why is it then? That when you find out he don't want you no more.
20:40 You know, you scratch in cars. I mean, some of you know you have went to his job, cried yourself to sleep.
20:47 He kicking it. It's like women really attach themselves. Something happens in the spirit realm with you.
20:56 You don't even know. It's not just emotional. You've tied yourself. Women give all men give a piece.
21:03 When brothers say I got me a piece, that's what he meant. A piece. A woman. Most women, they give all.
21:10 Are there 10 women here watching me that can remember a man you gave all to?
21:16 You would have married him on the spot. You'd have given your life for him. You would have given money to this brother.
21:22 Let's just be straight. You were serious. They committed. That's a. That's a soul tie.
21:29 Now, men tie their souls to they're just not as aware of it, because in our minds we just feel detached.
21:36 Even, you know, we can detach ourselves sexually from our emotions. Most women cannot.
21:42 But there's still something going on, my brother. Don't think you get away when you sleep with a bunch of women.
21:47 You still tie yourself to that woman in the spirit realm, which is why I do believe there needs to be a rinsing and a repenting before you get married.
21:57 Because those persons. OK, let's talk about the obvious juxtapositions, comparisons that, of course, quell marriages in the sense of if a girl did this and that or this guy had a bigger thing and he did this with his mouth.
22:14 You're human comparison is almost inevitable.
22:20 It was never the will of God for you to compare my penis to the brother's penis that you had a child by or compare this girl behind to this one of this girl's oral ability.
22:30 Yeah. You know which ability I'm talking about to this one's or I'm not talking about talking.
22:34 This is a look at now you're laughing. You're supposed to be very serious.
22:40 Cam, you know, Steph, I'm going to pray for you. I need people. You can't laugh.
22:44 I mean, I need prayer over here, guys. But stick with me. I'm serious.
22:49 It does matter who you sleep with. So first of all, it does matter if you sleep around.
22:55 You're single watching this. I don't care what people tell you. I even heard one black pastor buddy, Ph.D., not buddy, but somebody was arguing that you really can't even prove out that fornication or sleeping around is a sin outside of marriage.
23:11 Biblically, First Corinthians seven, verse two, those of you who do believe Bible to avoid sexual sin, throw it up, feel to avoid sexual sin.
23:23 Let every man have his own wife. Let every wife have her own husband to avoid fornication.
23:29 And that 16th century King James Elizabethan English version, but more modern to avoid sexual sin to avoid.
23:39 That's so shallow. That's so superficial. Get married just for sex to avoid sexual sin.
23:47 So you don't get married just to avoid sexual sin.
23:52 Yeah. A major reason to get married when possible. We're going here.
23:59 One major reason is for sex. Yeah, I need that. I'm a man. I'm sexual.
24:05 It does matter if you sleep around. I'll say this. I was not perfect, but my wife was the first woman that I really slept with.
24:16 I know this is crazy. Listen, we're not playing games. This is a Bible cast. We're a blended family.
24:22 I don't have any children, so I think we can figure out that. Apparently I wasn't her.
24:27 You know, that's just life. OK, but she was mine. And in a very real sense, that's probably one of the reasons you're like he seemed like he's whooped.
24:36 I am and gladly whooped. I'm turned. I'm I'm messed up. I'm still discovering her.
24:45 And she got a wicked body to me, which is what I hope all husbands feel and all that.
24:50 And so I'm happy. It's not that I don't see other women. It's not that I haven't looked at my phone sometime too long, even as a man of God.
24:57 I have. It's not that I haven't looked at somebody walking down the street and she gave me that. Look, I'm not gay. I'm saved.
25:04 OK, so it's not that other women are not attractive, but there is something about avoiding sleeping around.
25:14 That can help you once you get married. Now you can show this to your son. I am in my 50s. I'm not a baby.
25:21 I'm not a young boy. I got the finest women in Cleveland at the World Church.
25:26 Acts one have I flirted with them. All the ugly women go to other churches. I don't know what church is called the ugly Methodist Presbyterian of the women of God.
25:35 Stop laughing. I mean, you can't come to the word and not see absolute gorgeous women.
25:41 Twenty two years. Acts one have I flirted with them? Don't clap for me. I've made so many other mistakes as a pastor.
25:47 But I believe it was the not sleeping around that helped me to be happy. Yeah.
25:56 So remember that it does matter if you sleep around. It does matter if you sleep around.
26:03 But then secondly, it does matter. If you sleep with people outside your marriage.
26:11 It does matter if you sleep with people outside your marriage. I was I was thinking about this.
26:20 You know, I've never committed adultery as I said, that's not going to happen.
26:26 That's not going to happen. You ever heard somebody say never say never. Those people don't read their Bibles.
26:32 Whenever you say you're afraid to say never, you're setting yourself up for the enemy.
26:37 There ought to be some things you can say. I mean, you can say I'm never going to mess with a child, can't you?
26:41 Can't you say I'm never, ever going to molest no child?
26:45 Yeah. Can't you say I'm never going to put my hands on my wife? Can't you say I'm never going to dog my mother?
26:52 Some things you ought to be able to say. How come people afraid to say that when it comes to sexuality?
26:57 Now, I didn't say I'm never going to lose my temper. I didn't say I'm never going to lust after another woman.
27:02 I'm not Jesus. Determine in your mind what you never going to do and just mean it.
27:08 Well, Pastor, that's already happened in my context. Look at me.
27:11 This is the grace Bible cast. The word church is the grace church. Come as you are.
27:16 You won't stay as you are. Look at me. Determine you're not going to do it again.
27:21 So what has already happened? Determine I'll never hurt that girl like that again.
27:26 I'll never hurt my husband like that again. Don't trip. Don't trip.
27:30 Even those of you that are watching this thing, you just conjured up something. Dr.
27:34 Vernon, it's my job to teach truth, even if it offends you, even if you've been through it.
27:38 But I'm also here to help you to know that his blood is sufficient.
27:41 So let me just start by saying 80 percent of marriages have some pornography watching by the men of the marriage.
27:49 Fifty percent. And I think it's going up. Have some cheating in them.
27:57 It does matter if you cheat on your spouse. I want to read something. I'm going to do this again.
28:00 And I'm almost finished. I'm wrapping up. I'm going to read something from the message version.
28:04 This one absolutely bless your life. Bless your fresh flowing fountain.
28:10 Enjoy the wife you married as a young man. Lovely as an angel. Beautiful as a rose.
28:16 Don't ever quit taking the light in her body. Never take her love for granted.
28:21 Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore for dalliance with a promiscuous stranger?
28:32 Mark, well, that God doesn't miss a move you make. He's aware of every step you take.
28:38 The shadow of your sin will overtake you. You'll find yourself stumbling all over yourself in the dark.
28:47 I got to read it again. I got to bless your fresh flowing fountain. Enjoy the wife you married as a young man.
28:54 Lovely as an angel. Beautiful as a rose. Don't ever quit taking the light in her body.
28:59 Never take her love for granted. Why would you trade enduring intimacies for cheap thrills with a whore?
29:07 The Bible calls her a whore. She messing with you and no, you marry.
29:11 She's a whore and he's a whore too. Pastor, that's kind of mean. That's just what the Bible says.
29:18 By the way, let me just stop because there are some people who are decent people who fail for somebody who was married and didn't want to and know it's wrong.
29:28 See, the easy teaching is, you know, what a terrible, miserable.
29:33 Listen, no matter how you feel about it, no matter how you justify it, no matter that y'all should have got married.
29:38 That's whore-ish. That's what the scripture says. Enjoy 25 years in and five babies.
29:47 I'm enjoying that girl. It's better to me. I may be one of the few men you ever meet who feels this way.
29:54 Well, at least hear me. That's one of my calls to people who think I'm over the top.
29:59 I'm just going to be over the top. I'm not lying. And I'm not going to hold back to make people who not happy feel better.
30:06 I can't do that no more. I promised my wife when we got ready to get married, we were laying in the bed.
30:12 I'll never forget in Jamaica, looking at the beautiful ocean. And we said, let's not die with this information inside of us.
30:21 We got some special. We got some special. And we got to talk about it.
30:26 We got to tell people about how good we feel about each other and that godly marriage still works and that sex and marriage is not played out.
30:35 Hear me. I've been saying for years, if you flirt with me.
30:40 I'm going to say your name on TV. We were on national television for years.
30:45 I guess I'm going to say your name on YouTube or someplace. Don't play with me. No, you're a witch.
30:50 Yeah, you're a witch. If you see my ring and you don't mind crushing my daughter's heart,
30:56 breaking my son's heart and messing up my relationship with my beautiful wife and wrecking our home just so you can get some penis for me or some whatever for me.
31:08 You're a witch or or you're being used by the devil.
31:12 Even if you're a decent person in that season, you're acting like a witch. That's crazy.
31:18 Here's the distinction between me and some men. This will change your life.
31:23 Every person who's married and someone occasionally flirts with you or gives you a look like they like you or comes up to you and they see your ring.
31:33 They're absolutely clear that you're married. Instead of being flattered, be pissed off.
31:40 Instead of instead of being flattered, be angry. Yeah, because it'll change that.
31:47 You want to have an attitude when a man sees your ring, particularly you say I'm married and he says something like, oh, that's cool.
31:53 He ain't got to know what brother get away from me before I call the police on you. Walk away.
31:58 Don't don't don't disrespect my husband. Walk away from me. I'm serious.
32:03 And men should do that. Men definitely don't do that enough. Our minds. It is.
32:08 This girl thought I was cute. Is she going? Will come on. Are you really upset? Are you really are you really upset?
32:14 I would be. Yeah. For you to come at me and you know I'm with victory Rose Vernon because I love her so much.
32:21 And not just that. I'm thinking about I'm thinking about literally having to tell my sons.
32:27 I'm so sorry about what happened with my mom. Happen to stand up in front of my church.
32:31 I do pass the thousands of people and more than all of that. I'm breaking the heart of God.
32:36 So so I got to stop. I'm out of time. They're waving at me.
32:40 I don't like to overdo it on this, but but it does matter.
32:45 It does matter that you keep the sanctity of your marriage. If it's already happened, I plead the blood of the blood of Jesus over your marriage.
32:53 I plead the blood of Jesus. I can give you 10 scriptures. Do not commit adultery.
32:57 Old and New Testament talks about the adulterer. Just know the scriptures full of scriptures that are replete.
33:03 The Bible is replete with passages that speak against against adultery.
33:07 Of course, in the Old Testament, there's polygamy. And even in that sense, there's issues.
33:12 Whenever there's more than one woman in the house, there's a lot of problems in the house.
33:17 I'm not going outside my marriage. So don't let nobody tell you pastors watching me.
33:22 As long as you take care of home, R.A., everybody going to get a little something on the side, man.
33:28 Long as you honor your God, you know, honor your wife. You know, bro's going to do what he's going to do.
33:34 Just don't screw nobody in your church. You know, don't booboo where you eat.
33:38 I didn't hurt all this. Almost cuss. I don't cuss, but that stuff make me want to cuss.
33:44 Just don't booboo where you eat, man. You know, everybody going to do what they're going to do.
33:47 Just be careful, man. You know, go out of town. Dumb Negroes be all in their church screwing women.
33:52 Screw somebody. No, you don't screw nobody nowhere. And please, please forgive the rawness of this.
33:57 But I'm talking to raw people with raw issues. And it's not Sunday morning.
34:01 This is our Bible cast last podcast. This is for grown people. Feel like I do.
34:07 I'm not playing. And to those of you who can't control your flesh yet, don't you marry nobody?
34:13 Don't you marry nobody? Yeah. OK. OK. OK. Then finally, it does matter if you sleep with the same gender.
34:21 Oh, absolutely. I want you to reference right here on our YouTube channel, homosexuality and Christianity.
34:29 The elephant in the church is right there. Listen, almost a couple hundred thousand people have watched that, too.
34:36 I did a couple of things on homosexuality because I don't have time to give you everything I feel about it.
34:41 Watch that and you'll see hopefully our balanced discussion. To be clear, I don't believe it's God's will for two people of the same gender to be touching, kissing, getting married.
34:51 I'll give you one scripture and then I'll be done for today. Tonight.
34:55 Romans 1, verses 25 through 27. To me, this is the most clear passage in the Bible.
35:00 There's only about six, by the way. You can add a seventh in Deuteronomy to sort of talk about cross dressing and why a woman shouldn't wear a man's clothing and men shouldn't wear women's clothing.
35:11 So you could add a seven, but really about six to speak to it. Here's the most clear one to me in the New Testament.
35:17 Romans 1, verses 25 through 27, they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worship and serve created things rather than the creator who is forever praised.
35:27 Here it is. Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones.
35:38 In the same way, the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another.
35:46 Men committed shameful acts with other men and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.
35:54 Here's what I'm not going to do. Watch my teaching on homosexuality.
35:58 I'm not going to attempt to exegete that and go back and forth about how different people see that or they're hermeneutic on that.
36:07 There are people that would say, Greco-Roman, a lot's going on sexually. Paul's not talking to heterosexual men.
36:16 He's saying that if you're gay and you're sleeping with another gay brother, that's not unnatural for you.
36:23 It's only unnatural for me because I like women. So I sleep with another man.
36:29 It's unnatural. But if you like men, then Paul's not talking to you. That's called a strained exegesis.
36:38 That's not what that passage means. Dr. William Myers, New Testament professor, Ashland Theological Seminary, and my educational mentor and a Pauline scholar said to me, Paul meant what he meant.
36:51 Don't read into Paul what he's not saying. When Paul says it's unnatural for two women to sleep together, that's exactly what Paul meant.
36:59 When Paul says it's unnatural for two men, me with my private part and his private part, that's not natural. That's unnatural.
37:08 The pastor feels good to me. A lot of things feel good that's not right. Yeah, a lot of things feel good to my flesh.
37:15 All I'm saying is here's the issue. My time is gone. When when two people sleep together that are of the same sex in the black ethos, who's going to get our black women pregnant and stay in the house with them?
37:29 Because I know there's enough sperm to get a bunch of girls pregnant, but we need men to stay in the house and marry our black women.
37:35 So if half of the black men are sleeping with each other and the other half are locked up because of cupidity, greed and a criminal justice system disproportionately targeting black bodies, who's going to make love and marry our women?
37:51 So it does matter. It does matter that you sleep with the same gender. That's that's not God's will. In my opinion, your hermeneutic of Scripture may be different.
38:03 And if it is, certainly we honor and respect your choice. Come on, man. Would you put some fire in the chat and say that was some I think that was some teaching.
38:13 I don't know, man. I'm working. I'm working on this Bible cast. I need you to help me. Would you type in some things you want me to teach on relationally?
38:21 Things I haven't touched yet. Those of you that have become I won't use the word fans, but participants in our Bible cast and you watch each week.
38:28 What haven't I covered? You know, I just don't want to teach. You know, if I just do Ephesians one Ephesians to Ephesians three exegetical teaching Galatians one Galatians to Galatians three.
38:39 People just don't watch anymore. It's just real. My team and I've talked about I love teaching exegetically.
38:45 But now even Christian people, you have to grab their attention. You know, you told me, you know, I'm telling the truth.
38:51 Have you ever been on Instagram or somebody said, hey, don't don't don't turn. Let's pray together. And you turn.
38:57 You're a Christian. They say, don't turn. Let's pray together. Don't swipe. Pay attention.
39:01 You don't want to hear that prayer. And you love Jesus because it just didn't grab your attention.
39:05 So we want subjects that grab your attention. All right. We got to go. I want to pray with you.
39:09 But again, G.O.T.S. is coming up. We'll cut this part later, Phil. But our conference each year, man, it's time to register.
39:17 The info is there. It's filling up like crazy. That's all I can tell you. Get to Cleveland, Ohio.
39:21 If you love to meet me, forget just pastors this year. We're inviting everyone.
39:25 You're part of the Word Nation. If you're watching this, I want to meet him. I want to meet his wife.
39:31 We're going to talk about entrepreneurship. I got guests coming who can sing your socks off, man.
39:36 I got content creators. I got preachers, pastors. Everybody's invited. Business persons, entrepreneurs, young adults.
39:43 Man, we have a young adult service. It's going to be crazy in Cleveland, man. The worship is going to be just amazing.
39:49 Get to Mecca. We call Cleveland. Let me pray. They'll leave it up there.
39:53 Would you just so please would you type in the comments? I just sold fifty dollars past.
39:58 I just sold a hundred dollars. I just so listen, somebody I'm serious.
40:02 Give something unusual. The mailing address is there. Our PO box.
40:07 We really want you to honor what we're trying to do. My wife and I feel like this.
40:11 If something is good, we invest in it. If food is good, we pay for I don't trip.
40:17 Same thing, man. This is blessing you, man, as I pray.
40:21 Would you just pray about sowing a gift into what we're trying to do?
40:25 Father, thank you. And I pray that this teaching was balanced and loving and yet honest.
40:31 Lord, there's so many people who are struggling in the area of sexuality, whether they be single or they're married and maybe unfulfilled and happy or unhappy in some area.
40:42 And the enemy's trying to push them to mess around and their wife or their husband to help them to know it's better to be holy than to be happy.
40:51 And in my holiness, I'll find a sense of happiness.
40:55 Lord, I pray for those who may be same gender attracted and they don't even want to be.
41:00 They're just not turned on by the opposite sex. I pray for deliverance.
41:04 Jesus, I do. And if not deliverance, I pray for the discipline to say no one's touching me who's not married to me biblically.
41:13 I thank you for this podcast is Bible cast. And those that are watching, they don't have to watch.
41:19 There's so many other people they can watch. Now, bless them now.
41:23 And we pray that this teaching is helping somebody in Jesus name. All right. Get the Cleveland registered.
41:31 Now we'll go out with one more snapshot of what June 21st and 23rd is going to be. Get the Cleveland. Watch this. See you next time.
41:43 Just because it's offered doesn't mean it's accepted. If God ever let me get it, everybody connected to me.
41:50 Go ahead. The fact is you might feel alone, but the truth is you are not alone.
41:54 So I'll just say thank you, Lord. This year's thing better than ever.
42:23 And.
