I'm Doing Me - Pastor Keion Henderson.

  • l’année dernière


00:00:00 chapter two, verse number one.
00:00:05 Nehemiah chapter two, verse number one.
00:00:07 Please stand to your feet out of respect for the reading of God's word.
00:00:15 Nehemiah chapter two, verse number one.
00:00:17 I'm going to be reading out of the new English translation.
00:00:24 It's one that you don't hear me reference often, but I liked the way it was transcribed
00:00:30 here.
00:00:31 So the new English NET translation of the Bible, Nehemiah chapter two, verse number
00:00:35 one.
00:00:37 If you got to say amen.
00:00:38 If you still look and say, hold up.
00:00:41 Okay, I'll wait on you.
00:00:42 So I know y'all, I got some thugs in this church.
00:00:49 Y'all ready to fight.
00:00:50 It's all right.
00:00:51 It's all right.
00:00:53 So when people say stuff like, why do churches have security?
00:00:56 You see why?
00:00:58 And when you see me have security, it don't mean I'm extra.
00:01:00 It means the devil's after me.
00:01:01 Amen.
00:01:02 People say, it don't take all that.
00:01:05 You don't live my life.
00:01:06 You don't know what it take.
00:01:07 Amen.
00:01:08 Somebody, you don't know what it take.
00:01:11 You don't know how many attacks I get.
00:01:14 Amen.
00:01:15 Somebody.
00:01:16 So when people see that, because ain't nobody chasing you, you think everybody should just
00:01:20 be able to walk around free.
00:01:22 But that happens to me everywhere all the time.
00:01:25 And so what I have to learn to do is I have to stay.
00:01:28 What I, what I just modeled to you is you can do your job in the face of distraction.
00:01:32 Amen.
00:01:33 So if you, if you build your life up in the way you should build it, you should be able
00:01:38 to do your job in the presence of the distraction.
00:01:41 If your life isn't built correctly, I would have to put the mic down to handle the distraction.
00:01:46 That's what the devil wants you.
00:01:49 Build your life so you can do your job and that your system can handle your distractions.
00:01:59 Are you listening to me?
00:02:00 All right.
00:02:01 So y'all focused.
00:02:02 You back?
00:02:03 Okay.
00:02:04 All right.
00:02:05 Nehemiah chapter two.
00:02:07 I just recommend nobody else try it.
00:02:10 We on high alert right now.
00:02:11 I'm telling you, I'm looking at them.
00:02:13 I'm looking at them.
00:02:14 So just stay where you at.
00:02:16 I know Sarge, we're good.
00:02:18 Nehemiah chapter two, verse one.
00:02:19 How many are ready to go?
00:02:21 See the devil.
00:02:22 I got to listen.
00:02:23 What I'm about to preach today.
00:02:27 The devil been fighting me for three days on this one.
00:02:31 I have been in warfare for three days because I knew what this word was going to do today.
00:02:37 Nehemiah chapter two, verse one.
00:02:39 The Bible says, then in the month of Nisan in the 20th year of King Azararius, when wine
00:02:46 was brought to me, I took the wine and gave it to the King.
00:02:53 Previously listen, this is why I use this is this phrase is why I chose this translation.
00:03:00 Previously I had not been depressed.
00:03:05 See some of y'all think that depression started in 1999.
00:03:11 Nehemiah said, previously this, I had not been depressed in the King's presence.
00:03:18 So the King said to me, why do you appear to be depressed when you aren't even sick?
00:03:29 What can this be other than sadness of heart?
00:03:36 Nehemiah says, this made me very fearful.
00:03:42 I replied to the King, Oh King live forever.
00:03:46 Why would I not appear dejected when the city with the graves of my ancestors lies desolate
00:03:53 and its gates destroyed by fire?
00:03:57 The King responded, what is it you are seeking?
00:04:03 Then I quickly prayed to the God of heaven and said to the King, if the King is so inclined
00:04:11 and if your servant has found favor in your sight, dispatch me to Judah, to the city with
00:04:19 the graves of my ancestors so that I can rebuild it.
00:04:28 Then the King with his consort sitting beside him replied, how long would your trip take
00:04:39 and when would you return?
00:04:43 Since the King was amenable to dispatching me, the Bible says I gave him a time.
00:04:53 The subject that I'm getting ready to use is meant to grab you, but the sermon is meant
00:05:01 to change you.
00:05:07 And here's what the Lord told me to tell you today, I'm doing me.
00:05:13 I want you to look at everybody in the sanctuary and tell them from here on out, I'm doing
00:05:19 me.
00:05:21 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:05:25 I tried to do it another way, but I'm doing me.
00:05:36 Now that's the title.
00:05:41 Let's get to the text.
00:05:46 If I were to survey this room and those of you all who are online watching, and I asked
00:05:52 you what you knew about Nehemiah, with great confidence, I believe that most of the reactions
00:06:04 and responses to the question would be, oh, that's the guy that rebuilt the walls.
00:06:13 And it is true.
00:06:16 Nehemiah was the man who rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem.
00:06:24 Facts.
00:06:27 No suggestions, no assumptions, no opposition to the inquiry.
00:06:34 It is exactly what Nehemiah did.
00:06:39 But like you and I, nobody's life is a series of successes.
00:06:51 John said in John chapter 16, he says, "In this world, you will have trouble."
00:06:59 This is my favorite part.
00:07:00 He says, "But take heart because I have overcome the world."
00:07:07 Pay attention to that.
00:07:11 In this world, you will have trouble, but don't worry about it because I'm over the
00:07:19 thing that's going to cause you trouble.
00:07:24 Does that make sense?
00:07:27 In this world, you will have trouble.
00:07:30 Take courage.
00:07:31 You'll be fine because I'm in charge of the thing that is attacking you.
00:07:40 I have jurisdiction over the area of your life where you have the most trouble.
00:07:50 Your boss isn't in charge at the company.
00:07:52 I am, but I am using them to actually position you to be what I designed you to be.
00:08:06 Whatever area in life you have encountered at this very moment, and I know there are
00:08:12 thousands of us in this room, even more online, where you are in this situation between not
00:08:18 yet and just finished.
00:08:24 Just finished going through it, not yet what I want to be.
00:08:32 Just finished overcoming it, but I don't feel like an overcomer yet.
00:08:37 Who am I talking to so far?
00:08:44 I understand because like Nehemiah, you don't understand that not many days hence, Nehemiah,
00:08:55 after you finish going through all of the stuff that you don't want to go through, your
00:09:01 name is going to be mentioned with Joseph and Daniel and the Hebrew boys and Moses and
00:09:08 Abraham, and in order to get in that company, you have to go through that crisis.
00:09:20 You can't be mentioned, let's bring it to the natural, in the space as Michael Jordan,
00:09:28 LeBron James, Steph Curry, if you don't practice.
00:09:35 You can't be mentioned in the likes of Barry Sanders and Walter Payton and Peyton Manning
00:09:43 and Tom Brady.
00:09:44 You can't be mentioned in those spaces if you've never taken any hits.
00:09:50 You see, there are a lot of us that want to be like people, but we don't want to be hit
00:09:56 like they were hit.
00:09:58 There are a lot of pastors that want to have big churches, but they won't pray.
00:10:07 There are a lot of singers that want to have power, but they won't fast.
00:10:12 There are a lot of parents who want to have successful children, but they outsource them
00:10:16 to the school system and they won't sit down at the table and learn how to do the homework
00:10:20 themselves.
00:10:21 There are a lot of people who want to be rich, but they won't be financially responsible.
00:10:31 So then we want our walls rebuilt while we stay in the same psychological space.
00:10:39 So, Nehemiah, listen to me, was born during the Babylonian exile and captivity, which
00:10:51 means there was a king named Nebuchadnezzar who had enslaved the Jews, and Nehemiah's
00:10:59 mom and dad were part of the slave system.
00:11:05 And this is the same time, this Babylonian captivity, that caused Daniel to end up in
00:11:12 a lion's den.
00:11:15 He was born in the same scope and time where Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego ended up in
00:11:21 the fiery furnace.
00:11:24 Nehemiah was born amidst all of this.
00:11:26 He was born amidst slavery, born amidst exile.
00:11:31 And if there is anybody in the room that has a dark complexion of skin, you must recognize
00:11:39 that a lot of the ways you operate and think is because you are the descendants of people
00:11:44 who are a part of a captivity.
00:11:49 That the diaspora of African-American history was etched in slavery and bondage.
00:11:57 And a lot of us in this room, like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, sit in this room today
00:12:03 telling somebody our name is something that it is not.
00:12:08 Because Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego's real name was Azariah, Hananiah, and so their real
00:12:13 names were not even Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego.
00:12:16 But slavery changed their name.
00:12:18 Daniel's name wasn't Daniel, it was Belshazzar.
00:12:22 So slavery takes your identity and then tells you to act accordingly.
00:12:29 But how can I be what I should be when I don't know the history of where I came from?
00:12:38 The truth is, if you were acting like where you come from, you wouldn't be acting like
00:12:43 paupers, you'd be acting like kings.
00:12:49 By the way, Christianity did not start in England, it started in Ethiopia.
00:12:53 I don't have time to do all of this, but I will tell you that there was black presence
00:13:00 all throughout the Bible.
00:13:02 Bathsheba was a black woman.
00:13:03 No wonder David put the whole kingdom up.
00:13:10 You don't know what he was looking at on that rooftop.
00:13:12 You just imagine what you thought, what you learned in school.
00:13:15 The queen of Sheba, Simon of Cyrene, the man who helped Jesus to carry the cross on the
00:13:21 Via Dolorosa was a black man.
00:13:23 Ham, a descendant of Noah, was a black man.
00:13:26 Don't tell me the Bible doesn't have us in it.
00:13:29 But when you don't know your history and you think your entire life is summarized in a
00:13:34 400 transatlantic drive ending up here in America, well, when you think you started
00:13:41 400 years ago, you won't act accordingly.
00:13:44 And let me tell you, there were black people on the earth before there was a Great Wall
00:13:48 of China.
00:13:55 But captivity will make you think you started on the ship.
00:14:02 The lion that was called, that came over from Africa in the reconstructionist era, and we
00:14:08 come through Jim Crow and we find ourselves still free but not free.
00:14:16 Because Jim Crow is no longer an influence of a detraction from allowing public places
00:14:24 to serve African-Americans.
00:14:26 There are new lunch counters and new lunch tables and new ways where we have been locked
00:14:32 out of the system and not given the keys to the kingdom.
00:14:36 And so now, like Nehemiah, we are traumatized through our perspectives because you were
00:14:42 raised at the hands of distrustful people.
00:14:45 See, I'm trying to talk to y'all right now.
00:14:48 See, your grandmama didn't trust nobody because of what her parents had went through, and
00:14:53 she passed it on to your mama, and your mama didn't trust nobody.
00:14:57 And now you don't trust anybody.
00:14:59 And before you can build a wall, now let's flip the title, you're going to have to work
00:15:05 on you.
00:15:07 That's what I mean by I'm going to do me.
00:15:10 I'm going to stop trying to get you to change, and I'm going to stop telling you what to
00:15:14 do next.
00:15:15 I'm going to build me up so I can be used to build the wall.
00:15:19 Come here.
00:15:20 I'm going to get this stinking thinking out of my head.
00:15:24 I'm going to get this negativity out of my mind.
00:15:27 I'm going to get this jealousy and spirit of comparison and this thing that allows me
00:15:33 to believe that I am not enough because I was born into captivity.
00:15:38 I was born in the sin.
00:15:40 Come here, and shaping in iniquity, but now I am at the place where I'm ready to put away
00:15:46 childish things.
00:15:51 When I was a child, I spoke as a child.
00:15:53 I understood as a child.
00:15:55 But now that I'm a man, I put away childish things.
00:15:58 Behold now, we see through a glass darkly.
00:16:01 Touch your neighbor and say, "I'm going to do me."
00:16:07 I don't mean that in the selfish way.
00:16:09 It means I'm going to work on my attitude and stop telling you about yours.
00:16:12 It means I'm going to work on my mouth and stop telling you about yours because I got
00:16:16 walls to build.
00:16:17 Let me tell somebody in the balcony and somebody in the back, "Hear me well.
00:16:21 You will not build your walls until you get over your mountains."
00:16:27 There is a mountain that has been assigned to your last name.
00:16:31 There is a mountain that has been assigned to everybody in your bloodline, and you'll
00:16:36 never get to the wall until you get over the mountain.
00:16:39 So I'm going to do me.
00:16:44 I'm going to do me, and I'm going to be honest.
00:16:46 So you ain't got to tell me I got an attitude.
00:16:47 I know I got one.
00:16:50 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:16:51 You ain't got to tell me I got a temper because I know if you come at me wrong, I'm going
00:16:54 off.
00:16:55 Who's going to be honest up in here today?
00:16:57 All right, you ain't got to tell me I'm stingy because every time you ask me for something,
00:17:00 I want to push you on the ground.
00:17:02 You ain't got to tell me I'm distrustful because I've been through so much, I don't know who
00:17:06 to trust, and the people that I trusted, I found out that I couldn't trust them, so I
00:17:09 don't trust nobody and don't even trust myself at times.
00:17:16 So in 2023, in the year of manifested promises, I'm going to do me.
00:17:22 I'm going to go to counseling.
00:17:25 I'm going to go to therapy.
00:17:27 I'm going to find out what my flaws are so that I can be a better person, not for you,
00:17:37 but for me.
00:17:38 Why?
00:17:39 Listen, because every time you change for a person, when you lose the person, you lose
00:17:44 your change.
00:17:48 How many of you all say, "Oh, I'm going to change for such and such and such," but when
00:17:51 they leave, then you say, "You know what?
00:17:52 I ain't trusting nobody."
00:17:53 That's why you got to do it for you so that when they leave, they don't take your change
00:17:57 with them.
00:18:01 I didn't lose my peace when you left.
00:18:02 I still got it.
00:18:04 I didn't lose my courage when you left.
00:18:06 I still got it.
00:18:07 I didn't lose my way of thinking when you left.
00:18:09 I still got it.
00:18:10 Somebody shout, "I'm going to do me."
00:18:18 There is not enough people in the world working on you.
00:18:22 You too busy trying to work on everybody else.
00:18:25 And you is messed up, toe up from the flow up.
00:18:30 I almost threw up.
00:18:32 Do me a favor, just tell everybody on the road, "I'm a mess.
00:18:38 I don't like to admit it.
00:18:41 I don't like to admit it.
00:18:42 I don't like to admit it.
00:18:43 I don't like to tell the truth, but I'm messed up.
00:18:46 I get anxiety and I can't control myself.
00:18:49 And when I'm angry, I don't know what I'm going to do and I blame it on other people
00:18:52 because I can't take responsibility for myself.
00:18:54 I'm a mess."
00:18:55 Anybody in here want to be honest?
00:18:59 And if your neighbor hasn't raised their hand, I want you to look at them with all of the
00:19:02 power vested in you by the Holy Spirit and tell them, "You a liar and the truth ain't
00:19:06 in you."
00:19:07 Say it just like that.
00:19:08 I want you to say it just like that.
00:19:10 Tell them, "A liar and the truth ain't in you."
00:19:24 The mental trauma that captivity causes can be generational.
00:19:38 When you are negative and you breastfeed a child, you're not giving them milk.
00:19:49 When you are depressed and you're rocking a baby, you're not giving them comfort.
00:19:56 I just saw a video online, Alex, the other day.
00:19:59 A man said he had a dog and what kind of dog is Lassie?
00:20:03 What is it?
00:20:04 A collie.
00:20:05 He had one of them.
00:20:07 I think it was a little collie, the miniature one.
00:20:08 You know what I mean?
00:20:09 Because Lassie was bigger than this one, but they had the same hair.
00:20:12 You can tell I ain't a dog person, right?
00:20:15 And so he had a collie and he says, "Let me prove to you that dogs don't know what you're
00:20:19 saying.
00:20:20 They just move by your energy."
00:20:21 He looks at the dog and he says, "I love you.
00:20:24 You are my favorite thing in the world."
00:20:26 And the dog is just...
00:20:30 And then he says to the dog, he says, "Come here.
00:20:33 I hate you.
00:20:34 I'm going to blow your brains out."
00:20:35 And the dog is like...
00:20:40 Because dogs don't understand words, they understand spirits.
00:20:43 And so while you're rocking your child, talking about mama loves you, the baby understands
00:20:46 that you really may not wish I didn't have you because I got postpartum and I don't know
00:20:51 what to do.
00:20:53 And when you're holding the baby, she or he can feel what you cannot say.
00:21:03 Because trauma will make you create a language that doesn't match your life.
00:21:13 Trauma will make you say, "I'm all right," but you are not even close to being all right.
00:21:22 Insecurity make you say, "I'm good," and you're not even close to being good.
00:21:31 I bring this into the conversation because this is where Nehemiah was when the opportunity
00:21:38 came for him to rebuild the wall.
00:21:41 But before he could get to the wall, he had to get over himself.
00:21:47 He had to muster up enough courage to not be bitter.
00:21:52 He had to muster up enough courage.
00:21:54 Do you know how easy it is to be bitter when you watched your parents be whipped?
00:22:02 Do you know how easy it is to be discouraged when you have witnessed?
00:22:08 Okay, let's take it out of the Bible context and let's put it right in your lap.
00:22:13 You don't like your father now because of how he talked to your mama.
00:22:19 And you're afraid of your uncle now because of the alcoholic side of him that you used
00:22:23 to see at the family reunions.
00:22:25 There is somebody in your life right now you cannot see correctly because of what you saw
00:22:30 growing up.
00:22:34 And so now you're in a relationship with the person in front of you, but you're actually
00:22:40 in relationship with the person who's behind you because now you won't take from the person
00:22:45 who's with you based on what...
00:22:52 I'm just trying to get you to stop making everybody in the Bible a hero so that when
00:22:59 you see what they accomplished in life, you will understand that you can do it too.
00:23:05 Because we have a tendency to look at everybody in the Bible, "Oh, great, David, Moses, Abraham,
00:23:11 Nehemiah, they did great things, but they were people just like you who had to get over
00:23:20 their mountains before they could rebuild their walls."
00:23:25 How many of you know you got mountains?
00:23:30 How many of you have had bouts with depression?
00:23:36 How many of you have been told by somebody, "You're beautiful," or, "You're handsome,"
00:23:41 or, "You're amazing," but as soon as it fell from their lips, you found a way to discredit
00:23:46 their statement?
00:23:49 You can always tell people who struggle with this because they can't take compliments well.
00:23:53 So you tell them, "You're doing a great job."
00:23:55 "Well, I ain't doing that good because if I had just got one more inch."
00:24:06 This is the season for you to do you.
00:24:14 God's coming to rescue you.
00:24:19 Can I give you a newsflash?
00:24:22 Even if the whole world changed, you still feel the same way.
00:24:28 You think that if everybody magically just acquiesces to the way you see the world, that
00:24:33 you would be better.
00:24:35 You would find something else to be disgruntled about because of the trauma that captivity
00:24:44 has left inside of you.
00:24:49 Can we preach now?
00:24:52 So before you rebuild it, whatever it is, you need to get the blueprint to figure out
00:25:02 how to fix you.
00:25:15 He had to find a way to be pessimistic, not to be pessimistic and to be optimistic.
00:25:21 He had to work on him.
00:25:24 The problem with most people is they are trying to work on the situation and bypass themselves.
00:25:32 I say, "I'm doing me."
00:25:34 I want the marriage to work, but I'm going to do me.
00:25:39 I want more respect at the job, but I'm not going to start with the respect.
00:25:43 I'm going to start with me.
00:25:44 Y'all not saying nothing.
00:25:47 Listen, let me move on.
00:25:48 Since the Jewish month of Nisan coincides with our mid-April to mid-March, somewhere
00:25:54 around there, it indicates that four months had passed since Nehemiah received the bad
00:26:05 news that his city where his father was buried, that it had been destroyed.
00:26:12 There had been four months in between him realizing what the situation was from the
00:26:19 time that he got the news.
00:26:22 And every person, and listen to this, as every person should, when you are unsure,
00:26:28 listen to me, when you are unsure, the Bible says Nehemiah did something that nobody wants
00:26:33 to do anymore.
00:26:34 And it is going to be very simple, but it is going to be the hardest thing that I tell
00:26:37 you today.
00:26:38 Do you want to know what Nehemiah did when he was confused, disgruntled, upset, angry,
00:26:42 depressed, and frustrated?
00:26:43 You know what he did?
00:26:45 He waited on the Lord.
00:26:51 There's two classes of people in here when you get in trouble.
00:26:54 You either wait on the Lord or you try to hurry the Lord.
00:26:59 Where are my hurry up Lord people?
00:27:02 Okay, watch this.
00:27:08 Where are my wait on the Lord people?
00:27:11 Okay.
00:27:14 That means the rest of you all ain't saved because half of you all didn't raise your
00:27:16 hands.
00:27:17 I'm going to try this again.
00:27:19 Where are the people who say hurry up Lord?
00:27:23 That's what I thought.
00:27:24 Where are the people who say I'm waiting on you Jesus?
00:27:28 Now you can't raise your hand on both of them.
00:27:29 Well, yes, I guess you can.
00:27:31 We're just schizophrenic.
00:27:32 Anybody here say, I got two personalities.
00:27:33 Sometime I wait, sometime I say hurry up.
00:27:36 Sometimes I got grace, sometimes I got a knife.
00:27:38 Anybody both of them?
00:27:39 Okay.
00:27:40 That's the question I should have asked, are how many confused people in the house that
00:27:43 don't know how you want to handle it?
00:27:45 Sometimes I want to pray, but sometimes I want to slap the taste out of your mouth and
00:27:48 then pray and ask God to forgive me for my sins of omission, commission, and disposition.
00:28:00 I asked the wrong question.
00:28:01 That's why you all weren't saying nothing.
00:28:02 Basically, you're saying, "Pastor, I'm both of them.
00:28:05 Sometimes I got patience, but sometimes it's trouble on every side.
00:28:13 Sometimes I got it."
00:28:16 Y'all just like me.
00:28:21 Everybody say, "Wait on the Lord."
00:28:27 I'm getting ready to give you a scripture.
00:28:28 I almost shouted when I wrote it down, and if it ain't for you, don't even move.
00:28:36 But if this scripture puts a fire in your belly, I want you to write it down.
00:28:44 I don't care where you put it.
00:28:45 Write it in marker on your mirror.
00:28:49 Put it on a sheet of paper.
00:28:50 Put it in your shoe.
00:28:51 I don't care where you write it.
00:28:53 Hebrews 6 and 12 says that through faith and patience, we will inherit the promises of
00:29:01 God.
00:29:06 I'm just trying to figure out who that scripture resonates through.
00:29:12 Through faith and patience, we inherit the presence of God.
00:29:23 Can I give you another scripture?
00:29:26 Isaiah 28 and 16.
00:29:32 The Bible says in Isaiah 28 and 16, "He that believeth shall not make haste."
00:29:39 In other words, every time you want God to hurry up, what you are saying to God is, "I
00:29:46 don't believe you."
00:29:47 Now, there is another scripture that says without faith, it is impossible to do what?
00:29:59 Please God, which means every time you don't have faith in God in your situation, you displease
00:30:06 Him.
00:30:10 Somebody shout, "Hallelujah."
00:30:11 Now, don't look at me like that.
00:30:13 I said, "Shout, 'Hallelujah.'"
00:30:15 Because the problem you are having right now is you don't have enough belief to move God.
00:30:22 He ain't moved by tears.
00:30:23 He ain't moved by depression.
00:30:25 He ain't moved by the fact that you keep telling everybody you're going to kill yourself.
00:30:28 God ain't moved by none of that.
00:30:31 God is moved by faith.
00:30:32 When you start believing God, then you start to see mountains moving.
00:30:35 When you start believing God, then all of a sudden you start getting raises that you
00:30:39 don't even qualify for.
00:30:40 When you start believing God, the right people start walking in your life.
00:30:44 Hear me, and the wrong people start to walk out.
00:30:46 When you believe God, touch your neighbor and say, "This is the season to believe God."
00:30:51 Who am I talking to?
00:30:57 Don't believe your emotions?
00:30:59 Don't believe your opinion?
00:31:02 Don't believe your crew?
00:31:04 Don't believe social media?
00:31:06 Believe...
00:31:07 Matter of fact, I'm about to help somebody.
00:31:10 Don't even believe your money.
00:31:14 Your money lying to you.
00:31:15 Your money saying you broke.
00:31:18 But I am a joint heir of the king.
00:31:20 I don't even believe my money.
00:31:21 I believe God because if I give to him, he'll give it back to me.
00:31:25 How Pastor Raymond good measure.
00:31:27 Press down, shake it together, and running over.
00:31:29 Here's my favorite part.
00:31:30 Shall men give unto their bosom?
00:31:32 I speak prophetically in this arena and online right now that God is about to send people
00:31:38 who are going to bring you money that you didn't ask for.
00:31:41 Matter of fact, touch your neighbor and say, "God's going to use somebody that you least
00:31:47 expect to finance the rebuilding of your wall."
00:31:52 I don't have nobody in here today that believes God.
00:31:57 I got a whole lot of people who's sitting back just waiting on something.
00:31:59 I'm looking for believers.
00:32:01 I'm looking for people who have faith the size of a mustard seed.
00:32:05 If this room is full of people with faith and if the stream is full of people online
00:32:10 who got faith, let the redeem of the Lord.
00:32:27 Through faith and patience, we will inherit the promises of God.
00:32:34 Not through manipulation, not through a strategy, but sometimes the answer is to wait.
00:32:50 And when you hear God's answer to your situation and you degrade it to something as if it is
00:32:58 an issue, then you put yourself at odds with the person who could bring about the deliverance.
00:33:04 "All y'all can do is tell me to wait?"
00:33:09 Yes.
00:33:10 "That's all you came to tell me today, Pastor, is to wait?"
00:33:13 Yes.
00:33:14 "All you came to tell me is to have patience?"
00:33:17 Yes.
00:33:18 "Count it all joy."
00:33:21 Come here, James 1 and 2.
00:33:22 When you fall into divers temptations, knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh
00:33:31 patience and let patience have its perfect work, that you might be entire, wanting nothing.
00:33:39 Come here, James 1 and 12.
00:33:40 That he may put on you the crown of life.
00:33:44 You'll never be the king of your situation if you don't have patience.
00:33:52 By the way, the word crown in the Greek in James 1 and 12 is the Greek word Stephanos,
00:33:59 which means a public medal for private practice.
00:34:04 What God is saying, he says, "I will give you the crown of life because when you suffer
00:34:10 with me in private patiently, I will make sure that when I bless you, everybody's going
00:34:17 to see it."
00:34:18 Look at your neighbor and say, "If you live long enough, you're going to see me blessed."
00:34:23 Oh, I'm talking to somebody.
00:34:25 If you could just live long enough, tell your neighbor, "Don't even die yet because you
00:34:30 got to see what God is going to do in my life.
00:34:32 Don't go to the hospital because you're about to miss my miracle.
00:34:36 Take your echinacea and your elderberry.
00:34:38 You got to be well.
00:34:39 Drink your vitamin C because when I get blessed, I want everybody to see it."
00:34:50 Matter of fact, touch somebody right now and say, "I'm getting ready to ... I feel it.
00:34:52 I feel it.
00:34:53 I feel a blessing coming.
00:34:54 I feel it.
00:34:55 I feel it.
00:34:56 I feel a blessing coming.
00:34:57 I feel it.
00:34:58 I feel it.
00:34:59 I feel a blessing coming.
00:35:00 I feel it.
00:35:01 I feel it.
00:35:02 I feel a blessing coming.
00:35:03 I feel it.
00:35:04 I feel it.
00:35:05 I feel a blessing coming."
00:35:06 Touch three people and say, "Watch out for fallen blessings.
00:35:21 Watch out for fallen blessings."
00:35:22 Now, the Bible says, "When praises go up, blessings come down."
00:35:28 If you ain't said nothing, I'm going to snatch that blessing over the top of your head.
00:35:31 You can sit there and act like you ain't got nothing for God.
00:35:34 I'll take double portion.
00:35:35 Do I have any worshipers in the room?
00:35:47 I'm still talking about waiting.
00:35:48 Still talking about waiting.
00:35:53 Still talking about waiting.
00:35:54 If you're going to live a life of progress, you're going to have to learn to do more than
00:36:01 weep.
00:36:02 You're going to have to learn to wait.
00:36:05 Oh, God, I just said something.
00:36:08 Because you know how to cry, but you don't know how to wait.
00:36:18 Put the Kleenex up.
00:36:20 Put the tissue up and get your faith.
00:36:29 We know how to weep.
00:36:30 We don't know how to wait.
00:36:34 Oh, God, the Holy Spirit just gave me a revelation.
00:36:45 The Holy Spirit just gave me a revelation.
00:36:47 Do you remember when Ruth went to the field?
00:36:55 Thank you, Holy Spirit.
00:36:56 Do you remember when Ruth went to the field to put herself at the feet of Boaz?
00:37:04 The Bible says she stayed there.
00:37:09 The Bible says that she waited there all night.
00:37:15 Boaz didn't touch her.
00:37:17 And the only thing he said to her in the third chapter was, "Take this 60 pounds of barley
00:37:23 back to your mother-in-law."
00:37:28 This is why I'm talking about Nehemiah and the Holy Spirit just gave me this because
00:37:32 we always jump into the success parts of the story.
00:37:36 But there's always something that happened before that.
00:37:39 That woman waited out there all night.
00:37:43 And when she got back to the house, Naomi said, "Did he ask you to marry him?
00:37:50 Did he try to holler?
00:37:53 Did he even flirt?"
00:37:54 She said, "Man, that dude ain't do nothing.
00:37:58 He ain't tried nothing."
00:37:59 I was like, "Boaz, your girl got on Baccarat 540.
00:38:13 I'm out here.
00:38:17 I got my Chanel number five on.
00:38:19 I'm out here.
00:38:20 Your girl looking to be wrapped up.
00:38:23 Boaz!"
00:38:24 Boaz was like, "Take this 60 pounds of grain.
00:38:31 Take it to your mother-in-law."
00:38:32 When she got back, Naomi said, "What'd he say?"
00:38:41 She said, "He told me...he gonna tell me to bring you some wheat."
00:38:52 And she said, "Naomi?"
00:38:55 Naomi said to Ruth, "Oh, God.
00:38:58 I don't even know how this came to my head."
00:39:01 Naomi says to Ruth, "Let me get my scripture together because this is...let me make sure
00:39:07 because they're gonna check me online."
00:39:16 Oh yeah, I'm right.
00:39:18 Ruth 3 in 18, she said, "Sit still until you know how the matter will turn out."
00:39:27 Help me.
00:39:28 Thank you, Holy Spirit.
00:39:29 Thank you, Holy Spirit.
00:39:30 Somebody tell me he ain't real.
00:39:31 I've never seen it this way.
00:39:38 He said, he said, she said, "Sit still until you see how everything will turn out."
00:39:49 See when you're waiting on God, you ain't wasting time, you're investing time.
00:39:58 Because God says, "Not only do I have to prepare the circumstance, but Ruth, I'm preparing
00:40:08 you because Boaz is so big, you can't be small when you get him."
00:40:19 Touch three people and say, "God is preparing it and he's preparing you."
00:40:24 You got the wrong neighbor.
00:40:26 Because somebody else said, "God is preparing it and he's preparing you."
00:40:32 One more neighbor, "God is preparing it and he is preparing..."
00:40:52 Thank you, Holy Spirit.
00:40:58 Y'all give me a second.
00:41:00 I'm in my Bible right now.
00:41:03 She said, "Sit still until you know how the matter will turn out."
00:41:16 If you react out of your feelings, you're going to mess up what God is doing, Ruth.
00:41:31 Now here you are complaining about him not trying nothing, but your whole life you've
00:41:41 been complaining about men who try too fast.
00:41:52 So then your real issue is, is what you really want is in conflict with what you really need.
00:42:03 Because you said you wanted a man to treat you like a woman, and now you mad because
00:42:07 he didn't treat you like a trick.
00:42:16 He was respectable and now you upset?
00:42:26 That's why you got to work on you, because you will want something you're not prepared
00:42:31 for.
00:42:32 You should have been happy he sent you home.
00:42:41 The other option is he could have tried to follow you home and take something.
00:42:46 He sent you home with something.
00:42:51 I need every woman here to say, "Lord, send me somebody who will send me home with something."
00:43:02 And not what you're thinking.
00:43:06 Keep your mind holy, because the Holy Spirit is working.
00:43:09 The devil is going to try to creep in right up in here.
00:43:25 All right now, that wasn't a part of my sermon, so if I'm 10 minutes longer, that's because
00:43:28 of that revelation.
00:43:29 Now I got to go back to...
00:43:31 What was we at?
00:43:32 Nehemiah.
00:43:33 Nehemiah chapter 2.
00:43:36 Sorry.
00:43:37 All right, now I'm back to my notes.
00:43:45 I'm just telling you that right in that moment, I saw that whole story different.
00:43:54 Because Ruth did end up with Boaz, but not without patience and waiting.
00:44:16 I don't really even know what to say next, Pastor Phillip.
00:44:23 I get that.
00:44:24 Okay, I know where we can go from here.
00:44:27 So in the days of Nehemiah, the cup bearer, which he was, and he was the governor of a
00:44:38 little small town by this time.
00:44:40 So look at how far he's come.
00:44:41 He's come from the parents of slaves to a governor.
00:44:47 How do you make the trajectory from being raised by a single mother with an African
00:45:00 father who wasn't in your life to being the 44th president of the United States?
00:45:13 Because you do you.
00:45:16 Because you work on you and you get to the Oval Office and you're not complaining about
00:45:20 who didn't raise you and who wasn't there for you.
00:45:23 You get out of the victim's story and you become a victor no matter what the circumstances
00:45:27 are.
00:45:30 So Nehemiah is the cup bearer and the governor of a small town, and now he works right next
00:45:40 to King Azareris.
00:45:42 That's a long way.
00:45:45 Like Pastor Raymond, y'all don't understand.
00:45:47 When Pastor Raymond tells y'all that he's from Nigeria, not the metropolitan Nigeria
00:45:52 that you see on TV.
00:45:55 Pastor Raymond comes from a place that many of you all would not even lay your head down
00:46:00 at night.
00:46:01 How do you get from there to standing up here and commanding the glory?
00:46:11 It doesn't mean he's perfect, but it does mean he's working on it.
00:46:19 Because he could be up here right now still in the mindset of the place that he came from.
00:46:27 It's like an accent.
00:46:28 Have you ever seen somebody that had been living in America for 20 years, but they still
00:46:31 sound like where their ancestors are?
00:46:36 Because it doesn't leave you just because you left.
00:46:40 I'm telling you the Holy Spirit is all over me right now.
00:46:43 It doesn't leave you just because you left.
00:46:46 Sometimes you got to leave it.
00:46:56 In those days, Nehemiah as the cup bearer, listen to me, his job was to shield the king
00:47:02 from any bad news.
00:47:05 But I read the scripture to you because on this particular day, Nehemiah was not able
00:47:13 to keep his emotions in check.
00:47:17 So much so we know it's true because the king looks at him and says, "Bro, what's wrong
00:47:23 with you?"
00:47:26 Now he could be killed for that because when you are responsible in those days for the
00:47:31 atmosphere of the king, you have to make sure that you didn't bring your problems to his
00:47:36 table.
00:47:39 That's a whole other sermon.
00:47:43 But normally the cup bearer noticed the heart of the king.
00:47:49 But in this instance, the king noticed the heart of the cup bearer.
00:48:00 The king noticed that on this particular day, that the guy who would normally carry his
00:48:06 burdens today was carrying a burden himself.
00:48:16 I got a revelation.
00:48:18 And had King Azaraeus been in a bad mood that day, off with his head.
00:48:24 He's messing with my atmosphere, get rid of it.
00:48:29 But instead he asked him, "Why are you so sad?"
00:48:35 The Bible says, oh Jesus, here it is.
00:48:38 The Bible says in Proverbs 21, are you listening to me?
00:48:42 Now I got to set this up.
00:48:45 Azaraeus normally would have had him killed for having a attitude in his presence.
00:48:53 But this day, for some reason, not only does he not have him killed, he asked him, Mama
00:48:59 Owens, "What is the matter with you?"
00:49:03 Proverbs 21 says that God will turn the hearts of the kings like rivers.
00:49:11 Oh my Lord, help me, Holy Spirit.
00:49:16 So what really happened was, is that when he got up that morning, God came into the
00:49:24 castle and said, "Something is getting ready to happen in my servant today.
00:49:30 And because something is getting ready to happen in him today, I got to make something
00:49:33 happen in you today that would not normally happen."
00:49:36 And so God starts to turn the king's heart like a river.
00:49:44 And when God turns his heart, he has a different reaction to Nehemiah.
00:49:48 And then the Lord told me to tell you that you're getting ready to walk into a season
00:49:54 where he's about to turn the hearts of people who have authority over you.
00:50:04 He's about, you got enemies, but God is about to.
00:50:10 And you've been waiting.
00:50:12 And you've been, how long?
00:50:13 And God says, "Now is the time that I am about to turn the hearts of even your enemies."
00:50:24 Oh God, help me in this place.
00:50:28 And how do I know that he's going to do it?
00:50:31 Second Chronicles chapter 20, verse number 6, because there are enemies right now of
00:50:37 your life and of your destiny, and of everybody with your last name.
00:50:41 They've made a pact with the devil to make you miserable.
00:50:48 There are demons.
00:50:49 Look at me, children.
00:50:50 There are demons and imps that are assigned to your children.
00:50:55 And they have made a pact with the devil.
00:50:57 They come hail the high water.
00:50:59 They're going to do everything to destroy your little 10-year-old girl who can read
00:51:03 12th grade books.
00:51:04 The one that gets on your nerve because you think she's got an attitude problem, but what
00:51:08 she is really is gifted.
00:51:12 She's really gifted.
00:51:13 And you call it fast, but it's maturity.
00:51:16 And now you're going to have to figure out a way to harness.
00:51:19 Oh God, I'm preaching in this place today.
00:51:24 And here's why you got to be encouraged about what's going on.
00:51:27 Second Chronicles chapter 20, verse 6 says, "To every enemy that you're dealing with right
00:51:33 now that's going to resist what God is trying to do, here's what the Bible says, 'No one
00:51:38 can withstand him.'"
00:51:39 Oh, you missed that.
00:51:44 So that means that there is a power up against you right now.
00:51:49 And it seems like it's going to win, but nothing can withstand him.
00:51:58 Who am I talking to?
00:52:02 Raise your hand if I'm talking to you.
00:52:04 How many of you all got demons, imps, warlocks, witches, and hexes, generational curses that
00:52:09 have had your family for generation after generation?
00:52:13 God says, "I'm getting ready to change it like a river."
00:52:16 And let me tell you, I don't care how deeply rooted that evil is, nothing can withstand
00:52:20 him.
00:52:27 Not the spirit of illiteracy, not the spirit of poverty, nothing.
00:52:36 Who can stand against the Lord?
00:52:41 No one can.
00:52:44 Are you listening to me?
00:52:47 No disposition, nothing.
00:52:51 Nothing.
00:52:54 I don't care how many generations of your family has had cancer, God says it stops with
00:53:00 you.
00:53:04 Everybody shout, "I'm cancer-free."
00:53:06 Somebody shout, "I will never have diabetes.
00:53:09 I'll never have hypertension.
00:53:11 I don't care how many generations this thing has been in my family, it stops."
00:53:22 The negativity, it stops with me.
00:53:25 The yelling in my house, it stops with me.
00:53:27 The fussing and the fighting, it stops with me.
00:53:30 The alcoholism, it stops with me.
00:53:32 The pornography, it stops with me.
00:53:35 God said it stops with me.
00:53:53 Somebody say, "I bind it in the name of Jesus."
00:53:56 Bible says, "Whatever has been bound on earth has been bound in heaven.
00:53:59 Whatever is loosed on earth has been loosed in the heaven."
00:54:02 Everybody needs to start praying about the binding and the loosing of things.
00:54:05 Binding the curses and loosing my inheritance, and I speak it right now in the name of Jesus
00:54:11 that it stops with me.
00:54:13 You hear me, my brother?
00:54:18 I can always look at somebody and tell when they want it.
00:54:22 I believe you too.
00:54:23 I believe that this is going to be a season of your life where nobody in your family here
00:54:27 have ever seen you.
00:54:28 You knew exactly who I was talking to.
00:54:29 There's a season coming in your life where you're going to make more money than everybody
00:54:33 combined.
00:54:34 There's a season in your life where your business are going to prosper.
00:54:36 There's a season in your life where your relationships are going to work.
00:54:39 And that heart palpitation that has been generational, God says, "I'm healing."
00:54:44 There is somebody in your family that has a stin in their heart.
00:54:46 God says, "I am unblocking the arteries that you have in your heart right now while your
00:54:50 hands are raised in the sanctuary."
00:54:52 Somebody ought to give God the praise in this room.
00:55:00 You will never have heart surgery because God says it is stopping with you.
00:55:08 Listen, I am not here right now.
00:55:18 I need you to hear me.
00:55:20 Listen to me.
00:55:21 After Nehemiah, not only is God going to change the heart of people who have been evil towards
00:55:39 you, listen to me.
00:55:43 He says, "I'm going to take it a step further."
00:55:45 Watch this.
00:55:53 Not only did the king not kill him, Stephanie, the king asked him, "What do you want?
00:56:07 What do you want?
00:56:08 What do you want?
00:56:09 What do you want?"
00:56:10 Do me a favor.
00:56:11 Look at your neighbor and say, "Get ready."
00:56:12 Get your vision ready.
00:56:19 Get your goals together.
00:56:22 Get your team together, because somebody with power is about to ask you, "What do you need?"
00:56:35 Somebody with power is about to ask you, "How much do you need to finance the business?"
00:56:44 Somebody with power is about to ask you, "When do you need it by?"
00:56:55 King said, "What do you want?
00:57:04 What do you want?
00:57:05 I'm asking you.
00:57:07 I want you to say it out loud.
00:57:09 Cut the music so I can hear you.
00:57:11 What do you want?"
00:57:19 I ask you again, "What do you want?"
00:57:24 I heard somebody shout, "Freedom."
00:57:26 What do you want?
00:57:28 I want a day where I don't have to take medication.
00:57:31 I want a life where I don't have to be sick.
00:57:33 I want peace.
00:57:34 I want peace that surpasses all understanding.
00:57:36 I want the joy of the Lord.
00:57:40 I want my children to prosper and be in good health.
00:57:46 I want my relationship to stabilize.
00:57:49 I want my mother to have long life.
00:57:52 What do you want?
00:57:53 I want a job that doesn't stress me out.
00:57:56 What do you want?
00:57:58 I want friends that I can trust and won't betray me.
00:58:03 Who do you want?
00:58:09 I can't leave you like this.
00:58:12 I can't leave you like this.
00:58:15 I can't lay this sermon down right here and leave you like this.
00:58:22 You're not sitting by who you're sitting by on accident.
00:58:26 You're there on purpose.
00:58:27 Pour into their life.
00:58:28 Look at them.
00:58:29 Ask them, "What do you want from God?"
00:58:32 What do you want?
00:58:42 What do you want?
00:58:45 What do you want?
00:58:46 I'm tired of working for people.
00:58:47 I need people to start working for me.
00:58:48 I'm ready.
00:58:49 I'm ready.
00:58:50 I paid my dues.
00:58:51 I'm ready.
00:58:52 I'm ready.
00:58:53 I'm ready.
00:58:54 I'm ready.
00:58:55 I'm going to pass the bar.
00:58:56 I'm ready.
00:58:57 I'm going to take the Hippocratic oath.
00:58:58 I'm ready.
00:58:59 I'm ready to be a doctor.
00:59:00 I'm ready to graduate from school.
00:59:01 I'm ready to go to college, and I'm going debt-free.
00:59:03 I'm ready.
00:59:04 I'm ready.
00:59:05 I'm ready.
00:59:06 I'm ready for home ownership.
00:59:07 I'm ready.
00:59:08 After the king asked him, "Y'all still…
00:59:26 Y'all got…
00:59:27 You good?"
00:59:28 Because I do know that there's two things going on here right now, and we're going
00:59:37 to put an eternal weight of glory on this room right now.
00:59:41 God, I ask that the spirit of weight will sit on this house.
00:59:49 I speak the spirit of patience in this room right now.
01:00:03 Somebody's got a flight that you planned right after church is getting canceled or delayed
01:00:11 because you got to hear what God is saying.
01:00:15 No music, and I ain't finished.
01:00:19 We're going to let the Holy Spirit speak to us.
01:00:20 We don't need chords and keys.
01:00:22 We're going to let the Holy Ghost be the music.
01:00:31 Listen, this is going to be hard.
01:00:53 This is about to be hard.
01:00:58 He said, "King, I know that what I have to fix is behind me."
01:01:15 Because what everybody in this room, including those online and myself included, were always
01:01:20 trying to move on from something.
01:01:25 He asked him, "Send me back to where my daddy died."
01:01:31 Because what you have to fix next is behind you.
01:01:38 You can't keep ignoring what happened in your past.
01:01:46 Sometimes you got to go back and fix it so God can send you forward and you can rebuild
01:01:57 the wall.
01:01:58 He said, "Send me back to Judah where my daddy's grave is."
01:02:03 He said, "If it pleases the King, I need to go back where my daddy's been buried."
01:02:11 He said, "Okay, done."
01:02:13 He said, "Okay, also, since I'm asking for stuff, can you talk to Asaph who's over the
01:02:23 timber because I'm going to need some wood for the beams to rebuild the gates."
01:02:29 He said, "Done."
01:02:30 "Well, since I'm asking for stuff, there are going to be some enemies over there to try
01:02:37 to fight me."
01:02:38 He said, "I'm already ahead of you.
01:02:40 I got an army and some horses for you.
01:02:42 What else do you need?"
01:02:43 Touch three people and say, "My God shall supply all of my needs according to His riches
01:03:09 in glory," which means that God can do it even if you ain't got it.
01:03:22 Keep in mind that God gave, through Azaraeus, gave Nehemiah everything he needed.
01:03:37 God said, "I need you to go back and read chapter 1 and 2 when you get at home because
01:03:41 what you will find out…help me, Holy Spirit."
01:03:47 The reason why Nehemiah was able to get everything he needed to rebuild the walls is because
01:03:55 he fasted for four months before he prayed for it.
01:04:02 I ain't going nowhere.
01:04:07 Y'all can all leave.
01:04:08 I'm going to be in here by myself talking.
01:04:10 I ain't going nowhere.
01:04:14 He fasted for four months before his short prayer gave him everything he needed.
01:04:27 Are you listening to me?
01:04:33 Because if you won't fast for it, you don't deserve it.
01:04:44 I know you can ask, but can you fast?
01:04:52 This ask was backed by his fast, and some things only come.
01:05:04 You ain't struggling if you won't fast.
01:05:07 It ain't hurting you if you won't get a prayer journal and go into your closet for a week.
01:05:20 You can't go forward and still be comfortable.
01:05:28 If you want something in your life to really change…
01:05:31 Here's an old church word.
01:05:33 I know you ain't never heard it, but you're going to have to steal away, baby.
01:05:40 You're going to have to get off of Instagram and steal away.
01:05:45 You're going to have to fast from Facebook and steal away, because what every person
01:05:51 does when they're struggling is they go to a source that emphasizes their narrative.
01:05:57 Now you find every page on Instagram that agrees with your dumb thinking, and then you
01:06:02 send it to everybody like it's a fact.
01:06:06 I said it.
01:06:10 You go and find every page that agrees with your opinion, and all you have found is people
01:06:16 who are suffering from your disease.
01:06:27 Get off Instagram, get off Facebook, and fast.
01:06:40 Did you hear me?
01:06:44 Stop watching reruns of stuff you've seen a thousand times and fast.
01:06:55 If a man is going to take up his cross and follow me, he must first deny himself.
01:07:03 So God says, "I keep denying you because you won't do it for me.
01:07:12 I am denying you the peace that you are praying for because you won't deny yourself."
01:07:19 He fasted for four months in order to get it.
01:07:24 When is the last time without ceasing for four months it was just you and God for one
01:07:31 answer?
01:07:38 This is called pastoring.
01:07:44 This is why I was born.
01:07:47 This is why you and I are in a relationship with you because because of the authority
01:07:51 you have given me, I can say things to you other people cannot say.
01:07:56 That's what makes a good relationship, that even though it may be harsh, you trust that
01:08:00 what I am saying is coming from a place.
01:08:05 I would not have you be ignorant.
01:08:06 I love you.
01:08:07 That's why I'm telling you this.
01:08:11 Deny yourself.
01:08:12 You're not ready for a relationship.
01:08:13 Deny yourself.
01:08:16 You fall in love too easy.
01:08:17 Deny yourself.
01:08:18 You're going to be ready to get married to somebody who ain't ready to be married to
01:08:21 you.
01:08:22 Deny yourself.
01:08:29 Don't go out for drinks because when you drink, you become somebody else and you agree to
01:08:32 things that you don't agree to in your sober mindset.
01:08:35 Deny yourself.
01:08:43 Four months.
01:08:45 Four months for one answer.
01:08:49 He may not come when you want him to come.
01:08:58 And I know what you're saying.
01:09:00 He's always on time.
01:09:01 Here's how I finish it.
01:09:02 He may not come when you want him to come, but when he comes, you'll be glad he came.
01:09:15 Can I read a scripture to you?
01:09:18 Write this one down.
01:09:19 Hebrews 4 and 14.
01:09:27 I'm going to read you 14, 15, 16.
01:09:35 Therefore since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus, the son
01:09:46 of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.
01:09:53 For we do not have a high priest who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have
01:10:01 one who has been tempted in every way just as we are yet did not sin.
01:10:11 Let us approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and
01:10:21 find grace to help us in our time of need.
01:10:30 In other words, God says, "The reason why I can help you is because I've been through
01:10:34 it."
01:10:40 I have to go in the wilderness and pray for 40 days and not eat to hear from my daddy
01:10:46 too.
01:10:49 And I too have been betrayed by people I was coming to die for.
01:10:58 So when you tell me it's hard and it can't be done, the reason why I came is to show
01:11:05 you that it could be.
01:11:10 Do you understand now why we have the father, son, and the Holy Spirit?
01:11:13 We have the father because he has done things we could never do.
01:11:17 We have the Holy Spirit because he is who we could never be.
01:11:20 But he sent the son to go through the same afflictions that you go through so that you
01:11:27 would see that if it was possible for him, it is possible for you, which means you can
01:11:40 be betrayed and still love, which means you can still be angry and flip over the tables
01:11:54 and still be a man of God.
01:11:58 You can take a knife out and cut a man's ear off and still preach Pentecost.
01:12:09 Who am I preaching to in this house today?
01:12:13 I got to let y'all go.
01:12:17 They don't agree with you, Sarge, but I got you.
01:12:24 Listen to this.
01:12:26 I'm getting ready to give you something that's getting ready to change your life.
01:12:34 Who's listening?
01:12:35 Who's still here?
01:12:39 Y'all still online?
01:12:40 Don't check out.
01:12:41 Charge your battery because it's going down.
01:12:46 One of the ways you know you have arrived where God wants you to be is you will find
01:12:54 enemies there.
01:12:58 Now, who will admit that in your life you thought that the presence of an enemy meant
01:13:07 that you had arrived at the wrong place?
01:13:10 But the Bible says in Deuteronomy chapter 7 that when the children of Israel were on
01:13:15 their way to the promised land, there were already seven nations there ready to war with
01:13:20 them.
01:13:22 When Nehemiah got to the wall, he had enemies.
01:13:25 Tobias and Sambalak were already there waiting because one of the ways you know that you've
01:13:30 arrived at the place that God has for you is there will be enemies waiting on you to
01:13:34 get there.
01:13:37 So you think you should quit your job because they don't like you there?
01:13:40 That's the job you're supposed to have.
01:13:44 You're always trying to leave the place where you're not liked.
01:13:48 And God said, "I sent you there to shift the atmosphere.
01:13:53 I sent you there to shake up the culture, but you can't handle not being liked, so you
01:13:58 won't stay."
01:14:05 Can I give you a clue?
01:14:07 You're not even liked by the people that like you.
01:14:10 I'm going to drink some water and let y'all swallow.
01:14:18 That girl you go to lunch with don't like you.
01:14:21 She fishing for information so she can use.
01:14:25 That dude don't like you.
01:14:26 He's trying to borrow your reputation.
01:14:29 Even the people that like you don't like you.
01:14:35 That's my girl.
01:14:36 Let something happen.
01:14:37 We'll find out.
01:14:38 Let there be a misunderstanding to see if y'all make it.
01:14:42 Because you don't know you got a real friend until you have reasons not to be friends.
01:14:47 And then when you stay friends, that's how you know you got a friend.
01:14:57 You ain't got no friend because y'all like to hang out.
01:14:59 You ain't got no friend because y'all stay up on the phone all night.
01:15:02 You ain't got no friend because y'all gossip together.
01:15:04 You got a friend when she hears something about you and comes to you and says, "Listen,
01:15:09 this what they saying.
01:15:10 Now what is we going to do?"
01:15:11 Pardon my ebonic relapse.
01:15:18 What you need me to do?
01:15:19 I mean, because I don't want your hands to get dirty.
01:15:20 I'm still on them.
01:15:21 I ain't got nothing to lose.
01:15:22 You're the one that got the vision what we're doing.
01:15:25 How many of y'all got a friend like that?
01:15:30 Let me get my hands dirty because you got too much glory on your life.
01:15:34 And I can do five to ten, but you can't.
01:15:36 So how many thugs I got up in the building?
01:15:39 I'll let you boy.
01:15:43 Oh God, the presence of an enemy is a sign that you've arrived in the right location.
01:16:04 Did you hear me?
01:16:06 Are you comfortable enough to operate at a high capacity around enemies?
01:16:18 It is the only way you'll ever be great.
01:16:22 If you can't function in negativity, you're not worth it.
01:16:29 You're not worth it.
01:16:32 Everybody ain't going to like you.
01:16:33 Everybody ain't going to applaud you.
01:16:35 Everybody ain't going to lift you up.
01:16:36 You just got to know that I'm doing this for Jesus.
01:16:50 When he got there, he had Sambalot, Tobiah, and Geshem.
01:16:56 Sambalot met him 12 miles from Jerusalem to tell him how much he didn't like him.
01:17:06 Because you will always have enemies on your way there too.
01:17:11 That man, how ignorant is a person who walks 12 miles to tell you what they don't like
01:17:16 about what God told you to do?
01:17:20 Anybody who can walk 12 miles to tell you what they don't like about what you're doing,
01:17:24 obviously, they ain't doing nothing.
01:17:27 Because if you got 12 miles in you to tell me what...
01:17:35 So then you have become their business.
01:17:55 Repeat after me.
01:17:56 Tobiah was an Ammonite.
01:18:00 The Ammonites hated the Jews.
01:18:02 Oh, you don't have to keep repeating, but yeah, because it's going to take too long
01:18:08 if we do that.
01:18:11 Billy, come get me because I got to get out of here.
01:18:16 In Deuteronomy Chapter 23, it says that no Ammonite or Moabite was to enter into the
01:18:21 assembly of the Lord even to the 10th generation, which means that some of you all have enemies
01:18:28 who have been taught to hate you for a thousand years.
01:18:36 The devil started in Africa generations ago and assigned enemies to you who have survived
01:18:53 10 generations, and you think it's a bad person at the job.
01:18:59 They are a descendant of your original enemy, and now they live in America.
01:19:12 So the reason why Tobiah was his enemy is because he had been taught to hate him.
01:19:19 You'd be surprised how many people you've never offended, who were taught by the devil
01:19:32 to dislike somebody like you.
01:19:38 And you're right, what did I do wrong?
01:19:40 I can tell you what you did wrong.
01:19:42 Survived.
01:19:44 You lived.
01:19:48 No Ammonite or Moabite was to assemble in the house of the Lord for 10 generations.
01:19:55 Where did Nehemiah come from?
01:19:56 He was a Jew.
01:19:58 So Tobiah was taught to hate him.
01:20:00 He didn't even know him.
01:20:01 He just hated him because everybody he knew hated people like him.
01:20:07 So you have educated enemies.
01:20:14 Some of your enemies are your enemies because they are the enemies of your enemies.
01:20:23 And some of your enemies are your enemies because they are the enemies of your friends.
01:20:36 Here's what Nehemiah did.
01:20:37 The Bible says that he didn't want the enemy to know what he was doing.
01:20:40 I got to finish because I…
01:20:42 Listen, this is…
01:20:43 I ain't let y'all go.
01:20:44 I ain't let y'all go.
01:20:45 Y'all got rice to eat.
01:20:53 Baked chicken and corn and…
01:20:56 I know y'all hungry.
01:20:57 You see, if you learned to cook from old school, you would have had it on simmer, you see.
01:21:04 If you don't know how to simmer, you ain't got no old school in you.
01:21:07 You better slow that…bring that temperature down a little bit.
01:21:12 Get you a crock pot or something.
01:21:14 Y'all ain't got no crock pot and no pressure cooker for the rice.
01:21:18 You just got a plastic bag.
01:21:20 You boiled it.
01:21:24 Get y'all out of here.
01:21:33 How many stubborn people in the room?
01:21:37 I'm about to help all the stubborn people.
01:21:40 Raise your hand if you're stubborn.
01:21:43 Let the church say amen.
01:21:44 There's about all of us up in here.
01:21:45 I thought it was going to be at least two people who didn't raise their hand, but it's
01:21:48 everybody.
01:21:49 Some of y'all raised their ankle.
01:21:50 I saw it.
01:21:56 Nehemiah doing him recognized that if he was going to win, he had to do something that
01:22:03 stubborn people won't do.
01:22:06 Stubborn people refuse to make anybody make them do anything.
01:22:14 So they'll do the wrong thing because ain't nobody going to make them do the right thing.
01:22:23 But if you're going to have progress…
01:22:28 Listen how Nehemiah dealt with his stubbornness.
01:22:30 The Bible says that he surveyed the situation at night.
01:22:38 Because the truth is, if you're going to look at the condition of an outside wall that
01:22:42 has fallen down, when is the best time of day to look at it?
01:22:46 In the day.
01:22:48 They did not have electricity like we did.
01:22:50 All they had was lanterns or the sun.
01:22:52 So the best time to look at something in that time would be the day.
01:22:55 But Nehemiah said, "I'm going to do it at night."
01:22:59 Because when you are making progress, sometimes you have to adjust to your enemy's sleeping
01:23:05 habits.
01:23:13 He says, "If I'm going to get this thing done, I can't be concerned with letting everybody
01:23:18 know.
01:23:19 Ain't nobody going to mess with me.
01:23:21 I do what I want to do when I want to do it.
01:23:25 I ain't weak.
01:23:27 Ain't nobody going to push me over."
01:23:29 Stubborn.
01:23:30 Nehemiah said, "Am I going to be concerned about their opinions or am I going to build
01:23:35 this wall?
01:23:39 I care more about my progress than I do their opinions.
01:23:42 So I'm going to go out at night."
01:23:45 But stubborn people always want to do everything in the day.
01:23:52 Your stubbornness is going to keep your walls on the ground.
01:24:01 Sometimes you have to adjust to the enemy.
01:24:06 Oh, the enemy sleeps at night?
01:24:11 That's when I'm going to work.
01:24:17 When you get home today, I want you to fast and pray about your stubbornness.
01:24:27 You call it strength.
01:24:33 Strength is doing whatever needs to be done, not when you want to do it.
01:24:40 Stand on your feet.
01:24:53 Paul and Silas would have never got out of prison if they said, "We're just going to
01:24:57 shout in the daytime."
01:24:58 The Bible says in Acts chapter 16, "And at midnight."
01:25:04 Paul and Silas praised.
01:25:06 You know why?
01:25:07 They're adjusting.
01:25:08 Who has church at midnight on purpose?
01:25:17 He adjusted.
01:25:21 Repeat after me.
01:25:22 "Lord, give me the spirit to adjust."
01:25:26 "Lord, give me the spirit to adjust."
01:25:41 "Lord, give me the spirit to adjust."
01:25:48 It doesn't mean I'm weak.
01:25:53 It just means I'm powerful.
01:25:57 Why?
01:25:58 Because sometimes it takes strength to work in the night.
01:26:03 It doesn't mean I let you win because I adjusted.
01:26:08 It means I'm doing me.
01:26:10 I'm not going to walk around my entire life battling.
01:26:19 What moves do I have to make to find peace?
01:26:27 What battles am I going to overlook so that I can have peace?
01:26:31 Who am I going to let make it so I can have peace?
01:26:41 If you're in a situation right now where you know God has told you to rebuild the walls,
01:26:46 but you can't get over your mountains, we've got a minute and 36 seconds.
01:26:51 Everybody online, everybody in the room, I won't make you do it.
01:26:53 We're going to give.
01:26:54 I'm going to extend the invitation.
01:26:55 We're going home.
01:26:56 You're going to see how fast we're going to get through it, but I'm going to give you
01:26:58 a minute and 36 seconds to ask God to let the spirit that came over Nehemiah to fall
01:27:07 upon you.
01:27:10 Come on, open up your mouth.
01:27:11 You got a minute and 36.
01:27:12 You got to pray this for yourself.
01:27:13 Come on.
01:27:14 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:15 Come on, open up your mouth.
01:27:18 Come on, come on.
01:27:19 Come on, church.
01:27:20 Let me hear you.
01:27:21 He will renew.
01:27:22 He will renew.
01:27:23 He will renew your strength.
01:27:28 So wait, I say.
01:27:33 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:37 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:40 He will.
01:27:41 He will renew your strength.
01:27:42 So wait, I say.
01:27:43 Come on, let's all sing together.
01:27:44 Come on.
01:27:45 Wait on.
01:27:46 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:47 Wait on.
01:27:48 Hallelujah.
01:27:49 Touch somebody and say, "Wait on him.
01:27:53 Wait on him."
01:27:54 He will renew your strength.
01:27:55 So wait.
01:27:56 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:57 Wait on the Lord.
01:27:58 He will renew your strength.
01:27:59 So wait.
01:28:00 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:01 He will renew your strength.
01:28:02 So wait.
01:28:03 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:04 He will renew your strength.
01:28:05 So wait.
01:28:06 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:07 He will renew your strength.
01:28:08 So wait.
01:28:09 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:10 He will renew your strength.
01:28:11 So wait.
01:28:12 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:13 He will renew your strength.
01:28:14 So wait.
01:28:15 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:16 He will renew your strength.
01:28:17 So wait.
01:28:18 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:19 He will renew your strength.
01:28:20 So wait.
01:28:21 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:22 He will renew your strength.
01:28:23 So wait.
01:28:24 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:25 He will renew your strength.
01:28:26 So wait.
01:28:27 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:28 He will renew your strength.
01:28:29 So wait.
01:28:30 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:31 He will renew your strength.
01:28:32 So wait.
01:28:33 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:34 He will renew your strength.
01:28:35 So wait.
01:28:36 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:37 He will renew your strength.
01:28:38 So wait.
01:28:39 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:40 He will renew your strength.
01:28:41 So wait.
01:28:42 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:43 He will renew your strength.
01:28:44 So wait.
01:28:45 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:46 He will renew your strength.
01:28:47 So wait.
01:28:48 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:49 He will renew your strength.
01:28:50 So wait.
01:28:51 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:52 He will renew your strength.
01:28:53 So wait.
01:28:54 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:55 He will renew your strength.
01:28:56 So wait.
01:28:57 Wait on the Lord.
01:28:58 He will renew your strength.
01:28:59 So wait.
01:29:00 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:01 He will renew your strength.
01:29:02 So wait.
01:29:03 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:04 He will renew your strength.
01:29:05 So wait.
01:29:06 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:07 He will renew your strength.
01:29:08 So wait.
01:29:09 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:10 He will renew your strength.
01:29:11 So wait.
01:29:12 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:13 He will renew your strength.
01:29:14 So wait.
01:29:15 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:16 He will renew your strength.
01:29:17 So wait.
01:29:18 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:19 He will renew your strength.
01:29:20 So wait.
01:29:21 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:22 He will renew your strength.
01:29:23 So wait.
01:29:24 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:25 He will renew your strength.
01:29:26 So wait.
01:29:27 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:28 He will renew your strength.
01:29:29 So wait.
01:29:30 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:31 He will renew your strength.
01:29:32 So wait.
01:29:33 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:34 He will renew your strength.
01:29:35 So wait.
01:29:36 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:37 He will renew your strength.
01:29:38 So wait.
01:29:39 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:40 He will renew your strength.
01:29:41 So wait.
01:29:42 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:43 He will renew your strength.
01:29:44 So wait.
01:29:45 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:46 He will renew your strength.
01:29:47 So wait.
01:29:48 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:49 He will renew your strength.
01:29:50 So wait.
01:29:51 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:52 He will renew your strength.
01:29:53 So wait.
01:29:54 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:55 He will renew your strength.
01:29:56 So wait.
01:29:57 Wait on the Lord.
01:29:58 He will renew your strength.
01:29:59 So wait.
01:30:00 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:01 He will renew your strength.
01:30:02 So wait.
01:30:03 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:04 He will renew your strength.
01:30:05 So wait.
01:30:06 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:07 He will renew your strength.
01:30:08 So wait.
01:30:09 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:10 He will renew your strength.
01:30:11 So wait.
01:30:12 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:13 He will renew your strength.
01:30:14 So wait.
01:30:15 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:16 He will renew your strength.
01:30:17 So wait.
01:30:18 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:19 He will renew your strength.
01:30:20 So wait.
01:30:21 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:22 He will renew your strength.
01:30:23 So wait.
01:30:24 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:25 He will renew your strength.
01:30:26 So wait.
01:30:27 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:28 He will renew your strength.
01:30:29 So wait.
01:30:30 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:31 He will renew your strength.
01:30:32 So wait.
01:30:33 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:34 He will renew your strength.
01:30:35 So wait.
01:30:36 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:37 He will renew your strength.
01:30:38 So wait.
01:30:39 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:40 He will renew your strength.
01:30:41 So wait.
01:30:42 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:43 He will renew your strength.
01:30:44 So wait.
01:30:45 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:46 He will renew your strength.
01:30:47 So wait.
01:30:48 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:49 He will renew your strength.
01:30:50 So wait.
01:30:51 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:52 He will renew your strength.
01:30:53 So wait.
01:30:54 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:55 He will renew your strength.
01:30:56 So wait.
01:30:57 Wait on the Lord.
01:30:58 He will renew your strength.
01:30:59 So wait.
01:31:00 Wait on the Lord.
01:31:01 He will renew your strength.
01:31:02 So wait.
01:31:03 Wait on the Lord.
