Nail It! ; Bishop Dale C. Bronner

  • l’année dernière


00:00 This is Bishop Dale Broder.
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00:29 What a blessing.
00:29 We don't do this journey alone in our own strain.
00:32 And it takes a heap of living in a house
00:36 in order to make it a home.
00:37 You can't do this thing overnight.
00:40 It's something that comes over time.
00:44 Our text today is coming from Judges 4:17-21.
00:50 The New Living Translation, notice these words.
00:53 Meanwhile, Cicero ran to the tent of Jael.
00:58 The wife of Heber, the Kenite,
01:00 because Heber's family was on friendly terms
01:02 with King Jabin of Hazar.
01:04 And Jael went out to meet Cicero and said to him,
01:08 "Come into my tent, sir.
01:10 "Come in, don't be afraid."
01:12 And so he went into her, into her tent,
01:15 and she covered him with a blanket.
01:17 "Please give me some water," he said.
01:20 "I'm thirsty."
01:22 So she gave him some milk from a leather bag
01:25 and covered him again.
01:27 "Stand at the door of the tent," he told her.
01:30 "If anybody comes in and asks you
01:31 "if there's anyone here, say no."
01:34 But when Cicero fell asleep from exhaustion,
01:38 Jael quietly crept up to him with a hammer
01:42 and a tent peg in her hand.
01:44 And then she drove the tent peg through his temple
01:47 and into the ground, and so he died.
01:51 Speaking today simply from the subject, nail it.
01:55 Nail it, nail it, nail it.
01:57 When somebody nails something,
02:00 it means that they got it exactly right.
02:03 You know, like what Major just did, he just nailed us all.
02:07 You nail something, you get it exactly right,
02:12 you say it exactly right, you do it exactly right,
02:15 you nailed it.
02:16 When somebody did it exactly the way
02:18 that they were supposed to do it, that means you nailed it.
02:21 And Jael was an instrument in the hand of God,
02:24 and God used her to nail something.
02:27 But we learn something from her
02:29 that becomes a lesson to us all.
02:31 Never just read the Bible as a history book.
02:34 This is a life book, it's an instruction book,
02:36 it's a manual for how we have to live
02:40 because there are enemies all around us.
02:43 And the family is a part of God's army,
02:47 it is the foundation out of which he builds his army.
02:51 He builds it one soldier at a time in a family.
02:56 The family is the most base unit of society.
02:59 And so God is trying to build a family.
03:01 More than anything else, God wanted a family in the earth.
03:06 That's why in the church we refer to one another
03:08 as brothers and sisters, because God wanted a family.
03:12 And he is Father God, he's Father God.
03:15 And so we reverence him as Father God
03:18 who loved us enough and realized
03:21 that when man was just here alone, Adam alone,
03:25 he said, "It is not good that the man should be alone."
03:29 Everything else that God had done,
03:31 everything that God had created, he'd said, "It's good.
03:33 "This is good, that's good, this is good."
03:36 But the first time that God said something was not good,
03:39 he said that the man should be alone.
03:42 And God made him somebody that was suitable, compatible,
03:46 somebody that was fitted for him,
03:49 that had a temperament and a grace designed
03:53 to help make him more than what he was alone.
03:57 And so he made woman.
03:59 And this became a prophetic picture from us,
04:02 if you will notice in scriptures in Genesis 3,
04:05 and verse 15, "And I will cause hostility,"
04:08 this is after Adam and Eve had sinned,
04:10 "I'll cause hostility between you and the woman,"
04:15 speaking to the serpent, "and between your offspring
04:18 "and her offspring, and he will strike your head
04:23 "and you will strike his heel."
04:25 This is the Lord pronouncing the judgment on the serpent
04:30 for his role in what he has done
04:32 in dealing with Adam and Eve.
04:34 And so now the pronouncement of judgment comes upon him.
04:39 And he says, "Listen, Satan, between your offspring,
04:42 "your little demons, your little imps,
04:44 "I'm gonna put enmity between your seed
04:47 "and between the seed of the woman."
04:49 This was prophetic of Jesus.
04:51 And he was saying, "You're gonna strike his heel,
04:53 "but he's gonna strike your head.
04:55 "He's gonna crush your head."
04:57 And Jesus became the ultimate head crusher.
05:02 But Yael here, this woman, takes a tent peg and a hammer
05:07 and nails the enemy.
05:08 She's giving us a sign of what you ought to do
05:10 every time that something is coming
05:11 to destroy your community.
05:13 Anytime that something is coming after your family.
05:17 She's telling us, you know why?
05:19 Because love protects.
05:21 Love protects.
05:22 If you love somebody, you protect them.
05:25 I meant mothers somehow to protect their children
05:28 can gain supernatural strength and lift up an automobile
05:31 if their child is stuck up under them.
05:33 Even if they were afraid of a system,
05:35 afraid of a human being, somehow that fear dissipates
05:40 and courage rises if it's about her child.
05:44 I've watched women allow you to talk about them.
05:46 They'll let you say anything about them,
05:48 talk about their weight, talk about their hair,
05:50 their complexion, all kinds of things.
05:52 They'll let you talk about them,
05:53 but don't you make fun of my child.
05:56 If you bullied that child, you've just bullied that mama.
05:58 That mama will come up to that place
06:00 with rollers in her hair, house shoes on.
06:03 She will come up there and let you know in a minute,
06:07 don't mess with my child.
06:12 They'll let things slide about themselves,
06:15 but don't let this happen to my child.
06:17 They are protective over their children
06:20 because love protects.
06:22 Love is a protecting element.
06:25 When you love somebody, you do what you can to protect them.
06:28 And this was what Yael, this woman, was doing,
06:31 trying to protect a community,
06:33 even though she wasn't from that community,
06:35 but she loved somehow the Israelites.
06:38 She was a Gentile woman who happened to be married
06:41 to a Canaanite man that was friends with King Jabin,
06:45 an arch enemy of Israel.
06:48 And she helped the Israelites by luring this man
06:52 into her tent and capturing the captain of their army,
06:57 of the enemy, and put him to sleep.
06:59 That's what mamas do.
07:01 They put babies to sleep.
07:04 And she sneaked up on him and lured him in and hammered him.
07:09 This was not just an arbitrary picture of what happened.
07:13 This is prophetic.
07:14 You'll notice in Jeremiah chapter 23 and verse 29,
07:18 "Is not my word like a fire," says the Lord,
07:21 "and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?"
07:26 My word is a hammer.
07:28 My word is a hammer.
07:29 My word is a hammer.
07:30 Listen, there's an announcement, church, it's hammer time.
07:34 There's something that you need to take the hammer
07:36 of the word, and it means that you don't just hit it
07:39 one time, you got to confess it over and over and over
07:43 and over and over and over and over and over again,
07:47 because it's hammer time.
07:49 It's hammer time.
07:50 You got to place that tent peg and strike it
07:53 with the hammer of the word.
07:54 With his stripes, I'm healed.
07:56 Every time that a negative thought comes into your head,
07:59 put the peg there and drive the hammer.
08:01 When somebody tells you that you're not anything
08:04 and that you're gonna have another relapse,
08:06 put the hammer up there to it.
08:08 With his stripes, I'm healed.
08:10 I shall live and not die.
08:12 You know, I am a new creation in Christ Jesus.
08:15 I'm the head and not the tail, above only and not beneath.
08:19 You know, the moment that he starts telling you
08:21 you're not worthy, nobody's gonna pick you,
08:23 nobody's gonna want you, you're not gonna ever get married,
08:26 you're not gonna do this, you won't succeed
08:28 if you have a business, no, no, no,
08:29 I can do all things through Christ.
08:32 You know, you begin to take the hammer,
08:34 don't just say it one time, hammer it in,
08:37 hammer it in, hammer it in, hammer it in to your children,
08:40 your sons and your daughters.
08:42 Baby, you can be whatever it is that you wanna be.
08:45 Whatever that God has designed you to be,
08:47 that's what you can be.
08:48 You are not a loser.
08:49 You can't, you are not slow, you are not challenged.
08:53 Begin to speak, you are not a statistic,
08:55 you are not on the spectrum.
08:57 You have to begin to say, hey, hey, hey,
08:59 whatever you set your mind to,
09:01 whatever you set your heart to,
09:03 whatever you begin to pray and ask God for,
09:06 God says I know the plans that I have for you,
09:09 plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
09:11 plans to give you a future and a hope.
09:13 Why in the world would you let the devil
09:16 put a label on your child?
09:18 Mothers, hammer that word in, hammer the word,
09:22 hammer the word, hammer the word.
09:29 We're in a war time now and the family is under attack
09:33 and mama cannot be out of service.
09:39 I know that mamas wear so many hats
09:43 and sometimes you get tired of cooking
09:45 and you have to let them know the kitchen is closed,
09:47 but you can't ever take off the protecting hat
09:50 'cause a mother is always thinking about her children.
09:55 And even when they get off of your lap,
09:58 they're on your heart.
09:59 Even when you move out of their house
10:02 and keep in your own house,
10:04 mama's still thinking about her children.
10:06 It's hammer time, it's hammer time.
10:11 It's time now that if the daddy doesn't know
10:14 how to call on the Lord and stand and be that defender
10:16 over his family, mama got to step in as an intercessor
10:20 and she's got to become the prophetess
10:24 and the priestess in that home
10:26 and begin to decree and to declare.
10:29 And she's got to plead the blood
10:31 and she's got to begin to pray
10:32 and lay them on the altar of Jesus, my God.
10:35 I'm just telling you, I cannot tell you,
10:38 listen, you don't understand ladies,
10:40 how desperate that we are when we are alone,
10:43 we are in a bad condition and God says,
10:45 it's not good that the man should be alone.
10:49 And I don't know about you, but over the years,
10:51 as I have counseled men
10:53 that have gone through terrible times,
10:55 when they have been hooked up on drugs
10:58 and under the addictions of other kinds
11:01 of compulsive behaviors, when they finally get out,
11:06 there are two people that they generally think,
11:09 their mama and their wife.
11:10 They were praying women that wouldn't give up on them,
11:15 that loved them in spite of them,
11:16 that loved them when they were lying to them,
11:19 that loved them when they wouldn't be faithful,
11:21 that loved them when they wouldn't come home on time.
11:24 And they loved them and prayed and believed God
11:28 and kept them on the altar until God did a work
11:31 and transformed their lives.
11:33 Ladies, let me just tell you,
11:35 I cannot tell you the kind of feeling
11:37 that comes over and rushes over a woman
11:40 when she didn't give up too quickly,
11:42 but when she took her hammer and began to nail in
11:45 because we give up because a thought enters into our head
11:49 that says he ain't gonna never do right.
11:51 A thought that enters in to say that,
11:54 you know, you ought to just go on and just put him out
11:56 and just never, ever let him back.
11:58 But somehow when God has given an assignment,
12:01 there are certain people that God has assigned to your life
12:05 and has given them a grace for your foolishness
12:09 until divine deliverance comes from God.
12:13 I'm just telling you, there's a gratitude
12:14 in the hearts of folks who had praying mamas
12:17 that wouldn't give up on them.
12:19 I sat on the jury once,
12:22 the man who was accused of double murder,
12:24 and my heart was broken,
12:28 not for the man who did it, who happened to be a minister,
12:32 but when his mother took the witness stand
12:38 and looked over at her son and said, "That's my baby."
12:48 And she looked at me and I wanted to say,
12:51 "Sweetheart, there are two other people
12:53 "that your baby killed their baby.
12:55 "Now, what do we do now?"
13:00 But though her son was guilty of double murder,
13:03 she said, "That's my baby.
13:05 "That's my baby and he'll always be my baby."
13:11 She still wouldn't give up on him.
13:14 She wouldn't give up on him 'cause that was her baby.
13:19 It's amazing.
13:20 That's why I said the love of a mother
13:23 is so similar to the agape love of God.
13:26 Though her son was guilty of murder, she still loved him.
13:31 She loved a son that she couldn't trust,
13:36 but she loved him.
13:39 She loved him.
13:41 And of course, we sentenced him to a double murder,
13:43 so she has to love him from a distance.
13:47 I did that out of love for the mothers
13:51 who lost their children.
13:52 And it is amazing that when God says
13:57 that his word is like a hammer,
14:00 we've gotta use it not to damage the people
14:03 that we're supposed to love, but to protect.
14:06 The tools that God gives us,
14:08 tools are designed to build and to protect,
14:12 not to destroy.
14:14 And so my question to you, though,
14:18 is what is it that you need to nail
14:21 that's trying to destroy your family?
14:25 What thought is it that you need to put a nail in
14:28 and hammer it?
14:29 What is it that you need to stop
14:32 from bringing your community down,
14:35 the school down, the government down, the business down?
14:38 What is it that you need to take your hammer
14:41 to be able to protect what you love?
14:43 You see this woman, Yael, before Yael nails Sisera,
14:48 she plays a maternal role for him.
14:50 She actually acts as though she is a surrogate mother
14:53 for him.
14:54 Notice what she did.
14:55 She promises him that no harm would come to him.
14:57 It's okay, come right in, come right in.
15:00 Then she covers him so that no one would see him
15:03 if they came in.
15:04 She covered him with a rug or a blanket.
15:06 And then when he asked for water,
15:10 but she actually gave him milk.
15:11 That's what a mother does.
15:12 She gives milk to comfort and sort of to lull to sleep.
15:15 He was already exhausted.
15:16 She gave him milk.
15:17 He asked for water.
15:18 She gave him milk to lull him to sleep.
15:20 And then she tucks him in.
15:22 This is a maternal role of what Yael did
15:27 to bring down Sisera, the enemy of Israel.
15:32 It is interesting that the name Sisera
15:36 means like a horse or a swallow.
15:38 A swallow is a really fast bird.
15:41 It speaks of, the horse speaks of human strength.
15:44 And the swallow is that that is too swift
15:46 to be incarcerated, to be hemmed up
15:49 or to be in prison because it's so fast.
15:51 Thoughts are just like that.
15:52 They're here and then they can flip and change
15:54 just like that in one moment.
15:56 And so it's nailing that which you can't normally catch.
16:01 And it is destroying the human strength
16:03 so that we'll have to depend on the strength
16:05 that comes from God.
16:07 This is the power of the hammer.
16:10 So it is amazing how God oftentimes in history,
16:14 he used women to do things that men traditionally did.
16:17 He used an anonymous woman, you know,
16:21 we don't know her name and it is a sign though.
16:25 Whenever you find an anonymous woman in scripture,
16:27 she's oftentimes a picture of the church,
16:29 the bride of Christ.
16:32 She's a picture of the church.
16:34 And her name is not important
16:35 because it's the type that she represents.
16:38 And there was an arch enemy of Israel.
16:42 His name was Abimelech and he seized the throne
16:45 and he actually put to death 70 of his siblings
16:49 so that they would never challenge his rule.
16:51 And there he was down below her.
16:54 And this anonymous woman took a rock
16:57 and dropped it on his head and killed him.
16:59 Here's another woman who dropped something on the head.
17:01 She smashed it from the head.
17:03 She dealt with it in the thought life.
17:05 How victorious would our personal lives be
17:10 and what our families be
17:11 if we would stop stuff in the head?
17:14 If you stopped it while it's a thought in the head,
17:18 while it's an imagination in the head,
17:20 while it's an impulse in the head,
17:22 while it's an emotion in the head,
17:24 if you stop it in the head, they nailed it in the head.
17:27 And here they actually became that
17:31 and took possession of something and dropped a rock on it.
17:34 The rock was a picture of Jesus.
17:37 It's a picture of Jesus.
17:39 Jesus is that rock.
17:40 He was that rock that followed them in the wilderness.
17:43 It was a rock that when you spoke to it,
17:45 out of it came water.
17:47 The water speaks of a flow of the spirit of God.
17:50 So there are some things that when she dropped it,
17:52 here's another picture in one place.
17:54 It's a hammer in another place.
17:56 It's a rock that is a shelter.
17:58 It is a rock that brings water, a flow of the spirit out.
18:01 It's amazing.
18:04 And then David, the giant killer, took a slingshot
18:07 and he had five smooth stones.
18:09 He took one stone and released that.
18:11 It went right in the giant's forehead,
18:15 lodged in his forehead, knocked him out cold.
18:18 He fell on the ground.
18:20 And then David came and took the man's own sword
18:23 and cut his head off.
18:24 This is about stopping stuff that gets in your head,
18:28 messing your head up.
18:29 My God, have we ever seen so many of our children
18:33 dealing with bipolar disorder,
18:35 dealing with schizophrenia, manic depression?
18:39 I mean, we have an epidemic right now of mental illness
18:43 and mentally ill people walking our streets.
18:46 It's a problem in the head.
18:50 There's a problem in the head.
18:52 It's time to get the hammer.
18:55 It's time to get the hammer and hammer some things out
18:59 so that we can live, so that they come into a picture
19:03 and an identity and an understanding
19:05 as to who they actually are.
19:08 And then it's interesting that much of this happened
19:12 because during the time God, He didn't call women
19:17 to just naturally have an impulse to be able to go out
19:19 and drive tent pegs into people's head and drop rocks
19:24 and smash a person's skull.
19:27 That could give a woman a nightmare.
19:28 That's traumatic.
19:30 It didn't design women for that kind of operation.
19:33 But when God needs to get something done
19:36 and if the men are acting like cowards,
19:37 He'll raise up a woman, which is exactly what He did.
19:41 When He could not find a male military leader,
19:46 He raised up a woman.
19:48 Her name was Deborah.
19:50 She was a wife, but she was a prophetess of the Lord.
19:55 And she recruited Barak to come there
19:57 and to work as her general,
20:00 who would work under her command.
20:02 And Barak wasn't a fierce warrior, but he lacked courage.
20:07 He wouldn't even go to war without Deborah.
20:11 He's like, "Mama, I won't go without you."
20:13 And Deborah had to go with him at his request
20:19 because of the cowardice.
20:21 And so because the men were cowards, God raised up a woman.
20:24 Very similar to 19-year-old Joan of Arc.
20:28 When the men were afraid, a 19-year-old girl
20:31 emerged from the ranks and charged and said, "Follow me."
20:37 And she went after them.
20:38 And her courage gave them courage.
20:41 All God needs is one person that'll stand up with courage.
20:44 And you bristle the spines of everybody who's around you.
20:48 It's amazing.
20:50 The name Deborah, this woman that became a judge of Israel
20:52 and led them in many military conquest and victories,
20:57 her name actually means bee, like a bumblebee.
21:00 It means bee.
21:02 And the name Yael actually means mountain goat.
21:07 What's the connection between Deborah as a bee
21:10 and then Yael as a mountain goat?
21:14 What do bees produce?
21:16 Honey, honey, they produce honey.
21:18 And what do goats produce?
21:21 Milk.
21:21 This is a picture of a promised land, milk and honey.
21:27 I'm gonna bring you to a land flowing with milk and honey,
21:31 Deborah and Yael.
21:33 And listen, if you're gonna come into a place of prosperity,
21:35 a place of blessing, a place of peace,
21:38 a promised land flowing with milk and honey,
21:41 you got to have a Deborah and a Yael,
21:43 place flowing with milk and honey.
21:46 So their names were actually prophetic of the assignment
21:50 that God will have on their life
21:51 to be able to bring blessing.
21:53 And you thought that God could not use women?
21:56 My God, who in the world ever thought that it was such?
22:00 I'm just telling you, if the men go into Calvary,
22:01 does God will raise up a woman?
22:03 If men and women would do it, he'll cause the rocks to cry.
22:07 He'll speak through a donkey.
22:10 He will use what's available to him.
22:16 I'm just grateful, I know that everybody gives credit
22:18 to Moses for leading the children of Israel out of Egypt,
22:22 out of slavery, out of bondage.
22:25 But let me just tell you this,
22:26 talent needs a team to be terrific.
22:29 I said, talent needs a team to be terrific.
22:33 And God raised up a team, it wasn't just Moses.
22:36 It wasn't just Aaron.
22:39 Guess what, it was their sister also,
22:40 it was a family affair.
22:42 It was a triple, it was what we call a trifecta,
22:46 a threefold chord is not quickly broken.
22:50 And so God used Moses, Aaron, and their sister Miriam.
22:55 Miriam, did I make that up?
22:59 No, it's in the Bible, Micah chapter six,
23:03 verse three and four, notice,
23:04 "All my people, what have I done to you?
23:06 What have I done to make you tired of me?
23:08 Answer me."
23:10 Then notice what he says here.
23:12 "For I brought you out of Egypt
23:14 and I redeemed you from slavery.
23:16 I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to help you."
23:21 Miriam was a prophetess.
23:23 What did the prophetess Miriam do?
23:25 Well, the first thing that she did
23:27 is that she had to become a mother in her own instinct
23:30 as a sister, an older sister to her baby brother.
23:34 And she followed him when the mama put him in the basket
23:37 and sent him down the Nile River.
23:39 She followed from a distance to make sure
23:42 that the child got in the right hands.
23:44 She was an overseer over the prophetic promise
23:47 of Moses, the deliverer.
23:49 She followed him until he got
23:50 into the Pharaoh's daughter's hand.
23:53 Then she tricked the Pharaoh's daughter
23:55 into paying her own mama to come there and nurse the child.
24:02 She said, "You know what?
24:04 I heard that you got a baby.
24:05 Oh, I'm so happy for you.
24:07 And you know what?
24:09 If you need someone to nurse the child for you,
24:11 I know a lady who's recently had a baby
24:13 and you could probably use her."
24:16 And Miriam goes and gets her own mother
24:19 who had given birth to the child.
24:21 And she paid her to feed the baby.
24:24 God has a way, my God.
24:28 You've got something in you.
24:30 God can make your enemies.
24:32 Had they not had her, Miriam, had Miriam not been there
24:43 and Miriam led a song of victory.
24:46 She took a tambourine
24:47 and all of the other women went following after her.
24:50 She was a prophetess of the Lord
24:51 and sang a song of victory in Exodus chapter 15.
24:54 You go there and read the story.
24:56 Homegirl, I mean, give her her props.
24:58 God used her in a maternal way.
25:02 And then you discover that Jesus
25:05 was crucified on Golgotha's hill.
25:08 I first visited Golgotha in 1980.
25:13 It was so pronounced to me at that time.
25:14 I've seen it since several times
25:16 and it wasn't as pronounced as when I saw it in 1980.
25:20 But the eye sockets were very, very discernible
25:23 and the nose socket.
25:24 It's Golgotha means the place of the skull.
25:27 It's a head, it's a head.
25:30 And the cross was placed in the head of the skull.
25:35 It was a prophetic symbol
25:40 that we are crushing the head of the enemy.
25:44 It was the cross, the crucifixion that would happen there.
25:49 Here is the seed of the woman crushing the head.
25:52 It is a prophetic picture
25:54 of it going in and stabbing and killing
26:00 the head of the enemy,
26:01 redeeming man from the fall,
26:04 from the powers of the enemy,
26:06 redeeming us, redeeming us out of that life.
26:09 Now I want you to notice another place here
26:11 in 2 Kings 4 in verse 18 through 20.
26:14 Notice he says that one day when her child was older,
26:18 he went out to help his father
26:19 who was working with the harvesters
26:21 and suddenly he cried out,
26:22 "My head hurts, my head hurts."
26:26 And his father said to one of the servant,
26:27 "Carry him home to his mother."
26:29 Here's a son who's with his daddy out there working
26:33 and he says, "I don't feel good.
26:35 "My head hurts."
26:36 Little did the father know
26:38 that the son was talking about him.
26:40 "My head hurts."
26:42 He said, "I'm sick because my head is out of order.
26:46 "The head of the house is out of order."
26:49 He said, "Daddy,"
26:52 it was a problem to take him to his mama.
26:55 Take him to his mama.
26:56 Why didn't daddy have enough love and concern,
26:59 enough empathy, enough understanding to be able,
27:01 enough social intelligence, emotional intelligence
27:05 to realize my son's got a serious issue here?
27:08 I mean, a mother knows intuitively the difference
27:12 between a baby's cry for food
27:14 and one that cries to be changed.
27:17 She knows that intuitively.
27:19 And if here, this man didn't have enough discernment in him
27:22 to realize that his son was crying out
27:25 because his head was out of order, his headship.
27:29 And he said, "Oh, my head, my head."
27:31 He said, "Send him back to his mama."
27:33 He went home and sat.
27:34 She laid him on the bed there, took him to his home
27:36 and his mother held him on her lap.
27:37 But around noontime, he died.
27:39 He died.
27:42 He died.
27:43 Let me just remind you of this,
27:45 that ever since the beginning of time,
27:47 there has been a war against the family.
27:49 He let Adam and Eve go,
27:52 but then he went after their children.
27:54 He caused Cain to get jealous of his brother Abel,
27:59 you know the story, and killed Abel.
28:03 And isn't it something that when we've got the stuff
28:05 that we have birthed, dying prematurely,
28:08 dying without a real cause,
28:10 dying because a demonic thought that came in
28:13 that should have been nailed, but it wasn't.
28:16 It takes discerning folks to be able to discern
28:19 when something demonic is coming.
28:20 But I'm just here to tell you prophetically today
28:22 that our families are in danger.
28:24 The children are dying
28:27 because everybody is concerned about their own agendas.
28:32 And mommy's out of place and daddy's out of place,
28:34 and somebody's crying and saying,
28:36 "Oh my God, my God, we need redemption."
28:39 The family is in trouble.
28:40 Our children are in trouble.
28:43 They're being raised by technology.
28:45 I grew up in a day where your mama knew
28:48 who your friends were.
28:49 Before you married, they knew something about that family.
28:53 Whose child is this?
28:55 And they knew what influences.
28:59 It's like, "Don't call my phone here in my house."
29:01 They knew who was trying to call you.
29:03 See, they were the filter.
29:05 You don't dare.
29:08 I mean, back in that day, you didn't call anybody's house
29:10 after eight or nine o'clock at night.
29:11 I mean, it's like a joke today.
29:15 I mean, but they were eight or nine.
29:16 You don't call my house.
29:18 And you were inside by the time the streetlights came on.
29:22 Some of y'all don't even know what that means.
29:24 (congregation applauding)
29:27 That was that protective instinct
29:29 that you don't look around as children
29:31 in the darkness out here running.
29:34 How you gonna be downtown and cutting the food at Lenox?
29:37 You better have your behind in there.
29:41 If I catch you out of...
29:43 (congregation applauding)
29:46 That wasn't meanness, that was love and manifestation.
29:51 That was mamas and daddies that said,
29:54 "Hey, get in there, boy, come here."
29:56 You were so busy with chores, cutting the grass,
30:00 trimming the hedges, cleaning out the attic or the basement
30:04 and bringing in some wood and doing, moving...
30:07 They gave you a job, your behind was so worn out
30:10 that at nighttime, you had to get in the bed.
30:13 They got you up early in the morning,
30:16 you were ready to go to bed.
30:18 And I'm telling you, there's an enemy.
30:23 That is an enemy, that is an enemy
30:24 that's coming out and he's out there.
30:26 There's a spirit of Cain that is loose in the earth.
30:29 It's loose in the earth and it's going after your Abel.
30:32 I hope you understand that Cain and Abel
30:34 are nothing more than nicknames
30:36 from your caint and your ability.
30:39 And it is nothing but Cain trying to slay the Abel,
30:43 the Abel part of you.
30:44 They always wanna go after your good child.
30:46 They're coming after your ability,
30:49 telling you what you can't do.
30:50 You can't do that, you need to drive a nail in it
30:53 because Cain is gonna murder this thing
30:56 and I'm here to tell you, you're carriers.
30:58 Every woman that is in the house today,
31:00 you are a carrier.
31:02 If you don't understand your purpose, you'll abuse it.
31:05 You'll misuse it, you will neglect it
31:07 if you don't understand it.
31:09 But he designed you anatomically to catch
31:13 and to carry and then to convey.
31:15 I said to catch, to carry and then to convey.
31:18 Every woman is designed that whenever a man
31:21 gives her something, if it's a seed,
31:23 she takes it and becomes an incubation chamber
31:27 where she multiplies that thing.
31:29 The minute that she gets it into her body,
31:31 it goes from a single cell, from one to two,
31:34 from two to four, from four to eight,
31:35 from eight to 16, from 16 to 32, 32 to 64, 64 to 128,
31:40 128 to 256, 256 to 512, 512 to 1024.
31:45 I'm telling you, she's designed to multiply
31:49 whatever is given to her.
31:52 You got an idea, you wanna make it greater,
31:54 share it with your wife, share it with her,
31:57 share it with her, she'll make it more than what it is.
31:59 She'll say, "Baby, not only can we do this,
32:01 "we'll do this and that."
32:03 She's designed to multiply it.
32:05 She's an incubator.
32:06 She's designed to carry it in gestation
32:09 and multiply it and make it more than what it is.
32:12 She, you catch it.
32:13 A woman, every woman is designed to catch.
32:16 They're designed to carry and then they're designed
32:18 to produce something and convey it.
32:20 Catch, carry and convey.
32:22 The assignment of the enemy is to get you
32:25 to abort through frustration.
32:26 To abort through narcissism.
32:32 Looking at yourself, thinking about yourself
32:35 and we begin to kill what we are carrying
32:38 that we are designed to convey.
32:41 You're supposed to take something
32:42 and make it more than what you are.
32:44 This is not about you, mama.
32:45 This is about what comes through you.
32:48 This is about what your womb of your creativity
32:50 is able to produce.
32:51 This is (speaking in foreign language)
32:53 I hope that you're hearing that God designed you.
32:56 He designed you to carry some things and multiply it
33:01 and then convey it into a form that is far beyond
33:05 what you received it in.
33:06 They can barely even recognize that you're designed.
33:09 You're just built like that.
33:10 You're built like that.
33:12 You just got it like that.
33:14 (congregation applauding)
33:18 It's amazing.
33:20 But here's the thing, is that so many women today
33:25 are carrying responsibilities that God gave to men.
33:28 It doesn't mean that you can't do it.
33:31 I know you can open your own door and lift your own luggage
33:34 and you know, wash your own car and fix everything
33:38 that goes wrong around your house.
33:39 I know you can do it.
33:43 But just because you can do something
33:44 doesn't mean you should.
33:46 I mean, you gotta do it if nobody else is around to do it.
33:49 I understand that.
33:50 I understand, I get it, I get it.
33:52 But it would be an injustice of me
33:56 for things that were designed for my biceps and my triceps,
33:59 my pectoralis majors, my trapezoids, my latissimus dorsi
34:03 if I then let my wife handle what God built in me
34:08 through muscle mass.
34:10 (congregation applauding)
34:13 To carry.
34:16 He gave her something that he didn't give me.
34:22 Mammary glands, it's fatty tissue that delivers milk.
34:27 I'm not designed like that, I'm a muscle mass.
34:31 But we compliment each other
34:38 because muscle needs fat to insulate some things.
34:43 Somebody sent me a meme this week
34:47 and it was a fat dude and he said,
34:50 "I've never been injured because," he says,
34:52 "you can't pull fat like you can pull a muscle."
34:56 He said, "You can't pull fat."
34:58 He had a great point.
35:00 I had some chocolate after that.
35:05 (congregation applauding)
35:08 But it's a great travesty
35:12 if I let my wife carry a weight that I'm designed to carry.
35:17 I even do those who come after me a disservice
35:21 if I carry for them what they're designed to carry
35:25 because their muscles will never develop.
35:27 And if we start doing somebody else's assignment,
35:32 it'll wear us out because we're not built for it.
35:37 Over time, because you can do it today
35:39 doesn't mean you can do it a long time.
35:42 And I have never seen on the face of the planet
35:46 so many tired women who are worn out
35:48 because they've had to do everything for themselves.
35:52 Just tired, worn out, cooking and cleaning,
35:55 they're going to the jobs,
35:57 getting the oil change in the car,
35:58 and they're worn out because they have to do everything.
36:02 Here's what Jesus said,
36:04 Matthew chapter 11 and verse 28 through 30.
36:07 "Are you tired, worn out, burned out on religion?
36:11 "Come to me, get away with me,
36:14 "and you'll recover your life."
36:17 Wouldn't that be nice?
36:18 "You will recover your life,
36:20 "and I will show you how to take a real rest."
36:23 Jesus said, "I'll show you how to take a real rest."
36:26 He says, "Walk with me and work with me
36:30 "and watch how I do it.
36:33 "Walk with me, work with me,
36:35 "and watch how I do it.
36:38 "Walk with me, work with me, watch how I do it."
36:43 And then notice he says,
36:44 "Learn the unforced rhythms of grace.
36:48 "I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.
36:51 "Keep company with me,
36:54 "and you will learn to live freely and lightly."
36:58 (congregation applauding)
37:01 This is Jesus.
37:03 "Take my yoke upon you and learn of me,
37:06 "for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
37:10 "Walk with me, work with me,
37:11 "watch what I do and learn the unforced rhythms of grace."
37:16 You enforce things and that will wear you out
37:21 if you don't have the grace for it.
37:25 Things thrive and they prosper
37:28 when every person is in their place
37:31 carrying their part of the responsibility.
37:34 That's victory.
37:36 That's when you have real victory.
37:39 I put it in an alliterative state with Ps
37:44 that says properly,
37:46 positioned people prevent problems,
37:49 pursue possibilities,
37:51 plus patiently prevail,
37:53 portraying perseverance.
37:56 I'd get a screenshot of that if I were you.
37:59 But properly positioned people prevent problems.
38:03 How many problems do you have
38:05 because you got the wrong people in the wrong place
38:07 doing the wrong thing at the wrong time?
38:09 Properly positioned people prevent problems.
38:13 Properly positioned people prevent problems on every job.
38:18 I tell you, if you've got an incompetence issue
38:21 it's because you got improper people in the wrong place.
38:26 But properly positioned people prevent problems,
38:31 pursue possibilities,
38:33 plus patiently prevail,
38:36 portraying perseverance.
38:39 Properly positioned people prevent problems.
38:44 Every person in their place
38:47 carrying their load.
38:49 Properly positioned people prevent problems.
38:55 And I've seen it.
38:59 When children are not in their proper position
39:02 they create a burden on their parents,
39:06 still trying to pay for them
39:08 'cause they've never learned to stand on their own two legs.
39:12 And I know that there are situations and circumstances
39:15 where people need periodic help
39:17 until they can get back on their feet.
39:18 But I'm talking about when this thing is cyclical
39:21 and every now and then,
39:23 and you can't even retire in peace
39:25 'cause you got to keep on working
39:27 because you're enabling your child's incompetence.
39:31 Properly placed,
39:36 positioned people prevent problems.
39:41 And they'll bless your life.
39:42 It will bless your life like nobody's business.
39:47 But there is a rest that will come
39:51 when we will surrender and say,
39:53 "Lord, I want to come into your order
39:56 "and do things the way that you want done."
40:00 Yeah, I know if daddy's out of place,
40:03 if he's out of town,
40:03 mama's got to handle some things.
40:06 But when he gets back,
40:07 it's like, "Thank God that you're here.
40:09 "Go ahead and get this, handle this now.
40:11 "I can rest now."
40:13 Walk with me.
40:13 Work with me.
40:17 Watch what I do.
40:19 And learn the unforced rhythms of grace
40:24 because you're designed to catch something
40:28 and to carry it, to carry it, to carry it, to carry it.
40:33 I've never seen a time now
40:35 where we've had more miscarriages
40:38 than any other time in history.
40:41 Miscarriage.
40:43 We are to catch it and carry it,
40:46 carry it, carry it, carry it,
40:48 and then convey it.
40:50 You're on assignment.
40:53 And this is a process of something that comes from God.
40:58 I pray that you got something
41:01 out of the word of the Lord today.
41:02 (congregation applauding)
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