Isolated, Integrated & Intoxicated - Dr. E. Dewey Smith

  • l’année dernière
00:00 official dispensation of the Holy Spirit. Now God I pray that you would give me
00:05 the power to proclaim you unsearchable riches. Pray God that you'd let me to
00:10 share your gospel to preach this word today so people can be inspired and be
00:14 encouraged to have a closer walk with thee. We love you we bless you now in
00:19 Jesus name amen. I want you to turn your Bibles with me today to the book of Acts
00:24 and there's a word in the book of Acts that I'm so excited about sharing with
00:28 you and this is what Pentecost is all about. In Acts chapter 2 in verse number
00:34 1 you will see these words in Acts chapter 2 verse 1 and when the day of
00:39 Pentecost was fully come they were all with one accord in one place and suddenly
00:46 there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and they filled all
00:50 the house they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like
00:54 as a fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy
01:00 Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them
01:04 utterance and that were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews devout men out of every
01:09 nation under heaven now what this was noise the broad the multitude came
01:14 together and were confounded because that every man heard them speak in his
01:18 own language and they were all amazed and marveled saying one to another
01:21 behold are not all these which speak Galileans and how here we every man in
01:27 our own tongue which were in where we were born and Parthians and Medes and
01:33 Elamites and the dwellers of Mesopotamia and all Judea and Cappadocia and Pontus
01:37 and Asia and Phrygia and Pamphylia in Egypt the parts of Libya about Cyrene and
01:41 the strangers of Rome Jews and proselytes Creece Arabians we do hear
01:46 them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God and they were all amazed
01:51 and were in doubt saying one to another what meaneth this others mocking said
01:58 these men are full of new wine but Peter standing up with the eleven lifted up
02:04 his voice and said unto them ye men of Judea and all you that dwell at Jerusalem
02:09 be this known unto you and hearken to my words for these are not drunken as ye
02:15 suppose seeing it is but the third hour of the day for these are not drunken as
02:22 ye suppose I want to talk from these first 15 verses of Acts chapter 2 simple
02:28 from this thought isolated integrated and intoxicated I said isolated
02:36 integrated and intoxicated the first time that we are referenced about the
02:43 Holy Spirit is in the very first book of the Bible the book of Genesis just as
02:49 chapter 1 verse 2 tells us that the Spirit of God was that to hover on the
02:54 face of premortal liquidity that the Holy Spirit was there from creation to
03:00 move upon the very face of the waters we've later discovered that the Spirit
03:04 was not just there in that chapter 1 verse 2 as it hoover on the face of the
03:09 waters was also there in Genesis 1 26 when God said let us make man in our
03:14 image and after our likeness that that word there Elohim and God is the plural
03:21 name for God that God as Elohim implies plurality that he was there from the
03:29 beginning that plural name for God many scholars suggest as a reference to the
03:33 Father the Son and the Holy Spirit we see the Holy Spirit there hovering on
03:38 the face of the waters in Genesis 1 2 we see the Holy Spirit being a part of the
03:42 creation of humanity in Genesis 1 26 and periodically throughout the Old
03:47 Testament we see how the Holy Spirit would empower different people for
03:52 special assignments we saw the Spirit of the Lord coming upon David in 1st
03:57 Samuel chapter 16 after Saul had been dethroned and Dave was being enthroned
04:04 after the coronation by the Prophet Samuel does the Spirit of the Lord come
04:08 upon David and goes with him for his entire life and so certain people in the
04:13 Old Testament were empowered by the Holy Spirit even the Gospel of st. Luke as
04:19 Luke tells us about the narratives of two miraculous births one being the
04:26 birth of Elizabeth who was old in age and had been barren and her cousin Mary
04:32 who was a virgin both of them had significant conceptions and births and
04:39 so much that as Elizabeth conceives in our old age with her son who was John
04:44 the Baptist who was going to be the forerunner of the Lord Jesus and six
04:48 months later as Mary her cousin as a teenager conceives and Mary goes to
04:54 visit Elizabeth and Luke tells us that baby John prenatally leaped in the womb
05:00 of his mother as he was filled with the Holy Spirit and so over and over again
05:04 do we see references from Genesis to the Gospels about periodic moments with a
05:10 Holy Spirit indwelled or empowered different individuals for different
05:15 assignments Jesus prophesied in Acts 1 and 8 but you shall receive power after
05:20 the Holy Ghost has come upon you and you should be with my witnesses in Jerusalem
05:24 Judea and Samaria and to the uttermost parts of the world it is in this context
05:28 that we penetrate this particular pericope the time of this text on the
05:33 day of Pentecost Pentecost Penta meaning five Pentecost was an annual Jewish
05:39 festival that came 50 days after Passover the Jews at several Jewish
05:45 festivals festivals like the Feast of Weeks the Feast of Tabernacles the
05:49 Feast of Unleavened Bread the Feast of Passover and Pentecost was an annual
05:54 festival that would take place 50 days after Passover at the time of this text
05:59 Jesus our Lord has just been killed if would during the time of Passover and
06:04 here we are on the day of Pentecost 50 days later to have their 120 walked in
06:12 obeisance to the commands of the curious Christos they found themselves in an
06:17 upper room and they found themselves in a place of isolation in a world of
06:23 Greco-Roman domination when Jews on the lower wrong of everything that was
06:27 statistically powerful that everything that was suggested justice and equality
06:33 they won the lower wrongs but did not fit into the sociological prerequisites
06:38 allowed them to have the same type of access as those who were part of the
06:42 Greco-Roman Empire but in spite of that these Jews in obedience to what the Lord
06:48 had commanded found themselves at the hundred and twenty isolated together
06:54 stripped themselves away from everything that was familiar they pulled away for a
06:58 moment of isolation so that the Lord could meet them in the area of their
07:02 need I want to say a word about isolation because when you typically
07:06 think of isolation isolation is something as we talk about mental health
07:11 that is a negative often in our lives the enemy and wants to get us in
07:18 isolation to get us away from the crowd sometimes depression and anxiety does
07:25 its best work on us when we find ourselves in isolation and this word I
07:31 use isolation here was was specific because I could have used the word
07:35 alone men or seclusion but I I use the word isolation here because these 120
07:40 they were together to isolate themselves from the rest of the world because the
07:46 Lord had made them a promise they knew that they were in the world but not of
07:50 the world they knew something special was getting ready to be fomented and
07:54 often in our lives God has to get you to steal away not by yourself but but but
08:02 with those of like mind I want to encourage you today that don't let the
08:05 enemy get you away away in singularity but it's okay sometimes I isolate
08:10 yourself to come out from among them so that the Lord can speak clear revelation
08:15 to your life God often does his best work when people are alone is that great
08:20 a writer Richard Foster who tells us about the blessings and the discipline
08:25 of solitude sometimes God gets you in solitude in order that you can have a
08:32 more clear access and a clear focus on what he's trying to do in our lives I'm
08:37 saying they get you in solitude in in a moment of spiritual isolation it was
08:42 isolation that he got Adam away to and then made an incision in the side of
08:48 Adam and from Adams masculine hardness did he make Eve's feminine softness and
08:52 it was in that state of isolation that Eve comes from Adam God of work
08:57 sometimes in isolation it was in Moses on the backside of a desert in Midian
09:02 where they saw a bush that was consumed but would not be extinguished and God
09:08 speaks to him in isolation on the backside of a desert in Midian as he's
09:11 tending to his father-in-law's flock and tells him to take off your shoes for the
09:16 ground upon which you stand is holy ground it was in the isolation that God
09:21 spoke to Noah about a post diluvian dispensation that the world was going to
09:25 be baptized with the flood and that Noah his wife and his boys Shim Hammond
09:30 Japheth along with their wives and to the animal kingdom that God was going to
09:34 repopulate the world after a season of isolation for Noah his family and the
09:39 animal kingdom sometimes God does special things when you're in a place of
09:43 isolation it was Elijah when he found himself in isolation under a juniper
09:48 tree requesting ontological euthanasia that he has to pray to God and could
09:54 request death from God and God has to speak to him and tell him Elijah you
09:58 you're not alone eat for the journey ahead of you is still great it was
10:02 Habakkuk who got away to the watchtower sometimes God would get you in a place
10:07 that's why even Jesus says what two or three are gathered together in my name
10:12 if one can put a thousand to flight and two can put ten thousand to flight what
10:16 can we do if we find ourselves with like-minded people in a place where we
10:22 can be encouraged and lift each other this is what I love about this text is
10:26 that when God wanted to do something special to allow the birth of the church
10:30 and the Holy Spirit to make his official dispensation known he got a hundred and
10:35 twenty together in a place of unity and isolation in an upper room on on one
10:41 accord they will had one sound and one mind and let me tell you the world can
10:46 be changed when we get together in unity when we are isolated ourselves for the
10:52 purposes of God and we're not isolating ourselves so we that we can't transform
10:55 the world but we isolate ourselves in order that we can have an incarnational
11:00 moment we get away to get field to get instruction and do your revelation so we
11:05 can go back into those dark areas that need illumination he pulls these 120
11:10 away is that I want to have a special theophilus moment for you because
11:14 that's something I'm gonna do that's historic through you but I got to steal
11:18 you away so that I can speak and commune with you all by yourself that's why the
11:23 hymn writer perhaps said I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on
11:28 the roses and the voice I hear falling on my ear the Son of God discloses and
11:33 he walks with me and he talks with me and he tells me that I'm his own and the
11:39 joy we share as we tarry there none other has ever known sometimes you've
11:44 got to learn how to steal away those moments when you're low you ought to
11:48 have somebody in your corner who can intercede and stand with you to pull you
11:53 away from those things when the world is too loud and the and the white noise is
11:58 so dissonant of the world and it makes it incongruent and inharmonious for you
12:03 to hear the resounding course of divinity reverberating from the annals
12:07 of heaven sometimes God wants to get you away so he can deal with you
12:12 specifically and those with whom you are surrounded so that God can empower you
12:17 to take you to the next level of your trajectory they're in a moment of
12:20 isolation these are hundred and twenty have got them set together they're in
12:24 one place on one accord and that's why you all come to worship every now and
12:28 then to get away from the world to be refilled because the church and worship
12:33 is analogous to the gas station sometimes you're driving your vehicle
12:37 the more you drive petroleum sometimes begins to become a necessity and you
12:43 have to pull into the service station so you can be filled so you can continue
12:47 your journey sometimes the Saints have to come and get in one place to get away
12:51 from the world so that we can be filled with the power of God to go out and
12:56 carry the mission and the purpose for which we have been ordained here the
13:00 time of this text we see that the 120 on a place of isolation they're together in
13:05 one place on one accord and Luke tells us that because they were in a place of
13:11 isolation Luke further said that suddenly I'm here to tell you that
13:16 sometime when you get away with God and you commune and focus and when you walk
13:20 with obedience God has a suddenly blessing they can send to your life or
13:25 sometimes God can do something through progress sometimes God can move over
13:30 time sometimes healing can come as we go but we serve a God who also can do
13:35 things suddenly in your life and suddenly Luke tells us that there came a
13:39 sound from heaven I wish I'd time to talk about that sound but that sound
13:43 came from heaven as a rushing mighty wind and it filled the house where they
13:47 were sitting and they're Pete under them cloven tongues like as a fire and and it
13:52 sat upon them oh my god because they will focus on God the fire this is not
13:57 the fire of judgment this is the fire of power this is the metaphor of the spirit
14:02 cloven tongues set on them and fire set on each of them hallelujah they said
14:08 that they began to speak they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and begin to
14:12 speak with new tongues that the Spirit gave them others they have been empowered
14:16 here but in their state of isolation the Holy Spirit has empowered them on this
14:21 day of Pentecost and they begin to speak with new tongues that word there for
14:27 speaking tongue there is word glossolalia in Greek so we'll get the
14:30 English word glossary from they were empowered to literally speak literal
14:36 languages are you listening to me here and this is what we move from the
14:40 isolation to the integration because on the day of Pentecost Luke tells us that
14:44 devout Jews had made the pilgrimage here to Jerusalem for the purpose for the
14:51 celebration of Pentecost as a matter of fact he said in verse 5 of Luke 2 that
14:57 devout men that devout men out of every nation under heaven they had come there
15:04 for the purpose of Pentecost and what happens the Holy Spirit shows up and
15:09 these 120 began to speak and when it was noise the bra that the multitude that
15:15 come together they were confounded his wife because they heard every man's
15:19 language they heard every man's speech in his own language now you have on 120
15:27 untrained Galileans 120 unlearned Galileans who were not bilingual by
15:34 nature 120 who were not a part of the Greco-Roman aristocracy who had not been
15:40 tutored at the feet of a rabbi Gamaliel who had not studied at a university of
15:44 Jerusalem who were not the pupils of Aristotle Socrates Plato or Euripides
15:51 but yet in spite of their lack of formal education the Holy Spirit showed up and
15:57 I'll integrate them in such a way that they were able to speak the literal
16:02 languages of all other nations who had come also for the purpose of Pentecost
16:07 Luke further tells us who all was present look at the integration he says
16:12 there were Parthians there were Medes Elamites the dwells of Mesopotamia in
16:17 Judea Cappadocia Parthas Asia Phrygia Pamphylia Egypt and the parts of Libya
16:22 about Cyrene and strains of Rome Jews and proselytes Cretes and Arabians verse
16:26 11 we do him speak in our own tongues the wonderful works of God the
16:31 historian FF Bruce tells us that at least 15 different provinces were
16:37 represented here at the time of Pentecost and these 15 different
16:40 provinces that are mentioned here by Luke three of whom were African by the
16:45 way just let me throw it in you got Egypt there you got Libya you got
16:49 Cyrene I just want to throw that in there you had Asians there you got those
16:53 who represented Creek there you got those who will live you got a
16:56 Elamites that Mesopotamia that you got Cappadocia Pontus Asia all of them were
17:01 there on the day of Pentecost and what I love about the Holy Spirit is the Holy
17:06 Spirit allowed each person who had gathered to hear the wonderful works of
17:11 God in their own language you talk about integration what a great word for those
17:16 who have problems I'm so thankful that those who have problems with us being
17:22 unified and together as races and cultures and ethnicities those who have
17:27 problems I don't understand how you can call yourself a Christian but can't love
17:31 somebody of a different race or culture and ethnicity and then call yourself
17:35 going to heaven if you got problems with other cultures other languages some of
17:40 you who may live in the state of Georgia or say to Florida you don't want to hear
17:43 about Rosa Parks I don't want to hear about George Floyd don't want to hear
17:46 about the nuances of the universe of Timbuktu in the city of Suncor Ray
17:50 because you call that critical race theory if you can't appreciate the
17:53 history without being offended by your own sense of vulnerability but based
17:58 upon what you answers have done I don't know where you're going this is just a
18:02 rehearsal because when we get to heaven John tells the revelation that in heaven
18:06 you have tribes out of every kindred every nation every tongue being there
18:12 together bowing to worship he who sits on the throne we'll be that together
18:17 from every nation from every tribe will be that giving reverend reverential
18:22 adoration to the curious Christos the one whose blood has made us white as
18:27 snow brother and says I love this passage because it speaks to the
18:31 multicultural nature of the Holy Spirit but it also speaks to us in a variety of
18:36 ways that even of our backgrounds and our churches are more segregated dr.
18:40 King once said that 11 o'clock hour is the most segregated hour in America at
18:44 11 o'clock on Sunday mornings and and I think to a great extent a lot of that
18:49 has to do with our cultures a lot that has to do with what we live it's not
18:54 necessarily because of a hatred of a different group but sometimes
18:57 neighborhoods communities comprised churches styles of worship comprised
19:02 churches but it is possible that you can be in a church with people who look like
19:07 you but yet you still don't know how to speak the language of all of those who
19:11 in that ministry that sometimes in our churches some who are older who liked
19:16 the hymns who like it more traditional we want to keep it one certain way and
19:20 not speak the language of those who don't wear suits and ties the church on
19:24 Sunday morning oh it's okay to sing a hymn or to sing pass me not or general
19:29 Savior but it's also nothing wrong with learning worship songs like elevation
19:34 and and Maverick City and and and and feel with them and and Matt Redmond and
19:39 Chris Tomlin y'all not here hear me here a Todd Galbraith or Tasha Cobbs because
19:44 we got to learn how to speak the language it's not just to speak the
19:47 language to the old but also speak the language to the young not just speak the
19:52 language of those who are learned but also the unlearned can we have a
19:56 ministry that meets those who have white dresses on and those who have jeans on
20:01 simultaneously because we have to learn that everybody hears and learns
20:06 differently Jesus called us to be fishes of men and all fish don't eat the same
20:11 type of bait Paul says I have become all things all men that I may win we have to
20:16 learn as the body of Christ how to speak multiple languages so that we can
20:21 integrate the message of Christ so that whether you whether you are in a crib at
20:27 the child or to the cemetery as a senior adult your we have to be able to speak
20:32 the language and the message of God in such a way where you hear it in that
20:37 your culture your language because although our tastes may be different the
20:42 truth had to be the same can we speak the word in a way so those who don't
20:48 look like us can hear it can we speak it in such a way to those who have the same
20:53 appetites or taste buds that we have can hear the Word of God listen don't ever
20:57 allow your taste to become truth and your your preference to become policy
21:03 we've got to learn oh that's some good in the worst of us and some bad in the
21:08 best of us we've got to learn that everybody can hear the Word of God the
21:12 way you may speak to an 80-year-old may not be the same way you speak to a 12
21:15 year old our message is the same but the methodology and the language and the
21:21 and and the characteristics with which we deliver the message we have to be
21:25 willing to change and so often in this day and time many of our churches that
21:30 are established in a story on the verge of extinction why because we can only
21:36 speak one language stories told I remember watching a documentary on the
21:43 Discovery Channel and I love watching anything about the animal shows and this
21:48 had a show this time about the prehistoric time and the dinosaur age in
21:53 this particular episode they were talking about the Brontosaurus and I
21:58 never forget that episode I love dinosaurs I love the prehistoric times
22:01 it was talking about how the Brontosaurus went into extinction because
22:06 the Brontosaurus was a herbivore rather than a carnivore the Brontosaurus
22:11 didn't eat meat ate herbs and because of an overpopulation of the Brontosaurus
22:17 what happened was all the foliage had been eaten in so much that the
22:25 Brontosaurus community began to eat in the same way they would eat the
22:31 vegetation that was high on the trees high on the limbs high on the vines and
22:36 what happened to overpopulation made all of the foliage that was high on the tree
22:42 high on the limbs high on the vines it couldn't go back in time because they
22:47 were used to eating the vegetation one way high on the limbs high on the trees
22:52 high on the vines but sadly enough if they had just looked to the lower part
22:58 of the tree the lower part of the vine that was more vegetation down on the
23:02 bottom levels of the trees of the vines but you know what happened this species
23:08 of dinosaur went into extinction not because of predators not because of
23:14 some climatic challenges but this species of dinosaur went into extinction
23:18 for one reason here's why because they refuse to bend they got used to doing
23:23 things the same way at the same time for generations and they didn't know that
23:28 they had the propensity and the proclivity and the possibility of just
23:31 bending their necks to get more vegetation on the lower levels to allow
23:36 the vegetation on the higher levels to grow back and the site said the
23:41 brontosaurus went into extinction for one reason because they refused to bend
23:45 how many of our churches how many of our organizations are on the verge of
23:49 extinction why because we're used to doing so much the same way and not
23:54 willing to be not being with the integrity of the message but being with
23:59 their approach and the style with which the message is delivering we can't do
24:04 things the same way in 2023 as we did in 1963 and expect to remain relevant
24:10 that's why the old hymn writer said a charge to keep I have a God to glorify
24:15 who gave his son my soul to save and fit it for the sky here the stands I love to
24:19 serve the present age my calling to fulfill made all my powers engage to do
24:26 my master's women Pentecost is about isolation to get away to get the power
24:31 of God but it's also about integrating it's about integrating all the languages
24:35 because everybody had a seat at the table Oh Pentecost ain't Pentecost if
24:40 some people are excluded everybody had a seat at the table the old lady the old
24:45 man come on the Pentecost you got a seat at the table because now Peter stands up
24:51 and Peter makes a declaration Peter says what you see here is that which was
24:57 spoken of by the Prophet Joel here's what Joel said Joel said that was gonna
25:00 come a time that the Spirit was gonna be poured out upon all flesh let me tell
25:05 you more about this integration he said and the old men were going to dream
25:09 dreams and the young men were going to see vision the old man dreaming dreams
25:14 of the reference to the old man looking back on life as it was the young man
25:19 seeing vision as a reference to the new generation seeing things but as it will
25:23 be notice on Pentecost the old and the young are integrated together the old
25:29 men and the young men but then he also says that your sons and your daughters
25:34 shall prophesy did you get that your sons and your daughters Pentecost is
25:39 about it's about inclusion in a day of patriarchy and misogyny and toxic
25:46 masculinity I love Luke's presentation of the universality of the Gospel of
25:51 Jesus we does not lift up male-dominated milieus he says your sons and your
25:57 daughters will be feel Pentecost is not Pentecost if it's exclusive everybody
26:03 had a seat at the table young man you have a seat at the table young woman you
26:07 have a seat at the table the rich the poor you have a seat at the table the
26:12 learned the unlearned you have a seat at the table those are no criminal record
26:16 those are criminal record Pentecost is about you coming together because we all
26:21 need the blood of Jesus oh and what can wash away my sins what can make me hold
26:27 again Pentecost is about us being together because when we get to heaven
26:32 everybody's gonna be there and so that there's isolation there's that's
26:36 integration but then third and finally I will notice that but what I will call
26:40 here intoxication yeah I said intoxication yeah because what happens
26:44 when they saw and heard the 120 speaking in these different languages somebody
26:51 had the ingenious idea and somebody who would not tap then stood by in verse 13
26:56 mocking them making fun of the early church but I love Peter's response verse
27:03 14 says but Peter Peter stood up with 11 and lifted his voice and said to them
27:07 you men of Judea and everybody who's here in Jerusalem let me make a
27:11 disclaimer I hear the market I hear those of you who are making fun of our
27:16 spirit indwellment but let me make a disclaimer these are not drunk as you
27:22 suppose sin it is but the third hour of the day this this time that at this time
27:27 of the text the day started at 6 a.m. and so the day didn't start at midnight
27:33 like our day does it started at 6 a.m. so the third hour of the day which would be
27:37 equivalent to the 9 a.m. he said no they're not drunk it's too early to be
27:41 drunk it's 9 o'clock in the morning now they're not drunk as you suppose he says
27:45 they're not drunk with alcohol or they're not drunk with Hennessy and
27:49 Cavasi or Patron Silver they're not drunk y'all not helping me here they're
27:53 not drunk with bourbon there that then they're not drunk with margaritas
27:56 they're not drunk with Long Island teas they're not drunk as you suppose what
28:01 Peter says but they are drunk with something what these have had they've
28:04 had an overdose of the Holy Ghost and that has given them the power to speak
28:10 multiple languages that is the power that's given them an intoxication they
28:15 are drunk off of love they're drunk off of hope they're drunk of expectation
28:19 they're drunk off the dreams of tomorrow and you know the problem is today the
28:24 problem for us is too many of us are leaving home sober yeah we leave home
28:29 sober and I'm not talking about alcoholism I'm saying we leave home we
28:34 live our lives not under the influence of the Holy Ghost but may it be found of
28:39 each of us that when they see us they see us drunk they see us staggering
28:44 because we're under the influence of something of a power that helps us to
28:49 rise above pain a power that helps us to rise above depression may it be said of
28:54 all of us that we are filled with something that's gonna sustain our lives
28:58 and today I came to tell you on Pentecost Paul in it said the Ephesians
29:03 518 be not drunk with wine where it is excess but be filled with the Holy
29:09 Spirit that you got to redeem the time because the days of evil you got to be
29:13 sure that you walk circumspectly in the world and the day I want to invite you
29:17 come on and take a drink yeah come on and take a drink yeah let us drink from
29:22 the fountain that shall never run dry come on come on take a drink ask him to
29:27 let some drops now fall or come on and ask the Holy Spirit to come and to
29:32 indwell you to fill every area that's that's empty ask the Holy Spirit to come
29:38 and heal every every circumstance that's broken ask the Holy Spirit to come to
29:43 reveal purpose and destiny for your life come on and take a drink drink from that
29:48 spirit that moves on the face of premortal liquidity come on and take a
29:52 drink come on take a drink of him who's a part of Elohim who created man from
29:57 the dust of the ground and breathe those nostrils the breath of life come on and
30:00 take a drink come on and take a drink from that new mythological power that
30:05 came in first Samuel 16 that empowered David when he had been dismissed by his
30:10 brothers in his own daddy come on and take a drink take a drink of this same
30:14 Holy Ghost who made his dispensation known on the day of Pentecost who walked
30:19 with us and talked with us and guides us into all come on and take a drink come
30:23 on and get intoxicated not off of your own whims not enough to let that be not
30:28 off of your own ESP not you off your own gut but be come on take a drink of a
30:34 Holy Spirit who can lead you in God there have been times in my life I've
30:39 been on a road driving and and I and something told me don't keep going in
30:43 that direction I found and I found myself taking another route now you
30:47 might say that was to let the be you might say something told me now I wasn't
30:52 something it was someone the Holy Spirit can guide you around truth there be been
30:57 some of you who tried to date people but something just didn't feel right
31:01 sometimes I want I want I'll make sure you properly categorize it sometimes you
31:06 call it your vibe the vibe went off or the energy ain't right no it's not a
31:11 vibe it's not an energy it was the Holy Spirit coming to remind you of what to
31:15 stay away from and what to engage come on and take a drink I tell you if you
31:20 come on and drink of the Spirit and drink of this water of the Spirit and
31:24 that's the Holy Spirit to lead me and guide me every day of my life I came to
31:29 tell you he'll lead you he'll guide you oh come on take a drink oh yes what what
31:35 what what drink drink of what how do I drink of it yeah it was early one
31:40 morning just about the break of day Jesus came in my room in touch man and
31:45 washed all my sins away I started running I started shouting I found no
31:49 doubt about it I found nothing but the Holy Ghost if you here today that Holy
31:55 Spirit will lead you and guide you and right now he's speaking on somebody's
31:58 heart to tell you give me a chance let me come in your life and save you man
32:04 woman boy or girl Jesus pointed to the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit points us to
32:09 Jesus if you want to accept the Lord Jesus Christ maybe right now you're
32:12 watching I see the tears coming down your face because you've been going and
32:16 making so many mistakes fall on your face here's why because you've been
32:20 trusting everything else except the Holy Spirit's voice but today I want you to
32:24 say Holy Spirit Oh come into my heart allow me to accept Christ as my Lord and
32:30 my Savior the Holy Spirit is telling you the day you hear his voice heart not
32:34 your heart as you're watching today if you want to accept Jesus Christ as your
32:38 Lord and your Savior do me a favor as you're watching I want you just to text
32:43 right now the word salvation the six seven eight two oh one thirteen fifty
32:48 one text that right now as you're watching text salvation six seven eight
32:52 two one thirteen fifty one you can be saved or maybe you only connected with
32:56 this isolated group that God pulls together so we go out and have a
33:00 transformational incarnational approach we come together to worship we leave the
33:05 service we come in isolation to worship but we leave empowered we leave not sober
33:10 to go out and bring others with us so you want to be a part of a local church
33:13 whether you in Atlanta Alaska the Cato or Dubai Georgia or Ghana I'd love to be
33:17 your pastor if you want to be connecting with us context we're connected six
33:21 seven eight two one thirteen fifty one or maybe you just need prayer as he's
33:25 120 we gather in upper room praying and waiting we have some intercessors who
33:29 standing right now maybe like me you've been led by so many other things other
33:33 than the Spirit but I'm here to take you change your life around if you want the
33:37 Holy Spirit to lead you and you want some prayer some people to pray with you
33:40 and stand with you during these moments of waiting text where prayer to six seven
33:44 eight two one thirteen fifty one our team is standing by and then lastly if
33:47 you missed the first offering you want to give let the Holy Spirit lead you
33:51 something was said you learn something something that was said that touch your
33:54 heart today Holy Spirit wants you to invest in ministry you can give today by
33:59 text to give information on the screen you can text out those codes at six
34:04 seven eight two one thirteen fifty one you give you can give the cash app
34:07 dollars on the HOH ATL you can give through Zell at finance at GTR BC org if
34:14 you want to give to the website is click the given links and
34:20 father prompts accordingly or if you want to send it to the PO box a PO box
34:24 PO box three six one four nine nine Decatur Georgia three zero zero three six
34:30 again PO box three six one four nine nine Decatur Georgia three zero zero three
34:35 six hallelujah father we thank you for this day of Pentecost thank you for the
34:40 movement of the Spirit as we close this service out may you indwell us and
34:46 empower us may we feel the same auction that John the Baptist felt prenatally in
34:52 the womb of his mother may we have the same power spirit that you put on David
34:58 in first Samuel 16 the same breath that Jesus breathed on the disciples in st.
35:02 John 20 19 to 22 would you empower us so we can finish the assignment empower us
35:09 so we can run through troops and leave over walls empower us if we can rid
35:14 ourselves from depression and stress and anxiety empower us we can be your people
35:19 to go out this mean and lost world to let people know the way to have seen his
35:23 death but the gift of God is eternal I thank you for this worship experience
35:26 now God's be closed this service dismissed us from this place from this
35:30 experience but never dismiss us from your presence and now may the grace of
35:39 our Lord and the love of God may the grace of Jesus Christ and made the sweet
35:46 communion of the Holy Spirit rest rule and abide with these your people now
35:55 henceforth and forevermore. Amen. Amen. I love you. God bless you. Have a great week. I love you.
36:01 Have a great week. Don't you leave home sober. Take the spirit with you. I love you. Have a
36:05 great week. I love you. Have a great week. I love you. Have a great week. I love you.
36:08 Have a great week. I love you. Have a great week. God bless you. I love
