• 2 years ago
00:00 Hey there, so this is Rita, and she's been so kind. She's here with her daughter.
00:04 I'm getting her hair. Her daughter's getting her hair colored.
00:06 So I asked her if I could use a perfecter because you have so many questions about the short hair.
00:11 So I have the 3/4 and
00:13 I would say I would describe Rita. You have very thick hair. Very thick hair and strong. She has some waves here and there.
00:20 So when I use the perfecter, I usually just roll down if it's this strong.
00:26 And I definitely sit for 10 seconds just so that it definitely will give me that curl. Now she, this is not clean hair,
00:33 which is fine,
00:34 because you can use the perfecter on second day. And then what I'm, see how I just get that lift automatically.
00:39 So we'll just go through.
00:41 Now a lot of you are asking about the half inch. I could use the half inch on Rita's hair,
00:46 but Rita, what I saw her hair, she just wears it kind of full. So you don't feel like a lot of curl.
00:52 I don't. It curls too much. Too much. Too much. If you get a smaller roll, you know what I mean? Yeah. It gets like,
00:58 Yeah, like too curly. I always say I feel like Betty Boop when I do it. Exactly.
01:03 Exactly. So that's why I'm using the 3/4 because see how it's just gonna give her that lift already that shine in the bend and
01:11 not too much.
01:12 Not really any curl. So for those of you who are trying to decide, it's a matter of how many times you want it to wrap around
01:20 the brush. I would say
01:22 her hair is going all the way around. Your hair is probably like two inches long, I would think, on top.
01:27 So it fits really well with this.
01:29 But it's easy because you just brush through and just hold.
01:33 And I'm definitely over directing so we can get some volume out of it too.
01:40 But the nice thing is because this doesn't, you can't burn yourself at all,
01:44 I can go all the way down near her ear and curl all of it.
01:48 See just like that. I can't, even though I'm touching her, I can't burn Rita.
01:57 See then that can go back or flip up. Do you like it flipped?
02:06 No, I like it, you know, kind of like, actually it's just, I don't like this because I actually
02:14 have, you know what I mean? I actually look like I have when I do it. Do you know what I mean? I make it fuller.
02:20 Fuller. I make it, yeah, I make it like a regular
02:23 hairdo instead of just behind my ears. Oh, okay. Do you know what I mean? Yeah. Oh, you can do it.
02:29 Yeah. So Rita is a hairdresser,
02:32 was a hairdresser for years and years, so hence her hair looks so good and her color looks so great.
02:41 It's still shiny. That's thanks to the gray. That's where you get that blending in there with all that gray. And it looks so natural, right?
02:49 So I'm gonna show you right back here on her talus,
02:54 because I think that's always something, when you go to do it, just sit that in that area that wants to lay flat and
02:59 again, hold that there for ten seconds, and I'm just gonna go right down the back of her head with it.
03:07 So you have some spray in here, right? Oh, yeah.
03:10 So it's okay, even if there's hairspray. Generally what I do, as you can see, sometimes with the hairspray, the perfecter,
03:15 you just want to move through it a couple times, and then it'll just go real easy. Whereas,
03:20 you know, just brush that hairspray out if you're doing second day, and then it won't tug so much.
03:27 Let's see how much fullness I'm getting in her hair.
03:34 You can go right down the back, and you don't have to have eyes behind the back of your head.
03:38 The biggest thing is that if it is second day hair, it's kind of
03:41 settled where it wants to settle.
03:44 So if you're trying to change that shape,
03:46 you need to hold the perfecter in there a little longer.
03:48 I think everybody gets used to like, because it's a brush, going really fast.
03:52 But you need to like, as if you were using a curling iron, you got to let it sit there a second.
03:58 I'm just gonna go through and do her sides.
04:03 It's really nice on her. Even though her hair is super shiny, naturally now it looks like
04:07 reflective glass after using the perfecter on it.
04:11 So I think that this is the greatest tool for short hair,
04:19 and I've been getting so many questions about short hair, because you can wrap those ends in.
04:23 You don't have to worry about the clamping or anything like that.
04:26 And you just sit in there. Again, if you count to ten,
04:32 then you can get a lot of bend in, and even right here on your ear,
04:36 you can go right under and not worry about burning her.
04:40 Here, I'm gonna get that whole thing in there, even though it's nice and short.
04:43 No, you don't feel it, right? It's at 395.
04:47 It's nice because back here, if you have things that flip, you can get right in there.
04:56 Okay.
04:58 All right, let's see what we got. So that was in, I don't know how many minutes, but it was fast.
05:09 And then I just use it to brush that.
05:15 And then we can just do these bangs right under.
05:24 And then, lift them up.
05:26 There we go.
05:33 How's it look? What do you think? Looks good.
05:36 You want to put your hands in it?
05:39 See, this is where it goes down like that. It drives me insane.
05:45 So, does it match this side? On this side, because it's growing this way?
05:49 That's the way it grows. I am gonna over direct this and we're gonna literally sit it in these three sections.
05:55 Really tight.
05:58 For definitely 10 seconds. We're gonna see how her hair grows like this.
06:02 So it's a way that she really doesn't like. She'd like it to come out.
06:06 So I'm over directing pulling that up high and we're gonna do it for this section too.
06:10 Then we are gonna put a little bit of spray underneath and then give her that look.
06:18 She's loving it.
06:20 Okay, let me grab this spray, Miss Nicole.
06:27 Generally, if I'm trying to fight the talent, then I just hit that root where I just over lifted.
06:35 Let that dry one second.
06:37 There you go, and we took that collapse right out.
06:44 (inaudible)
06:46 Do you want some spray? Sure.
06:51 Thank you so much. Oh, you're welcome.
06:56 How often do you have to do your hair? Shampoo.
07:03 No, no, no. I shampoo like every three days. Every three days? Especially when it's short like this.
07:10 Because it gets long.
07:12 Yeah.
07:14 There we go. All right. Thank you, Dorita.
