Presse monde - 12/06/2023

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MEDI1TV Afrique : Presse monde - 12/06/2023
00:00 "The very dependent Africa of the volatile course of wheat must bet more on the manioc to improve its food security and strengthen its economic sovereignty", writes the magazine.
00:29 Before explaining that transforming the tuberculosis could also move the continent on the path of industrialization, the magazine recalls that the destruction of the Novak Harova dam in Ukraine caused a flood of wheat crops,
00:44 fearing a return to the situation of 2022 "horrible anus" for the yellow cereal, during which the invasion by the armies of Vladimir Putin of Ukraine had succeeded.
00:57 A few months later, historical droughts, decimating thousands of tons of harvest in Europe and Canada, which in India made the situation worse, without surprise, led to successive disasters, leading to record costs and a cascade of explosions of the price of bread, an element that has become essential for large fringes of the populations of the continent.
01:20 For the magazine, this shock will have contributed to the revival of an old recipe, bread made from manioc flour.
01:29 The other subject that arouses the interest of the international press is none other than artificial intelligence.
01:35 In its editorial entitled "Do not be fooled by regulation, the daily, the world believes that regulating artificial intelligence is no longer an option, it is a necessity".
01:46 The success of the chatbot JPT launched at the end of 2022 made the general public discover a sample of the field of the possible that these technologies offer for the better and for the worse.
01:59 One of the main merits of the initiative was to accelerate the awareness of the imperative to set a framework for the development of AI.
02:07 The question is now to know what form this regulation must take and how it can be applied at the global level, specifies the newspaper.
02:17 The voice taken up by the European Union seems good. It is about prohibiting some users from submitting others to obligations of transparency on data and evaluation of risks, including discrimination.
02:31 The Europeans are also concerned about copyrights attached to the data used by software and want to impose a label on the content generated by artificial intelligence in order to identify them.
02:44 For the editorialist, the continent will also have to integrate software sovereignty, technology mastery and respect for the diversity of languages.
02:53 At the head of the international press also the war in Sudan and its repercussions on the geopolitical level. "Egypt imposes visas to all Sudanese", writes the daily Al-Quds Al-Arabi.
03:06 In a statement, the Egyptian Ministry of Foreign Affairs strengthens the formalities of entry into its territory for Sudanese refugees.
03:15 Objective, establish a regulatory framework for the entry of Sudanese in Egypt after more than 50 days of crisis in their country.
03:23 The Egyptian authorities had so far exempted Sudanese women, children under the age of 16 and people over 50 years of the obligation to obtain a visa.
03:34 Since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan on April 15, between the army and the paramilitary, some 200,000 Sudanese fled the war, heading for Egypt for the most part.
03:44 Their journey is mainly by land. These restrictive measures do not aim to prevent or limit the number of Sudanese citizens entering the Egyptian territory,
03:55 but rather to end illegal activities of individuals and groups on the Sudanese side of the border, which falsifies entry visas for lucrative purposes, concludes the same source.
04:06 We end our press review in Colombia. It's a miracle to the whole Colombian press this weekend.
04:13 Four children were found healthy and safe on June 9, after surviving a plane crash and spending only 40 days in the Amazon jungle.
04:22 How did they get out? The answer is found in the magazine Courir International, which estimates that indigenous education has allowed four children to survive 40 days in the jungle.
04:35 The four children, of which a baby, are still alive thanks to their familiarity with the jungle.
04:40 The 13-year-old elder would have played an essential role, explains the magazine, citing the local press.
04:47 These, highlighting their knowledge of this environment, acquired at a very young age, indigenous education saved the lives of the four children of the Guaviaré jungle,
04:57 titled Les Spectadors, which also dedicates an article to the Operation Hope led by the army in collaboration with the Native Americans to find them.
05:06 Even though we still have little detail on what happened during these five weeks, residents of the area, the Muinan community affiliated with Huitoto and to which these children belong,
05:17 emphasize that their indigenous childhood was key, writes the newspaper, which sees in this story a symbol of the survival of the Huitoto indigenous culture.
05:26 We come to the end of your Press World magazine. Thank you for following it. Excellent continuation of the programs.
05:32 (Music)