Speedy Gonzales - (Ep. 31) - Snow Excuse

  • l’année dernière
00:00 [music]
00:10 Oh, never in my life have I been so cold.
00:13 [hissing]
00:14 Oh, if I don't get some wood for a fire, I will freeze to death.
00:18 Hey, maybe I could borrow some wood from my neighbor down there.
00:21 He must have plenty.
00:23 [music]
00:25 [knocking]
00:27 Yes?
00:28 Huh?
00:29 Mouse, what do you want?
00:31 Excuse me, Senator Doc.
00:32 I live up there on the mountain.
00:34 I have no wood.
00:35 Could I borrow some to make a fire so I do not freeze to death?
00:39 Don't be silly.
00:40 Rodents should freeze to death.
00:42 [music]
00:47 Well, what now?
00:48 Maybe just one little piece of wood?
00:51 Wait right there.
00:53 I guess it does not pay to be too greedy.
00:55 Here's something for you, Mouse.
00:57 [crashing]
01:01 I must get some wood or I will freeze.
01:04 Maybe I can catch him by surprise.
01:07 I'll move all the wood inside before that little sneak carries it off.
01:11 [screeching]
01:16 Just let him try that again.
01:18 I'll fix his little red wagon.
01:20 [music]
01:23 I have a feeling that that local dog does not want to be neighborly,
01:26 but I must have more wood.
01:29 There must be another way in.
01:31 Uh-huh.
01:33 Ha, just as I suspected.
01:36 [crashing]
01:42 Oh, what a miserable mouse.
01:46 [music]
01:51 Hey, local dog, open the door or I will break it down.
01:55 [music]
01:57 Where'd he go? Where'd he go?
01:59 [screeching]
02:02 I never saw such a stupid mouse.
02:05 [knocking]
02:06 Huh? He just won't quit.
02:08 [knocking]
02:10 [crashing]
02:14 [speaking in Spanish]
02:20 [speaking in Spanish]
02:24 I guess that silly rodent decided to freeze.
02:27 I haven't heard a peep out of him for some time now.
02:30 [clicking]
02:34 Hmm, very clever for a stupid mouse.
02:38 Greetings, mouse. Thanks for the sleigh ride.
02:41 [laughing]
02:43 Help!
02:45 [crashing]
02:47 This is getting monotonous.
02:51 [music]
02:55 Hey, that local dog is putting some wood outside his hacienda.
02:59 Maybe he is sorry he has been so mean to me.
03:02 Here I come.
03:03 [speaking in Spanish]
03:07 [music]
03:16 [panting]
03:18 Holy doleros, that was close.
03:20 Go ahead, little compadre.
03:22 Help yourself to the wood.
03:24 [speaking in Spanish]
03:26 Yay, this wood is made of ice.
03:28 Chocolate covered, to be precise.
03:31 [screaming]
03:33 Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, no, you chump.
03:36 Come back with my wood.
03:38 [crashing]
03:40 What a revolving da fellow.
03:42 Caught my own trap.
03:45 [music]
03:50 Oh, señor dog, I have the present for you.
03:54 Go away, I don't want anything from you. Scram.
03:57 You will be sorry.
04:00 Oh, I just can't stand it. I just gotta see what it is.
04:04 [music]
04:14 What do you know? A jolly red giant.
04:17 What else is new besides ho, ho--
04:20 [explosion]
04:22 Oh.
04:24 [music]
04:30 I've got all the wood I need. Now I can play for a while.
04:34 That miserable mouse has taken almost all my wood.
04:37 And he's not getting away with it.
04:39 I'll show him he can't make a fool out of me.
04:43 Uh-oh, looks like I'm going to a company. I better clean up the house.
