DeSantis Historic Lies Finally Catch Up With Him On FOX

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DeSantis Historic Lies Finally Catch Up With Him On FOX


00:00 don't believe that former President Trump could win a general election against Joe Biden?
00:05 >> I don't think so, cuz I think that there's too many voters who just aren't gonna vote for
00:10 him going forward. I saw it in Florida in my re-election. I won the first time by less than
00:15 a percent, second time by 20. Why did people vote against me in 18, then voted for me 22?
00:20 The number one reason they gave was because of Trump. Because in 18, they said that they were
00:26 voting against Trump, voting against me to vote against Trump, even though they didn't know much
00:30 about me. >> Okay, there's a lot there that's
00:34 utter nonsense. He's having so much trouble making the case that everybody loves you.
00:38 Seems like a weird way to go, but I'm gonna give Ron DeSantis a little bit of credit.
00:43 He is actually, in that clip at least, running against Trump by saying he can't win, I'll beat
00:49 it. That's an actual argument for why they should choose you rather than Trump. Rather than spending
00:55 all of your time just helping Trump play defense against the cases that he's facing.
01:00 So that is something, he is acting like a person who actually plans to beat Trump.
01:05 I don't think he's going to, it's going really horribly for him, as we'll get into with the polls.
01:11 But yeah, it is at least good to see him acting like a candidate for a second. And by the way,
01:17 focusing his attacks on Trump, who is terrible, rather than pretending that he can win this race
01:23 just by talking about how much he despises trans people or something.
01:26 >> Yeah, yeah, it's interesting. I'll say that, especially because the polling numbers are
01:33 dismal for DeSantis, right? And it's kind of funny to watch him talk about how he can beat Trump when
01:42 all the arrows point to no, you can't. So I don't know if he's just coming off as delusional,
01:47 but good effort, I guess. I'll never disparage anyone for trying, I'll say that.
01:52 >> Yeah, well- >> Pursuing his dreams.
01:55 >> Well, you say that, but we're about to turn to him pursuing another one of his dreams,
02:00 which is to utterly rewrite all of the worst excesses of American history.
02:05 So here he is being asked about one example of that.
02:07 >> We eliminated critical race theory a couple years ago. When we did that,
02:11 the media lied and the left lied, saying you don't wanna teach about African American history.
02:16 Equating political activism and CRT with black history said no, not only do in the bill,
02:21 it says you've got to do all these things, teach about injustice, teach about discrimination.
02:25 So these standards were born out of the fight against CRT, cuz this is true history.
02:31 So to take something and demagogue it like that, that's bad faith. And here's the thing,
02:35 this was a public process, these guys were going through it. People could have raised objections,
02:41 no one said anything about this. They were being lauded for the job that they did by people across
02:46 the political spectrum. Now Harris comes in and parachutes. What Republicans should have done
02:51 is push back against her, say you are operating in bad faith.
02:55 These guys down in Florida, they didn't have an agenda, they were just trying to shoot straight.
02:59 We know what the left does. Republicans, you cannot take that bait, you've got to
03:03 fight back against these people. >> Yeah, he wants you to believe
03:08 that these people in that context is the Democrats. But we know what these people
03:12 he's fighting against with his propagandistic effort to totally remake education in Florida.
03:17 Everything that he said about the process was an utter lie. These are political hacks that he
03:22 appointed. And they didn't involve actual scholars, which is why it's no surprise that what they have
03:27 produced is a historic. Literally the first examples they gave of their new approach to
03:33 rewriting the history of slavery, implying that slaves gained skills.
03:37 So I guess it was good that they were slaves. Listed a bunch of people that had not been
03:43 enslaved or that gained the skills long after they had been freed. These people clearly don't
03:47 know or care about the historic figures that they're profiling. Now, he didn't bring those
03:52 things up. He didn't seem to have a problem with it. And are you really gonna expect Brett Baer
03:57 to fact check that? But the plan is ridiculous. And him just continuing to say we're fighting
04:03 against ideology or propaganda while being a part of maybe the worst example on the state level of
04:09 a nationwide right wing effort to propagandize to kids by stripping them of the ability to be
04:15 exposed to any sort of perspective or life experience that the right has a problem with.
04:20 And then filling their heads full of a historic right wing nonsense. We get what they're doing.
04:25 And they're just continually saying they're doing the opposite is not gonna be convincing to parents.
04:29 >> I think the whole thing with CRT is kind of shocking to me because it's so easy to prove that
04:36 this is not something that's actually being taught in schools. CRT, we all know that it's something
04:41 that's being taught in high level graduate programs, law schools, things like that. The
04:45 average first grader isn't being exposed to critical race theory. And most of these people
04:50 who don't want it in their schools can't even explain what it actually is, right?
04:54 Some of them don't even understand that it has anything to do with race at all. They think it's
04:58 about churning children, leading them into the LGBTQ community somehow. So that's how misinformed
05:06 they are. And as far as DeSantis is concerned, he's totally okay with a misinformed public.
05:11 And not only that, he seeks to further misinform them. And as someone who will always advocate for
05:17 better education amongst everyone, it's really disheartening to see what's going on there.
05:23 And a lot of the things that happened in Florida, especially with the book bans and
05:26 things like that, it's a very small faction of people who are pushing those things forth.
05:31 And a lot of them are DeSantis supporters. And that's really their only qualification
05:35 for doing any of the kind of work that they're doing. And they're not trying to hide it. They're
05:41 not being subtle about their efforts there. So it's really sad. We're starting to see a little
05:47 bit of that here in Texas as well. So I'm sorry to see that spreading. But hopefully we can get
05:52 a handle on it before it gets even more out of control than it already is. >> Yeah, 100%.
05:57 Look, this is being driven by some activists and some politicians who are utterly terrified of
06:02 their kids realizing what has truly happened in American history. But much more importantly than
06:07 that, they're utterly terrified of them taking a look at American history and then thinking,
06:12 wait, what if history wasn't just like 10,000 years ago?
06:16 And then there's a concrete wall between that and the experience we have today.
06:20 What if there are reflections of that? What if there are some policies that might be continuations
06:24 of that? What if there are some groups who are pushing the same sort of bigotry and systemic
06:29 racism that we can learn about in history? They have no interest in kids learning about any of
06:35 that. And the way that you educate a generation is not by having people who are more scared of
06:41 books than anything else in the world, shutting down libraries, pulling books, banning things,
06:47 and then rewriting history as if it's some sort of fascist mad libs.
06:52 That's not how you educate. And by the way, they can convince some people because again,
06:58 there are right wing parents who are, they know the bigotries they have.
07:02 There's nothing they're more scared of than their kids becoming woke and then realizing that their
07:08 parents might not live up to the standards they had for them. And so they'll do some of this
07:12 pulling books and everything. But it is not lost on most people that if you're the one banning
07:18 books, you're the one locking up librarians, you're the baddie in that situation.
07:22 It doesn't take a very persuasive argument to get people to understand that.
07:25 >> Yeah, I hope you're right there. It's funny to me because I think a lot of the people that you
07:32 were referring to, they tend to read one book over and over and over again. And they think
07:36 that they can get all of life from that one book. And it's so crazy to me because even within that
07:42 one book, there's disagreement on how you can interpret it. I mean, wars have been fought over
07:47 that. But this is the book that people decide to live their life off of, which if that's what you
07:51 wanna do, that's your prerogative. But at least take in some outside sources, get some actual life
07:58 experience. There's so much to be experienced in this life and in this world and in this universe.
08:05 And I can't imagine just limiting the scope of one's experience to one book. And then not only
08:10 that, but saying nobody else should read anything else either. This book is bad. This book that I
08:14 probably haven't even read, I don't think anybody else should read it either. And we're seeing that
08:18 that's also been happening. The people who are behind a lot of the book bans haven't even read
08:22 the books that they're banning. It's very disappointing. >> I can imagine an ad. So
08:28 they had the great ad of the couple that's like they wanna use a condom in bed or whatever.
08:33 And then all of a sudden there's this old weirdo who's telling them it's illegal.
08:36 You know what you have? You have a tight shot following a kid who walks into a library. And
08:42 a lot of us experience, he just feels a sense of wonder and discovery and exploration.
08:47 And then you follow him in and he sees a book and he goes to grab it. And then a weirdo takes it and
08:53 is like, sorry, not allowed. And then he goes to another one, sorry, not allowed. Just demonstrate
08:58 how much is being taken away from these kids that will not be able to have the experience that you
09:03 or I had where you could just wander around and read things and learn and become curious.
09:08 >> Yeah, back in the 90s, that's what we used to do on the weekends. We would just go to the
09:12 library. My dad used to take my brothers and I to the library and we would just run around and pick
09:15 our books and whatever. And that was always so much fun. I think something that's missing from
09:20 the conversation around book banning in general, you can read a book and then at the end of it
09:27 decide that you don't agree with what was in the book, right? Reading a book is not an endorsement
09:32 of the content within the book. Having a book on your bookshelf doesn't mean I endorse all
09:36 of these ideas. But still by reading so many different things, at least you're learning how
09:40 to think and how to analyze information and how to interpret your own feelings about it.
09:45 And that's what a lot of these children are going to be missing out on. That's how you learn how to
09:50 navigate this world. And I'm really concerned about future generations who really aren't gonna
09:55 have those skills.
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