Not Guilty By Reason Of Insanity - Pastor Keion Henderson

  • l’année dernière
00:00:00 ♪ Welcome to the Lighthouse, Lighthouse ♪
00:00:02 ♪ You're welcome here ♪
00:00:03 ♪ Let me introduce you to my father ♪
00:00:05 ♪ Welcome to the Lighthouse, Lighthouse ♪
00:00:07 ♪ The buildings like the air ♪
00:00:08 ♪ I believe that we owe God a praise ♪
00:00:13 - I gotta get it out.
00:00:15 I gotta get it out.
00:00:16 I want you to go with me to John chapter eight.
00:00:19 John chapter eight.
00:00:21 We're in the month of patterns.
00:00:22 Thank you, Pastor Raymond for those words.
00:00:25 Thank you, Pastor Hammond, Pastor Bishop C.R. Roberts.
00:00:28 Let's give all of our campus pastors a hand.
00:00:30 (audience cheering)
00:00:32 Thank you for those words.
00:00:34 John chapter eight, verse number one.
00:00:39 John chapter eight, verse number one.
00:00:47 If you got it, say I got it.
00:00:50 If you still looking, say hold up.
00:00:57 If you don't know where to look.
00:00:59 Love you too, Sarge.
00:01:03 If you don't know where to look,
00:01:08 we're gonna have, you know what?
00:01:09 We're gonna do Bible study this month.
00:01:11 I think I'm gonna do another Not Your Typical.
00:01:16 Baby, what day you wanna do it?
00:01:20 The 23rd, every week?
00:01:22 Y'all wanna have Bible study on the 23rd?
00:01:26 (audience cheering)
00:01:28 All right, put it on your calendar.
00:01:30 We're gonna have Bible study that Tuesday.
00:01:32 John 8 and one says, "Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives.
00:01:39 "And early in the morning, he came again into the temple,
00:01:46 "and all the people came unto him.
00:01:50 "And he sat down and taught them."
00:01:54 Everybody say taught them.
00:01:56 - Taught them.
00:01:57 - "And the scribes who are like lawyers and writers
00:02:02 "and the Pharisees, religious people,
00:02:04 "brought unto him a woman taken in adultery.
00:02:07 "And when they had set her in the midst,
00:02:12 "they said unto him, Master, this woman was taken
00:02:16 "in adultery in the very act."
00:02:19 In other words, we caught her.
00:02:23 Now Moses in the law commanded us
00:02:26 that such a woman should be stoned,
00:02:28 but what you gotta say about it?
00:02:31 This they said, tempting him that they might have
00:02:36 a just cause to accuse him.
00:02:40 But be careful what you say.
00:02:41 And everybody who's asking a question
00:02:45 doesn't deserve your response.
00:02:47 Touch your neighbor and say,
00:02:50 I ain't gotta explain myself to you.
00:02:52 (audience laughing)
00:02:54 If I shout the rest of the sermon,
00:02:55 don't ask me, don't look at me funny.
00:02:57 I ain't gotta explain myself.
00:02:59 You don't know what I've been through.
00:03:00 I suggest you back up off me.
00:03:03 But Jesus, this is what he did, and I'm hurrying,
00:03:14 but Jesus stooped down with his finger
00:03:18 and wrote on the ground as though he heard them not.
00:03:22 Verse seven, so when they continue asking him,
00:03:25 he lifted up himself.
00:03:28 'Cause see, sometimes you gotta lift you up.
00:03:30 There are way too many people depending
00:03:35 on somebody else's affirmations to lift you up.
00:03:38 When you down, you are responsible for picking you up.
00:03:41 Touch your neighbor and say, pick yourself up.
00:03:45 - Pick yourself up.
00:03:47 - And he said unto them, he that is without sin
00:03:52 among you, let him cast a stone at her.
00:04:00 I want you to identify everybody on your road
00:04:04 because if there is anybody on your road
00:04:06 that has not sin, you gonna be in trouble today.
00:04:08 So find out if you got a perfect person that's to you.
00:04:13 I know some people think they are,
00:04:14 but I need you to ask them, are you perfect neighbor?
00:04:18 'Cause if you are, can you get out
00:04:20 so we can get some more imperfect people in the room?
00:04:24 The problem is, is that the only people in your life
00:04:30 that you can handle are the perfect people,
00:04:32 but let me tell you, the worst person in your life
00:04:35 are the people who pretend they've never done anything.
00:04:37 The Bible says all have sinned.
00:04:43 (congregation exclaiming)
00:04:46 And after he said, who gonna throw the stone at 'em?
00:04:50 Nobody was without sin, so the Bible says
00:04:52 that they begin to drop their rocks
00:04:54 from the eldest down to the youngest.
00:04:58 And after it was all said and done,
00:05:01 the only person left standing
00:05:03 was the woman they tried to kill.
00:05:06 Let me tell you what the Lord told me
00:05:09 to talk to you about today.
00:05:12 Not guilty by reason of insanity.
00:05:16 That's what I wanna talk about today.
00:05:19 Touch a neighbor and say, I'm not guilty
00:05:21 by reason of insanity.
00:05:26 You may be seated in the presence of the Lord.
00:05:28 So Bishop Roberts, recently I read a story
00:05:42 about two monks who had recently joined a monastery.
00:05:47 And as is the custom of all new monks
00:05:56 who join monasteries, their first job is to be a scribe.
00:06:01 What does that mean?
00:06:05 To write the scriptures, transcribe,
00:06:09 trans-scripture, scribe, to write.
00:06:13 So the job of all new monks in the monastery
00:06:17 is to copy the original text of the church,
00:06:22 the Bible, the scripture, to copy it, to write it,
00:06:25 starting from Genesis all the way to Revelation.
00:06:29 But history will teach us that there are only
00:06:37 so many chapters and verses in a book.
00:06:40 Just imagine that if all of us joined this church one by one
00:06:46 and all of our job was to copy the Bible word for word,
00:06:51 it wouldn't be long by the time we got off of the first row
00:06:56 that nobody would any longer be copying the original.
00:07:02 We'd all be copying copies.
00:07:06 (congregation laughing)
00:07:08 You see?
00:07:09 We'd be copying copies.
00:07:11 And the problem with that is,
00:07:14 and I'd be the first one to admit it,
00:07:16 that no one's perfect.
00:07:19 Go back and check your last three text messages
00:07:24 and see how many words you've misspelled.
00:07:26 Most of us don't even know what you're saying
00:07:29 when you text it.
00:07:30 We gotta send a question mark back.
00:07:34 Thank God they added edit.
00:07:35 But we're spelling there T-H-E-R-E
00:07:43 when we should be spelling it T-H.
00:07:45 We're spelling T-T-O instead of T-O-O,
00:07:51 or sometimes T-W-O.
00:07:53 I don't know how you made that mistake.
00:07:54 But no one's perfect.
00:08:02 Which means that by the time I get to Brandon,
00:08:05 he's copying what Lonnie wrote.
00:08:10 And if Lonnie misspelled a word,
00:08:13 then Brandon's gonna misspell the word
00:08:15 because he believes it's perfect.
00:08:17 So he's just copying a copy.
00:08:21 In other words, the errors are passed on.
00:08:29 The errors are passed on.
00:08:32 And here is what's amazing about this.
00:08:34 When I go back into canonical history
00:08:38 and look at the original transcript of Scripture,
00:08:43 most of us, if many of us don't know,
00:08:46 that John chapter seven and the last verse
00:08:50 through John chapter eight verse 11
00:08:53 are missing from the original text.
00:08:57 That means if you go back into history
00:09:00 and find the original text,
00:09:02 when somebody was copying the original text,
00:09:06 some scribe somewhere intentionally
00:09:10 left this part out of the Bible.
00:09:12 Well, this is a crime scene.
00:09:15 A woman is caught in the act of adultery,
00:09:18 and there are two groups of people who were at the scene.
00:09:22 One group is called the Pharisees.
00:09:25 The other group, the scribes.
00:09:29 The scribes are responsible for writing the text.
00:09:33 Now, is there anybody in the room
00:09:35 that finds it interesting
00:09:39 that when the story was written
00:09:43 about the people who were present at the crime scene,
00:09:47 it just so happens that the people who are writing
00:09:51 left themselves out of the story?
00:09:54 (audience shouting)
00:09:57 Well, if you had the ability
00:10:00 to be guilty and also write law,
00:10:05 my question is, wouldn't you leave
00:10:07 you out too?
00:10:11 Now, I know a lot of people like to pretend they're honest,
00:10:14 but if you committed a crime and no,
00:10:16 well, let me say not if,
00:10:18 when you committed that crime
00:10:21 and nobody witnessed it,
00:10:23 it ain't like you went to the police station
00:10:25 and said, "I'd like to come in
00:10:27 "and confess to you that the cashier
00:10:33 "forgot to check one of the items in,
00:10:35 "and I got home and found out that I didn't pay for it,
00:10:37 "so I came back here to let you know."
00:10:39 No, you said something like,
00:10:42 "The Lord love his own children, don't he?"
00:10:44 I mean, he'd look out for his own.
00:10:46 It must be Jesus.
00:10:48 (audience shouting)
00:10:51 If you found $10,000 on the street today,
00:10:59 you're not going to go down and ask Isaiah on Isaiah Factor,
00:11:04 "Listen, I'd like to do a press conference
00:11:06 "to find out who this 10,000 belongs to."
00:11:09 You're going to see that 10,000 and say,
00:11:10 "Oh, Jesus, I knew you were going to deliver
00:11:13 "the wealth of the wicked."
00:11:16 (audience shouting)
00:11:19 Howl at your boy.
00:11:21 And so since there are errors in the text,
00:11:27 the scribes intentionally leave themselves
00:11:33 out of the story,
00:11:35 because they are now part and parcel
00:11:38 to a woman who's caught in the act of adultery.
00:11:41 You have to understand what adultery means
00:11:42 in these days and times,
00:11:44 because today adultery will cost you 60%.
00:11:49 In those days, it would have cost you 100,
00:11:53 including your life,
00:11:54 because those who were caught in adultery
00:11:57 were to be stoned to death.
00:11:59 Now, here is the issue.
00:12:01 The Bible says in Leviticus 20, verse 10,
00:12:06 that if an adulterer or an adulteress
00:12:09 is caught in the act of adultery,
00:12:11 that both of them should be stoned to death.
00:12:14 But the text describes, when they were writing,
00:12:16 the errors were passed on.
00:12:18 We caught a woman in the act of adultery.
00:12:23 Now, my question is, if you caught her,
00:12:27 you had to catch him,
00:12:36 because having sex alone is not adultery,
00:12:41 that's masturbation.
00:12:42 Oh, no, don't get quiet, come on now.
00:12:46 I knew when I said that y'all were gonna act funny,
00:12:48 but there's one quote that says 98% of people do it,
00:12:53 and the other 2% are liars.
00:12:55 So don't sit in here all holy like,
00:12:58 "Well, I can't believe they do that."
00:13:00 You see how quiet it got, Ed?
00:13:07 They be lying, man.
00:13:08 I'm telling you, people come to church
00:13:09 and they just act like, "Ooh, he talking to them."
00:13:11 No, I'm talking to...
00:13:12 I didn't wait a month to come and talk to somebody else,
00:13:16 I waited a month to talk to you.
00:13:18 So she's caught in the act of adultery.
00:13:21 Well, I still have a problem,
00:13:22 because there's a difference
00:13:25 between fornication and adultery.
00:13:27 Fornication is when people have sex that are not married.
00:13:34 Adultery is when people are married
00:13:37 and they have sex with somebody who's not their spouse.
00:13:41 So if this woman has been caught in the act of adultery,
00:13:45 it means that she's a married woman
00:13:48 and there has to be another man involved in the situation.
00:13:53 But the scribes left it out.
00:13:57 My question is, was he one of them?
00:14:03 But there has to be a reason why
00:14:05 the top secret documents have been redacted.
00:14:08 There has to be a reason why somebody was left out
00:14:12 and there is a reason why they put her on front street.
00:14:14 So my mind got to thinking, I said, "Seth,"
00:14:17 myself said, "Hmm," I said, "Seth, why in the world
00:14:20 "would they report this story and leave
00:14:30 "the guy out of the situation?"
00:14:34 This is problematic for the scribes to write the story
00:14:39 and also be a part of the story.
00:14:42 This is what legal analysis will call a conflict of interest
00:14:46 because you can never trust anybody to grade themself.
00:14:51 Oh, come on, help me in here.
00:14:55 If you ask everybody on your row,
00:14:57 what do you think about yourself?
00:14:58 I'm a good person, you got to ask somebody else.
00:15:01 Because nobody in this room can be left
00:15:08 to grade their own paper.
00:15:09 Anybody remember being in school?
00:15:11 And the teacher will let you grade your own paper?
00:15:15 How many of y'all, I meant C.
00:15:18 Come on, talk to me.
00:15:23 Anybody know how to turn an E to a B?
00:15:27 (audience shouting)
00:15:29 How many of y'all old enough to remember Scantron sheets?
00:15:33 Oh, I didn't even color hard
00:15:35 'cause I intended to correct my answers when we got it.
00:15:38 See, you smart people, you color too hard.
00:15:44 So even when you erased it and left a mark,
00:15:46 I shaded my answer 'cause I knew if it came back ruined,
00:15:49 I was going to erase it and say,
00:15:50 "Oh, Sister Johnson, I picked A."
00:15:52 (audience laughing)
00:15:55 So now either we're looking at, y'all still with me?
00:16:04 Either we're looking at the biggest mistake
00:16:06 in canonical history or they omitted putting themselves
00:16:10 in the story because they knew they had culpability.
00:16:13 They knew that they had a situation.
00:16:17 They left themselves out.
00:16:19 They left themselves out on purpose
00:16:22 because, watch this, now the monks
00:16:25 that wrote what we're reading,
00:16:27 they are not the monks who were at the crime scene.
00:16:30 They only left John 8 out
00:16:32 because the generation before them left it out,
00:16:34 and they only left it out
00:16:35 because the generation before them left it out,
00:16:37 and they only left it out, why?
00:16:39 Because the generation before them left, why?
00:16:41 Because the errors were transferred,
00:16:43 and then the Lord spoke to me,
00:16:45 and he told me to tell you,
00:16:46 that is the reason for all of the trauma in this room.
00:16:51 It's just been passed.
00:16:53 It's been passed on.
00:16:55 You were not born distrustful.
00:16:58 You were raised by somebody who didn't trust people.
00:17:02 You were not born mean.
00:17:04 You were born to somebody who was hurt.
00:17:06 You were not born feeling disgusted
00:17:11 when you have intimacy with your partner.
00:17:13 You was raised by somebody who was raped,
00:17:16 and so what happens is is we transfer our errors,
00:17:19 and one of the things that is culpable
00:17:21 in the black community is that slavery has been passed down
00:17:25 from generation to generation,
00:17:27 and here we are, a free people,
00:17:28 still acting like we're on boats.
00:17:30 But I don't know who I'm talking to in here today,
00:17:34 but I came to tell somebody,
00:17:35 it's time to put the devil in this place.
00:17:37 Touch the neighbor, say, "Cut the error."
00:17:39 It's time for you to understand
00:17:40 that just because your mama hated her husband
00:17:42 don't mean you gotta hate yours.
00:17:44 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:17:45 Just because your auntie was angry
00:17:47 doesn't mean you have to be.
00:17:49 Just because your father was nasty
00:17:51 doesn't mean you have to be trifling.
00:17:52 It is time for those of us in the household of faith
00:17:56 to understand that the curse has to stop with us.
00:17:59 Slap three people and say, "It stops with me."
00:18:02 Just because you were raised by people
00:18:08 who did not balance their money
00:18:09 don't mean you gotta spend all of yours.
00:18:12 Just because you were raised in poverty
00:18:15 doesn't mean you have to act like it.
00:18:17 Just because you were raised by an alcoholic
00:18:19 doesn't mean you have to be an addict.
00:18:21 I'm speaking to people in this room today
00:18:23 who understand that God has such an anointing on your life
00:18:27 that you're gonna be the first person in your family
00:18:29 to break the curse that the devil
00:18:31 has assigned to your last name.
00:18:33 If I'm talking to you, make some noise in this place.
00:18:36 Slap three people and say, "The curse stops with me."
00:18:41 The curse stops with me, the curse stops with me.
00:18:43 I'm not gonna spend all of my money
00:18:45 and rob Peter to pay Paul, can't pay my bills.
00:18:48 I'm gonna be the last person.
00:18:50 I'm telling you right now, I'm speaking in your life,
00:18:52 your children are gonna go further than you.
00:18:54 There is college tuition that's gonna be paid for.
00:18:57 You're gonna have the spirit of the Lord in you.
00:18:59 There are different things that are getting ready
00:19:01 to happen in your life than has happened in anybody's life
00:19:05 in the history of your family, and you better get ready
00:19:09 because not only is it gonna shock them,
00:19:11 it's gonna shock you.
00:19:12 (congregation cheering)
00:19:16 The errors are transferred,
00:19:21 but it's up to you to change it.
00:19:27 You do not have to be who raised you.
00:19:33 I was talking to my buddy, Ed,
00:19:39 and my father had a stroke at 52.
00:19:43 My brother had an aneurysm at 50,
00:19:46 and now the devil wants me to start thinking about 50 now.
00:19:50 See, some of y'all got it,
00:19:51 so you got a brother who died at 49.
00:19:54 You have family members who had cancer,
00:19:55 and so the devil wants you worrying between where you are
00:19:58 and where they got sick,
00:20:00 so that way he can denounce your purpose in between,
00:20:02 but I speak to you, what happened to them
00:20:04 ain't gonna happen to you.
00:20:07 Don't touch your neighbor and say,
00:20:08 "I'm gonna live and not die."
00:20:10 I don't know who this word is for.
00:20:11 I'm just trying to find out who came to church today
00:20:13 to get delivered, and what was going on in your family
00:20:16 doesn't have to go on in your house.
00:20:18 Just because your father didn't take care of you
00:20:20 don't mean you not gonna take care of yours.
00:20:22 I am speaking a new dimension in this place.
00:20:25 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so.
00:20:27 (congregation cheering)
00:20:33 They left, Arthur, they left part of the story out.
00:20:37 They left part of the story out
00:20:38 so they could appear to be holy.
00:20:40 They left the story out so that when people saw them
00:20:44 sitting on the front row, they would say,
00:20:46 "Hello, Brother Deacon, hello, Sister So-and-so."
00:20:49 They left part of the story out so that people would think,
00:20:51 "Oh, they must be God's people.
00:20:53 "They must be holy."
00:20:55 They left part of the story out
00:20:57 so that they could keep their reputation.
00:20:59 And some of y'all are sitting next to people right now,
00:21:03 and you think they're better than you.
00:21:04 Let me give you some news.
00:21:06 The only reason why they appear to be better than you
00:21:08 is because they left part of the story out.
00:21:10 I want you to look at them folk who got church clothes
00:21:16 and you ain't got church clothes and say,
00:21:17 "You might be dressed up, but you ain't better than me.
00:21:19 "You just left part of your story out."
00:21:21 Yeah, she got three children and she married,
00:21:23 but Deacon and Marcus got different daddies.
00:21:25 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:21:27 I know she married with children,
00:21:29 and yes, that's her life now,
00:21:31 but she left out the two abortions
00:21:33 and the miscarriage.
00:21:34 Don't you ever feel insecure sitting next to somebody.
00:21:37 They only appear better than you
00:21:39 because they ain't telling the whole story.
00:21:41 I want you to shout in this place,
00:21:45 "I'm not afraid to tell my truth.
00:21:47 "I did it, I was there, I said it,
00:21:50 "but thanks be to God that he looks beyond my faults."
00:21:53 I can't do church with no fake folk.
00:21:58 I need about 1,000 people who over the next 28 seconds
00:22:02 will look at somebody sitting next to you and say,
00:22:04 "I did it, but I am this far by faith,
00:22:07 "leaning and trusting."
00:22:10 Look at her, you ain't better than me.
00:22:14 I don't care if you got a Chanel purse.
00:22:16 I don't care if you got Valentino shoes.
00:22:18 I don't care if the bottom of your shoes red.
00:22:21 You still dirty on the inside,
00:22:23 and greater is he that is in me than he that is in.
00:22:27 (audience cheering)
00:22:30 Don't you feel insecure
00:22:34 'cause you just joined church last week
00:22:36 and they've been in church 20 years,
00:22:38 and you come in here, you feel insecure
00:22:40 'cause you don't know the songs.
00:22:41 Listen, you might not know the songs,
00:22:43 but let me tell you, people can be in church 28 years
00:22:44 and still not know the Lord.
00:22:46 Too many people come to church to learn the songs.
00:22:49 Anybody wanna learn the Savior?
00:22:51 (audience laughing)
00:22:54 Don't you feel insecure when you come to church?
00:23:01 All these holy rollers come to church early
00:23:06 with a Bible in their arm.
00:23:07 I was glad when they said unto me,
00:23:08 "Let us go to the house of the Lord."
00:23:10 You call a cell phone and they got,
00:23:11 "This is the Holy Ghost headquarters.
00:23:13 "Thank you, Jesus, for calling.
00:23:14 "I'm praying that the Lord will bless you
00:23:16 "on their voicemail with some Hennessy on the countertop."
00:23:19 (audience laughing)
00:23:22 They got a holy voicemail
00:23:25 and their last search was Pornhub.
00:23:27 I came to fight.
00:23:30 You don't give me no rest, I'll fight all of you.
00:23:32 We can't save the world
00:23:41 if we keep trying to bring them to Jesus and accuse them
00:23:44 when Pharisees are guilty of the same thing
00:23:47 you're trying to expose.
00:23:49 The woman for it.
00:23:50 Your suit don't make you saved.
00:23:56 And her miniskirt don't make her a devil.
00:24:01 We gotta get this stuff out the church.
00:24:08 I said, "We gotta get it out of the church."
00:24:11 We judging people when they walk in,
00:24:14 how they dress, how they look.
00:24:16 Listen, let them come.
00:24:18 Get in the environment.
00:24:20 They will find out what is suitable for the environment,
00:24:23 but nobody wants to be getting a lesson
00:24:26 on the first day of class.
00:24:28 You can't give me an exam and school just started.
00:24:33 You gotta teach me.
00:24:35 A lot of people grow up in church, they ain't saved.
00:24:47 (congregation cheering)
00:24:49 Let me go further.
00:24:50 A lot of people shout in church and they ain't saved.
00:24:53 A lot of people buck in church and they still going to hell.
00:24:57 And you got somebody sitting next to you right now,
00:25:02 they don't look churchy, don't act churchy.
00:25:06 They don't know none of the songs we sung so far today.
00:25:10 And the day they die, they're going to be with Jesus.
00:25:14 (congregation cheering)
00:25:18 I got an issue with this text.
00:25:22 I got an issue with it 'cause they exposed this woman.
00:25:28 Now, in order for you to see that though,
00:25:29 you're going to have to step out of your Jordans
00:25:31 and put on your ancient sandals.
00:25:33 (congregation laughing)
00:25:35 I got a problem with this text 'cause they say,
00:25:39 they tyrone, "We caught this woman in the act of adultery."
00:25:42 Like, how you caught her?
00:25:46 How you just caught her?
00:25:52 It's like one time somebody came up to me,
00:25:54 I got admitted, Jay-Z came to Houston
00:25:58 and I was at the concert.
00:25:59 (congregation laughing)
00:26:02 I'm not black, I'm OJ.
00:26:07 Okay.
00:26:10 And I'm in there getting it.
00:26:11 I'm going crazy.
00:26:12 One of the members seen me at HEB and she came up,
00:26:15 she said, "Pastor, I saw you at the Jay-Z concert."
00:26:18 I said, "Well, if you saw me,
00:26:22 then that mean you must've been there too."
00:26:31 I went on to say, "And if he come back,
00:26:36 (congregation laughing)
00:26:40 I'm going again with better seats."
00:26:46 I was too far.
00:26:47 Me and my wife went to, we was at a hotel
00:26:59 and we walked up to the restaurant
00:27:00 and Johnny Gill was sitting in the seat.
00:27:02 First thing, I couldn't even minister to him.
00:27:03 I was like, "I was at your concert when you was in Houston."
00:27:06 (congregation laughing)
00:27:09 My wife was looking at me, she said,
00:27:13 "Boy, you always telling stuff."
00:27:15 I like to just tell it.
00:27:21 You tell your own story so can't nobody tell on you.
00:27:24 So given the legal enigma, I got several search warrants
00:27:33 that I need to issue before I make any arrest.
00:27:36 (congregation laughing)
00:27:38 This woman, they called her an act of adultery.
00:27:43 And now they wanna ostracize her.
00:27:48 But if you get a chance, I want you to read this
00:27:52 when you get home, Matthew chapter five, verse 28.
00:27:55 This is what happens when people accuse you.
00:27:57 They called her an act of adultery.
00:27:58 But Matthew verse 5, 28 says,
00:28:01 "I say unto you that whoever looketh upon a woman
00:28:05 or a man to lust after them has already committed
00:28:08 adultery in their heart."
00:28:11 So why they up here accusing her
00:28:14 of what they saw her do physically,
00:28:17 the Bible lets us know that if you thought about it,
00:28:19 you did it.
00:28:20 Now, if adultery is what you thought,
00:28:32 if adultery is committed by your thoughts,
00:28:36 then my question is how many adulterers
00:28:39 do we just have in this room and online?
00:28:44 I'll wait.
00:28:45 All of you.
00:28:47 Don't ever tell me you ain't looked at somebody
00:28:49 who was built just like you want them to be built.
00:28:51 And you say, "Oh Lord, Jesus."
00:28:53 See, we do it differently.
00:28:57 Guys, this is how guys do it.
00:28:58 When a guy sees something, he like,
00:29:00 (audience laughing)
00:29:03 A woman, women don't do it like us.
00:29:16 By the time you get close enough to a woman,
00:29:18 she's already seen you.
00:29:19 So guys, you don't even know she looked,
00:29:23 she saw him before he left the house.
00:29:25 Somehow she saw through his door.
00:29:27 She saw by the time he got to you,
00:29:29 she acted uninterested because she already saw him.
00:29:32 And she looking at who you looking at too.
00:29:35 Trying to see if she got the right underwear on,
00:29:38 trying to see if everything matched,
00:29:40 trying to see if her tracks slipping.
00:29:42 Or you can't beat a woman looking.
00:29:49 So every woman, every man in this room,
00:29:55 if you've committed adultery by the lust in your heart,
00:29:58 I'm trying to find out,
00:30:00 is there anybody in this room or online
00:30:02 that has never looked at somebody who was not yours
00:30:05 and had some sort of salacious thought?
00:30:07 Because if you fit that, baby, you got to drop your stone.
00:30:13 If you fit that, you got to drop your stone.
00:30:17 You cannot pretend to be perfect
00:30:20 just because we can't know what you think.
00:30:25 In fact, sometime I wish I had a technology
00:30:30 where I can just pick random people
00:30:31 and take your thought and put it on the screen.
00:30:33 What if I could do that?
00:30:36 What if I could just say, "Uh, think."
00:30:38 Boom.
00:30:39 Some of y'all would never come to church.
00:30:44 Let me get out of here.
00:30:53 The text says that the woman was caught
00:30:55 in the act of adultery.
00:30:57 Can I just make one more claim and I'm going to finish?
00:31:00 If this was a married woman,
00:31:03 then where is her husband?
00:31:07 Because the law said that the husband had to be the one
00:31:14 to put her away.
00:31:16 Let me prove it to you.
00:31:17 Remember when Mary got pregnant by the Holy Ghost?
00:31:23 And all of a sudden she starts showing and Joseph like,
00:31:26 "Now, Mary, you better do some explaining in here
00:31:30 "'cause I know we ain't never done nothing.
00:31:33 "And you pregnant, who's the daddy?"
00:31:36 She said, "The Holy Ghost."
00:31:38 Let me ask every man in here.
00:31:41 If your wife got pregnant and you had never been with her
00:31:44 and she told you that it was the Holy Ghost baby,
00:31:46 how many of y'all are like, "Thank you, Jesus."
00:31:49 She says, "It's the Holy Ghost baby."
00:31:51 You'd be like, "What's his last name?
00:31:53 "Holy Ghost who?
00:31:54 "Crazy name, is that his first and middle name?
00:31:57 "His mama named him Holy Ghost?
00:31:58 "Where he live?"
00:31:59 And the Bible says that when she got pregnant
00:32:02 by the Holy Ghost, Joseph wanted to what?
00:32:04 Put her away quietly because the rule was
00:32:07 the husband had to be present to put her away.
00:32:10 The scripture doesn't say that her husband is present
00:32:13 to put her away, which gives me the inclination
00:32:17 that this is not a married woman.
00:32:20 (audience cheering)
00:32:23 Yeah, you were wondering what this,
00:32:24 they were wondering what this subject was gonna be about.
00:32:27 I actually believe that I know who the woman
00:32:31 who's not named in the text is.
00:32:34 I believe sincerely that the woman in the text,
00:32:40 and I will give you my deductive reasoning
00:32:42 as to how I came to the conclusion.
00:32:48 I believe the woman in the text is Mary Magdalene.
00:32:53 Not only do I believe it, but if you go back
00:33:03 and check Catholic history, in AD 591,
00:33:07 the Catholic Pope Gregory I also announced
00:33:14 that he thought and therefore sustained
00:33:18 that the woman in the text was Mary Magdalene.
00:33:21 You can find that.
00:33:23 So then how could an unmarried woman
00:33:28 be caught in the act of adultery?
00:33:37 Could we have just discovered
00:33:40 why Jesus did not condemn her?
00:33:44 The Bible says that Mary Magdalene was a woman
00:33:49 who was possessed by seven demons.
00:33:51 Seven is the number of completion,
00:33:55 which means she was completely under the control
00:34:00 of a demon where she was uncontrollable.
00:34:05 She could not control herself,
00:34:07 which in today's legal society,
00:34:10 you could claim not guilty by reason.
00:34:13 (congregation cheering)
00:34:17 Come here.
00:34:21 And the Bible says in Leviticus, come here,
00:34:24 I'm gonna tell you this loophole.
00:34:25 The Bible says in Leviticus that you cannot put a woman
00:34:29 or a man to death for an involuntary sin.
00:34:33 So if she was addicted to sex and she was a prostitute,
00:34:39 then she could not be put to death
00:34:43 because she was under the control of something else.
00:34:46 That's loophole number one.
00:34:50 Number two, then I say it must be her
00:34:55 because is this why she was willing to look crazy,
00:35:00 breaking her alabaster box
00:35:03 and giving a year's worth of oil to a man she never met?
00:35:07 Or is that the reason why when he died
00:35:10 and all of his disciples left,
00:35:12 she stayed at the cross with his mother?
00:35:14 Or is that the reason why when he died
00:35:17 and was in the tomb, when nobody else showed up,
00:35:20 it was a woman who was at the grave early Sunday morning
00:35:22 by the name of Mary Magdalene.
00:35:25 I came to preach to somebody in here today
00:35:27 to tell you that the next time somebody asks you,
00:35:30 why are you always at church?
00:35:32 Why are you always crying?
00:35:34 Why are you always shouting?
00:35:35 You look at him and tell him because he delivered me.
00:35:38 You don't know what he's done for me.
00:35:41 You don't know how he exonerated me.
00:35:43 That's why I praise like I praise.
00:35:46 That's why I shout like I shout.
00:35:48 That's why I give like I give
00:35:50 because you don't know what he brought me out of.
00:35:52 I suspect that this is Mary Magdalene
00:35:59 and it would explain why she kept showing up for Jesus
00:36:02 and spilling her oil and washing his hair with his feet.
00:36:07 You don't do that for a man.
00:36:08 You don't know she did it because when she was caught
00:36:11 in the act of adultery, he was there for her.
00:36:14 And since he was there for her,
00:36:17 she is now going to be there for him.
00:36:20 Is there anybody in here that ever got away
00:36:23 with stuff that wasn't exposed
00:36:24 that just want to spend 30 seconds thanking God?
00:36:27 I'm going to turn my back on you.
00:36:30 I'm going to wait.
00:36:31 Is there anybody in here that the Lord didn't let them
00:36:35 do you the way they wanted to do you?
00:36:37 They wanted to send you into an insane asylum,
00:36:41 but somehow you are still in the church
00:36:43 shouting by the grace of God.
00:36:45 Is there anybody want to give God glory
00:36:47 because he did not expose you?
00:36:49 Give your neighbor a high five.
00:36:52 I'm just going to give him 30 seconds of praise.
00:36:54 Some of y'all sitting next to the wrong neighbor.
00:36:55 I swear, I wish you had the right one,
00:36:57 but I can't pick your friends.
00:36:59 I wish you would have sat next to somebody else.
00:37:00 But look at somebody who don't look like they jealous,
00:37:03 who don't look like they sleepy,
00:37:05 who look like they've been through something
00:37:06 and just spend 15 seconds shouting with him
00:37:09 that God brought both of y'all out.
00:37:11 Just grab it.
00:37:12 He brought us both out.
00:37:12 He brought us both out.
00:37:13 (audience cheering)
00:37:16 I didn't always want to do it.
00:37:19 Sometimes I was under the influence of something else.
00:37:22 Sometimes it was how you were raised.
00:37:23 Sometimes it's your perspective, but thanks be to God.
00:37:27 (audience cheering)
00:37:33 When God does that kind of delivering for you,
00:37:36 don't you get in here and be quiet.
00:37:39 (audience cheering)
00:37:42 Some of y'all got jobs you don't qualify for.
00:37:44 You don't got the resume for that job,
00:37:48 but he still blessed you.
00:37:48 Come on, talk to me, somebody.
00:37:50 Some of y'all said you would never love again,
00:37:53 and then God sent somebody to love you.
00:37:54 Come on, talk to me in here.
00:37:56 Some of y'all were giving up on God,
00:37:57 but he didn't give up on you.
00:37:59 I'm just trying to find at least 500 people
00:38:01 who will thank him and break your alabaster box
00:38:04 in this place today.
00:38:05 I need somebody to wash his feet with your tears.
00:38:08 I need somebody to give God the glory.
00:38:10 Watch this, watch this.
00:38:13 I'm gonna make you shout even more.
00:38:15 Pastor, not only do I think this is Mary Magdalene,
00:38:17 the one who is in the text,
00:38:18 I also think that the Mary who was related to Martha,
00:38:21 who's the sister of Lazarus, is this Mary Magdalene.
00:38:24 That would explain why he walked four days
00:38:26 to come see about a man who had been stinking in the grave,
00:38:29 because when you are a friend of God,
00:38:32 he can find you and will get to you
00:38:34 no matter what the circumstance is.
00:38:36 I dare you, praise God until he shows up.
00:38:38 I dare you, give him glory until he shows up.
00:38:42 I dare you, shout until he shows up.
00:38:44 Touch somebody and say, I'm insane, I'm insane, I'm insane.
00:38:54 I'm insane, I'm dealing with my daddy's demons.
00:38:57 Come on, talk to me.
00:38:58 I'm insane, I'm dealing with my mama's trauma.
00:39:01 I'm insane, this is how people did it in my family.
00:39:04 My auntie was like this, I'm insane.
00:39:07 I know a lot of people wanna pretend
00:39:09 like your family ain't crazy.
00:39:11 And I know what goes on in this house
00:39:16 is supposed to stay in this house,
00:39:17 but is there anybody here that can shout
00:39:20 about being related to crazy folk?
00:39:22 Anybody got at least two people
00:39:27 that you can't bring to the picnic?
00:39:29 When they ask you what church you go to,
00:39:32 we online, just online.
00:39:34 You don't even want 'em to come in here embarrassing.
00:39:36 You didn't even invite 'em to the wedding
00:39:38 'cause you thought they was gonna steal the ring.
00:39:41 Sometimes you are the way you are.
00:39:57 Because of who you came from.
00:39:59 Oh, come on now, this is, can I minister?
00:40:06 'Cause you know how you can't,
00:40:08 you're trying to figure out why am I like that?
00:40:11 The error was passed on.
00:40:12 Here you are fighting with a demon that your mama gave you.
00:40:22 (congregation murmurs)
00:40:25 Fighting with a demon that was in your daddy's DNA.
00:40:32 And don't be mad at your mama,
00:40:36 don't be mad at your daddy 'cause they got it from.
00:40:39 See, here's one of the things about African Americans,
00:40:46 most of us don't know our great grandparents.
00:40:50 Some of us don't know our grandparents.
00:40:54 See, the only way you can know your parents
00:40:56 is if they explain to you by the person who raised them,
00:40:59 but when you don't have a relationship with them.
00:41:02 See, this is what slavery did to us.
00:41:04 It prevented us the ability to go back and find out
00:41:07 why we are the way we are.
00:41:08 That's why we don't have no buildings with our name on 'em
00:41:13 like JPMorgan and Chase.
00:41:14 It isn't that we are not smart,
00:41:17 it isn't that we're not bright,
00:41:18 it's that we can't go back and find our history
00:41:21 and find out that we are connected to that which we admire.
00:41:27 She's under the control of a demon.
00:41:34 She's insane.
00:41:37 She can't help herself.
00:41:40 Paul even declared that he was insane.
00:41:44 Romans 7 and 19, he said, "For the good I wanna do."
00:41:49 - Yes.
00:41:50 - "I do not, but evil which I would not that I do.
00:41:54 Now, if I do," don't this sound insane?
00:41:56 What I would, it's no more that I do,
00:41:59 "but sin that dwelleth in me, I find then alone.
00:42:03 When I would do good, evil is present."
00:42:09 How many of you, every time you wanna do good,
00:42:10 here comes some devil.
00:42:16 Every time you wanna get your life together,
00:42:19 here comes an offer you have a...
00:42:20 Every time you feel like you're on the right track,
00:42:28 here comes somebody to make you go back.
00:42:31 How many of y'all got them people in your life
00:42:34 that every time they, it just irks you.
00:42:35 Every time they say something, you just wanna choke 'em
00:42:38 just within two inches of life, not murder, but almost.
00:42:43 (audience laughing)
00:42:46 And you got a temper, and you can't find out
00:42:52 why you get mad so fast, but your daddy gave you that.
00:42:54 Demons, warlocks, principality, we wrestle not.
00:43:02 What am I talking about?
00:43:07 I'm talking about patterns.
00:43:09 I'm talking about patterns.
00:43:11 I'm talking about every time you get in an argument,
00:43:14 you thinking about divorce because that's what you...
00:43:17 Lord, help me in this place.
00:43:19 See, most of us, we didn't get divorced
00:43:21 because we were upset.
00:43:22 We got divorced because that was the family pattern.
00:43:25 Because if the pattern was you stay, you would've...
00:43:30 Patterns, patterns, patterns.
00:43:36 You eat bacon, that's a pattern.
00:43:40 Now you trying to break the pattern.
00:43:42 Talking about you a vegan still eating steak.
00:43:43 Let me tell you something.
00:43:45 I'm so tired of you part-time vegans,
00:43:47 I don't know what to do.
00:43:48 Either you gonna be one or you ain't gonna be one.
00:43:50 I'm a vegan, but I eat.
00:43:52 No, no!
00:43:53 Everything after butt is you, ain't it?
00:43:57 I'm a pescatarian that eats chicken sometimes, huh?
00:44:01 (congregation laughing)
00:44:05 Y'all got time?
00:44:12 This woman is not guilty by reason of insanity.
00:44:20 That's why Jesus didn't put her to death
00:44:21 because she was under the control of a demon.
00:44:25 She's under the control of a demon.
00:44:31 Now listen, verse two and three says
00:44:32 that when Jesus was in the temple teaching them
00:44:35 and they interrupted him.
00:44:37 Remember, he's up there teaching.
00:44:38 All right, today we're gonna talk about the law.
00:44:43 The 10 laws.
00:44:44 Thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal,
00:44:46 thou shalt not commit adultery.
00:44:48 Jesus, since we're on the subject of adultery,
00:44:52 we had found this woman caught in the very act of adultery.
00:44:59 Now my question for you is, if Jesus is in the temple
00:45:03 and they have a woman caught in the act of adultery
00:45:06 in the temple with her, is this an accident
00:45:10 or is this a sting operation?
00:45:11 Yeah, they done planned this already.
00:45:16 So they say, now the reason why they do this
00:45:18 is because if Jesus does stone her to death,
00:45:23 then he messes up his reputation.
00:45:27 If he does not, then he breaks the law.
00:45:31 So they are actually not after her.
00:45:34 They're actually after him.
00:45:44 Can I tell you something in this place today?
00:45:48 That the devil will come after everything in your life
00:45:53 because he's actually trying to get to you.
00:45:56 But I want to tell you, no weapon formed against you.
00:46:00 Oh, I can't get no church in here today.
00:46:03 No weapon formed against you shall be able to prosper.
00:46:06 Touch your neighbor's head, it won't work, it won't work.
00:46:09 If you got a pen, write this down.
00:46:15 Jesus says he's in the temple, he's teaching.
00:46:19 They interrupted him while he was teaching.
00:46:22 Jesus, we caught this woman in the act of adultery.
00:46:27 Jesus is teaching and they interrupted the class.
00:46:31 Can I give you the definition of a hater?
00:46:33 The definition of a hater.
00:46:39 Now remember, Jesus is teaching.
00:46:42 They interrupt his class to try to teach him.
00:46:47 The definition of a hater is somebody
00:46:53 who's teaching when they should be learning.
00:46:57 That's what you need to understand
00:47:00 about the people who always hating on you.
00:47:03 What they're saying, what they're trying to teach you,
00:47:07 they should actually be learning from you.
00:47:11 That's all a hater is.
00:47:13 A hater is a confused friend.
00:47:14 It's somebody who really admires you.
00:47:16 But they can't admit they admire you
00:47:22 so they have to turn it.
00:47:24 Because if I wasn't worth anything,
00:47:29 why am I worth your attention?
00:47:31 All of your haters are people who try to teach you
00:47:39 who don't have the courage to learn from you.
00:47:41 While you hating on me, I could teach you how to dress
00:47:46 because you look a mess.
00:47:47 While you hating on me, I could teach you
00:47:50 how to raise your children because yours are bad.
00:47:52 If you would stop looking at me as a person
00:47:57 who doesn't have anything to offer
00:47:59 and admit the fact that you like what I have to offer.
00:48:03 Never trust anybody who wants to teach
00:48:11 when they should be learning.
00:48:13 Have you ever been around somebody,
00:48:17 the moment you start telling them what God did for you,
00:48:19 they got to interrupt you with their story.
00:48:22 Let me tell you what God did for me.
00:48:23 And for me too, 'cause let me tell you.
00:48:25 You better get away, they jealous.
00:48:28 Real friends, let you have your moment.
00:48:34 It's your moment.
00:48:39 It's your time.
00:48:40 We caught her in the act of adultery.
00:48:43 Jesus says, "Okay, since y'all want to bring her sin up,
00:48:48 "y'all forgot I'm Jesus and I know everything."
00:48:52 And I know that y'all left part of John chapter eight out.
00:48:57 So Jesus bends down in the ground and finishes the chapter.
00:49:01 And the Bible says he begins to write the names
00:49:08 of the men who are at the crime scene.
00:49:10 See, they ain't never going to get away.
00:49:11 They can leave themselves out, but Jesus going to write them in.
00:49:14 Jesus starts to write their name and next to their name,
00:49:20 he writes their sin.
00:49:22 And the Bible says that this is what they did
00:49:26 with they rock when they seen their name and their sin.
00:49:29 I can't wait until the day
00:49:38 that the church will drop the rocks.
00:49:40 I can't wait until y'all drop your rocks.
00:49:46 I'm going to stay right here.
00:49:47 Touch your name and say, "Drop your rock."
00:49:49 You ain't got nothing to judge me on.
00:49:53 We are both messed up.
00:49:55 We are all tore up.
00:49:56 We all have sin.
00:49:58 The church has to drop its rocks.
00:50:02 The Bible says from the eldest to the youngest.
00:50:09 So the old fellas dropped their rock first.
00:50:11 The senior statesmen all the way down to the rookies,
00:50:16 everybody dropped their rocks.
00:50:20 You know why?
00:50:21 Because when you see your sin.
00:50:23 Isn't it amazing when I'm preaching on Sunday,
00:50:27 sometimes Carla, I'm preaching,
00:50:28 and when I'm talking about stuff people don't do,
00:50:31 they going crazy, but when I get on they sin,
00:50:33 I'll be preaching talking about,
00:50:38 "Oh, you shouldn't do this."
00:50:41 And they'd be like, "Yeah."
00:50:42 And don't get drunk.
00:50:43 "Yeah."
00:50:44 And don't do that.
00:50:45 And you shouldn't be living with people
00:50:47 you ain't married with.
00:50:48 (audience cheering)
00:50:51 And this is what's messing up Christianity,
00:50:56 is because no matter what the Bible says,
00:50:57 now we go to what we feel.
00:50:59 Yeah, but it's better to just have one income
00:51:02 and it don't make sense
00:51:05 if we're going to be over each other's house
00:51:06 every day anyway for us to both be paying rent.
00:51:09 So now we justify.
00:51:11 (audience cheering)
00:51:14 And what's wrong with the church now?
00:51:21 Ain't no such thing as sin no more.
00:51:22 Ain't no sin.
00:51:25 You just do whatever you want to do,
00:51:26 whenever you want to do it,
00:51:26 the Lord know your heart.
00:51:27 You ain't got to get better.
00:51:28 You just can keep doing whatever you want to do
00:51:30 and you can pray, but you got to understand
00:51:31 that you ain't going to have no power.
00:51:33 At some point in time,
00:51:37 you're going to have to turn over a new leaf.
00:51:39 At some point in time,
00:51:40 old things are going to have to pass away.
00:51:42 And at some point in time,
00:51:44 all things are going to become new.
00:51:45 And by the way, you know why the people
00:51:47 ain't shouting today?
00:51:47 Because they want a church that won't rebuke them.
00:51:49 You want a church where there is no rebuke,
00:51:53 there is no reproof.
00:51:54 A person just comes to church to tell you,
00:51:56 God loves you.
00:51:57 Let me tell you, God ain't no Santa Claus.
00:51:58 He's a redeemer.
00:51:59 Some of those habits you're going to have to drop.
00:52:07 And that might mean dropping some people
00:52:09 because some people are your habits.
00:52:10 For those of you online, let me tell you,
00:52:18 only about 20% of the room is standing up right now.
00:52:21 80% of them done checked all the way out.
00:52:23 I'm talking to you now.
00:52:24 This is a problem.
00:52:37 We can't get better 'cause we keep on erasing
00:52:39 parts of the story.
00:52:40 We keep coming to church and we keep showing up
00:52:44 like that part of our life didn't happen.
00:52:46 And then you want to have a mentoring program,
00:52:50 but you don't want to be honest.
00:52:52 Now you got five mentees,
00:52:54 but you're only telling them about the part
00:52:56 where you made money.
00:52:57 Can you tell them about the trap house?
00:52:59 Can you tell them about the weed
00:53:02 that was in your glove compartment
00:53:04 when you got pulled over?
00:53:05 Can you tell them about how many partners
00:53:06 you wish you would not have been with?
00:53:08 Can you tell them about your STD?
00:53:10 Come and holler at your boy.
00:53:12 Can you tell them about the time you got so drunk
00:53:17 that you don't know how you got home?
00:53:21 And I'm not talking about last week,
00:53:22 I'm talking about last year.
00:53:24 (congregation laughing)
00:53:27 This is why the church has lost its power
00:53:42 because we keep leaving part of the story out.
00:53:51 Most of us.
00:53:52 God ain't looking for perfect people.
00:53:55 If he was looking for perfect people,
00:53:56 this story would be about him sitting with the Pharisees
00:53:58 and not the prostitute.
00:53:59 He's sitting with her because she's sitting with him.
00:54:06 She's with him like, "Lord, listen,
00:54:12 it wasn't adultery, but it was something.
00:54:14 I mean, I was doing something.
00:54:17 It wasn't what they called it, but...
00:54:20 They caught me doing something.
00:54:22 They named it wrong, but it was me.
00:54:24 Come on, y'all, come on.
00:54:27 I'm trying to finish.
00:54:28 It's just, I didn't do what they said I did,
00:54:31 but I did something.
00:54:33 Stop acting innocent because they had the wrong accusation."
00:54:37 She like, "It was me, but I didn't do
00:54:49 what they said I did.
00:54:50 I didn't not do nothing.
00:54:52 I just didn't do..."
00:54:53 Raise your hand if I'm talking to you.
00:54:59 I'm just looking.
00:55:00 I'm not flawless,
00:55:02 but I ain't perfect.
00:55:07 I ain't as bad as they said I was,
00:55:13 but I ain't as good as I think I am.
00:55:16 (congregation laughing)
00:55:20 I got issues.
00:55:22 I got issues, and I can't figure out
00:55:26 why they won't leave me.
00:55:28 I've watched Dr. Phil.
00:55:31 I've read books.
00:55:34 I've watched podcasts.
00:55:36 I'm on YouTube.
00:55:38 I'm doing everything I can.
00:55:39 I still wake up in the morning evil.
00:55:43 I still wake up in the morning angry.
00:55:46 I'm getting bitter and not better.
00:55:49 And what's worse is I'm asking people not to judge me
00:55:55 while I can't help but judge people.
00:55:57 As you'd be surprised how many people
00:56:01 who don't want to be judged
00:56:03 who wear black robes with gavels.
00:56:06 I ain't do that.
00:56:12 I ain't do what they said, but I did.
00:56:14 I did something Jesus said,
00:56:19 "Baby, you ain't got to explain yourself to me.
00:56:21 "I know you dirty, but..."
00:56:26 No, listen, but that's where my relationship
00:56:32 with humanity started.
00:56:33 Oh, you remember the last time we saw God
00:56:40 bending down in the dirt,
00:56:41 he was creating Adam.
00:56:42 And now we see him back in the dirt again.
00:56:48 All of you perfect people, I want you to know
00:56:50 you have no room in the kingdom
00:56:52 'cause God likes to play in the dirt.
00:56:53 He looking for somebody he can save.
00:56:58 Jesus is looking for somebody he can heal.
00:57:00 Anybody want to just say, "Father, I'll stretch my hand
00:57:02 "to thee, no other help I know.
00:57:04 "If you withdraw yourself from me, I don't know where."
00:57:07 (congregation chattering)
00:57:11 I did something, but I ain't do that.
00:57:15 I didn't do what they said I did.
00:57:19 Psalms 51, you ain't got to sit down, I'm done.
00:57:24 Psalms 51 says, this is one of my favorite scriptures
00:57:27 because the Bible says that God showed us mercy
00:57:32 according to his loving kindness.
00:57:37 And to the multitude of his tender mercies, watch this,
00:57:39 the Bible says he blotted out our transgressions.
00:57:44 Pastor, all of my life when I read this text,
00:57:48 I majored on the writing.
00:57:50 I never paid attention to the bowing.
00:57:53 The Bible says that he bowed down
00:57:56 and began to write in the dirt.
00:58:00 And in Psalms 51, I found out that the Hebrew word
00:58:03 for bowing is tender mercies and loving kindness.
00:58:08 The word blotted out means to erase.
00:58:11 It literally meant that God will bend over backwards
00:58:15 to erase your mess, Lord Jesus.
00:58:20 The reason why this sermon ain't working for some of y'all
00:58:24 is 'cause you ain't put yourself in the place
00:58:26 of the woman called, you still think you the Pharisee,
00:58:29 but anybody in here who puts yourself
00:58:31 in the woman situation wanna thank God
00:58:34 over the next 15 seconds that he will bend over
00:58:38 to erase your mess.
00:58:39 I'm gonna give you 30 seconds.
00:58:40 Somebody in the balcony, anybody wanna give God the glory
00:58:45 that he will bend over to blot out your transgressions?
00:58:49 Find somebody who looks like they got the Holy Spirit
00:58:51 and shake them and hold them and hug them and say,
00:58:54 "I'm glad that God looked beyond my faults."
00:58:56 Come on, find somebody else.
00:59:00 Come on, find somebody else.
00:59:01 The Bible says, "Behold, the Lamb of God
00:59:04 was taken away the sins of the world."
00:59:06 Somebody shout, "He blotted it out, he blotted it out,
00:59:09 he blotted it out."
00:59:10 How many of y'all ever been accused by anybody?
00:59:20 How many of y'all ever been lied on?
00:59:24 How many of you were mad when they did it?
00:59:30 He said, "Oh, heck yeah."
00:59:31 He ain't say heck either, I'm with you, bro.
00:59:33 Hey, get it how you live, bro.
00:59:35 You are upset about nothing.
00:59:42 They exposed her.
00:59:47 But they didn't know Shalene, they were doing her a favor.
00:59:53 Because while they were exposing her,
00:59:58 guess what they did for her?
01:00:00 They took her to Jesus.
01:00:02 I'm trying to tell you that the people who hate on you
01:00:10 are only introducing you to another level of glory
01:00:15 that you would have not seen
01:00:18 if they didn't try to stone you.
01:00:19 I need about eight people in here
01:00:22 to start giving God the glory
01:00:24 that what the devil meant for evil,
01:00:29 God turned it around for your good.
01:00:31 Give your neighbor a high five and shout,
01:00:34 "Neighbor, I'm not guilty by reason of insanity.
01:00:39 I'm not saying I didn't do it,
01:00:44 but I'm saying he looked beyond my fault
01:00:46 and he saw my needs."
01:00:49 Grab a neighbor by the hand, look him right in the eye
01:00:54 and shout, "Neighbor, oh, neighbor,
01:00:58 you don't know what he brought me through.
01:01:02 I feel all right.
01:01:05 You don't know where he brought me from.
01:01:10 You don't know where he picked me up,
01:01:15 dusted me off, picked me up,
01:01:20 turned me around,
01:01:22 placed my feet on a solid ground."
01:01:28 I need you to find somebody on your row who understands that they're not saved because they're perfect.
01:01:37 They're saved by the grace of God.
01:01:42 Rock 'em and reel 'em.
01:02:03 Y'all listenin', rock 'em and reel 'em.
01:02:05 Rock, rock, rock.
01:02:07 Oh Christ, the son of the rock I stand. Is there anybody in here that wants to give the rock the praise?
01:02:16 Open your mouth and give God the praise.
01:02:20 Shout it, yeah! Shout yeah!
01:02:33 I feel something happening. I feel 300 people in the room about to get a breakthrough.
01:02:40 After I say this, I'm done.
01:02:42 I remember when I was 14 years old and I announced my calling to preach.
01:02:51 I had to announce it to a man who never acknowledged me.
01:03:01 I'm about to help somebody.
01:03:03 If you don't know my story, I spent my whole life in the church where the pastor was my father.
01:03:10 But he never acted like a father.
01:03:13 Never told the church I was his son.
01:03:15 And when the Lord called me, I had to announce it to a man who never acknowledged me.
01:03:31 Are y'all praying with me?
01:03:33 But I stand here today realizing that I didn't need his acknowledgement.
01:03:40 I feel glory in him.
01:03:42 I had been seen by somebody who looked beyond my fault and saw my need.
01:03:50 "Crab you a neighbor." Shout neighbor!
01:03:54 You didn't need it. That's why God didn't let you have it.
01:03:58 You might have wanted it, but it wasn't in your destiny.
01:04:02 Anybody in the room want to go higher?
01:04:06 I feel the glory of God.
01:04:14 I feel the glory of God because the Bible says at the end of the story,
01:04:20 everybody dropped their rock and walked away.
01:04:24 And after it was all over, she was the only one left standing.
01:04:35 Say it one more time.
01:04:38 They came to condemn her, but they left condemned.
01:04:43 Be not deceived. God has not mocked whatever man sows.
01:04:56 Be not weary in your well-doing, for you will reap a harvest if you faint.
01:05:09 Don't give up.
01:05:24 I had to tell a man that my father called me, and I couldn't call him father.
01:05:38 Think about that.
01:05:40 And most of y'all would have missed your calling because you would have been too proud
01:05:45 and too angry and hurt to have to submit to somebody who hurts you.
01:05:53 I had to submit my ministry to a man who died without ever paying child support.
01:06:03 And you can ask anybody.
01:06:06 Other than my siblings, I've been knowing this.
01:06:08 We've been knowing each other 42 years.
01:06:13 My daddy is his uncle.
01:06:20 His daddy is my father's nephew.
01:06:25 My name is Kion. His name is Sion.
01:06:28 My father didn't raise me, and his didn't raise him.
01:06:31 It was past.
01:06:37 I'm going to let him tell his own story.
01:06:42 But God had us coming together for 42 years, and we didn't even know it.
01:06:48 If I told you his story, you'd say, "How did two people in the same family go through the same thing?
01:06:57 Did not somebody see the error?"
01:07:04 But sometimes your name has to be dragged through the dirt.
01:07:11 Your heart has to be broken.
01:07:16 Anybody ever had your heart?
01:07:25 I know some of y'all ain't going to be honest, but the purpose of the story,
01:07:28 because if we're going to break these patterns, we've got to be honest,
01:07:30 the truth is it almost drove you to hatred.
01:07:36 I just wanted to go to heaven. Too bad to hate.
01:07:42 My sisters will tell you, my sisters here right now, Kionna, we've got the same father.
01:07:47 I spent most of my childhood trying to keep her from hating our father.
01:07:55 She couldn't get beyond what he did not do.
01:07:59 See, most of your trauma ain't because of what somebody did to you. It's because of what they didn't.
01:08:06 I would look my sister in the eye and realize that I was born her brother, but I was called to be a father.
01:08:13 I would tell her, "You can't hate him. You cannot hate him. You can't."
01:08:31 Because he who is without sin, the only way you can judge him is to be flawless.
01:08:38 And if you have any sin, you have to drop your rock.
01:08:49 If you ain't flawless, you can't be the judge.
01:08:55 I don't care what they did to you.
01:08:59 I went to him 28 years ago at 2323 West 11th Avenue and said to him,
01:09:12 "The Lord has called me to preach."
01:09:16 And he looked at me and he said, "I've known it your whole life."
01:09:24 He said, "I used to hold you in my hand."
01:09:33 He said, "You would eat two bottles before you would even get full."
01:09:40 I looked at him and I said, "You held me?"
01:09:50 He said, "Yeah, for the first two years of your life, I was there.
01:09:59 I didn't know because hurt will blind you and hurt will make you forget things you know."
01:10:16 They used to call me Dr. Key. That was my nickname.
01:10:23 And it was him on a Sunday morning, this Sunday, 28 years ago,
01:10:28 he put me in the pulpit and let me preach 10 minutes before he preached his sermon in front of 1,200 people.
01:10:36 And I preached a sermon called "Faith, Where is Yours?"
01:10:40 And the entire time I was battling between fighting him and preaching the word.
01:10:49 And I have it on recording now. I've never told a soul this.
01:10:55 On my phone right now, when he was dying, I laid in the bed with him,
01:11:06 wiped the food from his mouth, wiped the tomatoes off of his T-shirt.
01:11:14 The last meal I saw him eat was a small pork chop with lari seasoning salt and a tomato.
01:11:23 It was all he could eat. And I saw him push the button on his chair because he couldn't stand up.
01:11:29 The chair lifted him up and he walked up two steps around the corner,
01:11:40 took another left, went around the bed to his side of the bed and laid down.
01:11:49 And he whispered to me and said, "Son, I'm so sorry. I've got it on my phone.
01:11:58 I've recorded every word of it." He said, "I'm so sorry I didn't acknowledge you.
01:12:04 I was too weak of a man." And at that moment, everything I had built up in me began to release
01:12:18 because I realized that I was a weak man too.
01:12:26 People say to me all the time, "How could you forgive somebody who did you like that?"
01:12:33 He who is without sin. Let him cast the first stone.
01:12:42 You're going to have to break this pattern or you're not going to get your promise.
01:12:49 And I know you think your life is good, but God's got so much more that he wants to give you.
01:13:01 You're going to have to break your mama's curse on you, not for her. You have to break it on you.
01:13:10 And I give my mother all the glory and praise that you can give an earthly person because never once in my life
01:13:17 did she say anything negative to me about him. Listen.
01:13:22 And even though he wasn't a father, she knew that I was a minister and she knew that I needed to be in a house
01:13:32 where the faith of God would be on my life and someone would teach me and everything I know about the Bible he taught me.
01:13:40 Because sometimes a person can't be what you need for them to be, but they can be what they know how to be.
01:13:49 He didn't know how to father me, but he knew how to teach me to be a preacher.
01:13:56 And so I stand here today wishing I could go wake him up out of the grave and say to him, it was good that I was afflicted.
01:14:10 I want to thank you for never making a basketball game.
01:14:16 I want to thank you that we grew up five blocks from each other, but you never came in my house.
01:14:23 I want to thank you that I've never been on a family vacation with you.
01:14:26 I want to thank you that you never put a pair of shoes on my feet while you drove Benz's and Cadillacs.
01:14:33 I want to thank you that while you were living in your five-bedroom house, we were trying to bomb our house just to kill the roaches just to go to sleep at night.
01:14:41 I want to thank you because had he lived long enough, I could have took care of the man who didn't take care of me.
01:14:52 And now everything he didn't give my mother, I am able to do because I dropped my rock, picked up my call, and I am no longer the same.
01:15:13 If there's anybody in this place today who understands this testimony and you feel something in it, I just want you to begin to raise your hands.
01:15:19 If you're online, I want you to look me in the eye through the screen, and I just want you to say, "Lord, help me break this pattern.
01:15:25 Lord, help me break this pattern. I don't want to be like this. I don't want to be like this. I don't want to do this.
01:15:29 I don't want to be known as this kind of person. I don't want to do it. I want to overcome it.
01:15:34 It wasn't my fault, but it is my life. It is my destiny. I need to do better. I've got to do better.
01:15:38 I've got to get over this hurt. I've got to get over this trauma. My children are depending on it.
01:15:42 My wife sees it in me. My husband sees it in me. I've got to do it. I've got to do it. This is my season.
01:15:48 I'm going to lift those hands in this place today. I want you to begin to worship him in this place.
01:15:57 He broke the chains. He broke the chains.
01:16:00 He broke the chains. He broke the chains.
01:16:04 I'm no longer the same. I'm no longer the same.
01:16:08 Do a new thing. Hallelujah.
01:16:11 He broke the chains. He broke the chains.
01:16:15 Yes, he did. He broke the chains.
01:16:18 I declare I'm no longer the same.
01:16:21 Changed my heart. Changed my mind.
01:16:24 Yes, Lord, he broke the chains. He broke the chains.
01:16:28 Yes, he did, Lord. He broke the chains.
01:16:31 I'm no longer the same. I'm no longer the same.
01:16:35 I've got a new walk. I've got a new talk. I've got a new way of thinking. He broke the chains.
01:16:41 Yes, he broke every chain. Every fat and every situation.
01:16:47 I declare over you this morning. He's breaking it even now. He broke the chains.
01:16:54 Yes, he did, Lord. I'm no longer the same.
01:17:02 Who would be honest and say you carry trauma with you daily?
01:17:06 God wants to do so much with you.
01:17:13 And you can't change that which you don't acknowledge.
01:17:17 You can't hide it from God. You can hide it from us. You can't hide it from God.
01:17:23 God said I have come that you may have life.
01:17:27 And have it more abundantly.
01:17:30 You see, sometimes you think that you hate the person.
01:17:34 It's just an error that was passed down to you that somebody said some kind of colloquialism in your house.
01:17:41 We don't go back. We don't double dip.
01:17:45 Everybody who got those family sayings that you say to yourself unconsciously, not knowing that the error was passed down.
01:17:56 I'm able to have a healthier relationship with my wife because I confronted those voices in my head.
01:18:04 False masculinity that makes you think that the only way you can win is to be hard.
01:18:10 Brothers, I'm telling you right now, softer works way better than hard.
01:18:16 And when you know who you are, you don't have to walk around proclaiming it.
01:18:19 I don't have to walk around my house talking about I'm the man of this house. She knows who the man of the house is.
01:18:27 Trauma.
01:18:30 Because of what happened to somebody else.
01:18:34 I released the demons over your life.
01:18:38 I released the possession over your life.
01:18:42 You do not have to operate according to what you saw in your house.
01:18:49 The Bible says, behold, I do a new thing. Somebody say, God, do a new thing.
01:18:52 Do a new thing. Do a new thing in my house. Do a new thing in my marriage.
01:18:56 Do a new thing in my family. Do a new thing in my money. Do a new thing in my body.
01:19:00 I'm not getting breast cancer. I'm not getting colon cancer.
01:19:03 There will be no aneurysm. There will be no tumors. There will be no strokes.
01:19:07 There will be no heart attacks. There are no blood clots.
01:19:09 Come on, talk to me, somebody. Somebody declare it out of your life in the name of Jesus.
01:19:15 Father God, in the name of Jesus, break the chains over our life.
01:19:20 I speak against premature death.
01:19:24 Hallelujah. I speak against kidney disease.
01:19:29 I speak against diabetes. I speak against irregular heartbeats.
01:19:34 I speak against back pain. I speak against bone density issues.
01:19:40 I speak against tumors.
01:19:45 Oh, thank you, Holy Ghost. I speak against fatherlessness.
01:19:52 You are calling daughters back to their mothers and sons back to their fathers.
01:19:58 I speak against sibling rivalry. Hallelujah.
01:20:04 I speak against poverty and I speak generational wealth in this house today.
01:20:12 We break the chains. In Jesus name we pray.
01:20:16 Everybody in here who loves the Lord, open your mouth and begin to give God the glory.
01:20:20 Come on and open up.
01:20:21 (dramatic music)
01:20:24 [BLANK_AUDIO]
