The Lone Wolf - S01E14: The Karachi Story

  • last year


00:00 [Music]
00:06 The flying time from New York to Karachi is approximately 40 hours.
00:10 It had taken me a little longer because of a plane connection missed in New Delhi.
00:14 I'd made the trip at the request of a very good friend, El Radman.
00:19 He was the high priest of a religious cult several hundred years old.
00:23 He'd given me a letter of introduction to his brother, Shalmar,
00:27 and had told me I would find him at the shrine of Madair, here in Karachi.
00:31 I had a job to do. I couldn't afford to make mistakes.
00:35 [Doorbell rings]
00:37 May I help you?
00:44 Yes. My name's Michael Lanyard. I've come to see the priest, Shalmar. He's expecting me.
00:50 Did you say Michael Lanyard?
00:52 That's right.
00:55 [Music]
00:59 You will wait here. I will be right back.
01:02 [Music]
01:16 Mr. Lanyard.
01:17 Take him below.
01:21 [Music]
01:42 [Music]
02:11 You say you are Michael Lanyard?
02:14 Who are you?
02:19 Shalmar, speak with more respect.
02:22 I don't like your welcoming committee.
02:25 If you are Michael Lanyard, we will owe you an apology.
02:28 I'm Lanyard, all right.
02:30 Your brother, El Radman, asked me to come here.
02:33 Here's a letter from him. It explains everything.
02:37 My brother has written me. I have been expecting Michael Lanyard.
02:41 I am also quite aware that by now his enemies know that he has sought Lanyard's aid.
02:47 Very clever.
02:49 You are indeed very clever.
02:53 [Door opens]
02:55 [Music]
03:06 Come down, please.
03:07 [Music]
03:23 I would like you to meet Michael Lanyard.
03:26 I'm too little mixed up. I'm Lanyard.
03:35 According to this man, he is Michael Lanyard.
03:37 Of course I'm Michael Lanyard. This man's an imposter.
03:41 You have my credentials.
03:43 He arrived two hours before you did. And he has credentials also.
03:49 Why don't you telephone your brother?
03:54 One of you is the real Michael Lanyard sent by my brother.
03:57 The other is an imposter sent by his enemies.
04:03 I intend to find out for myself which one of you is the imposter.
04:07 I will give neither of you a chance to resort to any trickery.
04:10 I myself will make this decision.
04:13 You won't get away with it.
04:17 This isn't the first time I've had phonies try to take my name.
04:20 I can prove who I am in five minutes.
04:22 Stay where you are.
04:25 [Music]
04:51 Someone posing as me had done a very thorough job.
04:54 He not only duplicated my medallion, but he presented a fake letter of introduction from El Rodman.
04:58 A forgery good enough to fool Shauma.
05:01 He had worked fast, because this had started only four days ago in New York.
05:06 El Rodman had cabled me he was coming to New York.
05:14 It was urgent I meet him.
05:16 And he added I was to tell no one of his arrival.
05:19 I wondered about the secrecy, but I realized he must have had his own reasons.
05:22 [Knock on door]
05:25 My name's Langford.
05:29 Michael, come in.
05:31 Michael, it's nice to see you again.
05:34 Good to see you.
05:36 I appreciate your promptness.
05:37 I need your help, I'll make my bones about it.
05:39 Tell me what it's about.
05:41 How rude of me. Please sit down.
05:43 Thanks.
05:45 Can I get you something to drink?
05:46 No, nothing thanks.
05:48 I think we're all enough friends not to waste time on formalities.
05:50 Thank you, Michael.
05:52 I am upset. I'll not hide it.
05:55 You remember my son, Eli?
05:58 Yeah.
05:59 He celebrated his 16th birthday last Friday.
06:02 Because of my failing health, a month ago I went to our council and asked them to ordain Eli immediately.
06:11 This was an unusual request.
06:15 The normal procedure would have been to wait until my death.
06:18 What happened?
06:20 The council deliberated only a short while.
06:22 Their decision was to proclaim Eli high priest within the next 30 days.
06:29 As you know, Michael, Eli is my only son.
06:33 If he were to die, I would have no heir.
06:36 And once I have announced my retirement, I'd be powerless to name a successor.
06:43 I haven't seen Eli in many years.
06:45 But as I remember, he was always a very healthy boy.
06:48 A bullet or a knife can end the healthiest life.
06:53 Four days after the council's decision, an attempt was made on my son's life.
06:58 What?
07:00 Do you know why?
07:02 Unfortunately, there's a faction in our cult which is trying to gain power.
07:08 Control our people for their own selfish ends.
07:12 Who heads this faction?
07:13 That I do not know.
07:15 But Michael, realize what power in the hands of the wrong people could do.
07:19 We have shrines all over the world.
07:21 Own lands with great oil resources.
07:24 I've always used this money to build hospitals, schools, and help the needy.
07:30 My son would do no differently.
07:33 What would you expect from the other faction?
07:36 Perhaps the money would find its way into their own pockets.
07:40 Or worse, he used to preach intolerance, bigotry, and race hatred.
07:44 How can I help?
07:46 My son is on his way to Karachi, where he'll find safety with my brother, Shalmar.
07:52 I've written you a letter of introduction.
07:55 Please go there.
08:00 It's my desire to find the leader of this rebel group.
08:05 Not only to save my son's life, but to prevent a catastrophe which could divide and pit our people against each other.
08:11 I'll do everything I can.
08:13 Michael, I do not want to lose my son.
08:19 But if it cannot be prevented, find the leader of this violence.
08:25 Find the man who would hire a professional killer.
08:29 I'll do my best.
08:35 [The next day]
08:37 Now I knew the phony.
08:39 He was the killer Al Rodman had told me about.
08:42 Now it didn't look as though I was going to help Eli or find the person who hired my impersonator.
08:48 [The next day]
08:50 My name is Singh. I have a message for you.
09:07 In an hour, everyone will be asleep.
09:10 Two guards work for your master.
09:12 We will slip you out of here as soon as possible.
09:15 [The next day]
09:17 I wasn't sure Singh could be trusted.
09:24 I was not clear about which master he meant.
09:26 All I knew was that the first step was to get out of this hole.
09:30 Nearly an hour had passed and I was beginning to think that Singh had failed me.
09:36 [The next day]
09:40 [The next day]
09:42 Then I heard the door open.
09:46 I was going to make the first step. I was getting out.
09:49 I didn't know where I was going, but I knew this wasn't the time to ask questions.
10:08 Then I got a surprise.
10:09 I saw a girl, but she didn't seem surprised at seeing me.
10:13 We drove all night. The next morning we arrived at her house.
10:21 The girl had spoken only a few words to me.
10:24 I learned her name was Lynn. Nothing more.
10:27 I wondered who she really was.
10:29 What was her connection with this whole deal?
10:31 But I figured it was only a matter of waiting before I'd find out.
10:35 [The next day]
10:37 How long will we have to wait?
10:53 Not long. My orders are to wait here until we're contacted.
10:57 I'll wait an hour.
10:59 You will wait until we tell you it is time to move on.
11:03 Who is "we"?
11:04 I don't blame you for asking questions.
11:07 You've never seen me before, but I can assure you there's no need for you to worry.
11:12 I don't like working in the dark.
11:15 We took you out of prison, didn't we?
11:17 I think that should prove to you that we're both on the same side.
11:21 Really, Roger, you don't have to pretend with me.
11:25 How did you find out my name was Roger?
11:28 I was away when they hired you.
11:32 That's why we never met before.
11:33 That explains everything.
11:36 I'm in on the whole scheme, so relax.
11:39 I wish the boss would get here.
11:42 We'll hear from him. Don't worry.
11:44 When was the last time you saw him?
11:46 The day after he hired you to impersonate Lanyard.
11:50 He was a little angry that Lanyard got there first.
11:54 Think how I felt.
11:57 It will be all right. The plan will still work.
12:01 We have the jump on them.
12:02 I hope so.
12:04 Don't worry. You'll get a chance to earn your money.
12:06 We mustn't underrate Lanyard.
12:09 He will be taken care of tonight.
12:12 What do you mean?
12:14 You know.
12:16 Tonight?
12:18 The usual way.
12:20 Of course.
12:22 In the river.
12:24 Is there another way?
12:26 And that will be the end of Mr. Lanyard.
12:30 Good riddance.
12:31 I'll leave you alone to continue your work.
12:36 In the river.
12:38 Is there another way?
12:40 I like a bright girl.
12:44 I'm here to help you.
12:49 Good.
12:51 Let's get started.
12:53 I was afraid you would regret having a woman work with you.
12:56 Whatever gave you that idea?
12:59 I'm not a man.
13:00 Most men think that a woman's place is in the home.
13:03 The question is, whose home?
13:06 I'm an orphan.
13:09 I see we have a lot in common.
13:12 For the moment, let's limit it to our job.
13:15 I have a one-track mind.
13:18 Let's get down to business.
13:21 It's about time.
13:23 The High Priest's son...
13:25 Eli Rudden?
13:28 He lives in a village not far from here.
13:30 If you want to kill him before he reaches his uncle,
13:33 we'll have to have a complete understanding.
13:36 I see you've been reading my mail.
13:38 I'll point him out to you.
13:40 As far as I go.
13:42 The rest is up to you.
13:44 Maybe.
13:46 You were hired on that basis.
13:48 True.
13:50 Do you agree?
13:52 I never worked on a contract.
13:57 I'm not a lawyer.
13:58 I'm just a lawyer.
14:00 I'm not a lawyer.
14:02 I'm not a lawyer.
14:04 I'm not a lawyer.
14:06 I'm not a lawyer.
14:08 I'm not a lawyer.
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14:55 I'm not a lawyer.
14:56 I'm not a lawyer.
14:58 I'm not a lawyer.
15:00 I'm not a lawyer.
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15:04 I'm not a lawyer.
15:06 I'm not a lawyer.
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15:12 I'm not a lawyer.
15:14 I'm not a lawyer.
15:16 I'm not a lawyer.
15:18 I'm not a lawyer.
15:20 I'm not a lawyer.
15:22 I'm not a lawyer.
15:24 I'm not a lawyer.
15:25 I'm not a lawyer.
15:27 I'm not a lawyer.
15:29 I'm not a lawyer.
15:31 I'm not a lawyer.
15:33 I'm not a lawyer.
15:35 I'm not a lawyer.
15:37 I'm not a lawyer.
15:39 I'm not a lawyer.
15:41 I'm not a lawyer.
15:43 I'm not a lawyer.
15:45 I'm not a lawyer.
15:47 I'm not a lawyer.
15:49 I'm not a lawyer.
15:51 I'm not a lawyer.
15:53 I made a mistake.
15:54 I had to take advantage of it.
15:56 I would have liked to have met the boss, but I had to wait.
16:03 I had to go to Rodman's son before they did.
16:06 You fools, you let Lanyard get away.
16:09 Get the car, we have to stop him.
16:11 Where is he?
16:17 How could you make such a mistake?
16:19 It wasn't my fault, it was Singh's.
16:22 - No. - Get the car.
16:23 We can't afford to take any chances.
16:30 We have to get to the hotel in the village before Lanyard.
16:33 Lyn had said that I was in a nearby village.
16:41 I remember passing through one this morning.
16:44 I went for it.
16:46 It was a long shot, but I had no choice.
16:48 I recognized Lyn's car and another one.
16:51 That means I was in the right village.
16:53 It also meant that they had arrived before me.
16:56 I started to wonder if I was too late to help Eli.
16:59 I was hoping to find a disciple of Rodman's cult.
17:02 Someone who could lead me to his son.
17:06 (door opens)
17:07 (phone rings)
17:15 (phone rings)
17:25 (phone rings)
17:30 (phone rings)
17:31 Can I help you?
17:42 - Are you the manager of this hotel? - It's my hotel.
17:48 Is there anyone in your village who is a member of the Madera Shrine?
17:51 I am a member of that ancient order.
17:57 How can I help you?
18:00 Is there some place we can talk?
18:02 My name is Lanyard. I was sent here to see Eli Rodman.
18:06 I'm a great friend of his father, El Rodman.
18:08 Do you have any identification?
18:11 No, I was taken from me.
18:13 Look, take me to a phone. I'll call El Rodman in New York.
18:16 You can speak to him yourself.
18:18 Follow me.
18:23 (door opens)
18:24 Where is the phone?
18:32 I was warned about you.
18:34 - If you're a friend of Eli Rodman... - I am a friend of Eli Rodman's.
18:37 And I'm willing to protect him from impostors like you.
18:40 - Then give me a chance to... - You had your chance, Roger.
18:43 Good work, Bacar.
18:48 The impersonation of Lanyard is over.
18:51 This man has been hired to kill Eli Rodman.
18:53 Don't tell him where he's hiding.
18:55 The act is over, Roger.
18:57 Why beat your head against the stone wall?
18:59 Even if you think he's telling the truth,
19:01 call El Rodman and make sure,
19:03 or you might regret it for the rest of your life.
19:05 He has the proper credentials.
19:07 They're phony.
19:09 - Don't pay any attention to him. - He's afraid to have your call.
19:11 He's stalling for time, that's all.
19:13 Look, I'm not asking you to believe me.
19:15 All I'm asking is that you call El Rodman and make certain.
19:18 You're wasting time, Roger.
19:20 Sit down.
19:21 I want to hear one more word out of you.
19:26 When will Eli be here?
19:29 He's on his way. My son is bringing him here.
19:32 Stop him. Don't let him come here.
19:34 You're asking for it.
19:37 I was told to tell no one of Eli's presence,
19:41 unless it was Mr. Lanyard.
19:44 I'm Michael Lanyard, so stop worrying.
19:47 Good work, Bacar.
19:48 I see that you've trapped the imposter.
19:50 These people are trying to take over your order,
19:52 and you're helping them.
19:54 I'll do all the talking here.
19:56 Bacar, where is your son?
19:58 He's gone to fetch Eli Rodman.
20:00 This man must be kept here
20:02 until we are safely out of the village,
20:04 for Eli's safety.
20:06 Do you understand?
20:08 - Yes. - Where are you going?
20:10 To the street,
20:12 to let them know it is safe to bring Eli here.
20:16 Lanyard and I will go with you.
20:17 Eli is in danger.
20:19 The sooner we get him to New Delhi, the better.
20:22 Who knows how many traitors are helping him.
20:26 Come with me.
20:29 Wait here.
20:31 You see, Michael, it doesn't pay to be too clever.
20:40 How would you ever know?
20:43 You are the loser.
20:45 I'm not.
20:46 I don't want to change places with you.
20:49 I bet he doesn't want to be Michael Lanyard anymore.
20:53 I heard gunshots.
21:03 I knew I had to move fast.
21:06 Eli, quick!
21:08 Eli, quick!
21:09 I told you,
21:22 I'm not going to let you get away with this.
21:24 I'm going to get you.
21:26 I'm going to get you.
21:28 I'm going to get you.
21:30 I'm going to get you.
21:32 I'm going to get you.
21:34 I'm going to get you.
21:36 I told him he had nothing more to worry about.
21:38 That I had been sent by his father, L. Rodman.
21:41 Eli was frightened.
21:43 It was evident he didn't believe me.
21:45 I realized with everyone taking pot shots at him,
21:48 he didn't want to trust anyone.
21:50 And I told him I was Michael Lanyard.
21:52 He looked up at me and suddenly smiled.
21:54 I told him that we were going back to Karachi.
21:57 Michael,
22:05 how can I ever repay you?
22:06 There is one thing.
22:09 Name it. If it's within my power, it shall be granted.
22:12 My medallion.
22:14 Oh, of course.
22:16 It was stupid of me.
22:18 After all,
22:23 I like to think there's only one like it in the whole world.
22:26 [Music]
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